Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1993)
AIR FORCE CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Enjoy the benefits of a private practice without the financial burden. Today’s Air Force offers rewarding opportuni ties for professional development with great pay and benefits, nor mal working hours, complete med ical and dental care, and 30 days vacation with pay per year. Find out how to qualify as an Air Force psychologist. Call USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS TOLL FREE 1-800-423-USAF If people tell you that you know a lot of meaningless trivia then you should play: COLLEGE BOWL Register now!! The games start Monday, the 18th!! We need competitors and game officials. Look on the NOVA wall in the Student Programs Office on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center for information. Register with Barbara Wheat, the fee is $20 per four person team. I I Games will take place weeknights during the last weeks of October. fllii I I I I TOPPINGS | OF YOUR CHOICE" i CRAZY BREAD -»■ PIECE ORDER Little Caesars' (^) Pizza! PizzaT TWo gnat ptxxul On* low prlc* Alwjy»l Ahrapl BRYAN NORTHGATE COLLEGE STATION 1775 Briarcrest Univ. & Stasney Tex. Ave. & S.W. Pkwy. 776-7171 268-0220 696-0191 i BEST VALUE COUPON: l BEST VALUE COUPON I FREE BUY ONE SANDWICH GET ONE FREE i Crazy Eights | Medium Pizza! Pizza!® Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per customer. Carry out only. - Expires: 11/13/93 Lft or Pan! Pan!® JiPi |Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Green Pepper, Onion, Ham, Bacon, I Ground Beef, or Italian Sausage I 8 Toppings for $8.88 ® No! valid witfi any atlter offer. One coupon per No! valid wilti any atiior offer. One coupon per customer. Cony out only. Expires 11/f 3/9.1 WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING TO TELEVISION? * * * ° * PROGRAM SCHEDULE TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 CT 7:00 am Sci-Fi Cartoon Quest (in progress) Sci-Fi Cartoon Quest (in progress) Sci-Fi Cartoon Quest (in progress) Sci-Fi Cartoon 1 Sci-Fi Cartoon informational Original Program 7 30 am Quest (m progress) Quest (in progress) (in progress) Insida Space 8 00 am Lost in Space Lost.n Space Lost in Space Lost in Space Lost in Space Sci-Fi Cartoon Quest Mysteries 8:30 am Scl-Ft Bun 9 00 am Voyage to Ihe Boltom ol the Sea Voyage to me Bottom ot Ihe Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom ol the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea My Secret Identity 9:30 am My Secret Identity 10:00 am Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Flash Gordon Mistits ol Science 10:30 am Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dark Shadows One Step Beyond 11:00 am Moonlight Matinee Moonlight Matinee Moonlight Matinee Moonlight Matinee Moonlight Matinee Dr. Who/Classic Clitthangers Hour The Incredible Hulk 11:30 am 12:00N Space: 1999 The Voyagers 12:30 pm 1:00 pm Dr. Who/Classic Clitthangers Hour Dr. Who/Classic Clitthangers Hour Dr. Who/Classic Clitthangers Hour Dr Who/Classic Clitthangers Hour Dr Who/Classic Chffhangers Hour Moonnght Matinee Time Tunnel 1 30 pm 2:00 pm Land ol the Giants Land of the Giants Land of the Giants Land ot the Giants Land of the Giants Moonlight Matinee 2:30 pm 3:00 pm Lost in Space Lost in Space Lost in Space Lost in Space Lost in Space Radiation Theater 3:30 pm 4.00 pm Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Radiation Theater 4:30 pm 5,00 pm The Incredible Hulk The incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk Starman 5.30 pm 6 00 pm Night Gallery Night Gallery | Night Gallery Nignt Gallery Night Gallery Alien Nation Amazing Stories 6 30 pm Hitchcock Presents Hitchcock Presents j Hitchcock Presents: Hitchcock Presents Hitchcock Presents Amazing Stories 7:00 pm Battlestar Galachca/ Buck Rogers Battlestar Galactica/' Buck Regers Battlestar Galactica/ Buck Rogers Battlestar Galactica/ Buck Rogers Battlestar Galactica/ Buck Rogers Sci-Fi Feature Film The Prisoner 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Sci-Fi Series Collection Sci-Fi Senes Collection Sci-Fi Series | Sci-Fi Series Collection | Collection Sci-Fi Senes Collection Sci-Fi Bun 8:30 pm Mysteries 9 00 pm The Invaders The Invaders The Invaders ! The Invaders Nignt Caller/ | Night Gallery The Invaders Tales. Darkside inside Space 9 30 pm Taies/Darkside Originai Program 10:00 pm Night Gallery Night Gallery Night Gallery Alien Nation Amazing Stories 10:30 pm Hitchcock Presents Hitchcock Presents 1 Hitchcock Presents [ Hitchcock Presents Hitchcock Presents Amazing Stories 11 00 pm Battlestar Battlestar Battlestar Battlestar Galactica/ 1 Galactica/ Galactica/ Buck Rogers • Buck Rogers ! Buck Rogers Battlestar |Sci-Fi Feature The Prisoner 11:30 pm Galactica/ Buck Rogers Buck Rogers ! | Schedule is etlective 9/13. All programming information sub/ecl to change Snaoing indicates original programming. For Programming Information Call 1-900-773-SFCS •The call costs 95( per minute (average time pet call two minutes). Callers under 18 must gel parent’s permission Ser ice provides Sy Phone Programs, NY. NY. WELCOME TO THE EDGE. CHANNEL 31 State & Local VVednes Page 2 Tin. Battalion Wednesday, October 13,1993 Researchers attempt to find cause of border birth defects The Associated Press HARLINGEN - No one of fered proof Tuesday that pollu tion has caused high birth-defect rates in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, but several researchers agreed on a need to increase en vironmental monitoring. "We need to look in the com munity at potential associations between neural tube defects and environmental contaminants," Dr. Lowell Sever said at the In ternational Conference on Neur al Tube Defects. "There are some suspects, but there is not clear evidence that sug gests that occupational or environ mental chemicals cause these kinds of birth defects," said Sever, a staff scientist at the Battelle Seattle Re search Center. The main neural tube defects are anencephaly and spina bifi da, both of which remain baf fling to researchers. Doctors have detected abnor mal rates of the rare defects on both sides of the border in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, prompting fears that industrial pollution or pesticides were at least partly to blame. Sever said a few studies have suggested that parental exposures to chemical solvents or pesticides may be associated with higher inci dence of neural tube defects. But he said the studies, because of extremely small samples and other limitations, fell far short of proving a link. "There's really no smoking gun for neural tube defects," Sever said. Many conference participants said that folic acid supplements significantly reduce a woman's risk of giving birth to a baby with a neural tube defect. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is con sidering a proposal to fortify staple foods with folic acid, a B vitamin found in fresh vegetables, citrus fruits and many multivitamin pills. Scientists and government offi cials agreed that the Brownsville- Matamoros environment needed more regular monitoring for air and water pollution. Dr. Elaine Francis of the U.S. En vir o n m e n ta 1 Protection Agency said earlier studies by the Texas Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Con trol showed that little was known about environmental ex posures in the region. sa Crime Stoppers & On April 17, 1993 between 3:45 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. the Bryan Po lice Department was the victim of two arsons. Two Chevrolet Caprice patrol cars were set on fire, one in North Bryan and one in South Bryan. Both cars were set on fire by an unknown substance being thrown onto the cars. Bryan Police report that one car was a total loss and the other sustained damage to the right rear. A witness reports seeing a dark colored, newer model Chevrolet pick up in the area of North Bryan approximately ten minutes be fore. The police do not know if the pick up was involved. Police have no suspects or other witnesses for this crime. This week the Bryan Police Department and Brazos County Crime Stoppers need your help to identify the person(s) responsible for this arson. If you have any information call Crime Stoppers at yyS-TII’S. When you call you will be given a special coded number to protect your identity. SPRING ’94 There are still a few spaces left- sign up now before it’s too late! For an application, contact: ftMiif Study Abroad Programs 161 Bizzell West 845-0544 SCOTT & WHITE CLINIC, COLLEGE STATION Announcing Weekend Clinic Hours for Urgent Care 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Scott & White Clinic, College Station, is now offering weekend Clinic hours for urgent care by appointment only! The Weekend Clinic is conducted from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Clinic Annex building located across the street (Glenhaven Dr.) from the main clinic. By Appointment Only (409) 268-3663 Scott & White Annex S&W Clinic UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST Scott & White Clinic, College Station 1600 University Drive East Police Beat The following incidents were reported to University Police Department between Sept. 28- Oct. 6. Assault Disorderly Conduct by Exposure 1 lensel Park - Citation is sued. Parking Area 26 - A Parking Services Officer was preparing to tow a vehicle for the accumu lation of unpaid citations. The owner entered the vehicle and backed into the officer, pushing him out of the way. Burglary of Vehicle Minor in Possession of Alcoholic Beverage Parking Area 26 - A Pioneer AM/FM stereo cassette player was removed from the dash board. Various Campus Locations- 12 citations issued. Criminal Mischief Driving While Intoxicated/ Public Intoxication University Drive - The errat ic operation of a motor vehicle led to the arrests of the motorist and his passenger. Parking Area 55 - An intoxi cated