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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1993)
4 Page 4 The Battalion ' ;v a?# ' -A , : f .‘v! W’: ' <l - A " • .r ".;'rf:A ■. y: v ;? ,• >' ^ : ■•/ Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours Call or visit us: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fax us at 845-5408 Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication accepted 'AGGIE* Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must O appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. LXJ if item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule Ou to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made If your ad is cancelled early. AGGIE RING ORDERS CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1993 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. You must be a Degree Seeking Student and have a minimum of 95 credit hours. (Completed in the Summer of '93 or before.) Please keep in mind when calculating your hours that if you have repeated a previously passed course(s), you cannot receive additional credit hours. (Transfer hours completed in the Summer of '93 or before that are needed to meet the 95 credit hour requirement, must be posted to your transcript by the deadline.) 2. 30 of your 95 credit hours must be completed in residence at Texas A&M. In the event you are a re-admitted student and you were gone from A&M for (5) or more consecutive semesters, you must complete vour last 30 consecutive hours at A&M to meet the residency requirement. 3. You must have a 2.0 cumulative grade point ratio at A&M. 4. You must be in good standing with the University, including no blocks for deliquent parking tickets, past due fees, etc. GRADUATE STUDENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. You must receive your Graduate Degree from Texas A&M University to qualify for a ring. If you are graduating this December and M of your degree requirements have been completed, you may order your ring before your degree is posted to your transcript if you can obtain a Letter of Completion (with the seal) from the Office of Graduate Studies and present it to the Ring Office by the above deadline. 2. You must receive your graduate degree from Texas A&M University, including no blocks for delinquent parking tickets, past due fees, etc. PROCEDURE TO ORDER A RING: 1. If you have completed all of the above requirements, come to the Ring Office no later than September 23. 1993 and complete the application for eligibility verification. (Requires overnight to process.) 2. Come back and pay in full (cash/check only) by September 24. 1993. if your application is approved. Men's 10KY-$311.00 14KY-$425.00 Women's 10KY-$174.00 14KY-$204.00 Add $8.00 for any back year ('92 & before). White Gold is available at an extra charge of $10.83. The approximate date of the ring delivery is November 17, 1993. Needed males for fun-serious C&W dance performance team. Must know basics. Some experience helpful, but not necessary. Purango Country Dancing 846-7023. Help Wanted A RISfAftCH Intern Positions -> 4.: VIP Research is currently seeking applications for this 7 challenging position from junior, senior or graduate level students. Pharmaceutical Research ranks as one of the top 25 career fields for the 90's. To find out more about VIP's intern program, call or send ■- your resume for immediate consideration. Volunteers In Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. 2901 E. 29th. St., Ste. 117 Bryan, Tx. 77802 ^ (40&X 776-1417 ■ READING THIS COULD BRING YOU AN EXTRA $120 A MONTH CASH In a gentle, easy way. You lie back in a soft chair, get a pin-prick and you're free to read, study, talk or dream. 60 minutes and you're up and away, cash in hand, smiling. 