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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1993)
t The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours Call or visit us: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fax us at 845-5408 Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication accepted 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads $l0 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchondise is priced $1000 or less (price must O appear in ad). This rdte applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personol possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get on oddltionol 5 days at no charge. LJJ If item doesn't sell, advertiser must cal! before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule i to end to quolify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be mode if your ad is cancelled early. Help Wanted Lost & Found Travel ENTRY-LEVEL SOFT WARE PROFESSIONAL ARGO Data is a leading provider of Branch Automation Solutions to top U.S. and international financial institutions. We are seeking December graduates with proven programming and design ability, and strong customer communication skills. Successful applicants will have a BANA, CS, or computer-related degree with a 3.25 + GPA. Send resume to: Argo Data Resource Corp. 12770 Coit Road, LB 87 Dallas, Tx 75251 YEAST INFECTION STUDY 'T*. Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed < to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. G&S Studies, Inc. (409) 846*5933 (close to campus) iSUBuumr Now accepting applications for part-time-lunch shift. Apply at any B-CS Location. POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800)436-4365. Ext. P-3332. Reading this could bring you an extra $120 month - CASH! Our average donor is a College Student, friendly, enthusiastic and sensible. They are fun to be around, and they are conscious of the importance of what they are doing for others. We try hard to be the best part of their day. Everybody wins! $120/cash per month, $1440/cash peryear.inaplacefilledwithfriends 846-8855. Westgate Plasma Center, 4223 Wellborn Rd Wendy's Restaurant now hiring friendly people with smil ing faces all positions pay $4.35 and up depending on experience. Apply 202 S.W. Prkwy., College Station, or 3216 S. Texas, Bryan, M-F 3-5 p.m. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776- 4453 PlZZAHUT! Now Hiring Cooks & Delivery Drivers. Call 693-9393. Doctors Office with Rehabilation needs an exercise Physiologist, capable of general office duties 779-1551. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT-Make up to $2,000+/ mo. teaching basic conversational English abroad Ja pan, & S. Korea. No previous training required. For more information call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5855. Bookkeeper, Accounting, Insurance clerk High energy, self-starter Typing. Computer required 776-6666. Part-time warehouse help needed, Forklitt experience a plus. 4 days a week, 3-Close (9 p.m.). Apply at Jack Hilliard Distribution, 1000 Independence, Bryan. Starts at $4.50/hr. For Sale Sony Car Discman D-808K, w/car mount + connecting pack. Top of the line-Brand new! $199/nego 764-4416, Look stylish with a brand-new black leather faux Chanel backpack. Drawstring at top, gold chain straps. Asking $300. Call 260-7584. Sony ES Hi Fi Audio Components: TAE-2000ESD pre amplifier, $900; TA-N55ES pre-amplifier, $360; ST- S730ES tuner, $395 ($1200, $500, $550 new), perfect condition. I can help build a complete system Jonathan, (409) 268-4580. Toshiba Fax machine brand new $250.00 or best offer Call 822-7627 Lifestyle 11 membership S315, for 14 months. Call Heather 693-5136 50 yard line, lower deck, student side football tickets Next 3 home games-4 tickets each Call 268-4505. $15each 6 tickets to A&M versus Baylor game. 45 yard line $25/ each. 713-287-7505 or 1-409-321-3257. Drafting table 42" X 31”, good condition $50 Call 696- 7047. ~ Computers New multi-media 486DX33, 4MB, 170MB SVGA, CD- ROM. Sound card speakers $1345 Call Dan 846-9249 Automobiles '86 Pontiac Trans-Am Red with CD player & Alarm & T-Tops. $4300/nego. 846-8909 '85 VW Scirocco, 5-speed, fuel injected, A/C, tinted win dows, runs good $1800 o.b.o. Call 847-1807. 