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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1992)
siege t the figure ai, vo, U.N. spoke; | rd suggested ti I \ was fired froir [ i be nice if we; ■es into a police into the hills anc : and arrest the: :o justice," he to! feasting Corp. parties told us fighting so th; in here and be ss," he said, all; ion conference rustrating fonts, bed the attach solar plexuso! said U.N. obse: isit Gorazdeon! nth a 14-truckcc: High Commiss; i remained abot lorazde. radio said troops hadenfe ling some credent s Saturday that: nulling backmer.i t the report also; fought their wan i horn KYLE BURNETT/The Battalion Ashley Garvin, a freshman child psychology major from Waco, with her mother in the background, tries to decide on a color of carpet for her dorm room last weekend behind the commons. bin told parliai ael would noh not "hold oi utoe t position atalit; m not convinced a a full-fledged the precedent stt ;ypt, in which It erritory it had sell unless Israel relc i of land, cai ' peace with Syria - liberals and cot ether the countn of the territory texed in 1981, bin ay most countriff Texan 'pack rat' opens museum of quirky artwork THE ASSOCIATED PRESS POST, Texas — It isn't the Lou vre, but lovers of such quirky art works as porcelain rattlesnakes and Russian lacquer boxes might find a new museum on the West Texas Plains is for them. The OS Ranch Foundation Mu seum, which displays the private art collection amassed by former Post Mayor Giles McCrary, opened Saturday. The collection includes art — both familiar and exotic — from McCrary's travels over the past 12 years. In addition to the porcelain rep tile and Russian boxes, there are ebony wood sculptures from Bur ma and Faberge eggs. "A pack rat is what I am," said McCrary, a native of Fort Worth. "This was for my personal plea sure . . .to get things that I was interested in." Said museum curator Marie Neff, "He's a very discriminating pack rat. He gets only the neat things that would really pique your interest." Street names in 3,500-year-old city recognize various events, places THE ASSOCIATED PRESS JERUSALEM — To get to your neighborhood gro cery in this 3,500-year-old city, you may have to rave the Valley of the Ghosts, cross the Bridge of Life, or pass by Gates of Justice. Forget about Main Street. The street names here betray a fiery history of war, conquest and politics mixed with religion. The Way of the Prophets leads to Words of Truth, alley of the Crucifixion Street crosses Gates of Mer cy. Mule Drivers Street, named for a World War I British brigade, runs into Ghetto Fighters, which memorializes Jews who fought the Nazis. On the biblical Hill of Evil Counsel, there is Those Who Are Hanged Street, named for pre-state Jewish underground fighters condemned by the British. Despite its name, a popular meeting place in the old walled city is the Dung Gate, called so after a nearby dump. It's not far from the Way of Suffering, more popularly known by the Latin name Via Do lorosa, the route tradition says Jesus took to his cru cifixion. Imagine living on Every Generation Has Its Preachers Street — origin unknown. Moshe Piro, who has been affixing street signs here for the past 30 years, said at least 70 percent of Jerusalem's 2,000 streets have been paved and named since Israeli independence in 1948. Open an Israeli map of Jerusalem and show it to a Palestinian; chances are he won't recognize some of the names. Street names are contentious anywhere, but particularly in the Holy City, with its clash of re ligions, cultures and peoples. U.K. upholds baby sitter law )n THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 their daughter,' n Milwaukee,at ordering the young man to leave utheast. England. An au pair, or resident baby sit ter, must be an unmarried female age 17 to 27 and without depen dents, according to immigration LONDON — A Swedish youth cannot work as a live-in baby sit ter in Britain because he is male, the Home Office said Sunday in itys lived n Southgate Ten the hardest-hit aif up to close thed ocked up against ;xt thing he knew, through the air, over there in a di Judy Monty s a trench 100« ntified elderly 1 heart problems i during the iller, WausharaCr :y government di te 30 people inju