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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1992)
The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (ba&ement) Reed McDonald Building Page 4 WEATHER 1 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads Business Hours $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days, If your merchan- dlse Is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear In ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial f V advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 Ul days at no charge. If Item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional mmm Insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made If your ad Is cancelled early, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday mmm accepted Help Wanted JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Telephone fundraising for national charities. No experience necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start. Evenings and weekends. For immediate placement call Mary 776-4246 Preschool teacher aide 1 to 5, 5 days a week. 776-0731. Intramural activity director 3:30-6:00 p.m. 5 days a/wk. plus one weekend per/mo. To begin ASAP. 776—0731. Part-time accounting clerk positions available with local environmental sciences firm. Data-entry, computer, and general accounting experience or coursework helpful. Call 690-9280 for information, ask for Janie or Rhonda. EOE/M/F/DN. National company seeks on-campus reps to post materi als. Commission paid for each completed application. Work few hours, on your own time. Call 1-800-758-9918 EST. COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER Bldg, attendant $4.60/hr. Evening & Weekends hrs. manda tory. Apply at College Station City Hall, 1101 Tx. Avenue. Deadline Nov. 25th. 1992. Earn FREE trips to Cancun and Extra $$$$! Promote University Beach Club Spring Break Trips. Call Today! 1- 800-BEACH-BUM. Need part-time help cleaning homes ASAP. $5.50/hr. Need own transportation and phone. Mondays thru Saturdays. Call 823-1775. National company seeks on-campus reps to post materi als. Commission paid for each completed application. Work few hours, on your own time. Call 1 -800-758-9918 EST. Local business needs bookkeeper/receptionist part-time between 7:30 am. and 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Call 779-7043 ATTENTION STUDENTS! Extra cash stuffing envelopes at home. All materials provided. Send SASE to Homemailing Program-B. P.O. Box 1961 Manhattan, KS 66502. Immediate response. EARN CASH! $110/MTH. AND UP. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Welborn Road 846-8855. $200-5500 WEEKLY. Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE lnformation-24Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copy- tight# TX14KDH. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Wanted For Sale 3bdrm/2ba, garage four-plex C.S., shuttle. $570. 693- 0551,764-9051. Available December. Gigantic 2bdrm apartment available now, 3 miles from campus, semester lease okay 822-5752. Sublease 1-bdrm apt in Treehouse Village. $360 Per/mo. Starting January 1st. 693-2903. For Lease Sublease spring term 2bd/2ba Hullabaloo route: washer/ dryer; yard $575 696-6967. SUBLEASE: SPACIOUS 4bd/2 1/2ba condominium for spring'93 Rent $1000/mo. $150 deposit each. Call 846- 1636. Sublease 2bd/1 1/3ba Villa Oaks West on shuttle route $420/mo. 823-1286. Sublease efficiency apartment. Treehouse Village $385/ mo. Call Phillip 764-8067. Available Nov 29 Sublease in University Tower. Single suite with balcony and campus view. Includes 19 meals per week. Fur nished. Term: January to May reduced rate. Call 268- 4491. Sublease room spring semester house c close to campus; shuttle bus; W/D;only $ 188/mo. Female preferred. Call 693-174 Sublease 2/2/2 Wolf Run Condo $600 plus deposit W/D 693-4677. Sublease luxury 2bd/1 1/4 Huntington Apartments; shuttle; available January: $490/mo. Call 696-8147. 1 bdrm/Tba HUNTINGTON APARTMENTS. New carpet, shuttle bus, $380/mo. Lease ends Aug /'93. Moving any time December Call 696-3587 Sublease spacious Ibd/lba studio Treehouse I available Jan 1st $400/mo. Kelli 764-9749. Sublease our garden double room at University Tower for spring semester; 19 meals a/wk, lots of extras Call for more information 268-4441 and leave message. 