1986 Honda Accord LXI hatchback, excellent condition, power, AM/FM w/CD, all maintenance records kept $4600. 823-0521. '85 Subaru Wagon $ 1500, no a/c, but perfect engine 846- 6735. 1989 Escort Lx 4 door, A/C, auto transmission. Am/Fm, cruise control $3750. 846-4743 Wanted Looking for senior or underclassmen ID s for Texas game Will pay! Call Tracy 693-4914 ~ VENTRILOQUIST INSTRUCTOR to teach child in our home. Call 776-6128 FORMER STUDENT needs 2 tickets to the TU game. Call 512-282-8103 Drummer and Keyboardist needed for blues/rock/jazz band Call Charles at 823-5368. Piano teacher wanted to teach 8 year old in my home. Call Jan 693-0785. After 6 p.m. Services Notes - n - Quotes Fast Accurate Typing - Word Processing Resumes • Laser Printing • Copies 846-2255 University and Nagle Open 'till 10 pm Mon. - Thurs. Joy's Professional Typing. Word processing, Resume service, Laser printer. 846-6418 Be honest. When you can't find the right words to tell someone something they need to hear, WE SAY IT FOR YOU tactfully, with no intent of malice. Select a message from 6 categories. Send via the telephone, 52 choices. If desired, send anonymously. 18+. use touch-tone, $2.25/ min 1-900-896-6996 JAZ Productions, Portland, OR 97206-2021. PROFESSIONAL EDITING - Dissertations, Proposals/ Research papers. International student discount. Edit Right-775-1845. LOST Gold and Silver Watch. At Missouri Yell Practice, September 18. Please Call if found! Has sentimental value. Please call immediately-693-1921 FOUND black female Lab. Found Wed., Oct. 6 on Reactor Rd by fire school Call Tony or Kevin 845-0918 Greeks & Clubs GREEK & CLUBS RAISE UP TO $1000 in just one week! For your Frator Sorority or Club + $1000 for yourself! And a free T-Shirt just for calling 1 -800-932-0528 ext 75 Student organizations - don't sell candy, don't do car washes. I have a better idea for raising funds. For information call Tim Brown 713-578-0849. Free AKC Greyhounds adoption. Contact David Mosier 696- 6212 Free female dog, 6 mo , mix breed, sweet disposition. Call 693-3375 Personals #1 SPORTS LINE IN AMERICA 1-900-786-0086 PIN # 5877 Innovative 305-537-3003 Must be 18+ $ 15 per call LIVE, RAW - Phone talk. Hot, Steamy and Erotic. 1-800- 775-2220 $2-3.50/min Phone Co. bills, 18+ or older. Gifted Psychics! Sensational Results! Call 1-900- 820-3055 EXT. 4364, $3.99/min. must be 18yrs Procall Co. (602)954-7420 Easy Match Making is Ready Nowl 1-900-884-9205 ext. 1753 $2 99/per. min Must be 18 years + Procall Co. 602-954-7420. Texas ASM singles 1-800-442-7080, ext 188 toll free Typing TYPING-WORD PROCESSING. Fast, reliable, rush jobs accepted. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418 Travel Crested Butte COLORADO fROM ONLY *199 * 6 Days/ 5 Nights * Ski-In/Ski-out • 4 Full Day Lifts • Ski Rentals * Motorcoach Bus • Parties & More!!! AIRLINE TICKETS FREEI? Couriers needed. Outra geous international trips. Call PTG 310-514-4662. CHRISTMAS BREAKS LODGING •LIFTS • PARTIES • PICNICS • TAXES JANUARY 2-16,1994 • 5,6^or 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT*^ BRECXENRIDI VAIL/BEAVER CREEK*' TELLURIDE TREE i/2 DAT UFT TICKET! TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1»800»SUNCHASE OR CALL YOUR LOCAL CAMPUS REP: TRENT or JACOB 846-1646 693-4631 The Battalion To place an ad, phone 845-0569 FREE TRIPS AND MONEY! Individuals and Student Organizations wanted to promote the Hottest Spring Break Destinations, call the nation's leader. Inter-Campus Pro grams 1-800-327-6013. Sitter needed for 1st grader on campus while mom's in class. Saturday mornings beginning Oct 16. $3.00/hour. 822-1843. University Beach Club and U.B. Ski are looking for sales reps to promote Winter Break Ski Trips. Earn free trips and extra cash. Call today! 1-800-BEACH-BUM (1-800- 232-2428) ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn up to $2,000- $4.000+/mo. on fishing vessels or in transportation and room& board. For more information call: 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5855. Part-time jewelry clerks needed $5.00/hr. Call 846-0386 or leave message. Aggies Over Texas, Inc. is hiring part-time employees to work weekends in cashier/clerical position at local skydiv ing center. Must have good organizational skills, basic math skills and work well with people. Start at $4.50/hour. Call (409)778 0245 for an application. For Rent FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments 31/2 miles from A&M. Semester lease okay 822-0472. Horse Stables. Lighted arena close to campus, daily feeding. 