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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1993)
A The Battalion Classified Ads Page 4 The Battalion Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Pag 1 ’AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads Business Hours $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchan- dlse Is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear In ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial f t advertisers ottering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 ■ I! days at no charge. If Item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional * Insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made If your ad Is cancelled early. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Investigation reveals other Koresh plans Bangkop THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Help Wanted HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Contact Fairfax Cfyobank A Division of the Genetics & IVF Institute 1121 Briarcrest Dr., Suite 101 Bryan, TX Help infertile couples; confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable ages, 18 to 35, excellent compensation. 776-4453 YEAST INFECTION STUDY Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fafrfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. Services Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information. * ROPING LESSONS * ALL ages welcome. Taught by ASM student w/high school, junior, collegiate and profes sional calf roping championship. Beginners and novice ropers wanted. Become a part of America's fastest growing sport... Rodeo! Starting June 7th. Call693-1400 for information. For Lease G&S Studies, Inc. (409) 846-5933 (close to campus) YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE 1670 sq. ft. 4bd/2ba, two 1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms, wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, ceiling fans, intrusion alarms, pool and park. Call Sandra 696-9638. For Sale SUMMER JOBS COLLEGE STATION AND HOUSTON Earn $150-$300 week part-time Neighborhood advertising program. Requires excellent communication skills. No selling involved. Call (409) 690-0448 Leave name, phone no. and best time to return call. SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, 4 wheelers, motorhomes, by FBI, IRS, DEA. Available your area now. Call (800) 338-3388 Ext., C-1201. HOUSTON — Branch Davidi- an cult leader David Koresh was obsessed with rock star Madonna and even entertained vague plans to kill her, according to a pub lished report Tuesday. Koresh also had a so-called "hit list" of 10 or more people who had defected from the cult, the Houston Chronicle said in a copyright story. Geoffrey Hossack, a private in vestigator, said those who had been in the sect told him Koresh had a fixation on Madonna that graduated from obsessive desire I to wanting to kill her. Hossack, who took affidavits I from a number of cult members and compiled data on Koresh for several months, said he learned that Koresh had decided that, "if he couldn't have Madonna, no man would." The "hit list" was never known to have been in written form, but Koresh referred to it during "Bible studies" and in private. The list primarily targeted a group of Australians who became concerned in 1989 that Koresh was planning to sacrifice a child. In 1990, the Australians hired Hossack in an unsuccessful at tempt to convince U.S. authorities the cult was dangerous. No children are known to have died at the hands of the Branch Davidians until an April 19 fire devoured the rural compound outside Waco. Koresh and dozens of followers, including 17 chil dren, died either by fire or gun fire. Women things that go unnoticed and will make a dif ference in the end." CANNONDALE Racing bike, look pedals, profile, ero bars, $500 o.b.o. Call Dave at 696-1094. Brassbed, Queen-size, complete, w/firm, ortho-mattress set, never used, still boxed, cost $750. Must sell $200 cash. (713)855-8474. Continued from Page 1 Daybed w/brass, complete w/trundle, Mattresses, Never used, still boxed, cost $750 must sell $250 cash. (713) 855-8474. Landscape Teams interviewing for landscape team members at the Greenery between 2-:30-4 pm, Mon.-Thurs. Drug test required. Call Scott Gilbert, 823-7551. THE GREENERY The Landscape Mgmt. Co. Serving B/CS since 1975 Double-sized futon with aqua cover, 25" magnavox TV, pioneer stereo system, queen size bed. Call for details 696-6023. Beautiful .28tw bridal set still under warfahty. $500 o.b.o Call 778-3423, leave message. Peugeot lightweight touring bike for sale, excellent condi tion. Shimano parts. $140 o.b.o. Call David anytime 823- 4242. Pro-Tutors EXPERIENCED, PROFESSIONAL TUTORING in a laid back atmosphere at a good price. SATISFACTION GUAR ANTEED. MATH, PHYSICS, ACCOUNTING, CHEMIS TRY, COMPUTER SCIENCE. 846-2879. PRIVATE TUTOR AVAILABLE FOR CHEMISTRY 101, 102; MATH UP TO 308; ANY 1ST YEAR PHYSICS OR ACCOUNTING. 693-3046. 2YEARS EXPERIENCE. Computers $$$ MONEY $$$ FOR ANY GOOD REASON... Let us help you earn $120 a month while you help others by doing a good deed. Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Road Call 846-8855 MAC+ 4M RAM 20M-HD Modem/fax - $750. 