Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1994)
Pag' C Con lem the I: few, a pr curl not, lem alsc lege did the; ing Fu shi Au Contn| tion, tor (TH Admir autott 21 Bej able. Night 1 saryjj TAMdl 11th fl INSPIfj quired.' Marrag mainte Part-tin i prefern | at 29th,; Compu; be fame' Full lirrl Please Part-tim quette. I Box 44 E! PART T acceptin, I TO HAV, donor is' sible (4Si j day. Do |! read, stu | cash in h l| year. Nic J 8855. CRUISES working or travel (Hai Full-time e> sary. For i A< L Gorgeous, I formals P 764-5877. Two mobile i 846-4247. Newport Coi fum., walk tc $100alreadj - 2 bath. As Available No lease OK! 8 SUBLEASE share), 2 hui carpet & floo Needed - fern W/D, bus rout Page 6 illS m ■ ’ 1 STATE & NATION Monday August 29, Monday* Augus- Credit cards create problems for many student SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Thousands of college students who can’t get loans to finance their educations are discover ing that credit isn’t so hard to get after all — a credit card has already been “pre-approved” in their name. It’s given a new meaning to college credit. Lenders have found that universities are overrun with young consumers ready to take advantage of easy credit. The results often are disastrous, credit counselors say. Margaret Mudgett, 24, of San Anto nio said she learned firsthand the plea sures and pitfalls of plastic. Ms. Mudgett acquired her first charge card — a Visa — when she was a fresh man at St. Philip’s College, she said. Soon, she was the proud owner of a gas card, then an American Express card. Before long, she said, her wallet bulged with 16 credit cards and her mailbox was crammed with bills. “I was young and so proud,” Ms. Mudgett said of her status as a con spicuous consumer. “I thought, ‘Wow, I can buy things for myself.’ I bought a lot of dinners, a lot of clothes ... just piddly things.” Before long, Ms. Mudgett was in cri sis. She had a job, but credit payments totaled S300 a month, more than half her salary. “I realized I was in real trouble about a year ago,” she told the San Antonio Express-News in Sunday’s editions. “I had nothing to live on.” Her total credit card debt was rela tively small — about S4,000 — but she received bills each month from more than a dozen companies. She wrote her creditors in Septem ber, explaining that she was drowning in debt and couldn’t make her mini mum payments. Ms. Mudgett sought assistance from the Consumer Credit Counseling Ser vice and is working to pay off her bills. The service demanded that she cut up her cards, a process Ms. Mudgett found painful. She described shopping on credit as “like an addiction.” Credit card companies view college students as fertile ground in a saturat ed industry. They maintain that by giv ing students charge cards they are teaching financial responsibility and creating customer loyalty. Claire Diamond of AT&T Universal, which introduced its student card a year ago, said collegians are faithful to the company that issues their first credit card. ‘‘Market research shows that the brands you form a preference for in youth are the brands you stick with for life,” Diamond said. The rivalry among companies has be come so intense that students on spring break in Florida are swamped with “freebies” in exchange for applications that generally require no information about income or employment. Sandy Martin of Consumer Credit Counseling Service said a troubled student called her office to complain his credit application was rejecteil). cause there were too many “incitin' on his record. He had complete dozens of credit forms while on spr: break because free T-shirts wereiat ed out with each application. ■ ‘‘When I asked how many caiii he’d applied for, he said: ‘I don’tb I’d have to'count my shirts,’”! Martin said. She said many students get ink nancial trouble while in college bee® they’re ignorant about credit. “It’s the first time there’s leaning over your shoulder sayingji ” she said. “I don’t have a problepuit student credit — it’s wonderful emergencies — but education neeis be a part of it.” The Battalion Classified Ads Texas takes stant Phone: 845-0569 / Fox 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basemenf) Reed McDonald Building AGjSiE’-PjLvat.eLPflrtY Want. Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, If your merchandles Is priced $1000 or less (price must appear In ad), This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale, Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge, If Item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 am on the day the ad Is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional Insertions at no charge, No refunds will be made If your ad Is cancelled early, BUSlQfi.SS-H.QUIS 8 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday laccepted against crime State legislature adopts tougher criminal laws Housto champii NICK GEORCANDI Assistant sports editor For Rent For Rent Help Wanted Services The Landing Apartments ***Fantastic Special*** Limited availability 1 bedroom, 1 bath - $300/mo. 9 & 12 mo. leases $375/mo. -December ending leases 'Swimming pool *TAMU shuttle bus *Game room *Basketball court *Laundry room Call Now! 822-7321 3200 Pinfeather, Bryan Dental assistant needed part time. Call 846-4759. Experienced waitstaff part-time and full-time and part- time kitchen help needed. Zum Schnitzel Haus, 218 N. Bryan. 9-11 or 2-5. 823-8974. National Wholesale Electronics Company seeks campus sales representative; gain valuable experience + substan tial earning potential. Call 1-800-345-CAVE. Work In the mall environment, Chick-Fil-A of Post Oak Mall now accepting applications for shifts 8am-2pm, 12pm- 6pm or 4pm-close. Applications may be picked up at Chlck-FH-A, Post Oak Mall. Housekeeping position available. Foreign applicants welcome. Mornings 8-12, M-F. 776-1948,774-0040. Babysitting position available. Prefer elementary educa tion or early childhood education major. Afternoons and occasional evenings and weekends. 776-1948, 774- 0040. Part-time office assistant needed with good phone eti quette. Office experience preferred. Send resume to: PO Box 4453, Bryan, TX 77805. SAVE MORE!! Call LSI at (409) MY-EASY-1 in BCS or 1-800-215-5936 to get the best long-distance rates: 170 per minute daytime, 140 per minute evenings & 120 per minute nights & weekends. Flat rates, no tricky percentages. Lowest 800 service & travel card rates, too. Satisfaction guaranteed. Evening work M-F, must be available 4:30 or 5:00pm for a commercial custodial cleaning business. Two positions available. Light or heavy cleaning. Call 823-1614. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help Infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409)776- -4453. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-Fun, Laugh-a-Lotll! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm)-Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am- 2:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-inswelcome.$20 w/ad = $5 off, 111 Univ. Dr., Suite 217, 846-6117. Typing Need a place for your next meeting? Large, a/c, heat, with lots of room to park, well lit, close to campus. Great for Churches, Dance Classes Student Meetings or Tutoring Sessions. 776-6696 Help Wanted Employment Opportunity Typing-Word Processing, Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Earn up to $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. Word travel. Seasonal & Full-Time employment available. No experi ence necessary. 1-206-634-0468 ext. C58551. Aggie Owned and Managed! Large 2 bdrm, great location, shuttle, microwave, laundry & swimming - $459/mo. One month free rent! College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 2bdrm-1 1/2bth townhome, w/d, walk or bike to campus, $595/mo. 3802 College Main. 846-2423. Sublease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth studio. Broadmoor, Bryan. Available Sept. 22, $525/mo. Call 845-0879. Brand new 4bdrm-2bth house, walk or bike to campus, $1.200/mo. negotiable, 207 Walton. 846-2423, Sublease 1bdrm-1bth apartment $400/mo. New appli ances & carpet, walk-ln closets. 696-5059. Available now. A4bdrm-2bth, brick house. Lease for 1yr. Large enough for 4-6 women, CACH, celling fans, fire place, fenced, storage room. Allen Ridge. $950/mo., $950/dep. Call 776-8670, 774-0628. If you presently have the following symptoms, call to see if you are eligible to participate in a Urinary Tract Infection Research Study (bladder infection). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. *Painful urination ‘Frequent urination ‘Urgency ‘Females age 18 64 G & S studies, inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+per month. Room& board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-4155 ext A58551. MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Great for Weddings/Recep tions, Parties, Reunions, Dances, Birthdays, Sports Events, Christmas Parties, Mic/Lights available. Reasonable rates/will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. Child Care Miscellaneous Loving, dependable childcare in registered home near campus. Galt 696-0756. FORMULA ONE - unbelievable energy plus many more benefits. Gayle, 774-7971. Roommate SANDRA BERNHARD wants you to listen in...hear her “Excuses For Bad Behavior." Just dial 1-800-727-2551. Body Shop Roommate wanted. Own room, $195/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Doux Chene Apartments. 