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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1993)
The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 345-0569/ Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Help Wanted For Sale COLD RESEARCH STUDY Patients needed with aches and pains associated with the • common cold to participate in a cold research study. : , ’85 Honda Accord, blue hatchback, 5-speed, 123,000mi., $2,250 obo. Call Cede 693-2699. N-OBkQQQDRAWN Eligible volunteers will be compensated for participating in a medication research study. 9ft. female Burmese python in cage 693-9447. 80 Ford Supercab auto 460 $2,600 823-4906. YEAST INFECTION STUDY - * • - ‘ ••JV.Vj* Female patients with symptoms of a yeast infection needed to participate in a research study with a new regimen of over-the-counter medication (cream). Eligible volunteers . v will be compensated. Call for information. 1978 brown Chevy Impala 4-door, new water pump, starter, alternator and 2 new tires. One owner, 74,000 ml. $950 negotiable 776-0596. G&S Studies, Inc. (409)846-5933 (close to campus) Honda 400cc new seats, brakes, paint and battery. Dark blue with TAMU-ROTC stickers; $850 negotiable. GE 22 cu. ft. large refrigerator w/ice-maker $500-solld. 776- 0596. 85 Ninja 600, runs perfect, easy access to classes, make offer 693-9452. CAMPUS MARKETING MANAGER •Execute on-campus marketing programs •Training seminar in Boston this summer •Learn valuable marketing skills •Great pay/Flexible hours Call Bridget @617-262-3734 Landscape Teams interviewing for landscape team members at the Greenery between 2-:30-4 pm, Mon.-Thurs. Drug test required. Call Scott Gilbert, 823-7551. THE GREENERY The Landscape Mgmt. Co. Serving B/CS since 1975 NEED CASH??? Become a plasma donor and earn $120.00/mo. Friendly, professional staff and a safe, easy procedure provide a guaranteed income for the little things you need!!! WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855 JOIN THE NEW AGGIE TRADITION!!! JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Telephone fundraising for national charities. No experience necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start. Evenings and weekends. For immediate placement call Mary 776-4246 NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE? SFC Can help. For full details call 1 -800-945-1130 or write P. O. Box 69 Kaysville, Utah 84037-0069. Domestic help for large family call 776-0946. Certified teacher for 1 st grade in Montessori School be gins Aug. 1993. Call Aggieland Country School 696-1674. Summer jobs and internships - University Directories, the nation's largest publisher of campus telephone directo ries, is interviewing goal oriented students for a challeng ing, ' ill-time summer position. Gain valuable experience in advertising, sales an public relations. Average earnings $3,900. Expense paid training program in Chapel Hill, NC. College credit may be available. Interviews on campus April 12th. Information and interview sign-up available today at Career Center and Placement Services or call 1 - 800-743-5556. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED. 89 MERCEDES $200. 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100. 65 MUS TANG $50. Choosefrom thousands starting $50. FREE Information-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2920 Copyright #TX 044610. C.C. Creations 114 Holleman C.S. Factory Outlet: T- shirts, shorts, sweats, jackets, caps. $10.00-$12.00. Open Wed-Fri 10am-6pm Saturdays 8am-2pm. NO BULL Serious callers only. Lose weight NOW 100% natural, 100% guaranteed. Part-time/full-time sales. Call 303-491-8025. Part-time help with deliveries. Must be well groomed and dependable. Primarily need on Fridays and Mondays. Must be able to lift 40+pounds. Apply in person 1901 S. Tx Ave. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $600+/week in canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing boats Free transportation! Room & Board! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call 1 -206-545-4155 ext. A5855. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn $2,000+/ month+world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holiday, Summer and Career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program call 1- 206-634-0468 ext. C5855. Pharmaceutical and medical sales comprehensive and informative booklet with over 500 Pharm/med companies listed. Plus ACTION PLANS and insider strategies for getting in the door. Send check or m.o. for $19.95 to: Action Plan 6757 Arapaho Road #711-401 Dallas, Texas 75248 2-3 week delivery or add $4.00 for RUSH. $200-$500 WEEKLY Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE lnformation-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copyright# TX 044650. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - fisheries. Earn $600+/week in canneries or $4,000+/month on fishing boats. Free transportation! Room & Board! Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call 1 -206-545-4155 ext A5855. EASY ASSEMBLY any hours, $339.84 week, family of 3 earns $4417.92 monthly. FREE Information -24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copyright# TX044652. Cruiseline entry level on-board/landside positions avail able. Summer or year round, great pay, transportation paid! 813-229-5478. Marketing Healthcare in public weekends only $7.50/hr. plus bonus. Apply at 2005 South TX Ave. Bryan. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank. 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 1986 Yamaha FZ600 with helmet; great campus transpor tation $1750 693-8964. Computers Services Successful Interviewing Conducted by Continuing Educators Council, inc. Lecture Series: Learning How to Succeed at Interveiwing; What Questions/Answers typically asked at initial interview/2nd interview what key phrases/words are to be used; what are the key answers most often looked for; what not to say at an interview; what to say if you are offered the job; how to negotiate salary & what is negotiable. Place: C.S. Community Ctr. George Bush Dr. Time: 6:30-9:30 pm r ee: $25 (cash or check only) Session Dates: April 14,15 & 16 Phone: 764-6314 for reservations. OF ALL THE COURSES YOU HAVE TAKEN, THIS WILL BE THEMOST IMPORTANT. SOFTWARE: Mathcad Norton Antivirus, Harvard Graph ics, CorelDraw, TurboTax, Utilities, Business, Games, Education. Accessories. More. Far below discount prices. Rich 764-9091. Postscript laser printer for sale Texas Instruments Micro laser PS 35 SMB use w/Mac and IBM; 35 fonts $925 764- 8729. 386SX Computer-5MB RAM, 80MB HD, 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 floppies, keyboard, VGA, software: $650 Mouse and VGA monitor available 846-0422. For Rent Roomy 1bdrm apartment for summer near A&M new carpet and appliances $365/mo. Call 764-8414. 3/2 four-plex, College Station - garage, shuttle, $570 693- 0551, 764-6051. Rooms For Rent: Fully furnished: All bills paid, close to campus: Short term leases. Call Greg 693-1899. NOTES-N-QUOTES (Across University from Blocker Bldg.) 846-2255, FAX 846-2985 A FULL REPORT SERVICE Typing, Binding, Laminating & Transparencies 2 l^ 1/2,4-plex, washer/dryer, yard, C.S., shuttle, near A&M $450 693-0551, 764-8051. FRESHLY RENOVATED HUGE 2bd apartments. 3 1/2 miles from A&M. Semester lease okay. 822-0472. Disc Jockey for all occasions. Affordable, experienced, Jason Bailey 696-0302. l\AT s c e 11 a n e o u s TYPING, GRAPHIC DESIGN AND SPREADSHEETS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES. Cell 846-1852. Absolutely free windshield chip repair special time limited offer. Every crack starts with a chip. Call 846-CHIP. Learn to fly. Introductory flight only $15. 