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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1992)
Wednesday, September 23, 1992 The Battalion Page 3 ^23,15! ■ IS rregulanii ial changs lenopausi latever fe )men,iti ! id, ifp® ! of ins® | • ... -..t JEN LOCKARD/Thc Battalion Wes Bringham, a junior agricultural engineering major from Irving, performs one of the duties of a junior climber as he repairs an axe at the Polo Field, the new location for Bonfire. more sen mplyneei i amount i v going!; each nig; epalogil :ach nigh I follows 1 amount; I ■vell-reste; | ists ate I r weeks .'n mid see: h sleepE ssion,anv m of otk’ nay cause | lecrease; ity. Loui I aticr. a | ven hallu ; ous prof | ,'t hesitate importait ;ntalam Ip you dt i your te hten yoc /our reat- environ ES )92 r. What’s Up WEDNESDAY INTERNATIONAL MUSIC CLUB: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the MSC Flag Room. Bring your instruments along. Anyone interested in joining the band are welcome. For more information call Mukul at 846-9357 or Slie- man at 693-0154. THE MEDICINE TRIBE: General meeting at 5:30 p.m. behind the Sul Ross Statue. Various topics to be discussed. WOMEN’S BONFIRE COMMITTEE: We will be discussing cut this weekend. Get in volved at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. For more information call Becky at 696-2185 or Holly at 693-5630. TAMU RACQUETBALL CLUB: General meeting at 7 p.m. in Read Court 7. Informa tion on upcoming events. For more informa tion call Carlos or Kevin at 693-6804. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB: Car show from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the MSC Fountain Area and meeting at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Brian at 693-5651 or Terry at 846-1216. A&M MAGIC CLUB: General meeting at 401A MSC. For more information call David at 847-2688. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: Meeting at 8:30 p.m in 410 Rudder. For more informa tion call Steve at 696-6116. TEXAS A&M INLINE SKATING CLUB: Rollerblade hockey in PA 71 on West Cam pus at 7 p.m. For more information call Shawn at 764-7830. WESLEY FOUNDATION: Bible Study and Lunch ($1.00) at 12:30 p.m. in the Methodist Student Center. Worship at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Student Center. For more infor mation call 846-4701 BRITISH AGGIES CLUB: Come along and play pool at 9 p.m. at Hornback’s. Anybody is welcome. For more information call John at 774-8998. TAMU GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY: Gen eral meeting at 6 p.m. in 707 O&M Building. For more information call John at 693-5341. AGGIE DEMOCRATS: Dr. Gary Halter will discuss party politics and the failed Bush policies with stinging humor to keep us smil ing despite the state of the economy at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. Also speaking is Jim James, Chairman of the Brazos County De mocratic Party. We will discuss our upcom ing Voter Registration Drive and Block Walk this coming Saturday. For more information call Patrick at 822-9330 or Ivonne at 847- 2286. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY INC.: 1992 Lip Sync Information meeting at 7 p.m. in 230 MSC. TEXAS A&M CHAPTER OF TEXAS AGRI WOMEN: First meeting at 6 p.m. in 117 Kleberg. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. For more information call Belinda at 764-8957. DAIRY SCIENCE CLUB: General meeting at 7 p.m. All students invited. If you have any questions contact Kerri at 693-7378. SOCIOLOGY CLUB: Organizational meet ing at 7:15 p.m. in 507 Rudder. All majors welcome. Officer positions to be filled. For more information call Thomas at 822-2786. INDIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: We will be meeting at 7 p.m. in 204 Bright to dis cuss the preparation, teams, and practice session for the upcoming Mini-Olympics. Everybody interested, all players and ma jors, is invited. For more information call Asad Khan at 846-7318 or 862-4218. AED-THE PRE-MED HONOR SOCIETY: Dr. Larry Claborn speaks on "Why Medi cine?" at 7 p.m. in 229 MSC. For more in formation call Amy at 696-6454. EUROPE CLUB: Meeting for new members at 10 p.m. on the back porch at Two Pesos. Anyone welcome. HOW TO STUDY MATH: Learn how to make notes worthwhile, how to organize homevyork, and how to prepare confidently for tests from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in 244A Blocker. FREE. Register in advance in 243 Blocker. For more information call The Cen ter for Academic Enhancement at\845-2568. CONCENTRATION AND READING RATE: This session from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in 242 Blocker offers practical suggestions for improving concentration in order to increase reading rate. FREE. Register in advance in 243 Blocker. For more information call The Center for Academic Enhancement at 845- 2568. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Organizing party and meeting at 6:15 p.m. behind the Sul Ross Statue. For more information call Sara at 693-4719. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIA TION: AT&T International Student Lounge Program, International News from Abroad at 7 p.m. in the MSC Flag room. Everybody welcome! CLASS OF ‘94: Get solid with Cldss of '94 Awareness Week at 8 p.m. at Taco Cabana. Enjoy free chips and sauce. For more infor mation call Danny at 764-1524. AGGIE SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: General meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 402 Rud der. Everyone welcome. For more informa tion call Travis at 846-5780. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND HUMANITIES (MUSIC SECTION AND THE OPAS STARK SERIES): Brown bag concert at 12:30 p.m. in 402 Academic Building featuring Sophia Gilmson, pianist. For more information call Rebecca at 845- 5535. LUTHERAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Evening prayer and supper at 6:30 p.m. in University Lutheran Chapel. For more infor mation call Kristin at 846-6687. TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP: Workshop focusing on how to use the re sources of time more effectively from 3:45 p.m to 4:45 p.m. in 300 YMCA Building. Learn how to set goals and priorities and by decreasing procrastination. For more infor mation call The Learning Skills Center at the Student Counseling Service at 845-4427. AGGIES FOR CLINTON: Come to our meeting at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder and learn how to make a difference. For more infor mation call Ivonne at 847-2286. LIBERAL ARTS STUDENT COUNCIL: Meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. FOr more information call Jenni at 693-1140 or Eric at 847-5501. PRE-DENTAL SOCIETY: Guest speaker will discuss orthodontic field from 6 p.m to 6:45 p.m. in 212 MSC. For more informa tion call Kath at 823-2204. REFORMED UNIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP: Christian Bible study and fellowship in 410 Rudder. For more information call Chris at 776-1185. AIESEC: Meeting at 7 p.m. in Rudder 407 AB. We’ll be discussing mini regional here from September 27-29. For more informa tion call Cindy at 847-8307. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: Weekly Aggie supper and fellowship from 6 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of A&M Presbyterian Church. Home cooked meal for $1.25 and a short lesson by Rev. Mike Miller. Come and join our community of faith. For more information call Stacy at 693-5623. TAMU WOMEN’S RUGBY: Rugby practice at the Rugby Fields next to the Polo Fields at 5:15 p.m. No experience needed! For more information call Michelle at 774-7375 or Faye at 847-1291. TEXAS A&M LACROSSE TEAM: Practice Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Polo Fields. Everyone welcome, no experience necessary. Come be a part of the State Championship tradition. For in formation call Tom Weber at 764-7974. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion in the Rainbow Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call the Center for Drug Prevention—The Rainbow Center at 845-0280 for more information. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 016 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion service which lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first- served basis. There is no guarantee an en try will run. If you have any questions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. Group seeks to reverse prayer policy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CORPUS CHRISTI - A civil liberties group is asking school of ficials to change a policy that has prevented students from holding prayer vigils around flagpoles at three campuses. "And if it's not, we will be forced to file a lawsuit," said Kel ly Shackelford, an attorney with The Rutherford Institute, which specializes in the defense of reli gious freedom. Corpus Christi Independent School District officials prohibited students at three schools from gathering at campus flagpoles on Sept. 16 to participate in the third annual "See You at the Pole" na tionwide prayer vigil. The event was sponsored by the Rutherford Institute. School officials say they were enforcing a district policy that prohibits non-curricular student groups from meeting on school campuses. The policy stems from a 1984 U.S. Supreme Court deci sion allowing schools to operate as closed forums. The students who gathered for the vigils were asked to disperse or move off campus to comply with the policy, not because they were praying. Assistant Superin tendent George Wetzel said Tues day. But Shackelford, who is based in Dallas, called the district's