694-2265. Need roommate. $200/mo. + 1/2 utilities, own room, non- smoker, no pets, 779-8513. Body Shop - paint & body, custom & collision. College, Bryan, TX 77803. (409) 823-2758. For Sale Cal’s Body Shop. Your foreign oar specialist. Match your palntexactly. "May we have the next dents?” W.Hwy. 21, Bryan. 823-2610, Large 3 X 5 student desk. Great for computer - $60. Call Treyat846-0163. Computers AUSTIN (AP) — State Sen. John Whitmire once pleaded with an armed robber to spare his family’s life. Now he’s count ing on anti-crime legislation he sponsored to make Texas safer. The rewrite of Texas’ criminal laws, which was approved last year and takes full effect Thurs day, requires those convicted of the most violent crimes to serve more time in prison. People who commit some less er crimes — ranging from posses sion of a small amount of drugs to burglary to negligently injuring a child — will be diverted to a new state jail system with an empha sis on rehabilitation. “I believe there’s no question that the new penal code will make Texas a safer place to work and live,” said Whitmire, D-Houston, who sponsored the legislation with state Rep. Allen Place, D-Gatesville. “You cannot continue to try to qend .everyone to the same type of prison, oecause what Hap pened is no one was getting any real punishment or rehabilita tion,” Whitmire said. Under the old system, he said, “We were putting car thieves in the front door and let ting rapists out the back door.” Whitmire, chairman of the Senate Criminal Justice Com mittee, said that as a crime vic tim, he “personalized” the new criminal justice plan. Whitmire was with his wife and then-9-year-old daughter when they were confronted by a masked gunman in the garage of their Houston home the night of Jan. 1, 1992. “I begged him not to shoot us and gave him my wallet and money and thought it was all W e’re no 1 utes tc with tl angle to Robert ing to Olajuwor The‘Dream, rigl juwon turns, f; stops, a little Maxwell, a MAXWELL- YESlSSSSSSS FOR THREE!! tersen, Rockel over. I was prepared to get Whitmire said. The man, who left aftets bing Whitmire, later was cot ed and sentenced to 26 ym prison. Because the rnanhii gun, Whitmire said, he’ll ha\i serve one-fourth of his sentr before being eligible for parole “Under the new penal ce he would have to serve h that much,” WhitmirC se “Sometimes, I think some colleagues and other electel cials need to be held up at point. Then they would take: as serious as I do.” Unde:: legislation — part of which) effect a year ago — violet fenders must serve more of; sentences. More types ofii ders also are punishable bj death penalty, such as mure a child under age 6. A major part of the leg: tion taking effect Thurs: classifies some crimes ass jail felonies and deals them in a new way. The new category inch number of crimes previm classified as more set felonies, such as possess! delivery of less than 1 grs drugs, including cocaine: glary of a building; forgei unauthorized use of a vehit It also includes somecr August 22, 199' For two dre; drank and brea ets basketball, seconds after ( ,cra2}y for the fourth quarte Houston had and I had a bro A bit of bac here. As a fi sports, on rai there has been do a lot of ju: managed to o my index fing parents’ ceiling young Ralpf whiuling pray mighty Lakers Eight years and I had perfi ditjonal post-g , bellowed “Nur off the ground tunately, the in our house v as my left han her one”, my with that cei with a surpris At first, I r sistent plea tl to the emerge See bid previously classified asm meanors: criminally negli homicide and criminallynj gent injury to a child, person or disabled person People convicted of a felony automatically get probt But that still can include sofe time coupled with drug or treatment,’education and( nity service, Whitmire said, The system is meant tot: the cycle of crime, he said. If those convicted don’t i - by the terms of their probf they face two full years state jail, Whitmire said, T: stronger punishment thanu" the old system, he said. Senior boots. Used Victors - 9 1/2, $250. Call after 6pm, 260-2678. Macintosh Computer for lease. Semester rates from $30/ mo. MacResource, 775-7703. Last minute sublease due to study abroad! 