1 bed/lba Treehouse I available Dec. 1 sublease til May $350/mo 696-5358 Lost & Found Found men’s watch G-Rollie White Locker Rm. If you can identify it, you can have It 845-0272. Miscellaneous Interested in stopping the political correctness/multicultural movement at Texas A&M? Contact Karl at 693-9289 to find out how. Buying your used Levi Blue Jeans. Adult sizes $3-$6. Chris 846-6295. Personals Sublease 2bd/1 1/2ba River Oaks Apartments. Available Preschool teacher aide 1 to 5, 5 days a week. 776-0731. Dec. 15th $475 764-2719. Tornadoes trash Houston homes v THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOUSTON - Residents picked their soggy belongings Sunday a day after several de- : struct!ve tornadoes stormed through Harris Court ty, injur ing several people and damag ing hundreds of homes. Authorities said at least six people were injured when the twisters struck Saturday after noon, but none was consid ered life-threatening. An esti- mafed 300 homes in Houston and another 900 homes in Harris County sustained some type of damage. Officials said they were still trying to assess the situation. "1 think you're looking at a human tragedy/' Houston Mayor Bob Lanier said Sun day after touring the Denver Harbor neighborhood, where about 200 homes and as many businesses were damaged. Lanier said he will seek state and federal assistance for tornado victims. The National Weather Ser vice said tornadoes also were spotted Saturday in Fort Bend, Wharton, Brazoria, Liberty and Polk counties. A severe thunderstorm system moving across Southeast Texas spawned the afternoon twister system. The hardest hit areas in Harris County were in sec tions of southeast Houston and in Channel view, a suburb east of the city. About 4,000 people, most of them in Channelview, were still without power Sunday, according to Houston Lighting & Power said. The funnel clouds smashed homes, uprooted trees, over turned cars and toppled pow er lines. Responsible young adult fo stay with four good kids on occasion. First job Nov. 21, 1992. Call 696-7006. Tutor needed with extensive knowledge of APLHA FOUR Version II computer software. Evenings 693-6151. Child Caro Wanted after school childcare from 3:00 to 5:30 in ex change forfree room and board. Call 696-2221 after5:30 p.m. Roommate Wanted Female or couple in a 3bd/2ba Townhome within walking distance of campus. $150/mo.+1/2 utilities. Available ASAP 260-1038 leave message. Female roommate wanted for 2b/2ba apartment 1/2 rent is $232.50/mo. plus utilities. Call 846-1936 ask for Courtney. Share luxury Condo 2/2 nicely furnished. W/D, micro wave, fireplace, excellent security. Contact Rehman713- 784-5980. Roommate Wanted: Female 2bd/2ba, washer, dryer, $225/mo. +util. Avail. Jan 1st 696-6747. Male roommate non-smoker, 2bd/1ba, $155/mo. +1/2 utilities. Available immediately 823-5088. Services QUICK MOVING SERVICE FOR APARTMENTS AND DORMS. CALL FOR PRE-ESTIMATE 823-3935, 779- 2796. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, M-Tu(6- 10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fri. (6-10 p.m.)-Sat.(8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m.) Across from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome $20.00. 411 Tx Ave. So. TECHINCAL EDITING. Manuscripts * Dissertations * Proposals * Resumes * Linsey Oates, M.A. 778-9315, Carrie George 846-8270. TYPING: ACCURATE, PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL. 18 years experience. 764-7337 evenings/weekends. Drivers Unlimited Driving Service dispatches full size automobiles, mini/large vans, luxury Lincoln Town Cars, plus a 47 passenger fully equipped motor coach with qualified drivers for in town or to surrounding cities. We also dispatch drivers only. For more information call (409)779-1819. For Sale Humorous Western Art Products direct from manufac turer. $7.00 each+ $1.25 postage & handling. Texas Entertainment Services, Rt. 3, Box 115, Winnsboro, TX 75494. ’ Need 6 tickets for the A&M/Texas game 696-9704. Sectional couch for sale $100 696-6967. Ask for Kevin. Local "Foxy Girls" want to do it LIVE! 1-800-776- FOXX(3699), 18+billed collect/$2.00/min. Announcements Class of 1992 did you forget to buy an elephant walk or ring dance shirt? If so call Christy at 776-6881. Hurry offer ends soon! T ravel SPRING BREAKS PRICES FOR STAY—NOT PER NIGHT! o $ 109 : ro j gs $ 81 from Wdf 3 „J129 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND 5 and 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA BEACH 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT 2, 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND / PORT ARANSAS 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND 5 AND 7 NIGHTS FORT LAUDERDALE 5 AND 7 NIGHTS 12th Annual Party! TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS Storms rumble through nation THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A wall of thunderstorms pushing across the South spun tornadoes from Texas to Ohio, killing at least 19 people, smashing houses and blowing trucks off highways. Several states in the path of the storm were under tornado watches Sunday night. Tornadoes killed 15 people and injured at least 150 in Mis sissippi late Saturday and one person was killed early Sun day in Tennessee. At least two people were killed and scores of others were injured as tor nadoes moved across Georgia on Sunday. At least one person was killed