696-3306. Fundraisers Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. LOTS OF FUN, LAUGH A LOT!!!!!!!! Ticket dismissal, M-Tu(6-10p.m.), W-Th.(6-10 p.m ), Fri. (6-10 p.m.)-Sat.(8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m.) Acrossfrom University Tower. Walk-ins welcome $20.00. 411 Tx Ave. So. 846-6117. GREEKS & CLUBS Roommate Wanted Needed female non-smoker for summer. Own room in 3bd/1ba house. $155/mo.+utilities. Call Liz 696-8864. Male roommate wanted for summer. Own room, on shuttle route, biking distance from campus. $190/mth +1/ 2 phone. Talk to Jay 775-0815. Needed male roommate starting summer semester. Own room 1 1/2 ba. $242.50/mo. & 1/2 utilities. On bus route. Shawn 693-7260. One opening for summer/fall. Furnished bedroom/house. Want Christian, studious girls $325 all bills paid 823-6606. House! Looking for two male housemates! Summer & Fall. Non-smoker, nondestructive, peaceful; $170+utili- ties. Located on Lincoln Avenue. Call Dave 696-7119. RAISE A COOL $ 1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost. And a FREE IGLOO COOLER if you qualify. Call 1-800-932-0528, Ext 65 For Lease For Lease Treehouse II large one bedroom apartment for summer sublet rent negotiable. 696-7446. Sublease May 1st-July 30th Plantation Oaks Downstairs 2 bedroom. Call Marco 845-1625(0) 764-6810(N). YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE 1670 sq. ft. 4bd/2ba two 1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms, wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, ceiling fans, intrusion alarms, pool and park. Call Sandra 696-9638. Nice 2/1 apt. sublease for summer, walking distance- campus $525 846-3543. Order your copy of a Texas A&M tradition when you register for fall classes 1994 Aggieland is the nation's largest college yearbook, both in the number of pages and number of copies sold each year. Select fee option 16 Only $25, plus tax Page 6 The Battalion Thursday, April 8, Tubularman —J ’AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads Business Hours S10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise Is priced $ 1000 or less (price ' must appear in ad). This rate applies on/y to non-commercial advertisers offering C_ ,# personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at y g l no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds 1 w111 b® made if your ad is cancelled early. 8 a.m. -1> p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Final pay of By Boomer Cardinals Ladies four piece A&M silver and gold belt buckle $65.00, with black and Guatemala print belt (28”) $75.00. Call 764-7979. I ’HEAtx3uAfJTe«S-TmS l*> NO. ZT. I’M BRlKriilSKi a SPeEBCK. X CAUC, Hr BlAZIHC Tm*u <SVlfUS T/N\VER.$vtY PoUCE ... Yes (MA'AM... CAUM Down,wHAT HAPPENED?... ARE You AI.RK.HT? ARE You WHAT... SortEfidW CAN 8Y ANP PiNCHGp YouC. BACKSIDE? o.K-... Ye> (MA'AM... CALM t>owu, iw£'R£ SENPiNG A PSTta- CAC. NOMI.-^ 'HCs Seen in a BO-miNimr space fbfi- 34l nwi/TESU Tow IT AWAY BoYS!'- "THE LIBRARY IS Clo$£I>I You'Re under AMESTP.wW ARE You t>oiH(, HERE' , • , "WE CALL IT STupViMfr/ IBANEZ electric guitar with case. Peavey amp, overdrive, chorus, adapters. $275 o.b.o. Call Taylor at 696-8617. Beautiful wedding dress with beaded top, size 4. Excel lent condition. Was $1,500; will sell for $650. Call 696- 0572, leave number. ^zy-k” I ICS -fc-Hes Ot C TJ J By Clay Welch td FENDER STRAT - NEW GUITAR. Creme/Arctic white - Rosewood neck, soft case included. MUST SELL! $235 846-8256. Neutered 2yr. old male boxer, has all shots and is heart- worm free $100. Needs yard and attention 846-2628. CheeseSalad by Jeff crone Resurrection Week Continued from Page 2 about the academic standpoint of the resurrection. They continued Wednesday with a campus wor ship service led by evangelical speaker Louis Giglio. Wednesday also marked T- Shirt Day, a day allowing Chris tians to recognise each other with Resurrection Week T-shirts. Shirts can be purchased in the MSC hallway. More than 1,300 T- shirts have been sold. Billy Dean said, "The purpose of everyone wearing the same shirt is so Christians can see how many of us are out there." The following are the remain ing Resurrection Week activities; • Senior Dave Elliot will con duct an illusion and magic show at 11:30 a.m. today, weather per mitting, at the free speech area by Rudder Fountain. His show in cludes a wide variety of profes sional illusions and will conclude with a message relating some of his illusions to the message of Je sus Christ. • Activities continue today at noon with a dramatization of the crucifixion scene at the Rudder Fountain (MSC Flagroom if the weather is bad). The scene will be set to music and will include a short gospel presentation. Frank Cox, a well- known former Texas A&M yell leader, will also speak at the event. Cox was originally scheduled to speak at Friday's Celebration Rally, but the rally was canceled after Gov. Ann Richards called a Friday holiday for state employ ees. • Christians in the Corps of Cadets will meet tonight at 7 for a Corps Fellowship Banquet at the Brazos Center. Cox will speak at the banquet. • An International "Jesus" Film Festival will be held at 7 p.m. in Rudder Theater. The film, "Jesus," will be shown in English, Spanish and Chinese as an outreach to in ternational ^s^$rdeh m • Centf^T Baptist Qiurch of Bryan will present the "King of Kings" Easter Pageant tonight at 7 at the Bryan Civic Auditorium, 800 South Coulter Drive. Addi tional performances of the musicaf about Jesus' life, death and resur rection will be presented Friday through Sunday. Students with questions about the week's events may call the Resurrection Week information line at 847-1950 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Resurrection Week volunteers are staffing tables set up around cam pus, to provide information about the event and historical informa tion about Jesus Christ. iscc 260-2660 Sunday 4/11 Phys. 202 Dr. Kirk 7-10 pm Examples of problems on Exam III Acct. 229 9-12 midnight Test Review Math 141 10-12 midnight Chap. 7 Review Tickets will be on sale Sunday, 4/11 from 7-10 pm 3pm 5pm 7pm 9pm 11pm lam Monday 4/12 Tuesday 4/13 Wednesday 4/14 Thursday 4/15 Chem. 102 Chap. 21 Chem. 102 Chaps. 23,24 Chem. 102 Chap. 31 Chem. 102 Test 4 Review Chem. 101 Chaps.10,11 Chem. 101 Chap. 12 Chem.101 Test 4 Review Phys. 202 Chap. 38 Chem. 102 Chap. 21 Chem. 102 Chaps. 23,24 Chem. 102 Chap.31 Chem. 102 Test 4 Review Chem. 102 Chap. 21 Chem. 102 Chaps. 23,24 Chem. 102 Chap.ter 31 Chem. 102 Test 4 Review IftTlrUnl ifli w Phys. 202 Kirk Test Rev. Chem. 101 Chap.13 Phys. 202 1 Chap. 37 3pm 5pm 7pm 9pm 11pm lam Acct. 230 Part I Acct. 230 Part II Acct 230 Part III Acct 230 Test Review Math 251/253 Part III Math 151 Part III Math 251/253 Part IV Math 151 Part III Acct. 230 Part I Acct. 230 Part II Acct 230 Part III Acct 230 Test Review Math 152/161 Chap. 10 Math 142 Part III Math 152/161 Chap. 10 Math 142 Part IV Math 308 Part III Math 141 Chap. 8 & Review Math 308 Part IV ME 212 Old Test Review Bargain Matinee Sat. & Sun. Tuesday is Family Night Sponsored by KTSR Radio Aggie Owned & Operated Since 1926 MANOR EAST 3 MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 Cop & A Halt $5.00/$3.00 •PG13 7:05 9:30 Lorenzo's Oil $5.00/$3.00 •R 7:15 Fire In the Sky $5.00/$3.00 •PG 13 9:35 The Crush $5.00/$3.00 •R 7:10 9:45 SCHULMAN SIX 2000 E. 29th Street 775-2463 Groundhog Day $5.00/$3.00 •PG 7:10 9:40 Hear No Evil $5.00/$3.00 •R 7:05 9:45 Jack the Bear $5.00/$3.00 •PG13 7:00 9:35 $1.25 Movies The Bodyguard Forever Young •R 7:00 9:35 •PG 13 7:15 9:50 Home Alone 2 •PG 7:00 9:40 •SUBIURV NOW DELIVERING (Main campus only) M-F 4 - close Sat - Sun 10 - close 696-1654 $5.00 Minimum order. Cash only. iospit; ISCC )PAS CAM/ ommi C IAMA Kie ( Vet) MSC MSC Senior