Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1992)
)ecember 11,1992 The Battalion Page 3 story’s end...) by thomas deeny yftur WAS .Ani iNTfKesr)*; tfsrw. I P/e>> 4 Few TiMes... Wi> oi/r was ALlfW IK/VAOeK. v»r ffOR-ret ro TlAJUAfiJA. epicting an :a te legislatoi n things led to ques- vity towards ti said, "bm nember thai reted in a loi oere's always up to lookal than anotb composifa > a cross-set' c grounds, in. om minority es and tht ere are morc the newspa lid this vari if will sent newspaper, rrse staff wil nsitivity by oer," O'Briei /e succeeded overing mill- ? Battalion is University, anaging edi- nis freedom r the oppor s all sides of remains free y control on could set /vith control decide what tant for the d censor sto- :hey thought iniversity,” report the ho could be we are accu- ul, then we ants to have iship with Birr vje'ie -nev opau. of me sob putts, AfO> rr% cvet:. VjeiX, IT lv{4S FUfl. seeing you. . vJWV DO I Feet I’ve FcKCtOrreH sorterniHtf By Clay Welch jr course not: _j r vjou would have; mere-lw tortured-" 1 'her to t^ve.^ vjour damned - , —veim gainst- sewer-— dweller? 1 rare V]OL) then v\ou vuon't Ifimsfsea I 1 ® witKwour lF art _SJ.?T l levnlcinal . d on >m, ■ -v^rl Need Cash Cash Cash for X-Mas Clean out your closet and sell your up to date clothing in good condition for CASH! Resale Trends 846-0438 3606 Old CoHege across from Chicken Oil Ft CHUN KING CHINESE RESTAURANT ALL YOU CAN EAT * Lunch Buffet Sun.-Fri. 11:30-2:00 $ 4.75 Dinner Buffet 7 Days a Week 5:00-8:30 $ 5.95 Daily Lunch Specials llf.95 1673 Briarcrest Drive 774-1157 Lunch 11-2 Dinner 5-10 jdstSS Is Back from the Renaissance with New Hours & Merchandise! , 210 W. 26th St. 775-2984 lues. - Fri. 10:30-6 Sat. 10-5 MATH-PHYSICS-MEEN TUTORING ATS GROUP 846-2879 846-2146 FRI 12/11 I SAT 12/12 ■ SUN 12/13 |MON 12/14 PHYS 219 THANK YOU FOR A GREAT SEMESTER FINALS GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CH 10-13 FIN> \LS 10am-1pm MATH 150 MATH 150 FINALS FINALS REVIEW A REVIEW B 12pm-3pm 1 pm-3pm (0 MEEN 212 PHYS 202 PHYS 222 O FINALS FINALS FINALS r“ CO CH 5 CONCLUDE REVIEW B o ImEEN 212 PHYS 219 PHYS 208 PHYS 222 o FINALS FINALS FINALS FINALS H N CH 4 CH 6-9 CONCLUDE REVIEW C r- 1 RHYS 219 PHYS 222 MEEN 212 MEEN 212 0 FINALS FINALS FINALS FINALS H o CH 1-5 REVIEW A CH 6 CH 1-3 WE ARE LOCATED ON 301-B PATRICIA, NORTHGATE, BEHIND 7/11-2 PESOS >air! with nee. :e • ! HOWTO WRITE A MORE Choose Registration. College seniors can take the Fundamen- _ \~r >y «n \ tals of Engineering (FE)exam- I? tt\ the first formal.step in becoming a registered, professional engi- ^^heer. Take the test during your senior year or immediately after graduation, while engineering courses are still fresh in ypur mind. Mark Your Calendar. The FE exam is administered every April and October. Your state board or engineering dean can tell you when and where. Send in your exam application today. r Pass the FE Exam Now. Earning your engineering degree and passing the FE exam qualifies you as an engineer-in-training or EIT-a qualification many employers look for when hiring.They know that EITs are committed to their profession and its high standards of practice. Later, as a professional engineer, you’ll enjoy the bene fits of registration. Employers look for RE.s when hiring. P.E.s often move up the corporate ladder faster than non-registered engineers. And only RE.s can consult in private practice. Make your resume stand out from all the others. Take th\ FE exam. ' ‘ Please send me the free brochure: “PE Registration: The Smart Choice.” College. City. .State Return to: NCEES Student I nlormation PO. Box I686. Clemson. SC 29633-I686 TAKE THE FE EXAM THIS APRIL. The Battalion Classified ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building ^ 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads Business Hours $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rale applies only to non-commercial advertisers ottering ||| personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at ■ no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad Is cancelled early. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday V7SA* C accepted Help Wanted HOUSTON CHRONICLE NEEDS ROUTE CARRIERS Earn $450 to $850 per month as a route carrier for the Houston Chronicle. Job requires working early morning hours. If interested call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for appointment. 