and at least nine in jured in northern Kentucky Sunday afternoon. A tornado touched down in the western Ohio village of Arcanum Sunday night. There was no immediate word of se rious injury. Thunderstorms and torna does wrecked homes and busi nesses in Alabama, Indiana and Georgia, Where a steeple was ripped from a church dur ing Sunday's service. Thou-'’: sands in Indianapolis were without power. The Battalion DARRIN HILL/The Battalion Ryan Wilcox, Jody Goodman and Jonathan Goodman (front to back) show their Aggie spirit by painting their faces for the game against T.C.U. on Saturday. Bonfire Continued from Page 1 stands, we will not be able to run under these conditions." The University Police Depart ment will be placing both regular and plainclothes officers on the premises, said Bob Wiatt, UPD di rector. Wiatt would not disclose the number of officers working bonfire. "The officers will be roaming the garages and buildings looking out for criminal mischief," he said. "We will be whooping and carrying on along with everyone else." Last year, 126 citations were is sued by the UPD for minor in pos session, consuming alcohol after hours and disorderly conduct. Also, there were seven arrests made during, Wiatt said. "The behavior of the crowd has been much more restrained and remarkable than before we started to crackdown on alcohol," Wiatt said. "The crackdown was pre cipitated because of raucous, dis gusting behavior at a family event. It should not be a drunken orgy." Bonfire is set to begin at about 8 p.m. and will be telecast live on KAMU-TV/Channel 15. A taped version of the event will be re peated on HSE at 10 p.m. Tuesday and 3 p.m. Thursday. Bands Continued from Page 1 "Basically, (UT) said it's a safety concern," Toler said. "The players will be coming out of a tunnel from under the stands, and they don't want fans and players get ting in each other's ways." As far as the issue of not allow ing the cannon, Toler said it is more of a spirit concern with UT. "They don't want it to appear that we have any sort of advan tage," Toler said. Les Hankamer, Commanding Officer of Parsons Mounted Cav alry, said he didn't know all the reasons UT would not allow the cannon on the field. "They don't want it on the field so we're not bringing it," Han kamer said. "Last year we let them bring (their cannon) here, but they don't want us to bring ours - they said it was too big or something." Hankamer, a senior animal sci ence major from Hankamer, Rivalry Continued from Page 1 Allegations of Aggie involve ment have spurred A&M and UT officials to work together to appre hend the vandals. "We've been in contact with (UT) and we're doing everything we can to get to the bottom of this," said Bob Wiatt, Texas A&M University Police Chief. "But right now we have nothing to go on." An A&M former student living in Austin reported that a caller on a morning radio talk show, identi fied as 'Bob Hope', said the turf would be burnt during the Texas Aggie Bonfire tomorrow. "Until now we were not aware of that," Wiatt said. "But now that we are aware of these plans to burn (the turf), we'll be on the lookout around bonfire." Wiatt said that student groups have been notified of the incident and have been told to be on the lookout for any clues that will Monday, November 23,1992 Clinton more diplomatic, shifts rhetoric THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON - Candidate Bill Clinton was unequivocal on China policy, adamant about lift ing the ban on gays in the military, insistent on a middle class tax cut and eager to make an example of the staff-happy Congress. President-elect Clinton says he hasn't softened his position on any of these issues. Perhaps not, but he has softened his rhetoric. Since winning the election, Clinton's words have been more carefully chosen, and more consis tently diplomatic, missing many of the "either-or" campaign con trasts as he makes the transition from running to governing. Clinton signaled the rhetorical shift, and conciliatory approach, in his first post-election news con ference, after questions about how fast he would implement major campaign promises. "There are a lot of factual ques tions ... in trying to figure out how to implement all of the rec ommendations we made in the campaign," Clinton said. As he answers those questions, Clinton is acutely aware his even word is now carefully scrutinized around the world and can influ ence financial markets. "I think I shouldn't be hypo thetical," Clinton said at the first news conference, a clear break from his campaign style of offer ing a list of potential answers to policy questions. "It's a perfectly natural phase to be in now as you get closer to responsibility," said Eugene Har grove, a Vanderbilt University professor who studies the presi dency. "It's not about watering down his promises or anything But one