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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1994)
The Battalion The Bait align • Page 7 Amy Brown/TnE Battalion It won V hurt a bit Scott Kearney, a senior elementary education major from College Station gives blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive. The drive contin ues through this Friday at the MSC, the Commons and Sbisa. AGGIE RING ORDERS THE ASsbciATION OF FORMER STUDENTS CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1994 Undergraduate Student Requirements: You must be a degree seeking student and have a total of 95 credit hours reflected on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System. (A passed course, which is repeated and passed, cannot count as additional credit hours.) 3Q credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University. If you did not successfully complete one semester at Texas A&M University prior to January - !, 1994,you will need to complete a minimum of 60 credit hours in residence. (This requirement will be waived if your degree is conferred and posted with less than 60 A&M hours.) You must have a 2J) cumulative GPR at Texas A&M University. 4. You must be in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript ! blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. Graduate Student Requirements: If you are a December 1994 degree candidate and you do not have an Aggie ring from a prior degree year, you may place an order for a '94 ring after you meet the following requirements: ^ Your degree is conferred and posted on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System; and 2. You are in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. If you have complete all of your degree requirements prior to Septenber 16,1994, you may request a "Letter of Completion” from the Office of Graduate Studies and present it to the Ring Office in lieu of your degree being posted. Procedure To Order A Ring: 1. If you meet the above requirements, you must visit the Ring Office no later than Wednesday, September 21,1994, to complete the application for eligibility verification (requires several days to process). 2. If your application is approved and you wish to receive your ring on approximately November 16, 1994, you must return and pay in full by cash, check, money order, Visa or Mastercard no later than September 23,1994. Men’s 10KY-$309.00 14KY- $421.00 Women’s 10KY-$174.00 14KY- $203.00 Add $8.00 for Class of '93 or before. The approximate date of the ring delivery is November 16, 1994. Three U.S. research teams isolate gene that causes breast cancer WASHINGTON (AP) — Three teams of U.S. re searchers have won the world wide race to isolate the gene that causes the inherited form of breast cancer, the journal Science reported today. The gene, called BRCA1, is believed to cause 5 percent of breast cancer cases. Isolation of the gene by researchers — from the National Institutes of Health, Myriad Genetics Corp. and a University of Utah pro fessor — was first reported Tuesday by NBC News. Isolation of the gene will en able scientists to develop a test to identify women who carry BRCA1, giving them an oppor tunity to identify breast cancer or to make the more difficult decision of having a mastecto my to forestall the disease. Some researchers believe such a test could be developed within two years. Library Continued from Page 1 Dodd said she hopes stu dents will not be hesitant to use the modern equipment. “We want to be as helpful as we can,” she said. “We’ll have plenty of staff available at all times. “We also want to teach peo ple how to access the material themselves,” Dodd said. “We’ll have demonstrations and pre sentations on how to use the equipment. Noon-time semi nars and instructional programs will be conducted. We don’t want students to be hesitant.” Dr. Benton Cocanougher, dean of the College of Business Administration, said he be- Scientists have known for years that the BRCA1 gene ex ists, and more than a dozen re search facilities around the world have been working to pinpoint it. Science announced today that the work by Myriad Ge netics’ Douglas F. Easton, the University of Utah’s Andrew Skolnick and Roger Wiseman of the National Institute of En vironmental Health Sciences had passed peer review and would be printed in its Oct. 7 issue. About 182,000 women are di agnosed with breast cancer in the United States each year, and 46,000 die, according to the American Cancer Society. Experts have said women with the altered gene have about a 60 percent chance of developing breast cancer be fore age 50 and an 85 percent chance by age 65. lieves the library will be an as set to all of the programs on West Campus. “It’s a wonderful resource for us,” Cocanougher said. “It’s im portant to have the library there. We would not be nearly as excited about moving to West Campus if it weren’t for the li brary. The two go together.” Dodd said the three-story West Campus Library is much smaller than Evans Library. “Its a more intimate envi ronment,” she said. “We have seating space for 1,000 stu dents. The upper two floors are just for study and our bound volumes.” The West Campus Library, which is a branch of Evans Library, will provide docu ment delivery between the two libraries. CO ifeeli ouse If you got tolent... and you wanna show it... clap your hands... & call Big Early D at 845-1515 Talent is... singin* pickin' da geetar readin' da stories n' da poems breathin' da fire or somethin' Out of Control? The Population Debate MSC Political Forum I ! Thursday, Sept. 15,1994 11 a.m.-noon 228 MSC A brown-bag discussion led by Robbie Brewington Graduate Teaching Assistant Department of Anthropology Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notifleation three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability. The views expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect those of the Memorial Student Center, or Political Forum. A genius figured it out- HP built it in. Sale $ 105. 00 • Built-inequations, functions, and menus guide you through complex calculations. • Fill-in-the-blanks forms make problem-solving easy. HEWLETT® PACKARD University Bookstores 3 Off-Campus Stores For You Northgate - Culpepper - Village SPORTS CARD & COMIC SHOW Sat. Sept.l7(10a-4p) K a mad a [nn SI/Admission (FREE w/Ad) $250 in door prizes incl. an auio. 8x10 of EM MITT SMITH-2 Image Alt. cover comics- atilo. Bucky Richardson eurd-atiio. Aaron Glenn 8x10- Cliuck Knoblauch Starling Lineup-A more!! Former AGGIE CARDS will be available!!! Inlo: Jell Jacobs (409)823-2838 Place Your Ad In The Battalion Call 845-2696 GEM Graduate Fellowship Programs Providing American Indians, Black Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics access to graduate education in engineering and science. Portable fellowships for graduate study are available that include tuition, fees, stipend and paid summer internships at the nation’s top research and development laboratories. For more information or to receive an application, contact: The GEM Center • P.O. Box 537 Notre Dame. IN 46556 (2191 287-1097 • FAX (219) 287-1486 iraveL Texas A&M vs. Louisville Nov. 11-13 Roundtrip air to Louisville 2 nights Radisson Hotel $235/person* from College Station $225/person* from Houston *bascd on double occupancy/limited number of seats available (409) 696-9229 (800) 828-4890 St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 2506 Cavitt, Bryan 779-7608 _ _ _ (Between S. College and Texas) Worship services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. "Small enough to know you, large enough to serve you." Back To School Bash! featuring: JACKOPIERCE The Texas Hall of Fame 822-2222 TONIGHT Tickets: $8 Advance / $10 Day of show On sale at Marooned Records & Texas Hall of Fame Presented by DICKSON PRODUCTION & POPULAR TALENT GET READY TO PARTY! |Here, last month, 922 good people got a pin prick, and earned themselves $46,000 cash ....and helped people they never knew! They sat back on big leather lounge chairs and relaxed or studied for exams. They exchanged recipes, talked about love, children, life, happenings, boys, girls, politics, tomorrow, french class, car repair, baseball, fishing, and delivering kittens. In 60 minutes they were up and away, cash in hand, feeling good. You have never opened a door on a friendlier place and the regular extra money is very nice. Everybody needs you. It s that easy Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. 846-8855