Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1994)
The Battalion Page 8 • The Battalion Tuesday • November 1, 1994 Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569/Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basemenf) Reed McDonald Building o SLJU Q. CO ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Busin ess items 8 a.m, - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Packers weather storm, defeat Chicago 33-6 Help Wanted URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY If you presently have the following symptoms, call to see if you are eligible to participate in a Urinary Tract Infection Research Study (bladder infection). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. ‘Painful urination ‘Frequent urination ‘Urgency ‘Females age 18-64 G & S studies, inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 Help Wanted For Sale JOCK ITCH STUDY Patient volunteers needed for research study of new investigational medicine for JOCK ITCH (Skin Fungus). * FREE physical exam, treatments study medications & lab tests available for qualified participants. * Patient stipend available for qualified participants * Ages 12-65 years * No topical (over-the-counter) treatment in last 2 weeks. For details, Call: G&S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 Now Hiring Delivery Personnel Must be 18 & have own car and insurance. Earn$6-$10 per hour. Wage, mileage and tips. Apply at Townshlre Shopping Center location. 2015 Texas Ave., Bryan 822-7373 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER needed immediately. Position is temporary! Finalize assembly process instructions for new company in Bryan. TX. Will take 2 part time (20hour) students. Send resume to: North American Transit Inc., 7300 North FM 2818 #400, Bryan, TX 77807. Equal opportunity employer. Experience preferred. Nanny needed. Dependable, loving, nurturing person to provide childcare in our home. Full or part time, female & serious applicants only. References required. Call 776- 9305. The Houston Chronicle needs a female carrier for the women's dorms at TAMU. $600/mo. Call Julian 693- 2323. BIGDOGZ’ is hiring waitresses. Apply in person Mon-Fri, after 2:00 pm, 500 S. TX Ave. Competent, responsible, experienced wait & kitchen staff needed. Mon-Sat., 10am-6pm, full & part time. Kaffee Klatsch, 108 North Ave., Bryan. Apply 2pm-6pm. Established Country Band with steady gigs, seeks dedi- • cated lead guitarist who loves to play. Call 774-7461. New Taco Bell opening. 731 University Drive. Hiring starts on 10/26, 9am-5pm. Starting salary $5/hr. On-site apartment manager needed. This is a smaller complex near A&M. Requires part-time, but day-time hours. Compensation could include free apartment. Only articulate, well-groomed individuals need apply. Experi ence preferred. Must be able to start working within 2 weeks. Send resume & cover letter to: Box 4453, Bryan, TX 77805. Taco Bell on Harvey Rd. Is accepting applications. Start ing pay $5/hr. Wanted: Dependable driver to transport Lamar students to & from after school activities. Lyndie wk/260-1098, 846-8888, hm/(409) 589-2380. Part-time job helping handicapped, male A&M student preferred. $270/mo., 12hrs/wk. Call after 7:00pm, 846- 3376. Tangram Rehab Network of San Marcos, in the beautiful Texas hill country, needs mature, caring people to work with brain-injured adults. Approximately 52 hrs/wk, $ 1,100- $1,200/mo. starting pay based on experience & educa tion. Study in Sociology, Psychology, Special Ed., etc. helpful. Drug screening required. Outstanding benefits, excellent advancement potential. Call (512) 353-8535 for an applicatlon/job description. EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY! Need 20 house- wlves & students for telephone office work. No experi ence, we train you. EARN $8.00 HOURLY + cash incentives. Apply 10am-1pm or 5pm-8pm at 1701 S.W. Pkwy, Professional Building behind Krogers, Suite 202, CS. See Bill. DELIVERY DRIVERS. Need 15 persons for light, local deliveries. Must have car or cycle. Earn $60+/day. Apply 10am-1pmor5pm-8pm at 1701 S.W. Pkwy, Professional Building behind Krogers, Suite 202, CS. See Bill. Evening work M-F, must be available 4:30 or 5:00pm for a commercial custodial cleaning business. Two positions available. Light or heavy cleaning. Call 823-1614. Employment Opportunity Kenwood KR-V8030 Dolby Pro-Logic Audio Video Stereo Receiver. Excellent condition, $350. Pioneer Surround Sound Speakers - $25. Call Robert at 693-4727. Mountain Bike, Bridgestone MB3,18" Ritchey Logic Frame, Deore DX Components, 1 Yr. Old, Never Trail Ridden, Mint Condition - $550. Call 847-2718. OBVIOUSLY the conversation pet is a BOA CONSTRIC TOR!! Proven breeder-$275with cage. Call Eric at (409) 544-8149. Rottweiler puppies: AKC registered, 6 weeks old, $300- $400. Call 774-4560. AFRICAN PIGMY Hedgehogs. Adorable pets for sale. $50-$75 each. Call 690-3164, ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Automobiles 1992 Ford Ranger - extra clean, 64K, $7,850 negotiable. 