has to start focusing on specific things now and you have to worry about the politics and the organization." The difference in rhetoric "may be the norm," Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole said on CNN's "Newsmaker Sund a(y." Texas, and Toler both speculate that A&M's cannon is too loud to be fired in Memorial Stadium. "We couldn't bring it my sophomore year either," Han kamer said. "But it doesn't matter - we're still gonna beat the hell out of 'em." Hankamer said also that UT would not allow all of the Officers of the Day (O.D.s) on the field. "I think there's 17 in the unit, and only 10 will be allowed on the field," Hankamer said. "I don't know what they're up to over there." help in the investigation. Wiatt said no intercollegiate ri valry is an excuse for what took place at Memorial Stadium io Austin last Wednesday and that this mischievous behavior is not without consequence. The vandals did more than $7,500 in damage to the field. "This act is a felony three,' Wiatt said. "A third degree felony carries a $10,000 fine and/ora two- to- ten-year jail sentence, This is a very serious matter." 88 Honda Civic , loaded, $5250 846-9349. 1986 Mazda RX-7 under 50K $5200. Must Sell. Call Paul 693-9676. Kingsize waterbed, California king mattress, headboard drawers. MUST SALE. $450 or best offer. Michele, 764- 8353. Three one way tickets from College Station to New York $150 each. Call 696-4062, TAG HEUER stainless sports watch chronograph with 1/ 10th stopwatch 5 months old with all papers. New $700+ asking $410. 846-7609. Roland SynthPius 60, excellent condition, only 10 hrs of use. $465 negotiable. Call 822-9297. If no answer, leave message. Scuba gear and suit for sale. Hardly used asking $700. Please call 1-409-279-2720. 83 5spd VW Scirocco dean, red, leather interior $2,400 o.b.o. 696-3587. Dormitory refrigerator 4 cubic ft. $195 776-0128. 27 inch Mitsubishi Stereo/TV; 11 months old. Great Christmas present. MustSelll $600 O.B.O. (409)764- 7194 32 USED HOMES NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Trade-in value never better than Now! Hurry before this quota is tilted. Call 1-800-880-1376! Low to no down payments on entire inventory! -0-Down to qualified buyers! Limited time offer! Hurry and call 1- 800-880-1376 Now!. 8.75 APR ON THIS '93 4BDRM/2BTH DOUBLEWIDE! Glamour bath, huge kitchen and much, much more! $311.16 per/mo., 240 mos, 15% down. Must qualify. Call 1-800-880-1376 Today! SPACIOUS 3BD/2BTH $212.15 per/mo. 240 mos 11 APR, 5% down. Must qualify. Call 1-800-880-1376. 84 Toyota Celica GTS Coupe. Loaded, sunroof $3400 o.b.o. 764-6619. 90 ACURA INTEGRA RS-3D excellent condition. 45K mites. Blaupunkt stereo W-4 speakers. $9,450. Day 845- 0732, evening 696-6373. 3/2 duplex on shuttle in C.S. available Dec. 22nd $700/mo. W/D and 2/1 1/2 townhouse available Dec 1st $600/mo. Call after 6:00 p.m. 779-2326. Female non-smoker located 5 minutes from A&M 775- 7216 after 6 p.m. 2bd/1ba house 3 mites from campus. No pets: $400/mo., $200 deposit. 1906 Milter St. Bryan. Call 693-3418. 1-800-321-5911 SKIING Luxury Townhouse in Red River N.M. near Taos & Anglefire. Sleeps 17. $125-$350 night. 846-8916 Ask for John. Jill, there’s plenty of room for Kim on our Colorado ski vacation at Purgatory-Durango. It sounds like a dream come true. More friends? 800-525-0892 for bargain lodging and tickets. Attorney wt; iiEFiiMi H.i.i' m\m John T. Quinn Attorney (409) 774-8924 (800) 927-3115 Not cgfUfWd ■» a spcctaEft >n any area. WE IIEFEI TRAFFIC TICKETS John T. Quinn Attorney (409) 774-8924 (800) 927-3115 . Mon 11/30 Tuel2/1 Wed 12/2 Thr 12/3 CD o> CD CD flj u CD B CO • in CHEM 101 Final Exam Review Test 1 & 2 CHEM 101 Final Exam Review Test 3 & 4 CHEM 101 Final Exams New Material Chp 13 & 14 CHEM 101 Practice Final Exams ■ CHEM 101 Final Exam Review Test 1 & 2 CHEM 101 Final Exam Review Test 3 & 4 CHEM 101 Final Exams New Material Chp 13 & 14 CHEM 101 Practice Final Exams r-H i CTn PHYS 218 Chp 17 PHYS 218 Chp 18 PHYS 218 Chp 19 & 20 PHYS 218 Practice Final Exams CD a» CD CD nj 0 CD M-l 1-1 Acct 229 M 11/30 7:00 Chp 15 T 11/21 7:00 Chp 17&18 W 12/2 7:00 Chp 19&20 Acct 230 TR 12/3 5:00 Test 3 Review TR 12/3 7:00 Chp 15 Math 141 M 11/30 9:00 Chp 9 T 12/1 9:00 Chp 7 W 12/2 7:00 Chp 8 Math 151 M 11/30 11:00 Chp 5A W 12/2 11:00 Chp 5B Math 152/161 Sun 11/29 7:00 Test 3 Review (3 hrs) M 11/30 5:00 Math 251/253 W 12/2 5:00 Chp 19 Math 308 T 12/1 5:00 Chp 6 Math 142 (Dave’s) T 12/111:00 Test Review Tickets on sale Sun. 11/29 from 6-8 p.m. JT-+- ‘Tutoring 2,60-2,G60 National Collegiate Ski Week Ski Breck! Ski-In Condos Lift Tickets Parties Bus Ski Rentals ^-tt.£>’Ski 1 800 232 2428 ggg,, Man, mmm mm ‘•‘j LOCATED IN | NORTHGATE . 846-4135 1 J Buy any Item <g> regular j ■ price , Receive any iterrv 2 of equal or lesser value I | K-ME-H- I j^Not valid with other advertised specu special^