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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1994)
c Con I ii" lem the L few, a pr curt not, lem alsc lege did the; ing SOCCER Aug. 27 vs. St. Edwards 5 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Sept. 9 vs. Ark. L.R. 7 p.m. FOOTBALL Sept. 10 vs. Oklahoma 4 p.m. SOCCER Sept. 13 vs. Mercer 5 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Sept. 14 vs. Texas 7 p.m. SOCCER Sept. 16 vs. Tulsa 5 p.m. FOOTBALL Sept. 24 vs. S. Miss 4 p.m. For tickets to all events call 845-2311 THE AGGIES HAVE YOUR SPORTI Page 16 Mil MM THE BATTALION Wednesday • August 24,1994 Theater Continued from Page 4 CONTACT LENSES ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hind-Hydrocurve) Disposable Contact Lenses Available $11 Q00 1 1 O TOTAL COST.. .INCLUDES Conlr •ion, i| for ml Admiii autoti 21 Bel; able. : Night j sary, tj TAMIL 11fh fli INSPIf quired. Manag mainte i $ EYE EXAM, FREE CARE KIT', AND TWO PAIR OE ST ANDARD FLEXIBLE WEAR SOF T CONT ACT LENSES. 149 00 TOTAL COST . includes EYE EXAM, FREE CARE KIT, AND FOUR PAIR OE STANDARD FLEXIBLE WEAR SOFT CONT AC T LENSES. SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES. Cali 846-0377 for Appointment CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 505 University Dr. East, Suite 101 College Station, TX 77840 4 Blocks East of Texas Ave. & University Dr. Intersection rcr ' F 3 * “It won”t be spinning off by itself because the college is here to get the program mov ing,” Stout said. “This particu lar transition is something both groups have wanted for some time and will be an added plus for students. “The decision really just streamlined the programs so they can be responsible for their own business,” she said. Putman said while the two areas are now considered sepa rate, the theater arts program is not officially labeled a de partment. “They are still given the free dom to make changes and de cide how their program will be run,” she said. Kelley said the freedom the program has received will pro vide more opportunities for the 60 students currently in the theater arts program. “I would also like to see more students getting involved with the theater arts program,” she said. “Our classes are open to all majors and anyone can tryout for the productions, you don’t have to be a theater arts major.” She said the program will perform eight productions this year. Four of the productions will be student-directed and six of them will have design work done by students. The theater arts program will sponsor two theatrical se ries during 1994-95. One will be presented in con junction with the Aggie Players featuring faculty-directed shows. The second, called the Studio Showcase series, will feature the work of junior and senior theater arts majors. Mentors continued from Page 4 Keith Garinger, principal of Jane Long Middle School, said the program offers good volunteer experience for students majoring in teaching. “I strongly encourage any A&M students interested in teaching to participate in this program before doing their stu dent teaching.” Maryanne McNamara, a coor dinator for the project, said the project benefits all involved. “It is a team effort,” McNama ra said. “The students learn from their mentors, and the mentors learn from each other and the students.” McClain said students and teachers develop relationships through the program. “The teachers are impressed that they get to know the stu dents in a new way,” McClain said. “The students say that they see their teachers as real people.” Dr. Jane Stallings, dean of the College of Education, said the program is beneficial for all indi viduals involved. “The program was designed to help students, but it also benefits teachers and volun teers,” she said. McClain said students have enjoyed participating in the program. “They learned that other stu dents face the same problems they do,” McClain said. He said more than 90 percent of the students said they would participate in the program again if given the chance. Stallings said students also build better relationships with other students through the families. “They say that they get to know their classmates better,” she said. You i what Accentua of life's di ELIZABETH ARDEN Introducing Spa Skincare with Vitamins and Minerals * e Model Home % 1 Now Open! 2310 Colgate, College Station si Jl ,Vliti Ul-JJsri iMiixt* ijjT.H duo nH(.n lew See us about your new Home, priced from $79,900 to $98,900. Part-tin prefem; at 29th,: Compu | be fami : • College Station • Shuttle Bus Route • Community Pool • Special Parent Financing • Ready for Fall Semester Full timi Please Part-tim j quette. ; Box 44 EI We build custom homes to fit your lifestyle! PART T acceptin | TO HAV I donor is; 1 sible (45! day. 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This could have been brother how muc year. His brothei xtra-long hug t< If his brother then my friend v nay never have nay have never ^countered as 1 But he never qu Times have hi lim a better per ixperience, not j lim. And for the In the movie 1 Ion that “life is ' what you’re gon easy to swallow from looking for asier to look at right. Maybe we prcblefKS. Everyone has hey have been j Rwandans wonc Teenage girls w< We don't ha that a bad s putting thin masochists 1 dress. These pr< scheme of thing Although it ma; the world, it me Comparing c lof time. No one shou school, my part job and my her shouldn’t get u We don’t ha perspective. W feel like our si1 When bad tl that a bad situ we’re still goin |i Still, when i good in a situa become strong any problem b | We all have bi rden right r other. Take the test. The Elizabeth Arden Spa Skincare Learning Center has all the answers to put your skin’s good looks on track. 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