1 bdrm apartment, fully furnished, full bath & kitchen, large walk- ln closet, balcony, pool, w/d, t.v./cable, 1 mile from cam pus, shuttle route, water/cable paid. $475/mo. 846-5427, (817) 732-6517. Furnished 1 & 2 bdrm apartments. Close to campus, shuttle route. Pre-leasing for fall. Dorm plans available. Kathy 846-9196. Two mobile homes for rent - 3 bedroom & 1 bedroom. Call 846-4247. Available Now - remodeled 2 bdrm apartments. 6 month lease OK! 822-0472. Help Wanted STUDENT GROUPS and ORGANIZATIONS PART TIME JOB 15-20 HRS./WEEK $6/HR + BONUS Post Oak Mall & Neighborhood Advertising Program For Home Improvement Company Requires Good Communication Skills. Call 690-0448, Leave Name, Phone #, & Best Time To Return Call. Matching sofa and loveseat - light brown, $375. Call 845- 0879. Adoption Macintosh SE30, HP-Deskwrlter Printer, Apple Scanner, Power-User 2496-S/R Fax Modem. Call 696-7659. Panasonic Impact Dot matrix printer (KX-1180) - $75; mauve custom queen comforter set - $50. Both just like new. Excellent condition. Call 268-1048. Black lacquer/polished brass wardrobe & nlghtstand - $125(both); brown computer desk chair - $30. Call 764- 4404. We are a young, Christian couple wishing to adopt a newborn. We live in our dream house in the country. Stay at home mom & energetic dad, love to water-ski, snow-ski & travel, will give your baby much love, security, great education & a close, loving, extended family. Please call Kim & David, 1-800-393-5247. Legal/medical expenses only. Refugee problems Solid wood desk - $50; antique table & chairs - $300; 386 Leading Edge laptop computer - $500; HP-19B business calculator - $100; Pentax camera & lens - $100. 776- 8330. Travel Haitians and Cubans grow frustrated in U. S. tent citie 5% DOWN. On Palm Harbor & Fleetwood homes. Pay ments starting at $249/mo. All homes with upgrade Insulation & plywood floors. Call for floor plans & bro chures. 800-880-5614. 2 month tanning membership at Perfect Tan - $40. 623- 0459 or (817) 656-3344, leave message. Interested in making serious money marketing no annual fee for life credit cards: AT&T Universal MasterCard Discover Card Top Department Stores? For More Details Call 1-800-592-2121 ext. 313 Call Today! ASK US HOWTO RECEIVE A FREE CD OF YOUR CHOICE! -Hut. NOW HIRING Waitstaff, Drivers & Cooks. Apply at any of 5 B-CS Locations. PALM HARBOR. See Palm Harbor's number 1 selling doublewide for only $49,000. Save thousands. Includes energymizer construction, plywood floors, 4 bedrooms, 2 living plus a parent’s retreat!! Fully loaded with only $2,500 down at $481/mo. for 240/mos. 10.75 A.P.R. FREE Brochures. 800-880-5614. 26" Centurion Bicycle. Shlmano gears, good condition, great for campus, U-lock included - $175/060; Senior boots-101/2, spurs & pullers included, worn 2 semesters, good condition - $275. 846-2107. RED TAG. At Palm Harbor Village. Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath with plywood floors, upgrade Insulation, delivery & A/C. For only $249/mo. 5% down, 240/mos. at 11.75 A.P.R. Call 800-880-5614. HUNTING LEASES Part-time sales rep needed for Study Breaks Magazine. Flexible hours. 268-1496. FOR SALE - 200 + Ac. on the Rio Grande River. Deer, Quail, Javelina, Fishing. E. of Big Bend. $195/Ac. Terms. (210) 257-5572 C HR I S T M A S DITT COLORADO B EL JANUARY 2 - 15, 1995 » 4. 5 STEAMBOAT breckenridge| VAIUBEAVER CREI TOLL FREE INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS 1*800»SUNCHASE GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP) — A hunger strike and scattered fighting underscore the frustra tion felt by nearly 28,000 Cuban and Haitian refugees living here in separate tent cities. But U.S. the military offi cers who are running this over taxed outpost say the situation is under control. “I don’t think that we’re like ly to have any kind of explosion here,” said Lt. Gen. Michael Williams, in charge of refugee operations. But he acknowledged grow ing anxiety among Haitians: “I think there 1 great deal of discontent# great deal of frustration." Some of the 14,310 Hai feel neglected now that numbers have stopped int: ing and they have to compel' world attention with growing twin city of more 13,500 Cubans. “The U.S. government take care of the Haitian p# before the Cubans,” shouted Jean Juste, 27, a former Hi soldier. “This is