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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1992)
Page 10 The Battalion Tuesday, September 29,1! Greeks seek greater role on campus ■r» , «t aktv a c a ccpk shown at the door, Webster said. y . ^ " "There are always problems with minors staff writer of the BATTALtoN consuming alcohof at social functions," he Alcohol policies, university relations and "The consensus yesterday was that this Greek visibility on campus were among the 15 on ^ a Greek problem, it is a University topics discussed as more than 20 national problem. ^ Greek leaders joined Texas A&M Greeks in Another topic discussed was that of uni- an effort to improve the Greek system during versify relations with Greeks, the National Interfratemity Conference Sun- "While Greeks need to get more involved day in the Memorial Student Center. with the University, the University needs to The purpose of the workshop was to dis~ op 61 * its doors more to the Greeks," Webster cuss problems, such as alcohol abuse and sai d- , ' , , , _ negative attitudes towards Greeks, and to ^ Webster, a former member of the Corps of work together to develop solutions. Cadets, pointed out that the recruitment film Jamey Webster, president of the Interfra- shown in Rudder has no Greek representa- ternity Council said there were a few main hon* , , , , , . • problems that needed to be addressed. There is a whole lot of information “The number one biggest point was our geared towards the Corps, he said. I think alcohol policies," he said, it's time it was shared. Ten percent of males "In a lot of ways, A&M is doing better and 12 percent of females on this campus are than any other school," Webster said. "The Greek. That should be represented in the University of Texas doesn't even have an al- hint." coho! policy set up. They are nowhere near E>r. Mike Leese, coordinator of Greek af~ the stage we're at" fairs, said the number of former Corps mem- A&M's alcohol policy states that no keg bers that are active Greeks is growing, in beer is allowed at social functions. Fraternity creasing ties between the two groups, and sorority members that are over 21 years He said the current number is about 20 or of age are allowed to consume alcohol at 2 ^- functions as long as proper identification is Julie Greaves, president of Chi Omega, said the forum was very beneficial to both fraternities and sororities. Important ideas about alcohol awareness and university relations were brought up in the open forum atmosphere. Greeks should all be working on ways to improve their chapters, she said. "The reason this was important is because it was a chance to unify everyone on the poli cies," she said. “We came together on ideas to improve. It is good to understand that we're all work ing for the same thing," Greaves said. Webster hopes the Greek presidents relay the ideas about ways to improve the Greek System to their chapters. He said this was the first time men and women from all the chapters were able to sit down and talk about problems and possible solutions. Dr. Mike Leese, coordinator of Greek af fairs, urged students to take advantage of every possible opportunity to make Greeks more visible. He told students to let themselves be known as Greeks in Fish Camp, The Big Event and all of the other activities they are involved in. "There are a lot of opportunities out there," he said. "You simply have to take ad vantage of them." Police suspect Senate candidate in shooting Bullet wounds wife of representative Vol. 9 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MAITLAND, Fla.— A legisla tive candidate Monday denied any involvement in the shooting of his opponent's wife, although police said they found a gun hid den in his apartment and a bullet- riddled blanket in his car. Police said Eric Kaplan has so far declined to cooperate in their investigation into Sunday's shoot ing of Attorney Judith Starks, wife of Republican State Rep. Robert Starks. Kaplan's attorney issued a statement saying Kaplan denied "any involvement and knowledge concerning this matter." Kaplan is the Democratic can didate for the suburban Orlando seat. Mrs. Starks was shot through the calf early Sunday as she sat up in bed. Five shots were fired from the back yard into the couple's home. Mrs. Starks, 47, was treated hospital. No arrests were made and jt thorities were awaiting crime Is results. "It appears that we're t a very strong case against Mr. Ki plan. We hope that the crime li tests will solidify our case him," Seminole County Sheriff Spokesman George Proechelsai Monday. Proechel said an eyewitness fol lowed Kaplan's vehicle toKi plan's apartment complex in Cas selberry, where police recovered five-shot .38-caliber revolver an: a handwritten note with Stark 1 address on it. In Kaplan's car, deputies foml a blanket riddled with five holes, apparently used to i the gun, authorities said. 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