846-8855 WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Wellborn Rd. The nicest place for a good deed. YEAST INFECTION STUDY Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. G&S Studies, Inc. (409) 846-5933 (close to campus) POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800)436-4365. ’ Ext. P-3332. Help Wanted g The Black-eyed Pea Is Hiring! | GREETERS Lunch & Evenings COOKS line & Prep Apply in person Monday - Friday | 2PM - 4PM I I I I I 0 I No Phone Calls Please An equal opportunity employer, M/F/D. 201E. University ^he glack-eyed Pea! RESTAURANT I I I I I J PART TIME JOB 15-20 HRS./WEEK $6/HR + BONUS Neighborhood Advertising Program for Home Improvement Company Requires Good Communication Skills. Call 690-0448, Leave Name, Phone #, and best time to return call. Route carriers needed: The Houston Chronicle has summer and fall routes available. Earn $600-$900 per/ mo. Route delivery requires working early morning hours. Call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. Reading this could bring you an extra $120 month-CASH! Our Average donor is a College Student, friendly, enthu siastic and sensible, they are fun to be around, and they are conscious of the importance of what they are doing for others. We try hard to be the best part of their day. Everybody wins! $ 120/Cash per month, $ 1440/cash per year, in a place filled with friends. 846-8855 Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. Dependable people wanted for Houston Post Routes, early morning 846-1253 or 846-2911. Wendy’s Restaurant, now hiring friendly people, with smiling faces, all positions, pay $4.35 and up depending on experience. Apply 202 S.W. Prkwy., College Station, or 3216 S. Texas, Bryan, M-F 3-5p.m. Graduate students needed as note-takers, for fall classes, especially, Economics, History, Journalism, Psychology, Sociology, and Botany. Apply at Notes-n-Quotes at 112 Nagle 846-2255. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409)776- 4453. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING- Earn up to $2,000+/ month +world travel. Summer and Career employment available. No experience necessary. For more informa- tion call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C5855. STUDENT ENGINEER: Junior electrical or mechanical engineering student needed for student engineer position to work on special projects as assigned. The position is flexible part-time and pay is negotiable. EOE/AA. Closes September 30. City of Bryan, Personnel Services P.O. Box 1000, Bryan, Tx 77805, (409)-361-3616 Fax:(409) 821-3453. PIZZA HUT1 Now Hiring, Cooks & Delivery Drivers Call 693-9393. $$ SERVERS $$, evenings and graveyard. Will train, and work around your schedule, apply anytime. International House of Pancakes, across from campus 103 N. College Ave. Miscellaneous office work, and some computer experi ence required. 3-5 days a week, 4-7 p.m. Apply in person, Brazos Beverages, 505 Hwy. 2818 Bryan. Person needed for special project, with accounting back ground, or Degree preferred, Full or Part-time, with flexible hours. Apply in person with resume at 1700 S. Kyle Suite 200, College Station. Perfect Student Job. Easy, flexible hours, 10+ hr. Call 1- 800-246-3991. Looking for responsible Manager, for small rental prop erty. Bookkeeping/Maintence. Year around. Good Pay (713)-977-0569. Help Wanted Organist position available, 2 services & Tuesday eve nings, contact A&M Presbyterian Church 846-5631. Local Rancher needs part-time help for Cow-Calf opera tion. Experience Necessary 846-4763. CLEANING ATTENDANTS: St. Joseph Hospital & Health Center, has immediate openings for Full & Part-time housekeepers to work all shifts. Weekends required, will be responsible for the cleaning and care of patients rooms, Offices, and Public Areas. Interested persons can apply to Human Resource Dept, thru 9-23-93./ EOE. Part-time job helping Handicaps, male A&M student pre ferred, $270/mo. 12hr./week. Call after 7 p.m. 856-3376. Start your own business in windshield repair, with PERMACLEAR. Set your own hours, big demand, great money. Complete kit with Video $319, 1-800-860-6101. INSPIRATIONS- NOW HIRING, Sales experience re- quired. Please apply in person in Post Oak Mall. Chick-Fil-A of Post Oak Mall, accepting applications for work schedules on Tuesdays or Thursdays 8-2 p.m., 12- 6 p.m., or 5-C, also Friday & Saturday. Work in a Mall environment. Closed Sundays Apply within. For Rent FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments 31/2 miles from A&M. Semester lease okay 822-0472. Sub-lease RedStone Apt. 2/1 W/D conn. $485/mo. de posit required, Available Immediately 693-9544. Roommate Wanted Room for rent, in nice Bryan duplex,close to campus, 2 min. from Post Office, quiet neighborhood, $217.50/mo + elect. 