764-7544 5pm-10pm. ’85 Mazda RX7 GSL-SE, loaded, 1 owner, new tires, 83,000 mis. Excellent condition. $3,800. 693-2293. 1978 Toyota Corolla, 2 door. AM/FM cassette, A/C, original owner, 80,000 miles. Good shape, must see to believe - $950. Call 776-8786. 87 Buick Century Estate Wagon, V-6, loaded, a/c, excel lent condition, 1 owner, $3,500 OBO. 696-3762. Services License To Laugh “Comedy Style” Defensive Driving. At CS Conference Center. Call 361-5020 for classes. Walk- ins welcome, $25 w/ad. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-Fun, Laugh-a-Lotll! Ticket dismissal, Insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm)-Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am- 2:30pm), Sun(12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Suite 217, 846-6117. Typing Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Great for Weddings, Parties, Reunions, Dances, Birthdays, Sports Events, Christmas Parties. Mic/Lights available. Reasonable rates/will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. Body Shop NEW OWNERS. Accepting applications for experienced manager & manager trainee. Retail or food experience helpful. Good salary benefits & excellent training. Apply at Great American Cookie in Post Oak Mall. Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Earn up to $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & Full-Time employment available. No experi ence necessary. For info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C58552. ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+per month. Room& board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-4155 ext. A58552. Cal's Body Shop. Your foreign car specialist. Match your paint exactly. “May we have the next dents?” W. Hwy. 21, Bryan. 823-2610. Computers Macintosh Computers for lease. Semester rates from $30/mo., repairs & upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. Personal AA CRUISE SHIPS HIRING! EARN BIG $$$ + FREE TRAVEL! (Caribbean, Europe, etc.!) No experience necessary. Staff needed for busy Holiday/Spring/Sum mer seasons. Call (919) 929-4398 ext. C1009. For Rent GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS... Talk to them LIVE!! Call now! 1-900-725-6000 ext. 1300 $3.99/min. Must be 18 years. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. SPRING SEMESTER sublease. Spacious, 1bdrm-1bth, $400/mo., Briarwood Apartments, shuttle, pool. 693- 8373. A Gentle, Easy, Extra $120 Per Month CASH You lie back in a lounge chair, get a pin prick & you're on your own to read, study, talk or daydream. 60 minutes & you're up & away. Cash in hand! Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. 846-8855 Come ...It's that easy Sublease spacious efficiency. Walk-in closet, big kitchen/ bath, $350/mo. + bills. 693-8844. 2bdrm-1bth fourplex, w/d avail., on shuttle route, close to A&M. Available immediately. 822-7503. Tbdrm-1bth,$380/mo.,shuttle,pool. S.W. Pkwy & Welsh, Yellowhouse Apts. #1804-P. 696-9492. Apartment for rent. 2bdrm-1bth, $425/mo., walking dis- tance from TAMU. 779-8730 Michael. Attention Students! Are you crowded? Need a larger room? We have 1 male dorm plan left. $200/mo., all bills paid. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. 1 bdrm apartments: unfurnished - $355/mo., furnished - $385/mo. Call 846-9196 between 10:30-3:30, Mon-Fri, for appointment. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth apartment, w/d, bus-route, $425/ mo., no deposit. Call 823-4511 leave message. Available Jan 1, 1995, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, luxury fourplex. W/D, near A&M shuttle, $520/mo. 693-0551, 764-8051. Furnished 1 & 2 bdrm apartments. Close to campus, shuttle route. Pre-leasing for fall. Dorm plans available. Kathy 846-9196. Available Now - remodeled 2 bdrm apartments. 6 month lease OK! 822-0472. Roommate ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEM, INC. 2249 FM 2818 Bryan, TX 77801 Part-time unloading positions available 6 - 9 am, Mon-Fri. $6.50/hr. Apply in person 4-6 pm, Mon-Fri. Need male to share room, $140/mo. Need female to share room, $151.25/mo. or own $185/mo. Call 693- 3130, 696-2682. Private bedroom & bath. Available January. Only female grad/upperclass students. Please call 764-4155. Female roommate needed spring semester. Own room, $250/mo, + 1/4 bills. Call Stephanie 775-9233. DON'T BE A VICTIM!! Stop attackers instantly. 3 oz. Police Formula Pepper Spray, 100% environmentally safe. $12.99 + $1.50 ship. & tax. Premium Guns, 208 Bisset Rd., Tivoli, TX 77990. HOW TO FIND LOVE & ROMANCE. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF TRYING TO MEET PEOPLE THE HARD WAY, THEN TRY THE HOTTEST, EASIEST WAY...TRY OUR DATE LINE AT ..1-900-988-3696 EXT. 615. $2.95/MIN. - AV ERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - MUST BE 18 YEARS. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, INC. HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323. HEAR MEN'S OR WOMEN'S DATING ADS, OR RECORD YOUR OWN! THIS IS A VERY INEXPEN SIVE WAY TO MEET OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOK ING! FIND ROMANCE, FRIENDSHIP, OR A DINING, DANCING PARTNER, ETC. SELECT ADS FROM YOUR AREA OR OTHER AREAS ACROSS THE US. CALL NOW! THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE COULD BE WAITING FOR YOU NOWI Dirty, Live, Nasty Talk. Hot, Steamy & Erotic 1-900-435- 4SEX (4739), $2.50-$3.99/min., instant credit, 18+ SOAPS PEEKS & UPDATES. FIND OUT WHAT HAP PENS TODAY OR CATCH UP IF YOU MISSED YOUR FAVORITE SOAP. 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/ MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. 7 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797- 2323. WE KNOW THE FUTURE! SPORTS SCORES, NEWS & POINT SPREADS. SPORTS TRIVIA - HOW SMART ARE YOU? UPDATED EVERY 15 MINUTES, WHY WAIT? 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED-TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323. CAN YOU BEAT THE SPREAD? Adoption For Sale HOLIDAY HELP Part-time now, full-time over semester break. $7.60 to start Call 10am-3pm 693-4975 Set your own hours! One/two students interested in Wild life Sciences (but not necessary for employment) Palermo Taxidermy 778-1020 SEASONAL & FULL-TIME. EXCELLENT EARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN & WOMEN. Start immedi ately! Seasonal sales position in major retail stores In Manor East S/C. $525/wk draw plus bonus to start. No experience necessary. Applications accepted by AMERI CAN SHOWCASE ONLY at TIME & LOCATION listed below: FAIRFIELD INN, 4613 S. Tx. Ave., BRYAN. FRIDAY, November 4, 2:00pm. Full time, morning clerk needed. Apply at 2007 Texas Ave. S., CS. NEW OWNERS. Become an Important part of our team. Full-time, part-time. Advancement opportunity. Stu dents, Mom's & Senior Citizens wanted. Apply at Great American Cookie in Post Oak Mall. Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm. RELIABLE PEOPLE NEEDED. If you are available 8am- 5pm & have clerical/receptionist experience, call Talent Tree Personnel. 260-9194. Night cooks wanted at Sonic Drive-In. $4.50/hr starting pay. Full or part-time. Apply in person. 2900 S. Tx. Ave Oxford Street Restaurant & Pub, now hiring all positions. Accepting applications Tu., Th. & Sat., 2pm-4pm at 1710 Briarcrest. 268-0792. Experienced maintenance man for mobile home park. Must be able to work 15-20hrs/wk. Call 693-5206 for appointment. Need two tickets for T.U. game! Will pay good price! 846- 2113 If you need tickets for Rice vs A&M or A&M vs t.u., please call (214) 657-2974. Prices from $40-t-. Mountain Bike Trek 7000. Shimano Package - $325 O.B.O. Call Jeff at 696-0499 after 6pm. Xerox 8-Blt Greyscale scanner. Perfect for newsletters. Mac Software & cabling included. $200. Call 774-0194. Table, two chairs - $45; Pioneer 120w car speakers - $60; 13" b&w television - $40; Casio 49-key stereo • nyboard - $80. Call 26g-9727. Black, double bass drum set - $550; 300 watt P.A. system - $500; Full bed - $50; Mountain bike - $45. Call Angel at 696-1202. MACPLUS 4MB 120MB external HD with Imagewriter II and case - $695; 386/33 4MB, scanner, VGA, printer - $750 O.B.O. Software Included. 