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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1993)
Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Page 10 The Battalion Tuesday, August 31,1993 Gunmen storm slum in Brazil —J 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchandise is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at ULI charae. If item doesnt seil, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge No refunds wil1 be made If your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.rn. Monday throuqh Friday Help Wanted UNITY A Global. Opport '^ j ^ j ' at iLcctyttk , / -Tt id HP M'rvUt*' r , n ^ ^ 7 ;:^ i7 us^). j HELP! Rudder Theatre Complex Needs Student Workers, For stagehand and spotlight work. To apply Come To: Rudder Auditorium Tuesday September?, 1993 7:00 P.M. COME SIGN UP!! READING THIS COULD BRING YOU AN EXTRA $120 A MONTH CASH In a gentle, easy way. You lie back in a soft chair, get a pin-prick and you're free to read, study, talk or dream. 60 minutes and you're up and away, cash in hand, smiling. 846-8855 WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Wellborn Rd. The nicest place for a good deed. BK3 domiNOS PIZZA e Now Hiring Delivery Personnel Must be 18 & have own car and insurance. Earn $6-$8 per hour. Wage, mileage, and tips. Apply between 2 p.m.-5 p.m. At any of the Bryan-College Station Locations. 260-9020 YEAST INFECTION STUDY 'V-', * • • r.Gv . -0; “ .' W ' ^ Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. G&S Studies, Inc. (409) 846-5933 (close to campus) ALASKA EMPLOYMENT- fisheries. Earn up to $2,000- $4.000+/month on fishing vessels or in canneries. Many companies provide transportation and room & board. No experience necessary. MaleorFemale. Formoreinforma- tion call: 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5855 An Investment Management Company, needs finance major for part-time position. Call (409) 846-9466. Local CPA firm, needs accounting major, for part-time position. Call (409) 846^763. Warehouse and delivery work. Must have at least 3 mornings open per week, year around work, 20 hours per week. Must have good driving record. Call between 8:30a.m.-12:30noon ONLY! (409) 822-4877. CARE PLUS Medical Center, needs LVN, for part-time, weekends, on call, and relief work. Apply at 2411 B. Texas Ave., College Station, 696-0683. Part-time, med. tech, for physician office. Blooddraw/Lab skill desirable 776-7895. Chic-Fil-A, Post Oak Mall, accepting applications, for work schedules of: 8-12noon, or 8-2 p.m., 11-3p.m. or 11- 5p.m., 4-Close or 5-Close. Chic-Fil-A is open Monday thru Saturday, and closed Sundays. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Apply within. Route carriers needed: The Houston Chronicle has summer and fall routes available. Earn $600-$900 per/ mo. Route delivery requires working early morning hours. Call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. Zip-N Food Stores, now hiring for all shifts, Cooks-Clerk- Cashier, Asst. Mgr., Team Leaders, we will train. Bonus program competitive salary, based on experience, must be able to work weekends and evenings apply at any Bryan-College Station Zip-N. Data entry personnel needed. Typing skills required. Flexible hrs. $5 $ 10/hr. Extra pay to those w/own com puter to apply, call: 696-3522. Fall 1993' earn $55, and a chance to win $ 100, $60, or $40 more playing a Video Game for approximately 12 hours. Males only! Call 845-2091 for info. Photographers needed, The Department of Recreational Sports, is taking applications for Photographers, B/W, darkroom experience required. Own equipment helpful. Starting pay $4.53 apply at 159 Read Building between 8a.m and 5p.m. EMI'S needed , The Department of Recreational Sports is taking applications for Emergency Medical Technician. Starting pay $4.90 and flexible hours apply at 159 Read Building between 8a.m. and 5p.m. Busy Christian mom, needs help with housework, er rands, kids. Approx. 8-10 hours weekly. Car, references required. No Seniors. $4.75 per hour. Call Mrs. Wiggins at 693-7761 before 6p.m. Female Student, 12-15,hours/week, must have car to pick up child from school, deliver to activities, take home, companion and assist with homework. Monday-Thurs- day. Will pay 25 cents a mile plus $4.00 an hour. To begin immediately. (409)825-7348 after 5:00. RESEARCHERS/EDITORS sought by academic pub lisher. Job requires travel to Toronto six times per year. Send resume, sample academic essay (minimum 1,500 words), and salary expectations to: Scholastic Press, 11500 Summit W., Unit 1C, Tampa, FL 33617-2317. TRAVEL SALES! Sunchase Ski & Beach Breaks is accepting applications for Campus Reps. Earn top $$$ and Free Trips. 