'SUBuunv* Now hiring delivery personnel. All deliveries will be on bicycle only. A reliable bicycle is required. Evening shifts needed. $4.25 plus commissions and tips. Flexible hours. Apply at 330 George Bush Dr. MINT CONDITION Matching oak desk with chair and dresser $175 775-0550. Entire Inventory must be moved out! 0 to low down payment to Qualified Buyers! Limited Time Offer. Calll- 800-880-1376. Fleetwood 2 BR Homes starting as low as $166.28 per/ mo. Limited time offer. “FREE” Dishwasher with pur chase in December. Hurry, dial 1-800-880-1376. Factory Direct Special Purchase! Huge, 3 br/2ba all new 93 models ready for immediate delivery. Starting as low as $189.46 pr/mo. CIT 9.50 rate for 15 years. Call now for details, 1-800-880-1376. Glamorous 4br/3ba with 1920 Sq. Ft. of living space. Payments starting as low as $311.0 per month. Let us save you thousands. Call today 1-800-880-1376. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES $200. 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100. 65 MUS TANG $50. Choosefromthousandsstarting$50. FREE Information-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2929 Copyright #TX14KJC. NEW GUITAR - WASHBURN D12B ACOUSTIC - LIFE TIME WARRANTY - LIST $300 SELLING FOR $200 - CALL 846-5293. . 84 Toyota Celica GTS Coupe. Loaded, sunroof $3400 o.b.o. 764-6619. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Telephone fundraising for national charities. No experience necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start. Evenings and weekends. For immediate placement call Mary 776-4246 DRIVER NEEDED TO RETURN CARE TO VERMONT OR STATE NEAR BY. CARL 776-3777 EXT 2650 OR 693-3189. CARPENTER NEEDED FULL-TIME DURING HOLIDAYS AND BEYOND FOR RESIDENTIAL REMODELING. Multiple skills desirable. Leave message at 779-8113, DESIGNER/DRAFTSMAN - Assist in bidding, design and manufacture of custom institutional furniture. Position requirements: 2 yrs auto CAD experience, knowledge of woodworking and architectural background helpful, basic computer programming skills, excellent organizational skills. Send resume to Tesco Industries Inc. P.O. Box 736 Bellville, Texas 77418. Part-time bookkeeper. Apply within Pipers Chevron Texas at University. Part-time. If you have carpentry and plumbing skills and own a truck, we need your services. Deborah, Century21 Beal Realty 775-9000. Waitresses and bartenders needed immediately at Yes terdays 4421 S. Tx Ave. 846-2625. No experience necessary. Apply 11:30-2:00. ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income to assemble products at home. Info 1-504-646-1700 DEPT. TX-777. Need individual or couple to manage small apartment complex. Furnished apartment plus salary. Send infor- mation to 1300 Walton C.S. 77840. ATTENTION STUDENTS! Earn money over break stuff ing envelopes at home. All materials provided. Send SASE to Homemailing Program-B. P.O. Box 1961 Man hattan KS 66502. Immediate response. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make money teach- ing English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Make $2,000- $4,000+per month. Many provide room & board + other benefits! Financially & Culturally rewarding! For Interna tional Employment Group: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5855. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Roommate Wanted Roommate needed for spring ’93. Eastmark Apartments. Female, nonsmoker. Contact Robyne 764-0964 ASAP! Female roommate ASAP for spring semester $190 +1/4 utilities: Own room. Call Christy 696-7776. Christian, mature, studious females 5bd/2b, alarm $250- $300/mo., bills paid! 823-3203. Services Office/Desk Space with Full Secretarial/Computer/An swering Services available. 90-239 Sq. ft. Excellent location. 209 University Dr. E Suite B 260-1006. Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, M-Tu(6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fri. (6-10p.m.)-Sat.(8-12noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m.) Across from University Tower. Walk- Ins welcome $20.00. 