693-5457 leave message. To share 2/1&1/2, 5 min. to campus. Call Edet 764-4085 or 845-8400. (Rent Nego.) To share 2/1, walking distance $187 + Utilities. Call Shannon 846-5085. Roommate needed Spring Semester, 2/2, $225 + utilities. Call Eric 696-3538. Specialty Shopping Now open every SAT & SUN, JOCKEY LOT AND FARM ERS MARKET The areas largest Flea Market, located on Hwy. 6 South, Outside tables $6, Inside tables $10, For more information 690-6353. For Sale Mobile home 14x60, Wayside 2bd/1ba., includes pro pane tank, porch, fence, A/C $6,500 846-1929. Acoustic home speakers, brand new in box, $250 Call 779-3819. Furniture: Waterbeds: Queen Semi-Motionless $250, Super Single $ 100, psuedo-papasan $20. Mike 764-5958 (prices negotiable). Miyata MTN. bike for sale!! Loaded w/accessories, great condition, (12 mo. old). MustSell! $650 or best offer Very negotiable! 847-1878. AKC Miniature Pinshcher, 6 weeks old, 1 black male, 2 red females, $300 or best offer 693-9379. New 16x7.5 MOMO Quasar wheels, BF Goodrich tires, locks $1700 696-4345. 15x7 Eagle Star wheels, with BF Goodrich 225/50 tires, and wheel locks, four lugs, $500 696-4345. King-size waterbed, Oak built-in headboard, nightstands, new mattress, excellent condition. $300o.b.o. 693-2134. Lifestyles membership (9 Months) only $200, or best offer. Also mattress and box spring set- $25 o.b.o. Call Sabrina 846-2121. Dalmatian puppies A.K.C. Reg., shots and wormed. Males & Females $200/nego. Call Jess at 764-7875. Baby Columbian Boas for sale, born July 17, 12" eating great, Healthy, nice markings, makes good low mainte nance pet $100 260 1101. Motorcycles '81 Kawasaki CSR 305, outstanding condition, less than 10,000 miles, $800/nego. Call 693-7032. Tickets Garth Brooks tickets (2), September 24, in Dallas $75 each o.b.o. call 693-4887. Roundtrip Airline ticket to Lubbock. Leave College Station Friday Oct. 1,8:15 p.m. Return Monday Oct. 4,11:30 a.m. $146 Call Heather 693-5136. Automobiles ; SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, 4 wheelers, motorhomes, by FBI, IRS, DEA. Available your area now. Call (800) 436-4363 Ext., C-1201. ’81 VW Jetta, good condition, $1800/nego. Call Phillip 696-3128. '88 Escort Gt, loaded only 44k miles, sunroof, Black-Grey, $4200/nego. Call 260-1167. 86' Honda CRX, good condition, 5-speed, stereo system & alarm. White with Navy interior $3800/nego. Call Jim 693-6952. Computers New Computer Parts Drives 170 MB IDE $209 Modems 2400INT $34 245 MB IDE $249 24/96 FAX $69 $189 340 MB IDE $339 14.4 US. Robotics 3.5'teoc 250 MB Tope fl89 Monitors $349 $239 14* Acer 34T Nl SVGA 14* SVGA call 776-6420 for system and ottier prices SOFTWARE AT UP TO 80% OFF LIST AT ALL 3 OFF- CAMPUS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES. Macintosh SE 4/20, keyboard mouse, lots of software $525 o.b.o. Call 764-8262. 80286 PC, with color monitor $395. Includes lots of Software: Lotus 123, Word Perfect, gem (graphics), golf games, etc. Dot Matrix Printer $75 846-5055. 486DX-50, 16MB RAM, 1GB HD, SVGA, 2400bps mo- dem, SB-PRO, CD-ROM, 400+ MB Software, $5500/ nego. Jim 693-0322 or 693-8333. Apple Style Writter Ink-jet printer for any Macintosh. Perfect for students. Like new $145/nego. Call Keving 764-1173. Wanted Established R&B Band, looking for drummer. Call Dan 260-9147. Ventriloquist instructor to teach child in our home. Call 776-6128. Services WAZOBIA LIVEI True rasta reggae and mo’, worldbeat vibes, Texas-born, Texas-proud. Booking Hotline: (713)779-8661. Joy's Professional Typing, Word processing, Resume service; Laser printer. 