motorist was detected ex- ceeding the 20 mph posted speed limit and was arrested. Burglary of Coin-Operated Machine Moore Hall - Someone has tampered with the victim's tele phone number in such a man ner that when his number is called, the caller is re-routed to a telephone advertisement. College Avenue Apartments - Someone damaged the vic tim's vehicle by removing the door lock on the passenger's door and inflicting two scratch marks on the driver's door. Sch rep: for Tl MSC - The victim reported that someone is apparently us ing a key to remove the money from six newspaper vending machines. Furnishing Alcoholic Beverage to a Minor Parking Area 42 - One cita tion issued. Places Weapons Prohibited Misdemeanor Theft Various Campus Locations- 12 bicycles were stolen. College View Apartments - Seven suitcases were stolen from the front porch of the vic tim's apartment. Sterling C. Evans Library - Someone lifted the top of a glass display case and stole two T-shirts, two caps, and two shot glasses. Eppright Hall - The license plate and bracket with an at tached motorcycle permit were stolen from the victim's motor cycle. Parking Area 61 - A 1988 Chevrolet pickup truck was ob served parked on campus with a 12 gauge shotgun displayed in the gun rack. Burglary of Building Military Sciences Building- Ten color prints with burgundy frames were stolen from the walls of the basement floor. The pictures depicted scenes of historic Liattles. Seniors: It’s Your Last Chance! Senior make up pictures FOR THE 1994 AGGIELAND YEARBOOK WILL BE FROM MONDAY, OCT. 1 1 through Friday, October 29. The make up schedule for all classes is as follows: Seniors: Oct 11-29 Freshmen: Nov. 1-12 Juniors: Nov. 15-Dee. 3 Sophomores: Dec. 6-14 Pictures are being taken at A R Photography, located at 707 Texas Ave. S., near Taco Cabana, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, call 693-818 3 If you did nor purchase your picture in the Aggieland during teleregistnition, ir can he purchased in 230 RDMC for $1. 1994 yearbooks can he purchased in 01 5 RDMC for $25. A 1994 GG1ELAND The Battalion CHRIS WHITLEY, Editor in chief JULI PHILLIPS, Managing editor MARK EVANS, City editor DAVE THOMAS, Night News editor ANAS BEN-MUSA, Aggie life editor BELINDA BLANCARTE, Night News editor MICHAEL PLUMER, Sports editor MACK HARRISON, Opinion editor WILLIAM HARRISON, Sports editor KYLE BURNETT, Photo editor Staff Members City desk |ason Cox, lames Bernsen, Michele Brinkmann. Lisa Elliott, Cheryl Heller, Kim Horton, (an Higginbotham, Jennifer Kiley, Mary Kujawa, Kevin Lindstmm, Jackie Mason, Kim McGuire, Carrie Miura, Stephan* Pattillo, Geneen Pipher, lennifer Smith, Mark Smith and Andrea Taormina News desk - Robert Clark, lennifer Retteway, Trish Reichle, Khristy Rouw and Heather Winch Photographers - Mary Macmanus, Tommy Huynh and Nicole Rohrman Aggielife Dena Dizdar, (acqueline Ayotte, Margaret Claughton, Melissa Holubec, Lesa Ann King and loeleilt Sports writers - lulie Chelkowski, Matt Rush and David Winder Opinion desk Toni Garrard Clay, Tracey lones, lenny Magee, Melissa Megliola, Jay Robbins, John Scroggs Frank Stanford. Jason Sweeny, Robert Vasquez and Eliot Williams Cartoonists - lason Brown, Boomer Cardinale, Clifton Hashimolo, George Nasr, Gerardo Quezada and Edward Zepeda Graphic Artist - Angel Kan Clerks Grant Auslgen, Eleanor Colvin, Wren Eversberg, Carey Tallin and Tomiko Miller BRO( district send let staff m strip s< school s A bo i Royal L to the classme $41. Bui Kemp 1. ed scho< Trus to send sistant Richan Cindy $ searche: send le student Rich boys, a the girl: pate in nars, Kt "Fro saw', tl turning in ham said. "1 had all mem be their au The 18, wer one at £ money Malt reinovt inspect tained given i several ther wi told th I disrobe The Battalion (USPS 045-3601 N published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semester and Monday through Thursday during ihe summer session (except University holidays and exam periods),i' Texas A<KM University. Sec ond class postage paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The, Battalion, 2.30 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University' College Station, TX 77843. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Divisiono 1 Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone number is 845-331 3. Fax: 845-2647. Advertising: For campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising,^ 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 01 5 Reed McDonald and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday throng Friday. Fax: 845-5408. Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year. To charg 6 MasterCard, call 845-261 1. by VISA or Ma Ri foi DAI to be t lieve It simply am use i A si ley's < work li frey D, dollars Tur acquin riositie three i en the cludir Prairie The tures i of a Ti 8-foot of Pis; lishm sticks, m Hi Conti De five 1 and v He firing and d not b naose and fi Th cause mose five was fusal