411 Tx Ave. So. Drivers Unlimited Driving Service dispatches full size automobiles, mini/large vans, luxury Lincoln Town Cars, plus a 47 passenger fully equipped motor coach with qualified drivers for in town or to surrounding cities. We also dispatch drivers only. For more information call (409)779-1819. Computers For Sale For Rent College Court Apts. 3300 South College Avenue 2bdrms, excellent location utilities partially paid microwaves, dishwashers, pool, shuttle, health club. $399 823-7039 Sonnenblick Apts. 3700 Plainsman 2 bdrms, excellent Jocation utilities partially paid microwaves, dishwashers, pool, shuttle, health club. $399 846-0226 RIDING HORSES FOR RENT. For more information call 779-7052 or 823-4615. 3bd/2ba washer/dryer connections semester lease on shuttle route $776/mo. 764-6965. 3b/2ba W/D connections semester lease, on shuttle route $776/mo. 764-6965. One and two bedroom four-plexes for January. Close to campus, on shuttle, low utilities. Clark Wyndham 846- 4384. Available 12-22 2/2, W/D, air, $435, 822-3295/693-1851. Faculty sabbatical house for rent Jan 1st-June 30, 1993 3bd/2ba $800/per mo. Faculty, staff, graduate student preferred 693-4401. A 2 bdrm Why Pay Rent? $43,000; 5,000 down. 803 Enfield Bryan. By owner, financed. Call 764-7363. Gigantic 2bdrm apartment available now, 3 miles from campus, semester lease okay. 822-5752. For Lease Tandy Laptop 1500 HD IBM PC software compatibility full portability MS-DOS version 3.3, operating system and deskmate version 3.3 accessories included 268-8241 $950 neg. COMPUTER REPAIR AND UPGRADES. On-sight ser vice and virus check. Special introductory rates. The Computer Diagnostic Center 764-8578 ext. 300. '74 FORD RANCHERO, V8, 351C engine, runs good, $550. Call 693-0618. 1987 ISUZU l-MARK, 4 -DOOR, 5-SPEED, AM/FM, AIR, EXCELLENT CONDITION $2500. CALL 696-8274. Canoe, 18ft. 4 paddles, put on car. Call Jon 823-2811. Full-size bed. nlghtstand, lamp, standing lamp, dresser w/ mirror all for $100. 693-7862. '82 Pontiac Sunbird. Rebuilt engine and new tires; no rust; good stereo; great gas mileage; runs well; $1200. Wade 645-0878. Two piece computer desk with book shelf $40. 774-8908. HONDA CIVIC 83,4 DOORS, NEW TIRES, GOOD CON DITION. CALL 693-6780. COTTON BOWL 50-40 yard line upper deck, 8 seats, packing included, $200 each 713-666-5053. MUSIC! 4-track $150. Roland Synth $100. Guitar and amp $100. Electric piano $50. Proverb delary $50. Free Extras! 696-7804. COTTON BOWL TICKETS. Disgruntled Horn wishes to sell 2 tickets 512-832-1841. Student/office desk metal with formica top. Good condi- tion $30 774-7001. 1986 Mazda 626. White, two door, sport rims, AC, good stereo, beautiful condition All service records available. $4,000 or best offer. 774-7001. HIFonic Isis amp $500. Savard pickup box $100. Clarion car CD player $300. Small refrigerator $75. Call Clint 647- 3972. 1984 Plymouth Reliant station wagon, automatic, air, stereo, good condition, $2500 negotiable. TV, micro- wave. desk, table chairs, fan kitchenware. Call 693-9187. Two cotton bowl tickets, 13 row, upper deck, 45 yard line, $500 813-866-8473. A year old large size (3.6 cu ft) dorm refrigerator $75.00 o.b.o. A year old color TV (IS") $60.00. o.b.o. Call J.R. or George at 847-3170. For Lease Sublease, 1 large bdrm apartment 675 sq. ft., Sevilla, shuttle bus stop. Available anytime, $395/mo. Call 696- 1258. - Six month lease 2bd/1 1/2ba available March 8, $420/mo. Call 845-7809(day) 846-6949(night). Close to Northgate. Sublease luxury 2bd/1 1/4 Huntington Apartments; shuttle; available January; $490/mo. Call 696-8147. Business Opportunity EARN $500+ weekly stuffing envelopes at home. Send long SASE: Country Living Shoppers, Dept. E17, 14415- E Greenwell Springs Rd, Suite 318, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. Adoption ADOPTION Financially secure Doctor and full-time mom long to adopt newborn. The best of everything In life awaits your child. Confidential/Legal. Call Nancy collect 0-919-942-9666. HAPPILY MARRIED FINANCIALLY SECURE CHRIS TIAN COUPLE WISH TO ADOPT YOUR NEWBORN. Professional dad and full-time mother will provide a loving and stable home. Confidential. Legal/Medical Expenses Paid. Please call Carol and Randy anytime, collect 915- 691-5618. Personals CONGRATULATIONS DONNIE! We're Very Proud Of You. Mark class of '84 Cyndy *84 and Mallory '12 Local “Foxy Girls" want to do it LIVE! FOXX(3699), 18+billed collect/$2.00/min. Lost & Found REWARD! $100 for return of or information leading to return of western saddle stolen Monday November 23 (night before bonfire) between 11 p.m.