846-6418. Having trouble finding library resource? TEXAS TUTORI ALS does library searches call 1-806-856-0101. Be honest. When you can't find the right words to tell someone something they need to hear, WE SAY IT FOR YOU tactfully, with no intent of malice. Select a message from 6 categories. Send via the telephone, 52 choices. If desired, send anonymously. 18+, use touch-tone, $2.25/ min. 1-900-896-6996. JAZ Productions, Portland, OR 97206-2021. Services PROFESSIONAL EDITING- Dissertations, Proposals,Research papers, International student dis- count. Edit Right-775-1845. Need Money For College? Call (708)844-9704 ext. 193, Agent PC 1943. DJ MOBILE DJ experienced, great for Weddings, Bar-B- Ques, Parties, etc. Call the Party Block 693-6294. Tutors TOP NOTCH TUTORS Biology 113 & Biochemistry 410, $3.50/hr Call 693-5608. Lost & Found Lost Dog, (Smooth Collie) female, tan, long nose, short tail, around College Station area. Will Bite! Call Susie 764-6496. FOUND Orange/white female, Kitty, near Westside on Sept. 15, Call 693-9806. REWARD!! Lost Dog Shitzu, female black/white, 91b. shaved with hair on head. Call Laurie 764-1464. Greeks & Clubs GREEK & CLUBS RAISE UP TO $1000 in just one week! For your Frat or Sorority or Club + $ 1000 for yourself! And Free AKC Greyhounds adoption. Contact David Mosier 696- 6212. Personals TO: Coopzale, I hope your not angry with me? Arewestill Friends? From: J F K. LIVE, RAW - Phone talk. Hot, Steamy and Erotic, 1800- 775-2220 $2-3.50/min. Phone Co. bills, 18+ or older. Travel CHRISTMAS BREAKS LODGING • LIFTS • PARTIES • PICNICS • TAXES JANUARY2-16,19S4 • 5,6m7.NIGHTS STEAMBOAT 1 BRECKENRIDi VAIL/BEAVERCREEK'' TELLURIDE •FREE 1/2 DAY urrncKETi 'must BOOK BY 10/15 TOLL FREE INFORMATION A RESERVATIONS 1«800«SUNCHASE 1C ■ * Crested Bum c o i a r a FROM ONLY *199 PLUS TAX DO • 6 Days/ 5 Nights • Ski-In/Ski-out • 4 Rill Day lifts • Ski Rentals • Motorcoach Bits • Parties & More!!! 1(800) BEACH-BUM (1-800-332-2428) U.&Ski BUSINESSES Do you operate a small full or part time business from your home, such as sellirig specialty items, making clothing alterations, turning out novelties, repairing things, restoring furniture or babysitting? You probably don’t have an advertising budget, but that doesn't mean you can't afford to advertise... and do it in one of the most effoctive & profitable places there is...CLASSIFIEDI Call the Classified Ad Department today & get full details on how easy & inexpensive it is to run an ad in classified. Then discover how classified can help your business thrive! 845-0569 The Battalion Wednesday, September 22,1 4 What's Up Wednesday Pre-Law Society: first general meeting at 8 p.m. in 201 MSC. For more info call Karen Severn at 847- 8938. AIESEC: general meeting at 8 p.m. in Nagle Hall (room TBA). For more info call MC at 847-0724. Catholics on the Quad, group dis cussion at 9 p.m. in Lounge F. For more info call Chris Oles at 847-2050. Pre-Vet Society: Meeting with guest speaker Dr. Shelley Dum at 8:30 p.m. in 111 SSB. For more info call 690-6755. Women's Bonfire Committee: general meeting in 404 Rudder at 7 p.m. For more info call Angela at 847- 2800 or Terri at 846-3293. Liberal Arts Student Council: general meeting in 401 Rudder at 8:30 p.m. For more info call Misty Dawn at 847-2361. Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.): meeting from 12-1 p.m. in 138 MSC. For more info call The Rainbow Cen ter at 845-0280. Cap & Gown: social meeting at Fuddrucker's at 8:30 p.m. Inkshed Press: poetry workshop at 8 p.m. at Rudder Fountain area. Texas A&M Sports Car Club: gen eral meeting at 7 p.m. in 111 SSB. For more info call Chris at 764-7996. Young Conservatives of Texas: general meeting in 302 Rudder at 7 p.m. For more info call Trasa Robert son at 847-6907. Amnesty International: first gen eral meeting at 6 p.m. behind Sul Ross statue in front of the Academic Build ing. For more info call at 822-1038. College Republicans: Speaker Lt. Col. Oliver North in Rudder Auditori um at 8 p.m. For more info call Phil Miuret at 846-4706. Waterski Team: general meeting at 8 p.m. in 401 Rudder. For more info call Daniel Petershagen at 696-3271. Europe Club: general meeting at Duddley's at 10 p.m. For more info call Philip Zeisseg at 696-5905. Aggie Lutherans: "Treehouse" fel lowship at 7 p.m. in Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. For more info call Heather Anderson at 847-0631. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship: "The Aquarium." freshmen bible study at 7 p.m. on the second floor of Rudder Theater. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Ag gies: guest lecture by Chandler Burr in 110 SSB at 7 p.m. For more info call Randy at the Gayline at 847-0321. TAMU Dept, of Philosophy - Mu sic Section: Brown bag concert at 12:30 p.m. in 402 Academic Building. For more information call Rebecca Binder at 845-3355. Sierra Club Meeting: will meet at the College Station Conference Cen ter, 1300 George Bush Drive at 7:31) p.m. Career Center: Dress for Success Seminar at 7 p.m. in 601 Rudder. For more information call Carrie Schnen- del at 845-5139. TAMU Faculty of Neuroscience: guest lecture in 601 Rudder at 4 p.m. For more information call Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni at 845-0733. TAMU Emergency Care Team: mandatory meeting inl03 Zachry at? p.m. For more information call Emily Bacon at 260-1206. Russian Club: general meeting in 208 Academic Building at 7 p.m. For more information call James at 821- 2513. Agnostic & Atheist Student Group: guest lecture in 203 Zachry from 7-9 p.m. For more information call Brett Lemoine at 268-AASG. United Campus Ministry: Christ ian fellowship from 6-7:70 A&M Presbyterian Church. Walkover from Fish Pond at 5:45 p.m. Aggie Speleological Society: gen eral meeting anti film in 202 Francis. For more info call Elaine at 847-0978. Class of '95: meeting to discuss Elephant Walk t-shirt designs. For more info call Brett Williams at 696- 6218 or Claudia Olsen at 6934580. TAMU Roadrunners: group runs at 6 p.m. in front of G. Rollie While, For more info call Steve at 823-1334, TAMU Zoological Society: guest speaker Dr. Katherine Vaughan of the Texas Wildlife Collection at 7 p.m, in 402 Rudder. For more info call Derek at 693-4058. GLBA and KANM 99.9 FM: "Out in the Open"-gay/lesbian/bi radio show from 6-7 p.m. For more info call the gayline at 847-0321. National AgriMarketing Associa tion: guest speaker Mike Broeker, re gional Sales Manager, K a bo t a Tractors in 103 Hcep Center at 7:15 p.m. For more info call Karen Scherer at 696- 4296. A&M Golf Association (AMGA): general meeting in room 146 SSB at 7:00p.m. For more information, call Richard Pavlaser at 690-6547. MANNRSV'general meeting with guest speaker-Chris Townsend at 7:30 in 127 KLCT. For more information, call Vicki at 847-4107. National Organization for Women: is having a general meeting at 7:00 p.m.. Dr. Ashworth will be their guest speaker in 145 MSC. For more info call Kathy at 847-2253. What's Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activ ities. Items for What's Up should be submitted no later than three days before the desired run date. Appli cation deadlines and notices are not events and will not run in What's Up. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3313. Wednesda R.I. run offe Oilers a nally fii out wh£ Kansas Chiefs d ered last A one-d sional o! in the Nc Foot! League isn't goi put rinj fingers. An all ing offei an all-ru team intc assure a < When over as F impleme quarterb throw on In thr ning bac ry Word tween th playoffs had only So n changed. The O Using have go have on! Warren ] ing yard; he will n in a Sup times a g First c not use t the defe IT’S JUST THE BEGINNING.... Delta Tau Delta invites you to experience the social atmosphere of Greek Kife centered around / ; Aggie Tradition. % Meeting & Barbecue 8:30 p.m. Delt house 4400 Aspen off College Main & Adams Any Questions call 846-7646 tom