776-6139. Apartment for Rent! 2br/2ba. $450/mo. On Shuttle. Available mid-Oct. 696-2465. Large duplex, remodeled, covered parking, appliances furnished + washer/dryer. No pets $395/mo. + dep. 822- 7296. Sublease 1 bedroom on Boyett. $300/+ electricity. Avail able November 6. Saisal 8459480 oi 268-0511. Roommate Wanted Condo 1-bdrm $400/per mo. +elecb, W/D, Fireplace, 2&1/2 bath, C/S. Call Randy 696-5776. Female roommate to share 2/11/2 bath $230/mo. +elect., 5 min from campus. Call Missy 693-7039. For Sale Beautiful, White Wedding Dress. Long train, beaded with sequence. NEVER BEEN WORN. $275 o.b.o Call Angela nights at 764-7357. Must sell! 4pc. Oak bedroom Suite. $480 o h.o., Panasonic microwave $150 oho.. Tandy computer $350 o h o. Please call Jennifer 693-2582. Radio control airplane, maroon/white, ready to fly S249 Radio Control airplane Superhots ready to fly $225 Call 775-1931. Need Money For College? Call (708) 844-9704 ext 193, Agent PC1943. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. LOTS OF FUN, LAUGH A LOT!!!!!! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M -Tu (6- 9 p.m ), W-Th (6-9 p.m), Fri. (6-8 p.m ). Sat. (8-12 noon), Sat. (8-2:30 p.m.). Across from University Tower. Walk- ins welcome. $20.00. 411 Texas Ave. South. 846-6117. Type's Write typing service, reasonable rates, 776-1412 after 5:00 or leave message. Beginner PIANO LESSONS $30/4 lessons/month An thony 696-0547. 13 years experience. Private Confidential, Collateralized loans up to $400. Ask for Greg or Kevin 846-5262. Make every word count. Professional editing of thieses, dissertations, research papers, etc. Judy 845-7763. DJ MOBILE DJ. Experienced, great for weddings, bar-b- ques, parties, etc. Call the Party Block 693-6294. Two for one! Top hit tapes. CDs and video cassettes Buy one at regular price and get the second for pennies plus shipping! Orginal Artists/Original Labels FODCaijhnT?7.SFRnUflLJA?Z.aASgCAL_OCMEDY.CH.DFGsl.S “If it's sold in music stores, we offer it, too.' To receive your 20-coupon book plus catalog send check M O for $14.95 plus $1.00 for S/H to: The Sunrise Group 115 E. Water Street #9, Santa Fe, NM 87501. No expiration date on coupons! Tutors Pro Tutors Private, semi-private, and group tutoring for Texas A&M and Blinn College classes. CIIEM, PIIYS, MATH, ACCT, FINC, BANA, STAT, AND MANY OTHERS. For information or group tutoring schedule. Call 26-TUTOR TOP NOTCH TUTORS Biology 113 & Biochemistry 410, $3 50/hr Call 693-5608 Pro-Tutors-Phys 218 tutoring this week. 7-9 p.m, call 26- TUTOR for schedule & location BREITLING down to 100 meters. LUimork/ -teuueter/ 3841 Bellaire Blvd. • Houston,Texas 77025’ 713 668-5000 Page 4 Wednesday,Octoberl3,l| Wednesday What's Up DAS-Dance Arts Society: first showing for fall show at 8:00 p.m. in 263 G. Rollie White. For more in formation call Debbie at 696-6324. Business Administration Sod. ety: panel discussion with advisns about choosing a business innjoiii 8:00 p.m. in 206 MSG. For more in- formation call Jennifer at 693-7%. mmmm Wedne O Ol Agnostic & Atheist Student Center: group discussion about evolyition in 108 Harrington at 7:00 p.m. For more information call Brett at 268-AASG. MSC OPAS: lecture supporting the performance of "RHQUIHM" at 7:00 p.m. in 601 Rudder. Class of '95: general class meet ing with guest lecturer Dr. Malcin Southerland at 8:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. Waterski Club: mandatory meeting in 40! Rudder at 8:00 p.m. For more information call Daniel at 696-3271 or Brett at 696-8660. Life Savers Bible Study, prayer, praise service and bible study at the All Faith's Chapel at 6:00 p.m. or any information call Andrew at 778-1582. TAMU Microbiology Society: speakers to discuss undergraduate research opportunities at 7:00 p.m. in 308 Rudder. Public Relations Student Soci ety of America: general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 292A Rudder. For any information call Grace at 823-3395 or Tracy at 847-7680. Officer's Christian Fellowship: weekly bible study promoting Christianity in the military