-2 a m. from small gray pickup parked near rear of Dixie Chicken. STEAL MY WOMEN, BORROW MY MONEY, KICK MY DOG, BUT PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY SADDLE. 847-4003. Travel Nice 2/1 four-plex, W/D connections, 1/2 mi. from A&M $445. No deposit 764-0701. 3bd/1ba In C.S. washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, $490+ deposit. 696-6903. Sublease Oaks Apartment. Spacious 2bd/1ba $430/mo. Lease through May LOW utilities. Call now 823-1087. 2bd/2ba $287.50 1/2 utilities for spring semester. Hun tington Apartments. Matt 693-7812. Treehouse Village: Efficiency sublease $385, January 10-May 31. John 693-6254. Sublease 1 b/1 ha Jan-May Cripple Creek Condominiums, W/D, microwave, mirrored wall In dining area, walk-in closet, water paid $440/mo. 693-6910. Sublease 2bd/2ba Colony apartment $445/mo. 693- 9702. Sublease 3b/2ba Huntington Apartment very nice avail able January 1st. James 693-2208. Sublease 3bd/2ba house In SW Valley, near shuttle, fenced yard. .Call 847-9206 between 8-5. Sublease Briarwood Apartments spacious 2bd/2ba $500/ mo. Lease through August 764-7895. Sublease room at the Forum! Includes meal plan, gym, computer room, etc! Furnished. Female roommate. Lease January to May at reduced rate. Call 823-3840. Sublease for spring 2bd/1ba in Willowick Apartments $475/mo., shuttle, low utilities Call Ash 764-8601. Sublease 2bd/1, 1/3ba,’810 sq. ft. Villa Oaks West, on shuttle route, $420/mo. 823-1286. One-bedroom apartment for sublease $315/mo. No de posit necessary. For more information call 846-1440. Sublease BIG one-bedroom or spring! Lots of extras- Briarwood, $315/mo. Best security, deposit and January rent FREE! 696-7804. Available Jan. 1st Kent Street Condos. Contact Ronny or Sandy at 696-0307 or 2bd/1, 1/2ba 776-0572. Spring semester sublease one apartment, 19 meals/wk., maid service near campus & bus route $480/mo. 846- 6399. Sublease spacious 2 story 2bd/2ba studio apartment w/; 1/2 mile from campus. Bus route $510/mo. 696-8841. Sublease 1615B Anderson Place 2bd/1ba $425/mo. wa ter paid, washer/dryer. Erica 693-2347. Sublease 2bd/1 1/2ba Peppertree Apartments $520 693- 7337; 1 bd/1ba Balcones apartments $300 764-3077 after 6 p.m. Sublease efficiency apartment $305/mo. Willowick Com plex, Jan-Dec. Call 764-6882. Spring Break! CANCUN 5-STAR RESORTS AIRFARE NON-STOP PARTIES & MO RE! 1-800-BEACH-BUM (1-800-232-2428) SKIING Luxury Townhouse in Red River N.M. near Taos & Anglefire. Sleeps 17. $125-$350 night. Jan. 2-20 some dates still available. Call 846-8916, ask for John. Jack and Kim. What is this, Let's make a deal? I’m going to book my own reservations for a Colorado ski vacation at Purgatory-Durango 800-525-0892. Jill. Miscellaneous Instant CASH for up to date clothing in good condition. Call 846-0438 for details. RESALE TRENDS 3606 Old College Rd. (across from Chicken Oil) DECEMBER' GRADS I F you ordered a 1992 Aggleland and haven't picked It up, stop by room 004 Reed McDonald Building between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Yearbooks will not be held and refunds will not be made on books not picked up during the acade mic year In which they are published. If you did not order a 1992 Aggleland. you may purchase one for $30, plus tax. In room 015 Reed McDonald. I F you ordered a 1993 Aggleland and will not be on campus next fall to pick It up. you can have It mailed. You should stop by room 015 Reed McDonald between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and pay a $5 mailing and handling fee. Refunds will not be made on yearbooks not picked up during the academic year In which they are published. I F you ordered a 1992-93 Campus Directory and haven't picked It up, get In the Student Publications Business Ofllce. room 230 Reed McDonald Building, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you did not order a Campus Directory, you may purchase one for $3, plus tax. In 230 Reed McDonald. I F you would like to purchase a 1991-92 AggleVIslon Video Yearbook, there are sUH some copies available for $29.95, plus tax. You may purchase one In room 230 Reed McDonald.