not our don’t want to be here anymoU PRECISION TUNE UP PLUS Texas A&M 1 drug use. Alco: personal growth community mu from, negative! designed to pre legal sanctions, Additionally, i rehabilitation th All member: federal 1 laws pe Texas fA&M L under control, controlled subs sponsored activ “Controlled or delivery rest well its substan substance (e.g., NOBODY DOES SKI BREAKS BETTER Group tutors for all classes needed. Math, Physics, Chemistry, Accounting, Biology, etc. Especially PHYS 208/219, ENGR 109 and MEEN 212/213. Pay & bonus commensurate with experience & ability. CALL 26-TU- TOR. Weekends, during Oct. & Nov., P-Ville & AC-DC, food & beverage shops, must be honest, outgoing, dependable. A plus If you can sound German, Spanish, French, Chi nese or Polish. Call 409-874-2758 (Kathy Watson) or 409-894-2444 (Ann Clark) & leave name & number, we’ll get back with you. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. STUDENT TRAVEL SALES! Sunchase Tours Is seeking ambitious sales reps to promote ski & beach trips for Christmas & Spring Break! Earn cash & free trips. Call today: 1-800-SUNCHASE. WELCOME BACK AGGIES Individuals i beverages. Te? j possession, an; prohibited”. Student org I the approval < [University pro I Students 21 | residence hall i.priyiby, sleep, [of the residei eduaarldn of disaplinary ot Automobiles Attorney Fatburger, Bryan needs counter help - $4.75/hr. Call after 2pm, 822-2492, Entry level position open. 40+ wpm. Jr. Acct. major preferred but not necessary. Macintosh Word, Pagemaker experience a major plus. Will work evenings, generally from 5-11pm, Sun.-Thur. Call 696-1853. FREE JAZZERCISE classes In exchange for free babysitting. 776-6696,764-1183. 1993 Plymouth Acclaim - blue, air-bag, tllt/crulse, a/c, 6,000 mis. $8,900. 764-4542. Now hiring full or part-time cooks. Apply In person only, KFC, CS 1989 Chrysler LeBaron Convertible ps/pb/pw/pt - 16K, transferable 7/70 service contract. Call 696-7659. PARTY PEOPLE NEEDED FOR PRIVATE PARTIES! PART-TIME, EASY $$ • CALL DEBBIE, 848-6536I Patriot Pizza la opening soon In CB ; We are accepting applications for delivery drivers. Earn up to $0-$8/hr. Muat have own ear & Insurance Apply at 606 Unlv. Dr, 8te,#303 Keg route helper, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays. $5.50/ hr. Apply at Jack Hilliard Distributing Co., 1000 Indepen- denoe, Bryan. Services CAMPUB MANAGER. National marketing firm seeks mature student to manage on-campus promotions for top companies this school year, Flexible hours with excellent earning potential. Must be organized, hardworking & money motivated. Involvement In student organizations a plus. Call Dan at 800-592-2121 ext. 308. WENDY’I now hiring friendly employees In both stores, Top pay provided Apply In person M-F, 3pm-6pm. 202 I.W, Pkwy, Ci 603-4951, 3216 8. Tx, Ave. Bryan 0193, Part time warehouse help needed. $6.00 per hour, Call 779*7586. Dellvery/Warehouse person needed 15-20 hre. per week. Must be able to work at least 2 mornings each week & have a good driving record. Call 8am-11am ONLY, 823-5434. Sm.»group ^ InAll * SJ!' English bi a Second Language Try the first week of lessons free! WE DEFEND M.I.P. CHARGES JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409)774-8924 (800)927-3115 Notcertlfled «>«ipedalln In srta. WE DEFEND TRAFFIC TICKETS JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409)774-8924 (800)927-3115 Not cwtm«a «« a »p«d»ll»l In any ar»». 1 BRAKES ★ ALIGNMENT ■ oil change A/C ★ OIL/LUBE •Diagnostic Specialist •Major engine repair 601 HARVEY RD. 693-6189 Mon.-Sat. 8am - 7pm ! LUBE & FILTER MmlcinlVS »i Includes drain oil, install up to 5 qts. oil change oil filter & lube chassis. Wi,hcOup0 " :fc . ^ciidiiytj uu liner o luue cuaaais. ! RADIATOR FLUSH & FILL 'Plus antl-freeze and/or deliv£ , ' AIR CONDITIONING 1 FREE Pick-up & Delivery 1 10% discount-police Teachers & Seniors • Short of cash-We have payment plans ; SERVICE I Service Includes: Diagnostic evaluation of AC syi™ I detection & check freon levels up to 8oz, • Freon $15,00 per lib extra, Mo*i enn 8«p I" 2~WHEEL BRAKES'” I Includes: Pads, Raws resurtassd, Whssl _ ‘ bssrlnds feplaced, Celiaats aleaned. Aji ^l" braka Unas eheal^d j brakaWas I In mosl elttclmnln ignition cart, wo ll Install vL.ttur*’ I ipnnd, •„! liming, l?»l bulimy i charging >y*l|™'j yiU MMlgj/W^cnupon^jj+ja,^ Possession Possession |federal laws. misdemeanor | Third degree fines. First de I$20,000 in fi Purchase, < A first oflfi Attendance i punishable b;