17” sunfish $200. New sailboard $350. Christopher 764-6019. Roommate Wanted Male or female roommate(s) needed to share three or four bedroom house. Call 696-7484, and leave message. attracting women to the field. "We have programs specifically tuned to women and minority recruiting and reten tion/' Watson said. "We're being as proactive as we can." A student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers is active on campus. The engineering department also sponsors summer conferences in which junior high and high school students can learn about the op portunities available to women in engineer ing, Watson said. Watson said they also discuss engineering with incoming freshmen in an effort to attract women to the College of Engineering. Bonne Bejarano-Sandars, coordinator of Student Life Orientation and chairperson of the gender issues committee, said she tries to use inclusive language and urges her orienta tion leaders to do the same. "We refer to new students as men and women and not guys and girls," Bejarano- Sandars said. "But I can't guarantee all the But Bejarano-Sandars said students already have opinions on gender issues that are diffi cult to alter when they come to A&M. "Before we ever get the new student, they have already been trained to go into a gender- specific career," Bejarano-Sandars said. But Bejarano-Sandars said slje does what she can to be sensitive to gender issues. "In my little piece of the pie, I try to be as inclusive and sensitive as possible/' Bejarano- Sandars said "I don't think it's because we don't recruit women, it's that they are not interested in these fields yet." -Dr. John Koldus, VP. for Student Services For Rent College Court Apartments 3300 South College Avenue 2bdrms, excellent location, utilities partially paid, microwaves, dishwashers, pool, shuttle, health club. $419 823-7039 orientation leaders will do these things.' Bejarano-Sandars said even though calling someone a woman instead of a girl seems like a small difference, it can do much to improve the atmosphere. "These little things set a tone," Bejarano- Sandars said. "It's real easy to police yourself on the big things, but often it's the little Watson said getting new students interest ed in engineering will help attract women to the field. "If you look across the United States, we're higher (in numbers of women engineering students) than the rest of the nation/'Watson said. "It looks like the number of women in the College of Engineering is going up/' Watson said A&M has done a better job re cently in recruiting women to the College of Engineering. "In the last three years we've seen the per centages of women in the College of Engine ing continuing to go up," she said - uation rate of women in engineering is up as well." Dr. John Koldus, vice president for Studs: Services, said the University has been asse ing its needs in the area of women's issui and will try to spend more time, money effort on it. But Koldus said women are still choosii careers they were socialized to choose. " Women are still conditioned by their pui lie school experiences not to look towaii places like the College of Engineerin Koldus said. "I don't think we've gotten thi message across to women yet." Koldus said A&M does its best to recrui women for male dominated fields. "I don't think it's because we don't recrui women," Koldus said. "It's that they are interested in these fields yet." Van Hightower agreed, but said intensivi recruiting would help attract more women If these fields. "Women have a sense of where they be long and where they don't in every college she said. "A lot of this starts at an early age" Watson said the number of women choos ing engineering as their career would bly increase if there were more women in the field to serve as role models. "The number of women with Ph.D.s isven small," Watson said. "We're not graduating enough women." Watson said A&M is not the only universi ty dealing with this disparity. "This is a nationwide issue," she said. POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800) 338-3388. Ext. P-3332. One bedroom apartment, efficiency, close to campus, bills paid, $265. Call 693-4485 after 6pm. FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments 31/2 miles from A&M. Semester lease okay 822-0472. 1bdrm Studio at Stonewood Village pay $50 cash if moving in June. Call Kell 696-1301. Student Personals Continued from Page 1 JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Telephone fundraising for national charities. No experience necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start. Evenings and weekends. For immediate placement call Mary 776-4246 ITS LIVE ITS HOT IT’S TALK FOR ADULTS ONLY!!! Part-time help wanted Piper Chevron, University at Texas Avenue Apply within. Graduate Students needed as note takers. Apply in person. For more information Call Note's-n-Quotes 846- 2255. Advertising sales rep. needed for Study Breaks Maga zine. Base + commission Call 268-1496. Let "s Talk One on One 1-900-903-6202 $2.99/Min. +18 Editorial Coordinator needed: zine. Call 268-1496. for Study Breaks Maga- representative would be excluded i from closed