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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1993)
VDvn-V JT+ ‘Tutoring 260-2660 8pm- lOpin Monday 6/7 Tuesday 6/8 Wednesday 6/9 Thursday 6/10 Chem. 101 Chap 4 & 5 Chem. 101 Chap. 6 Chem. 101 Chap. 7 Chem. 101 Test 2 Review 725 B University Dr. $3.50/hr C&W DANCE LESSONS BEGINNING: LEARN THE BASICS-2-STEP, POLKA, WALTZ, & TURNS. DATES/TIMES: JUNE 7,14, 21, & 28 / 8 - 9:30 P.M. INTERMEDIATE: BEYOND THE BASICS-LEARN INDIVIDUAL TURNS, PROMENADE, LARIAT, THE EL PASO, JITTERBUG & MORE. DATES/TIMES: JUNE 8,15, 22, &. 29 / 8:15 - 9:45 P.M. ADVANCED: ADD MORE VARIATIONS WHILE KEEPING STEP. LEARN THE WHIP, DONNA, PRETZEL, SPINS, & MORE. DATES/TIMES: JUNE 10,17, 24, &.JULY 1 / 7:15 - 8:45 CLASSES MEET AT JAZZERCISE $20/STUDENT - $22/NON-STUDENT CLASSES TAUGHT BY DURANGO COUNTRY DANCING * 846-7023 * m SCOTT&WHITE CLINIC, COLLEGE STATION Announcing Weekend Clinic Hours for Urgent Care Scott & White Clinic, College Station, is now offering weekend Clinic hours for urgent care by appointment only. For an appointment, call: (409) 268-3663 Scott & White Clinic, College Station 1600 University Drive East RESEARCH Do You Ever Get Fever Blister/Cold Sores? VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with a history of recurrent fever blister/cold sores for a research study with an investigational topical medication. Individuals that qualify and complete the study will receive $150 for their participation. V Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. 776-1417 RESEARCH Panic Do you experience brief, unexpected periods of intense fear or discomfort? Have you visited your doctor or the hospital emergency room because of chest pains, shortness of breath, numbness or tingling sensations and find out that you have no physical problems? These occurrences may have been panic attacks. VIP Research is conducting a study on Panic Disorder. Individuals with symptoms of panic attacks are being recruited to participate in a three month study of an investigational medication for the treatment of panic disorder. If you would like more information, call VIP Research. $200.00 will be paid to those individuals who qualify and complete the study. CALL Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. 776-1417 mC (SUMMED DINNED THEATDE Applications for subchair and committee membership are available at the MSC Student Programs Office until Wednesday, June 9, 1993. For more information call 845-1661. Campus Page 2 The Battalion Officials encourage boaters to practice safety By CARRIE MIURA The Battalion Gov. Ann Richards is encour aging Texas boaters to "Boat Smart" this week in celebration of Texas Safe Boating Week. Terry Erwin, Recreational Programs Coordinator for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, said people need to boat responsibly. "The key to boating safely is to drive the boat responsibly and defensively while obeying all the rules in the Texas Water Safety Act," he said. Erwin said many students are a target for boating accidents because they don't think that boating accidents can happen to them. A 1991 U.S. Coast Guard statistics report shows 50% of boating fatalities nationwide are alcohol related. "If you want to drink, stay on land, because alcohol has an ill effect on the body, especially in the hot summer sun," Erwin said. Erwin stressed the importance of wearing a life preserver when out on the water. U.S. Coast Guard statistics show that over 80% of boating fatalities involve people not wearing life jackets, he said. Ben Flusch, an official from the Boating Trades Association of Texas, encouraged all people to wear their life jackets. "So many lives may be saved by wearing a life saving device," he said. Children ages 12 and under are required by Texas laws to wear a life preserver. "Always wear your personal flotation device, hold down your speed and keep a sharp look out," Erwin said. "Boaters must have a constant awareness when out boating because things such as wave What's Up_ Monday Floriculture and Horticulture Society: is having a work party at Hensel Greenhouse. Activities included are propagating, weeding, and transplanting. It is to be held at 5:00pm, next to KAMU transmitter, off Hensel Drive. For further information, contact Sam at 693-8790, or Albert at 272-1414. TAMU Roadrunnners: will be meeting every Monday through Thursday in the evenings for group runs. All are wel come. All paces acceptable. Contact Steve at 823-1334 for more information. What’s Up is a Battalion service which lists non-profit events and activities. Items for What’s Up should be submitted no lat er than three days before the desired run date. Application deadlines are not events and will not run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, call the newsroom at 845-3313. CONTACT LENSES $ 79 ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Sola/Barnes-Hind) Disposable Contact Lenses Available ic For Standard Clear or Tinted FLEXIBLE WEAR Soft Contact Lenses (Can be worn as daily or extended wear) 00 *+ FREE SPARE PAIR SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES. ASK ABOUT OUR “BUY MORE PAY LESS” PRICING ■ - Call 846-0377 for Appointment *Eys exam not incluaea Charles C. Schroeppel, O.D., P.C. Doctor of Optometry ^505 University Dr. East, Suite 101 College Station, Texas 77840 4 Blocks East of Texas Ave. & University Dr. Intersection DANCE GLASSES Register Basement MSC University PLUS Craft Center 845-1631 ) DANCE A COUNTRY & WESTERN DANCE Wed. June 9, 16, 23, July 7 6-7:30pm Wed. July 14. 