at 8:30 p.m. in 205 MSC. For more informa tion call Scott at 847-2949. Class Ball '95 & '96: general meeting in 230 MSC at 9:00 p.m. For more information call Joy at 847- 2433 or Tracy at 847-3062. TAMU Gymnastics Club: work outs are Tuesday and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. and Friday from 12:30-2 p.m. For more information call Delayne at 764-8948. Kappa Kappa Gamma: sign up for Kappa Klassic golf tournament, benefiting Ml 1MR, in the MSC from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. For more infor mation call Amy at 693-2014. United Campus Ministry: walkover from Fish Pond at 5:45 p.m. for Aggie Supper and Christ ian fellowship at the A&M Presby terian Church from 6-7:20 p.m. Delta Sigma Theta: blood pres sure and stress tests in the MSC from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Committee for the Awareness of Mexican-American Culture (CAMAC): panel discussion on race relations in 301 Rudder at 7:00 p.m. For more information call Michelle at 845-1515. Women's Bonfire Committee: general meeting at 7:00 p.m. in 404 Rudder. For more information call Angela at 847-2800. Laredo Hometown Club: gener al meeting, collection of dries, at 8:30 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Anne at 764-1770. Residence Hall Association general assembly at 8:30 p.m. inHj SSI) (Governance Room). MSG Great Issues: discussion on Biodiversity and food soctirilt: bevond charity and environnicnW anxiety at 7:00 p.m. in 206 MSC. Thursday TAMU Sports Car Club: mi ing of the club's constitutional Nathan's at 7:30 p.m. For more in formation call Nathan at 693-1® or Chris at 764-7996. Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Ag gies: guest speaker Glen Mnxcy.fc first and only openly gay State Ref resentatix e, .it 7:00 p.m. For more information call the Gar line at 847-0321. Catholic Student Association L.S.C.A.L.A. (Lstudiantcs Catulicos j Latinonnlericnnos) meeting at8:(l pan. in the St. Mary's student® ter library. For more informal™ call Alejandra 764-598 or Octavioi 847-5505. Floriculture-Horticulture Sod ety: meet in the 1 lorticulluit Forestry Building at 6:00 p.m.lon work party with dinner following For more information call Anianiii at 696-9223. ACE (Aggie Counseling Exptii ence): first training session andiu ception for newly selected AQ Volunteers. j 12th Man Student Foundation informational meeting for Bajln bus trip at 7:30 p.m. in llOMilita Science Building. For morcinloi j mation call Juan at 846-8193orHn cus at 847-1085. Friends of the Library: looking | for volunteers to work at theirtoi sale at Manor Fast Mall. Formoit information call Llainc at 846-1511 Kappa Delta Chi: guest leclim I by Irma Rangel, Chair of the His I panic Caucus in the Texas Houscif Representatives at 7:00 p.m. ini I Rudder. Aggie Democrats: guest speak 1 Glen Maxey, state "representative,:. 7:00 p.m. ii+*212 MSC. Formorcii formation call Anand at 774-7060, TAMU Gymnastics Club wod outs arc Tuesday and Wedncsdt from 5-7 p.m. and Friday fror 12:30-2 p.m. For more inform,# call Delayne at 764-8948. v What's Up is a Battalion serviti that lists non-profit student an: faculty events and activities Items should be submitted no lit er than three days in advanced the desired run dale. Applicalioi deadlines and notices arencl events and will not be riuit What's Up. If you have any ques tions, please call the newsroonul 845-3313. HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Help infertile couples; confidentially ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable, ages 18 to 35, excellent compensation. Fairfax Cryobank 1121 Briarcrest Dr v Suite 101 Bryan , 776-4453 FAIRFAX j y a division of the Genetics & IVF Institute 'V a pr its ha I atte tie Le off ) sumr I take in fre seem of th motl gran wher er re first: the e with his w Tf a: 30 ir stoo< their Who knov seen lyric worn N I see ca's menl getti they first Who Irvin It' are r ties 1 urda comi play Aub / Thursday $5.00 Cover Drinks 8 " 1 ^ Pm h'-s ^ Friday ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET *5.°° 5 $ drinks 8-11 p.m. Saturday pt\* vioc* eV Karaoke *9$ Starts 9:30 - No Cover $3.75 Pitchers all day, all night $1.25 Draft All Night $1.75 Chuggers 8-11 p.m. 1601 S. Texas Ave. Next to Bullwinkles - in Culpepper Plaza \