ac tions "a clear violation of a num ber of constitutional rights of the students." "On behalf of the students, we're requesting that whatever policy or position of CCISD be changed," said Shackelford. Volunteers take part in cleaning up Texas beaches THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AUSTIN — Thousands of vol unteers cleaned up 172 tons of trash from Texas beaches last weekend, including medical sy ringes, salt bags, rope and plastic bottles, the General Land Office reported Tuesday. "Without the volunteers, their dedication and the anti-pollution message they have helped broad cast since this program started in 1986, Texas beaches would be un bearable," Land Commissioner Garry Mauro said. "As it is, we're making head way toward relieving our beaches of their reputation for being the garbage dump of the world," Mauro said. More than 13,000 volunteers participated in Saturday's three- hour coastal cleanup, according to Mauro's office. The event was sponsored by the Center for Ma rine Conservation and the Land Office's Adopt-A-Beach Program. The cleanup covered 163.5 miles of accessible beach along the 367-mile Texas Gulf Coast. The biggest turnout was on Galveston Island, where 3,906 volunteers removed 21.9 tons of trash, the Land Office reported. Aggie Ring Orders V 0 Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center Deadline: September 23, 1992 Under’graduate Requirements 1. 30 credit hours must be completed (By/before SS-II ’92) at A&M, if you were a transfer student. 2. 95 total credit hours must be comole ted. (By/before SS-II ’92) Any transfer hours from Summer ’92 or before that are needed to meet this requirement must be posted to your A&M transcript by the payment deadline. 3. 2.00 cumulative GPA at A&M. 4. No blocks (delinquent parking tickets, past due fees, etc.) Graduate Student Requirements !• You must have completed all degree requirements for December ’92 by the above deadline. You will need to present a letter of completion, which you must obtain from the Office of Graduate Studies, when placing your order. 2. No blocks (delinquent parking tickets, past due fees, etc.) Procedure to Order a Ring 1- Go to the ring office no later than September 23 and complete the form for eligibility verification. (Requires 1-2 days to process.) 2. Order and pay hi full (cash/check only) by September 25. 1992 la: Men’s 10K- 8285.00 14K-^388.00 Women’s 10K - S163.00 14K - 8189.00 The approximate date of the ring delivery is November 18, 1992. (3 ki® PUBLIC FORUM DEBATE Should the United States Federal Government replace current poverty assistance programs with ones requiring work in exchange for assistance? COME VOICE YOUR OPINION! DATE: Thursday, Sept. 24, 1992 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: 601 Rudder Department of Speech Communication Debate Practicum 01 "Chop, Lance and Sheff, the gang at the Copy Comer, five for Freebirds!!" — The Gang Copy Corner FREEBIRDS IVAfalMl BUHRITO One in a series of real live customer testimonials.. 319 UNIVERSITY DRIVE NORTHGATE Attention Golfers: The Texas A&M Golf Association would like to invite you and a partner to participate in our first tournament of the year. Sept* 24 @5:30 p.m. 9-hole 2 man scramble $ 10 entry/person (carts x-tra) @ TAMU Golf Course. Be there @ 5:00 p.m. More info, contact Jay or Ron @ 693-6980 RK S CHECKERS TANNING STUDIO location ,©o mo./unl. 5 SESSIONS xo SESSIONS $30®® 3 MOS. $95®® 4001 E. 29th St. #109 (Carter Creek Plaza by Bryan Winn Dixie) 146-9454 846-9474 MGMT 363 MGMT 363 MGMT 363 TEST #1 REVIEW ***ONE NIGHT ONLY^** Including...A practice test with "application" type questions. Plus a review of theorists, definitions, and test relevant concepts Come to...Blocker Rm. 102 On...Sunday Night, Sept. 27 From...7-9 p.m. Cost...$10 No other test review will be given. Make sure you are prepared to start off the semester right! coffeehouse guitar poetry theatre 3 total eclectic experience This Friday 8:00 at Rumours free for all Professional Computing 505 Church St. College Station Ph. 846-5332 ++WIN A HP DESKJET 500 PRINTER itit Come see us at the Micro Computer Fair Thursday and Friday for information on the complete line of Hewlett- Packard products and a chance to win either: ■ A Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 500 Printer or • 1 of 4 HP 14B Business Calculators Plus see Demonstrations on the: *3* HP DeskJet 500 InkJet Printer HP DeskJet 500C Color Printer HP LaserJet HIP Printer HP 48SX Scientific Calculator HP 95LX Palmtop Computer Special Low Price on the HP 48SX !! ONLY $249.00* Until September 30 Business Hours Mon-Fri 8:00-5:30 Sat 10:00-3:00 m HEWLETT PACKARD Authorized Dealer Ask About Our Educational Discounts on HP Printers * MUST BRING IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT