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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1994)
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South A1 settleme JOHANNES ’l — A peace Angola, and a re accept electoral < These two e only days, could Africa — putting the continent s peace and demo The civil war Angola were tw bloodiest of th them, there we decades of figh million people kill Granted in Portugal at the Angola, on the Mozambiqi plunged almost war. Foreign cr Rhodesia, South Slates sponsorec Marxist regimes Arms poured in a devastated, but was such that eliminate the othe CNN sued Noriega c< I I 633 MIAMI (AP) Ity Tuesday of federal cou 1 phone co Panamanian lea in 1990. The networt U.S. District Hoeveler, who violated his or broadcast of rec between Norieg; "I am eve importance o unfettered pres; of the First Arne a/so be mint importance of orders of the cc in his ruling. Agents rc for Waco DALLAS i Chojnacki and aren’t househol people know \ February. Chojnacki an federal agents ahead on the g (aid of David Ko Oavidian followe Almost immi swarmed with federal officers, out for "gross ei a September Department rep last week. Both have interview reqi letters totalling only explanation dropping hints t fee government’ disaster, which more than 80 liV' Frequent- on progra WASHINGTC ’lines, invet popular frequent Supreme Court people from s restrict their proi But an attorr b members ’ said barring su< courts would le no way to si restrictions that Iravel miles they American, wt largest frequent more than i /ear, is trying action lawsuit Imposed in 198E Seeking to American limr seats used on e discounted freqi an keepin using such tic Iravel periods and Thanksqivin Classified ampus Opinion Sports Toons What's Uj