21. 28, Aug 4 6-7:30pm $20/student $25/nonstudent JITTERBUG Wed. June 16, 23, 30, July 7 7:45-9:15 pm $20/student $25/nonstudent BALLROOM DANCE Wed. June 9, 16, 23 6-8 pm $18/student $23/nonstudent We also offer other classes such as: languages, computers, art & crafts, photography, mu sic, woodworking, pottery, stained glass, exercise, business and special interest. Call 845-1631 for a complete listing. -y PLUS Campus News Briefs Guest professors visit A&M from Czech Republic Seven management profes sors from the Czech Republic, formerly Czechoslovakia, will visit A&M June 7-12. The professors, who are from Prague International Business School, will help Czech business executives learn how to manage in a free market economy. Funding for the visit comes from a $150,000 grant from the United States Information Agency to Texas A&M's center for International Business Studies. part of the National Science Foundation's Research Experi ence for Undergraduates pro gram. The undergraduates will come from smaller campuses to spend ten weeks working in a faculty members research group. They will each receive four credit hours for the work, a scholarship and up to $300 for travel expenses. The eleven students were se lected out of 130 applicants. Aggies honored with scholarships in San Antonio Undergraduates receive research work opportunity Eleven undergraduates from all over the country will visit A&M this summer to partici pate in chemistry research as Five Texas A&M students were honored at the San Anto nio Livestock Exposition held on May 18. Brian Markwardt, Bucky Lamb, Marcille Rooney, Audrey P. McElroy and Jeff Travis received scholarships as part of the Youth in Agriculture program sponsored by the com- pany. The Battalion JASON LOUGHMAN, Editor in Chief MARK EVANS, Managing Editor STEPHANIE PATTILLO, City Editor DAVE THOMAS, Night News Editor KYLE BURNETT, Sports Editor MACK HARRISON, Morning News Editor ANAS BEN-MUSA, Aggielife Editor BILLY MORAN, Photo Editor Staff Members City desk — Jennifer Smiffi'; James Bernsen, Michele Brinkmann, Reagan Clamon, Jason Cox, Lisa Elliott, Laura Haley, Janet Holder, Carrie Miura, Susan Owen and Geneen Pipher News desk — Lisa Borrego, Joe Holan, Susan Owen and Denise Wick Photographers - Richard Dixon, Mary Macmanus, Nick Pena and Stacy Ryan Aggielife — Jacqueline Ayotte, John Bayless, Margaret Claughton and Jennifer Sake Sports writers - Roy Clay, Michael Cordova, Steve Jennings, Steve Mize, J Blake Nunley, David Rotter, Matt Rush, Mark Smith and Tom Sullivan Columnists — Shashi Nanjundaiah, Matt Dickerson, Tracey Jones, Frank Stanford and Robert Vasquez Cartoonists - Boomer Cardinale, George Nasr, Joe Reyes, Sergio Rosas and Paul Stroud Graphic Artist - Angel Kan Clerks- Grant Austgen, Alishia Holtam and Lisa White The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone number is 845-3313. Fax: 845-2647. Advertising: For campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-5408. Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year. To charge by VISA or MasterCard, call 845-2611. AEROBICS Register NOW ! University PLUS Craft Center -MSC Basement J Beginning Aerobics A. Early Bird MWF 6-7am June 7 - Aug 6 B. Rush Hour MWTH 5:30-6:30pm June 7 - Aug 5 B(1). Before Rush Hour M/W 5:30-6:30pm June 7 - Aug 4 B(2). Before Rush Hour T/Th 5:30-6:30pm June 8 - Aug 5 B(3). After Rush Hour M/W 6:45-7:45pm June 7 - Aug 4 c. D. intermediate Aerobics Lunch Crunch MWF 12:30-1:30pm June 7 - Aug 6 Rush Hour MWTh 5:30-6:30pm June 7 - Aug 5 Step Box Aerobics E. Bench Before Breakfast MWF 6-7am June 7 - Aug 6 F. Lunch Box MWF 12:30-1:30pm June 7 - Aug 6 G. Sweatin' and Steppin' MWTh 5:30-6:30 June 7 - Aug 5 H. Evening Step MWTh 6:30-7:30pm June 7 - Aug 5 Weight Training I. Breakfast Can Weight MWF 6-7am June 7 - Aug 6 J. Lunch Can Weight MWF 12-1 pm June 7 - Aug 6 Water Aerobics K. Hydrofit MWTh 5:45-6:45pm June 7 - Aug 5 Two classes/week $30 Three classes/week $44 PLUS MSC Basement s 845-1631 V. Monda Monday, June 7,1993 action can change," he said. Basic primary courses on boat safety are given by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, the U.S. Power Squadron and the American Red Cross. Erwin said, "Enjoy the water this summer, but in a safe manner." S€ St fr< Th end's Open Cham was ii excitin of ter the ev surroi were c turbinj Wit Seles from t namei Open' lackec credibl Seles v\ French burg, C fan anc the rar were b unfair. As S nandez Saturd Graf w one rar defeatei dez 4-6, French her nur ousted months Whei ciation players against ranking public, player t< stab the or her ai will be t world. That as Gunte Weig 1.02 .73 71 .42 Weig] 2.81 1.53 1.09 1.03 .77 .71 .56