696-5056. Gibson Les Paul electric guitar w/hardcase. Excellent condition, black w/gold hardware - $610 O.B.O. Call Aaron at 696-0628. WORD PROCESSOR - Top of the line Cannon StarWrlter 70 - like new - $200, Call 693-9441. O’Brien elite windsurfer, complete set up, great for a beginner - $250. Call K T at 693-7083. DIRT BIKES: 1988 CR250 - $1,200; 1985 KX250 - $950 ■» extras. Weekdays after 3pm, 822-1712. Men’s rollerblades for sale - $100. Call Becky at 779- 6248. Bridgestone Mountain Bikes: MB2-47cm, purple, Ritchey, XTR, specialized, Mavic, Onza - $750; MB4-42cm, grey, just tuned. LX equipped - $265 Call Marcus at 847-2571 Peavy Tube Amp. - $300; crate 4X12 cabinet - $300; D O 6. stereo Chorus/Flanger effect - $50 O.B O. 847- 7887. From lullabies, 1st steps, & storybooks to training wheels, beloved pets, & campfire s'mores. We’ll provide the love & opportunities you would wish for your child. We offer the choice of open adoption built on mutual respect & support. Call Deb & Bill 1 -800-966-4673. Legal/medical expenses only. Lost/Found Lost: 1989 High School Class Ring from St. Agnes School, Alexandria VA. Lost on Oct. 26 near Simpson Drill Field. Has initials SHM Inscribed on Inside. Great senti mental value! If found, call 696-0246. Lost: Fuji camera at Stack on Thursday night night. If found , please call 847-1130. Reward negotiable Lost: Old, gold-plated watch. Sentimental value. Call Jennifer 764-8843. Travel 9 •ONTMI 1-800-SKI-W1LP PONT MISS THE PARTY, CALI TODAY... CHICAGO (AP) — Unable to beat the wind and rain with Brett Favre’s arm most of the night, the Green Bay Packers slogged over the soggy Soldier Field turf to earn a victory they had to have. Edgar Bennett scored three touchdowns and Favre had a 36- yard scoring nan as the Packers defeated the Chicago Bears 33-6 Monday night. Bryce Paup intercepted two passes for the Packers (4-4), who stayed in the hunt for a playoff spot. The Bears and De troit Lions also are 4-4, mean ing the Minnesota Vikings have a two-game lead in the NFC Central. Favre was 0-for-7 before completing a pass to Sterling Sharpe midway through the third quarter. Finally, after the Packers’ running loosened up the Bears’ defense, Favre completed four passes on the drive that gave Green Bay a 27-0 lead. He capped the 65-yard march with a 13-yard pass to Bennett, who rushed for 105 yards and two other scores. Favre finished 6-of-15 for 82 yards. But his biggest accom plishment on a 43-degree night that included 36 mph gusts and a steady rain was simply taking care of the football. Favre, who threw an NFL- high 24 interceptions last season and was picked off sev en times in this year’s first seven games, carefully engi neered Green Bay’s no-turnover attack Monday. Chicago, meanwhile, had five give-aways. Erik Kramer fell to 1-4 as the Bears’ starting quarterback. He fumbled once and was picked off twice by Paup before Steve Walsh replaced him to start the second half. The loss is sure to throw gaso line on the Bears’ smoldering quarterback controversy — Walsh won three consecutive starts while Kramer was out with a separated shoulder. The Bears avoided their first shutout since 1989 when Walsh and Jeff Graham connected on a 5-yard touchdown pass with 5:55 to play. Reggie Cobb added a 9-yard scoring run for the Packers with 1:53 left. Chicago won the coin toss and took the wind instead of the ball. But the Bears never got closer than Green Bay’s 26-yard line in the opening quarter. Kramer and Lewis Tillman fumbled a handoff exchange on the Bears’ first series of the sec ond quarter, giving Green Bay the ball at Chicago’s 11. Two plays later, Bennett scored on a 3-yard run. Chicago’s Chris Gardocki, who had 56- and 57-yard punts with the wind in the opening quarter, managed only a 19- yarder against the gale in the second. And the Packers imme diately took advantage, going 58 yards in four plays. oiM tm-J" This day in Aggie football November 1, 1986: No. 10-ranked Texas A&M overcomes SMU leads four times in a 39-35 win over the Mustangs, scoring the winner on a pass from Kevin Murray to Keith Woodside with 1:49 remaining. Rockets waive Texas ‘great’ HOUSTON (AP) — The Houston Rockets waived for ward Albert Burditt, their only pick of this season’s draft, and guard Larry Robinson on Mon day, reducing the club’s roster to 14 players. Burditt, a second-round choice from Texas, had six points and 10 rebounds in three preseason games. Rockets spokeswoman Rose Pietrzak said Burditt is now free to pursue a contract with a professional team in Greece. Robinson, a second-year play er signed as a free agent last April, averaged 10 minutes in four preseason games. He was 6-of-ll from the field, averaging 4.3 points per game. Robinson must clear waivers before pursuing a contract with another club. Sinking Oilers search for lifeboat HOUSTON (AP) — The Houston Oilers have been embarrassed so often this season, they’re be ginning to rate their defeats. And they’ll tell you losing in the last second hurts the worst. They’ve taken pratfalls on prime-time televi sion and are on their second losing streak of the season, the first being interrupted with a one- game win. Yet, the ultimate came Sunday when A1 Del