1-800-SUNCHASE. Reading this could bring you an extra $120 month-CASH! Our Average donor is a College Student, friendly, enthu siastic and sensible, they are fun to be around, and they are conscious of the importance of what they are doing for others. We try hard to be the best part of their day. Everybody wins! $120/Cash per month, $1440/cash per year, in a place filled with friends. 846-8855 Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. EARN $5-$9/HR. Need highly motivated people who know their stuff to tutor for CHEM, PHYS, ACCT, FINC, BIOL, MATH, etc. virtually any and every class. Need private and group tutors. Must be at least a sophomore. 696-4258 Writers needed to write for monthly newsletter geared towards college students, no pay, but good experience and training with published works. This is a good resume booster that won't take much time. 696-4258 Administrative assistant needed for small business owner. Part-time 10-20 hours a week, flexible(day or evening). Prefer good organizational skills, some Macintosh, typing and communication skill. $4.50/hr and up, depending on skills and experience. Must be motivated to perform. Please call me at home at 696-5293. House-keeper for cleaning, shopping, laundry. 12-15 hrs/ week. Call 846-3765 only between the hours of 6:00 to 9:00p.m. or weekends. Lucrative deal, for person experienced in steam cleaning vent hoods. Call Wade 693-1932. Dependable people wanted for Houston Post Routes, early morning 846-1253 or 846-2911. Wendy's Restaurant, now hiring friendly people, with smiling faces, ail positions, pay $4.35 and up depending on experience. Apply 202 S.W. Prkwy., College Station, or 3216 S. Texas, Bryan, M-F 3-5p.m. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409)776- 4453. Part-time, help wanted. Apply within Pipers' Chevron Texas at University. Part-time attendant, needed forquadriplegic, flexible hours, no experience necessary. 846-4247. Interpetor-Aid needed for School age, hearing-impaired. Contact Dorthy Haskins (409)-542-2875. For Sale BABY/ADULT BURMESE Pythons, Albinos' $275, Heteros $100. Call (409) 778-0742. '83 Honda Night-hawk 650, 22k miles, great shape, per fect for around town, or day trips $1000. Call Eric late nights 696-9552. Texas A&M versus Oklahoma tickets. Great Sits! Call (512)472-5797 $50. Six-drawer wood desk, upholstered swivel chair, $300 or separate. Good condition. (409)-822-4398. Why pay rent? Near A&M, $55,000 owner finance avail- able, 3/2, den, fenced, central A/H 764-7363. Brass bed, king-size, complete, with firm orthopedic mat tress set, still in plastic wrapper, cost $ 1000 must sell $350 713-855-6256. Daybed, white iron/brass, complete w/trundle and mat tress, still in plastic wrapper, cost $750 must sell $250 cash 713-855-6256. Help Wanted Mobile home14X60, Wayside 2bd/1ba., Includes pro pane tank, porch, fence $6500. Call 846-1929. Beginner's Wind Surfer, $275, complete, Call 696-9534, Good condition. Dorm refrigerator. 4.0 cubic feet $110 o b ocall Patricia at 696-7555. For sale new classical guitar $145- Call 696-8106. Chairs, ottoman, entertainment center, oak dresser, con temporary dresser, night stands, tables, twin bed, aquarium, bike. All in Good condition, all priced under $150, Call 696-7198. Honda Elite '80 Scooter, one year old, excellent condition, great for TAMU. $700, small helmet $50, leave message 846-2833. Moving in sale ,4-piece oak bedroom set $480/nego., Panasonic microwave $ 180/nego. .Tandy computer $300/ nego., Lamp $10/nego.. Call Jennifer at 693-2582. Lovely, country blue, Couch & Love seat, excellent condi tion, 3 years old, scotch guarded $630/ pair, 846-5881. Adjustable Drafting table, with Mayline and Drafting sur face, $100. Small desk chair Casters, $25 after 5:30 696- 9589. Infinity bookshelf speakers, like new, perfect for apt - dorm, $170. Deluxe DP Treadmill, with digital display, like new. $150 764-8270. Services STUDENT LOANS FAST AND EASY FIRST NATIONAL BANK 779-1111 STUDENT CHECKING Call about our 5-15 Checking Account. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 779-1111 TYPING- Fast and dependable with reasonable rates. Call 693-6411. EUROPE ONLY $229! ($229 from Dallas, $169 from New York.) Dallas-New York $79 Jet there with AIRHITCH. 800-326-2009. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. LOTS OF FUN, LAUGH A LOT!!!!!!!! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu(6- 10 p.m.),W-Th (6-10 p.m ), Fri (6-10 p.m.), Sat. (8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m ). Across from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome $20.00. 411 TxAve.So. 846-6117. Experienced Mobile DJ, book early. Call the Party Block 693-6294, Joy's Professional Typing, Word processing, Resume service; Laser printer. 846-6418. Wanted Will pay $100 each, for 4 seats, 40-50 yard line, lower level, LSU game. Call Willson Davis collect (210)-226- 2334 or Fax info. (210)-222-2353. Computers SOFTWARE AT UP TO 80% OFF LIST AT ALL 3 OFF- CAMPUS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES. Macintosh SE & Image writer II printer, Programs in cluded: Microsoft word, Macpaint, Super Macpaint, McDraw, Games, 20 different fonts, $500 call 696-0836. Apple II e, with screen, software, manuals, and Panasonic five font dot matrix printer. Sold as package only $250 nego. Wade 764-2957. For. Rent FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments 31/2 miles from A&M. Semester lease okay 822-0472. Frat or Student house for rent 7 bedrooms. Call 823-3061. Need care-taker to mow yard in exchange for rent-free 2bd./1ba. house, has large den, is located 35 miles south of C,S at Oakshire Farm/Hwy. 6. Children and animals ok. Call Tony (713)-464-6054 or Farm (409)-826-6770. Roommate Wanted Condo large-room, walk-in- closet, W/D, fire place, $400/ mo + electric. Call 696-5776. Room for rent, in nice Bryan duplex $217.50/mo + elect. 693-5457 leave message. Female, non-smoker, to share 2 bdrm., mobile home, 7 miles form TAMU, outdoor pet welcomed. Call 690-0567. Personals FREE! Windshield chip repair with full coverage insur ance. Details call 846-CHIP DON'T WAIT! Adoption ADOPTION A LOVING OPTION!! Financially secure, single, professional woman longs to adopt, infant Laugh ter, lots of love, and a playful dog awaits your newborn in my Houston home Your Child will be first in my heart and in my life. Please call Donna collect at (713)-496-1473. Riding Horses HORSE STABLES- Close to campus, competitive rates, roping arena- Ace of Texas Stables 696-9783. Notice WANTED: Female C&W Dance partner for Fun/Serious Dancing, And/Or Competition Dancing Desire to Learn and show off is only requirement Must know basics. Durango Country Dancing 846-7023 Greeks & Clubs FUNDRAISERS, FUNDRAISERS, FUNDRAISERS! Raise $150-$300! Guaranteed in one week plus bonus up to $500! Manage promotions for top companies for one week on your campus. Call for Free Gift and to qualify for Free Trip to MTV Spring Break '94 Call 1 -800-950-1037, ext. 25. Attorney TRAFFIC TICKETS Alcohol - Related Offenses John L. Davis Attorney at Law 774-4544 2402 Broadmoor, Bldg. C-102, Bryan BoanJ Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Criminal Law The Battalion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Easy • Affordable • Effective Call Laufa" For More Information 845-0569 Rio de Janeiro residents blame police for mass killings The Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — Dozens of hooded gunmen stormed a Rio slum Monday, killing at least 20 people and setting fires. Residents blamed police for the deaths, which followed mass killings of street kids and jungle Indians. "It was a massacre. Women and children were machine-gunned," Col. Abilio Earia, a spokesman for the Rio de Janeiro state police. He said up to 24 people may have been killed. He said it was too early to tell who was responsi ble for the shootings. But many residents said the killings were in retali ation for the murder of four police in the same area Saturday. The murders were blamed on drug traf fickers in the shantytown. Witnesses said dozens of hooded men invaded the Vigario Geral slum around midnight. They set fire to vendors' stands and burst into homes, shoot ing randomly. "We were sleeping in bed and heard a noise of somebody trying the door," recalled Angela dos San tos Ferreira, 41, whose husband was killed. "My husband went to see, and I heard the shots. I've been hearing them ever since. I found him on the floor, his body covered with blood." Bodies lay in the street Monday morning as resi- •dents blocked the slum's main street with tires and tree branches to protest the killings. Police cars that tried to pass the barriers were pelted with stones and forced to retreat. The president of the Vigario Geral residents' asso ciation, Nivaldo Ferreira de Souza, accused police of the massacre, saying it was apparently in retaliation for the murder of four colleagues in a Saturday night ambush. A drug trafficking gang based in the shantytown was tielieved to have ordered Saturday's killings, Faria said the traffickers might have been responsi ble Monday's massacre too. President Itamar Franco gave the case high priori ty by ordering Justice Minister Mauricio Correa to follow the investigation. Health Tips Your handy guide to Beutel Health Center By Dr. Jane W. Cohen A.P. Beutel Health Center With the fall semester begin ning, everyone is meeting new people and getting into a new routine for the year. With all the excitement and rushing around, remember to take care of your health. If you eat nutri tious meals, take part in regular physical activity, get