meetings. Porter Wilson, a legislative as sistant for Rep. Robert Duncan (R- Lubbock), said his office was orig inally opposed to the bill because I it would split the representation | of single-campus schools. After I the bill was amended to make stu- I dent body presidents eligible for I the position, Duncan felt it was supportable, he said. Wilson said nearly 30 bills died because of the legislative deadline and felt it was because of timing rather than active blocking that the Student Regent Bill did not pass. Texas A&M Regent Alison Le- land Briscoe said there are a lot of competing interest groups that would like to have a seat on the board. This concern was voiced by other legislators who worry that if students gain a seat, other factions would demand representation. "I think it would be a great op portunity for a student to learn and contribute to the work the re gents do," she said. "On the other hand, we have seven institutions, so the person would have to rep resent them also." Briscoe said she thinks commu nication with students is always important, and a year-long term would be enough time for a repre sentative to make a contribution. Needed; 50 People who want to lose 5 or more pounds. Call Julie (303) 377-3579. TENNIS PARTNER MALE, 34, seeking female tennis partner, 20-35, to play 2-3 times-wk. 764-5846. Needed: Aerobic instructors and water aerobic instruc tors. Call Royal Oaks Racquet Club 846-8838. FREE! Windshield chip repair with full coverage insur ance. Details call 846-CHIP. DON'T WAIT! Help Wanted: newspaper sales crews and crew leaders $6-$30/hr. 846-1253. BfoLogica Research Group, Inc Pharmaceutical Research at Its Best Receptionist for busy medical office. Medical and com puter experience preferred but not necessary. Send resume to: P.O. Box 4515 Bryan, Texas 77805. DJ MUSIC!!! Weddings, Parties, Spring Specials $25 off. Steve Tunnell 596-2582 or toll free 1-800-303-2582. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000+ per month teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Many provide room & board + other benefits. No previous training or teaching certificate required. For program call 1-206-632-1146 ext. J5855. Notice Ongoing/Upcoming research studies with cash Incentives include: Baby-sitter needed for church nursery Sundays 8-12pm $5/hr. Call 690-6538. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to$2,000+/ month + world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program call 1- 206-634-0468 ext. C5855. Route carriers needed: The Houston Chronicle has summer and fall routes available. Earn $600-$900 per/- mo. Route delivery requires working early morning hours. Call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment PIANO LESSONS Monday - Friday 2:30-8:30pm. Beginning to Professional E.N. Rutherford, BA '62 822-2242 (not a recording) Children's Skin Infection Impetigo Asthma Ulcer Sinusitis Heartburn Battalion Classified 845-0569 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 776-0400 See our full ads in Tuesday's edition Briscoe said she thinks other re gents would react to a student re gent as something new for Texas. "It's something we would have to work on," she said. Jeff Clark, an assistant to Rep. Bob Hunter (R-Abilene), who ab stained from voting on the bill, said regent meetings are already open to the public, and a student regent position would be "just one more hurdle to the administration staff as they work with changing policy." "The avenues for communica tion are already there," Clark said. "He [Hunter] felt this would be an unnecessary move at this time." There are enough ways to rep resent students, he said, including student government which has that as its primary purpose. Walker said student govern ment will continue to work to ward the creation of a student re gent position and will attempt to re-introduce the subject if the gov ernor calls a special session later this year. Drowning Continued from Page 1 WE BUY USED CD’S FOR $4.00 or trade 2 for 1 We sell used CD’S $8.99 or less 268-0154 (At Northgate) worked in the Southern Crops Research lab at A&M. Officials in the University De partment of Student Affairs said this was Xu's first semester at A&M. He did his undergraduate work in China. Xu was also a member of the China Club at A&M. Joanne Smith, who worked with Xu, said he was in the Unit ed States alone. "His wife and four-year-old child were coming here to live with him on June 16 and stay with him until he finished his Ph.D.," Smith said. "But they are not going to come now." The China Club is asking for donations to cover the expenses of the funeral and the shipment of his remains to his family in Chi na. Any extra money will be sent to his wife and son. Checks can be made out to the China Club and donations can be sent to: •Jiuxu Zhang Southern Crops Research lab Rt. 5, Box 805 College Station, TX 77845 or • Wunxing Cui 202 Peterson Building Department of Plant Pathology sic ingi merou: well-p] vertisei A cc my TV the ho our cul for tod; One the odd cism an signific; geting only in also in young sports e Beer alcohol the talei How oi commer r (Acros ( Medi pepp< hai ' Not vali | custorm A< On 1 with I | Not valic U'Ustome