Greco’s 52-yard field goal attempt bounced off the crossbars as time expired, giving the Los Angeles Raiders a 17-14 victory. “It’s the worst way in the world to lose a game like "I'm embarrassed with a 1-7 record. I want to get over it that,” defensive tackle Ray and get out of it and we've got Childress said. “Basically, all . . . i // we can do is try to go out and ^ Ways to gO to get it done. get ready for Pittsburgh. . . ^ "“4, “When you lose, bad -Jack Pardee, Olters head coach coach Jack Pardee said, things happen and when you : “That kick just about said. “It’s different when we play terrible and lose but we played well enough to win. What do we have to do to get over the hump?” The Oilers fought within three points of the de fending Super Bowl champion Dallas Cowboys but lost 20-17. They were in position to upset Philadelphia before losing 21-6 two weeks ago. With Billy Joe Tolliver making his first start at quarterback, the Oilers made one last drive for victory in the closing seconds but it ended with Del Greco’s missed field goal against the Raiders. 'The Oilers have reached the point of wondering how the next disaster will occur. “I don’t know why we keep going through these trials and tribulations but for some reason things just aren’t going our way,” win, good things happen.” Indianapolis blasted the Oilers 45-21 in the season opener that started the Oilers on their downward spin, following back-to-back AFC Cen tral Division championships. They’ve had offensive line problems, injuries troubles, inconsistency at quarterback and obvi ous bad luck. “Everything seems to be going wrong, and it’s really frustrating,” linebacker Eddie Robinson sums up the way things have gone for us.” Pardee, in the final year of his contract, isn’t thinking of anything but a victory. “I’ve got enough professional pride that I don’t have to worry about a threat or anything else. I want to do well every week. That’s all the motiva tion I need. “I’m embarrassed with a 1-7 record. I want to get over it and get out of it and we’ve got a ways to go to get it done.” Day Continued from Page 7 and embarrassed opposing defenses in racking up un godly numbers. Their coach, offensive mas termind/maniac John Jenkins, earned the disrespect and dis gust of teams around the country by constantly gunning for the end zone week after week when his team was al ready up by 50 points with less than a minute to go. That is the definition of running up the score. Sports experts and fans need to realize that a lop sided score doesn’t necessari ly mean that the winning team ran it up. A coach can empty his bench to show an other team mercy, but his 2nd and 3rd stringers aren’t going to lie down. The competitive fire in an athlete won’t allow for a let down no matter what the score is. A true competitor is taught to go full tilt from the opening whistle to the final gun and if the score is higher because of that, so be it. Professor Jones knows fhe laws of thermodynamics. Now she knows the dynamics of life insurance, too. And her family couldn’t be happier. To learn more about life insurance, call the TIAA Life Insurance Planning Center. Weekdays, SAM to 8PM, E.S.T. 1800223-1200 Dept. 56T This offer is available to faculty, staff, administrators and their spouses. Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017-3206 Ensuring the future for those who shape it. Cowboys Continued from Page 7 rest of the year. Switzer said it was the first game he had coached where the defense gave up big plays. “We got hit on big plays we hadn’t allowed all sea son,” Switzer said. “But we did what we had to do. We got the win. And it could be an important one later in the season when you get into the playoffs and start talk ing homefield advantage.” Secondary coach Dave Campo said “Cincinnati did a good job of changing up some of the things they had done. But we adjusted to the new quarterback in the sec ond half. You can count on two hands the number of big plays we’ve allowed in the last five years. That’s what is so upsetting.” The Bengals jumped to a 14-0 lead almost be fore the Cowboys knew what happened. “That’s the way it’s going to be the rest of the season because teams are out to get us,” Newton said. The Cowboys lead the Philadelphia Eagles by a game in the NFC East. They host the New York Giants, riding a five-game losing streak, next Monday night. Then Dallas has a show down in San Francisco in a game that could be deci sive regarding the homefield advantage in the NFC playoffs. “These are the kind of games you have to win on the way to a championship,” Switzer.