plenty of rest, and control your stress, you will be on your way to a successful semester. However, if you do happen to get ill, the Health Center has some helpful tips so you can receive the care you need. First, if you are ill, call the Health Center to make an ap pointment. The Health Center hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ar rive 20 minutes before your ap- piointment to ensure that you see your physician at your scheduled time. If you do not have an appointment, you may have a longer wait to see the physician. Every student slTould have a Medical History Form on file at the Health Center. If you are a new student or a transfer stu dent and have not turned in a form, you should do so as soon as possible. Stop by the Health Center if you need an addition al form. Next, you should prepare for your examination. You and your physician are part ners in your health care. Your physician depends on you, as the patient, for the basic infor mation about your health. Be sure to provide accurate information about your health history. Writing down the facts ahead of time, when possible, will prepare you to make better use of the time you spend with your physician. During your examination, do not be afraid to mention all your symptoms, and do not hesitate to ask your physician questions about the examina tion or diagnosis. The physi cian will be able to make an ac curate diagnosis with your help. Additional X-rays, labo ratory tests, or consultations may be advised. Also during your examina tion, your physician will check to see if your immunization re quirements are up-to-date. Texas A&M immunization re quirements are: 1. Tetanus (within last 10 years) 2. Diphtheria (within last 10 years) 3. Polio series (not required if 18 or older) 4. Measles (two doses) 5. Mumps (at least one dose) 6. Rubella (at least one dose) 7. Mantoux tuberculosis (TB) skin test (required for students from out side the Continental U.S., ex cept Canadians) All of these immunizations are available at the Health Cen ter. If you do not comply with these immunization require ments, you will be blocked from registering for classes. Finally, and most impor tantly, follow your physician's instructions. Your recovery rate also depends on how you take care of yourself after you have visited the physician. Take all medication pre scribed. Have any follow up tests performed, and call the physician if you have any ad ditional questions about your treatment. Your health is important to not only your physical well-be ing, but your emotional, spiri tual, mental, and especially in tellectual well-being. Taking care of yourself is a positive step towards your academic success. The Health Education Center at the A.P. Beutel Health Center offers a variety of programs on health topics and maintains a resource Hie 'of health informa tion in many areas of health. Tours of tlTP'TIealth Center are also available. Please calla member of Aggie R.E.A.C.H. (Representatives Educating About College Health) or the Health Center to schedule a vis it for you or your organization. Please visit or call the Health Education Center - Room 016, A.P. Beutel Health Center, (409) 845-1341, if you have any ques tions about your health or need information for a class. If you’re new to Texas A&M, you’ll need to know about First American Bank’s 12th Man Checking Account—the best and most inexpensive way to handle your money while in Aggieland! ■ No Minimum Balance Required ■ No Monthly Service Charge m MPACT Automated Teller Card Provided m 200 Aggie Checks Provided ■ $100 Opens Your Account 12 debits are allowed without fees every month. After that, each debit is $1. The only maintenance , fee charged to your account is a $12 annual fee University Center Longmire Center Main Office 711 UNIVERSITY DRIVE 2202 LONGMIRE DRIVE 1111 BRIARCREST DRIVE ACROSS FROM TAMU - 260-4333 OFF EM 2818, COLLEGE STATION - 260-4360 BRYAN — 260-4300 Convenience Center Downtown Center 1660 BRIARCREST DRIVE 27TH ST. AT TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN - 260-4300 BRYAN - 260-4350 Plus Seven Convenient MPACT Locations! Member FT)IC wmmmmm Tuesday, Auj Spot othe the £ the lo woman of 1 sports sectii trying to lei more abc sports a how to be sports journ ist. So, wl does a wom write about sports? If t uniiorms c color-coon nated and fl tering; whi volleyball pi nails; or whi cutest butt? For me, n I joined tl ing on the B a different p not the sam received fro triots - but tc very establis But this t challenges, normal diffi enced journ but these a from being t this group. I don't w as a minorit want to dist other writers are not a coi journalism a A&M, this i more womei Fortunate Buy a B HP u Busin *Time *Amo * Inter *Ovei func HP D HP D *Affo prin *Supf appl *3-ye