lospitalized incc: nday, Miller said looten ht bad i Somali factions! tanis. Agreement 1 i't be here before* g at a rate of 2,(1 y hit ports, truck■[ ivil war, it i 2 -U.S. relief coord k. Two of the e wounded Frida 1 ' anitarian coordid ?n. He was shake”; ing" recently ^ irrah Aidid'sH® northerners, all 1 the Red Cross trie* sed fire in March 'd under the gu® hrough, but a lot' :e fathers whop ;ore is trucked of ited interests: po rules, a Home Office spokesman said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Johan Egelstedt, 19, does not qualify, and must leave Monday. "I was amazed, breathtakingly staggered by them saying that we couldn't have a male au pair," said Alain Baughan, who had hired Egelstedt to watch his four children. The Equal Opportunities Com- ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY WELCOME BACK AGS! ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR YOUR DRAFTING, ART & OFFICE SUPPLY NEEDS 5820 HON PNEUMATIC COMPUTER Cl LAIR REG. SI39^ SALE S85M USED STENO ( I I MRS USED DESKS STARTING AT $4921 $1921 80516 O'SULLIVAN 19 3, 4" X43 ,/4 ' DESK $5921 UNASSEMBLED merchant to corn 3 an aspiring wJ ny's loyalty. Oih' DRAFTING S POOL PNEUMATIC HEIGHT ADJUST tlllU 5 109^ REG *15001 #7000-10 * NEW 1" RING BINDERS STARTING AT $100 EDG KOH-I-NOOR DRAFTING KIT TECHNICAL PEN SET REG-*108°° $4921 #3165SP7 7-PEN DRAETING TABLES 30" Y r 'OT ^ 'WAY $9421 REG- U 20 00 SANDER COMPUTER WO T' • *2337 *14121 K.D. BOOKCASES O’SULLIVAN WOOD LAMINATE 48" *592i 60" *742i 72" *792i DRAFTING LAMP *Q2S - REG. 52495 1418 Texas Ave. S. Redmond. Terrace • College Station, Tx • 693-9553 TODAY ONLY!! MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1992 00 Membership JZifiistyles FULL FACILITY USE THROUGH DEC.31,1992 903 HARVEVCRD .OhiGf STALQN TX 77840 764-6000 r y 7 7e:',7 OFFER EXPIRES MIDNIGHT LIMIT 2 PER COUPON mission issued a statement ex pressing concern about sexual dis crimination. The Independent newspaper on Saturday quoted the Home Office as saying young men were exclud ed "in case it opens up an avenue for potential abuse of U.K. immi gration control in a way that could undermine the objective of pro tecting the domestic labor mar ket." STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATION CENTER 707 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840 * (409) 696-3196 TAKE THE BEST FOR LESS! Now! $ 100. 00 off the LSAT $ 50. 00 off GMAT & GRE but you must register by October 1 st LSAT Prep course schedule for the December 5, 1992 exam LSAT Reg & CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS Oct-Nov 01* 1 2 3 : 4 5 6 7 S 9 SATURDAY 10/3 10/10 7 10/17 7 10/24 io/^'i" “ 11/7 ' 11/14 ' 7 "li&i : i2?r~ 9*30 AM 10 to 10 10 ; 10 11 10 10 6m TUESDAY 10/6 " 10/20 10/27 uti li/10 117177' . 11/24' ~ 12/f 1 5:30 PM 6:00 6i00 em 6m 6*00 6.-00 6:00 6:00 GRE Prep Plus course schedule for the December 12, 1992 exam at the College Station Center GRE THURSDAY P.M. 10/1/92 GRE SATURDAY A.M. 10113/92 DIAGNOSTIC TMURfe. 5:30 10/3 SAT. 0:30 SiSSiOM 1 THORS. 6:00 10/10 SAT. 10:00 10/15 THURS. 6:00 10/17 SAT. 10:60 THURS. 6:00 tO/24 SAT. 10:60 10/29 THURS. 6:00 10/31 SAT. 10:00 If/S THURS. 6:00 iift SAT. 10:00 SESSION . 11/12 THURS. 6:00 11/14 SAT. 10:00 11/18 THURS. 6:00 11/21 SAT. 10:00 THURS. 6:00 SAT, 10:00 THURS. SAT. GMAT Prep Plus course schedule for January 16. 1993 exam at the College Station Center TUESDAY &00-12/16 10/13/92 WEDNESDAY 6:00-10:00 10/14 DIAGNOSTIC 10/13 TOES. 330 10/14 WEDS. 5d0 SESSION -■1 HI 10/20 TUES. 6m 10/21 WEDS. 6m SESSION 2 10/27 TUES. 600 10/28 WEDS. 6m SESSION 3 11/3 TUES. 600 11/4 WEDS. 6m SESSION li/lO TUES. 6m 11/11 WEDS. 6m SESSION 5 11/17 TUES. 600 li/18 WEDS. 600 SESSION 6 11/24 TUES. 600 12/2 WEDS. 600 12/1 TUES. 600 12/9 WEDS. 600 12/8 Mm 12/16 WEDS. 600 The above class day and time are subject to change. We reserve the right to cancel classes if enrollment is insufficient. All of the basic call lectures are available on audio cassette for use at our center. If you find that you are unable to attend any, or all, of the live class sessions, or if there should be insufFicient enrollment to hold live class sessions, remember that the course is available in a pre-recorded format. To register call the above number or visit the location listed above