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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1993)
RESEARCH ABROAD Page 8 The Battalion Tuesday, March 2,1993 JUNIOR FULBRIGHT If you're a Graduate student (or a graduating Senior), a U.S. citizen, and have a 3.5 cumulative GPR, you could spend a year abroad in the country of .your choice researching a specific project. This opportunity is available only through the JUNIOR FULBRIGHT Program. Attend this informational meeting to be briefed on the application process: Tuesday, March 2, 3:00 251 Bizzell West Study Abroad Programs, 161 Bizzell Hall West, 845-0544 Cult raid speculation Continued from Page 1 "People within the compound can shoot randomly at anyone outside; they know who the ene my is," he said. "Officers are completely restrained from firing in the same way. They must have a specific target, or they can't fire." Wiatt, formerly the principal hostage negotiator for the Hous ton FBI office, said since women and children have been present at the compound, law officials must consider it a hostage situation. "They must be prudent on the assault technique used," he said. "Even some of the men in the compound maybe don't want to be there." The federal assault came one day after the Waco Tribune-Her ald began a series on the cult and its activities. ATF officials said the assault had been planned long ago, and action was not taken as a result of the publication. Wiatt agreed the articles did not have an effect on ATF's plans. "It is just coincidence about when the articles were released," he said. "It would not have mate rially altered anything." According to news reports, some ATF agents believe the pres ence of news media at the scene of the initial assault could have con tributed to the deaths of the four agents. Wiatt said in his past experi ences in crisis situations, the press did not always act responsibly. "Because of the anxiety to scoop other media, the press will do things to endanger themselves and the operation," Wiatt said. "That kind of anxiety can lead to a feeding frenzy. The trick is for of ficers to kept them at bay, yet still give them a certain amount of in formation." Dr. Don Tomlinson, an associ ate professor of journalism, said the media has over-stepped its bounds when it becomes a part of the story. This is especially true for the electronic media, he said. "The media has become part of the story when anything happens that would not have happened if they weren't there," Tomlinson said. "They should do everything possible to stay out of sight." Wiatt said it is common for me dia personalities to be used for ne gotiations during hostage situa tions because the captor has seen the journalist on television, and thinks the person is trustworthy. Still, it would be difficult to speculate how cult leader Vernon Howell will respond to officers and negotiations during the stand-off, Wiatt said. "They are dealing with a mani ac and there is no way to try and figure out what he will do in any normal situation," he said. "He might decide to look at this as his Armageddon and have everyone commit suicide. "This could be a Jim Jones thing, and he's going to have them all drink a cyanide cocktail." At this point, time is on the agents side because food supplies are probably limited, Wiatt said. The best thing officers could do is wait and try to get some more people released. Thursday, March 4, 1993 7:30 p.m. in 201 MSC This program presented by Ms. Clarissa Guajardo Muller, ein immigration specialist, will focus on America’s immigration history and current trends. Presented by the Memorial Student Center L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness. For more information, contact the Institute at 845-8770. What's Up Tuesday information contact Carla (764-0456). projects and other important events will be discussed Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc: On Tuesday, .5 - March 2, at 7:00 p.m. in room 410 Rudder Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. presents Sigma Week... The Legacy Continues." The feature will be "Campus Life: Things That Make You Go Hmm..." For more informa tion contact Glenda Clausell (847-0055). Gymnastics Club: A workout will be held on Tuesday, March 2 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in room 307 Read Anyone is welcome. For more information con tact Beth at (764-7566). MSC All Night Fair Committee: A general meet ing will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 p. Rudder 504. This is the last meeting before tb« Come out and help. For more infoi Keith (845-1515). m. in i fair, emotion contact TAMU Scuba Club: A general meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 in room 303 Rud der. Plans for Spring Break trip will also be discussed. For more information contact Ron Frankson (847- 0879). Aggies for Ufe: A meeting will be held on Tues day, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. in room 502 Rudder Tow er. Diane Server from the Brazos Volley Life and Family Advocates will be speaking T-shirts will be available for only $7. Everybody is welcome For more information contact Bridget (764-0619) or Susan (847-8454). p.m in the Louis Pierce Pavillion on George Bush Dri ve Contact Bobby Davis (778-0321). ASME: Student and Professor Pizza Feast, Mordi 2 at 1 2:15 in EPB-0 301. For more information con tact Scott (268 6850) Water Ski Club: A general meeting will be held Ruade TAMU Snow Ski Club: A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 p.m. in room 231 MSC. Room assignments and ski rental for Spring Break trip to Steamboat will be discussed. For more information contact Krista (696-8186). Tuesday night, March 2 in room 404 Ruader. All new members are welcome. Come find out how fun it is! For more information contact Elisa Caddell at (696- 7845). College Republicans: A meeting will be held Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 p.m. in rm. 292 Rudder. Congressman Jack Fields, candidate for U.S. Senate will be speaking For more information contact An drea (693-6036). Department of Modern and Classical Longuogti: A lecture/seminar "Literary Translation: Theory and Practice' by Prof Giovanni Cecchetti, distinguished Prof, UCLA., March 2 at 4 15 in tHarrington Class room Building, Room 100 For more information con tact Dr R Piteillo (845 2107) Dept, of Philosophy and Flumanities - Music Sec- Storfc ! Aggie Democrats: A general meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 in Rudder 502. Bobby Riggs will be the guest lecturer. Information about senatorial candidates will also be discussed. The Classics Club: There will be a guest lecturer on Tuesday, March 2 at 2:30 p.m. in rm. 155 Blocker. Dr. Diana Delia of the History Department will speak about women in ancient history and the study of pa pyrus manuscripts and ancient inscriptions. For more information contact David Barnett (822-5225). tion and the Opas Stark Series: A brown bog 1 lot 12:30 j concert will be held on Wednesday, March 3 at 12:30 p.m. in room 402 Academic For more information contact Rebecca at (845-3355). Orthodox Student Association: Divine liturq with dinner to follow, March 2 at 5:00 p m at the «l faiths Chapel Call Peter Elgohary (847-6559). Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT): A regional NRA representative will speak on Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 Hispanic Journalists Association: A general meeting for all interested members, March 2 in Room 003, Reed McDonald Building at 6:30 p.m. For more information call Corey (696-4064). ety: 1 ing on Tuesday, March 2 at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder 401. 0Y, rr The topic will be nutrition and cancer. Also the date for the M.D. Anderson field trip has been set. For more information contact Rick Michael (696-0994). TAMU Freestyle Skate Club: A general meeting and group skate will be held Tuesday, March 2 at 8:00 p.m. at the Grove, located next to Albritton Tow er, weather permitting. Beginners and advanced inline skaters are invited. For more information, contact Bryan at (847-1606). Wildlife Biology Society: Pat Morton will be speaking on conservation biology of bats on Tuesday, m 113' Financial Service Organization: A meeting of the Accounting Division will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. in room 164 Blocker. Future plans for Preparation for the GMAT - Math: Sessions will take place Wednesday, March 3 from 7-9:00 p m. in Blocker room 242. Material presented in these ses sions is designed to improve math scores on the GMAT. Register free in advance in room 241 Blocker. For more information contact the Center for Academic Enhancement at (845-2724). Southwestern Black Student Leadership Confer ence: Recruiting new executive staff for 1994 South western Block Student leadership conference No ex perience necessary. Coll the Department of Multicul tural Services for more information (845-4551). March 2 at 7:30 p.m. in room 113 Kleberg. For more Cowboy Chapter, FCA/Cowboys for Christ: A Bible study will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00 What's Up is a Battalion service which lists non profit events and activities. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 013 Reed Mc Donald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not run in What's Up. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. LOWEST PRICE "Double Delight" Two For One Medium One Topping Pizza Additional toppings extra $ 10 99 >lus tax 260-9020 r^'i trt 4402 S. Texas L 1 o z Bryan ! 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