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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1992)
turns pie ting tax retuc value of timespe md the cost ?. There are ; of tax filing fort lal Revenue Sen; rbled in size sin CPAs are visitii id issuing the ps have had a ons made tocit id said. "We hi if support fromo! iw where Congtf >ing a tax' 11 at least get tit said. xas ced cost! only dr "P-: fn ee aircraft lany also hasmt round the stal eas, an 800-nuii le of 10:30 a.m. i 8:30 a.m ily delivery sen They will pick ernoon. er earlier and aid. "Our mi gain market sh: it those compar ■dominantly sen printing compi nagement firms, fact that we're a! s $9500 per gi5h omy Tome ?el cruncl TON (AP) • ages and salafi up with inflate led in June, pe? :st increase in . the goverm ay. the reason for Ik .e feel they're if Robert G. Deoe hern Trust Co. funk" apparent o July, when ed survey fom oected little:: re economy in h department des edged upp ie 12 months er: than the 3.1 p? te for the year, he department e Index. The? i was down fn m a year eariii nallest increai artment bep : earnings ink ad of the 1 The Battalion Opinion Wednesday, July 29, 1992 Page 5 Life isn't a game, but it matters how it's played /A--.-. ■ . "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth." — Matthew 5:5 believe a glass is half-empty; not half- iull. I believe freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. William That men will never Harrison and a i know what it's like to be a woman, women will never understand men, so why bother with relationships? Why Ask Why? I believe in might makes right, Dar win's 'survival of the fittest' theory, and King Arthur's Divine Right through trial oy combat. Borders divide groups of peo- whose conflicts are of no concern as they can be righteously ended and re- olved through genocide. This world makes sense when you force it to. I believe that people are basically trib in nature, just like the apes, and this tribal system necessarily creates every outstanding atrocity ever committed by group against another. Not even the individual who initiates the atrocity — oma minor political execution to a holo caust, pogrom or any large scale massacre - should be held accountable for merely oerpetuating the system. Therefore, I believe in voting for the esser of two evils. I'll judge presidential andidates on their detractions, and not heir merits. I believe there is nothing natural in nature, that we watch network to see the day's top ten disaster list in order of casualties), and that ther Earth has deemed the human race nuisance — to be kicked off the planet )y AIDS, as George Carlin quips. I believe in rights, not responsibilities; hat "you've got to remember what you :ee; we'll take it eventually; you can have ything you want, but you'd better not :ake it from me, in the jungle — welcome the jungle." So sayeth the Rev. Axl. I believe Alexis de Tocqueville was in- as mman lews listed dc: Vlo correct when he toured the United States in the 1800s and labeled us the most fra ternal country in the world. He obviously never met Carnegie, Vanderbilt, or Rocke feller — the ultimate capitalists, business men, and pragmatists of that era. I believe Aym Rand was correct in the establishment of the individual and 'ego ism' as the utmost ideal, the govern ment's role is nothing more than med dling kids out to foil old man Withers, and that slavery wasn't the most impor tant issue in the war between the states. I believe order doesn't need to be made out of chaos, that food, clothing and shelter are the only things people need to survive and thrive, and that all men are created equally to fend for themselves. I believe ulterior motives form the bonds of friendship. To paraphrase Karl Marx, sympathy is a disease of dogs: with no such thing as even man's best friend. I believe in good vs. evil, black vs. white, right vs. wrong, logic vs. illogic. I don't believe in consideration vs incon sideration, and tolerance vs. intolerance. I believe I don't have to respect any body's opinion, even my own, and I also believe it's an unnecessary risk to take anyone's word for anything. I believe one man's meat is another man's poison, everyone has their own hidden agenda, and because of this, we'll never walk on 'common ground.' I believe men make perfectly good is lands, and the best form continents — or maybe we are particles in a stream, erod ed and eroding others through life. I believe in existence, not living. "Civilization is a stream with banks. The stream sometimes filled with blood from peo ple killing, stealing, shouting and doing things historians usually record, while on the banks, unnoticed, people build homes, make love, raise children, sing songs, write poetry. The story of civilization is the story of what happened on the banks . . . ." — Will Durant Harrison is a senior journalism major and political cartoonist for The Battalion. How TO WlW PO* LOSING : RVLB l, V£RS£ 2. lepartmenfsE: : Index rose? 'Cop Killer' expression of anger JL Paul Greco m 'bout to bust some shots off. I'm 'bout to dust some cops off. Die, die! Die Pig, Die!" These words come from the song "Cop Killer" on rap per Ice T's latest al bum, Body Count. These are some pretty powerful words. There's al ways extremist in ev ery form of protest. But maybe as a nation, we should look underneath all these words and exam ine what rap singers like Ice T, Sister Souljah, N.W.A., and the Ceto Boys have to say. Most artist express them selves for a reason. So why are rap mu sicians now strongly expressing these views? There is a large amount of frustra tion in this country. Sister Souljah told the Washington Post last month, "If black people kill black people every day, why not take a week and kill white people?" Of course, she has a right to her opinion but this is a little extreme. Her views, however, illustrate the anger that has been building up for decades. In 1963, unemployment in the ghetto was a soaring 25 percent. One black family in eight saw their kids forced out in the streets/where the crime rate was high. Unemployment among blacks in 1963 was 12 percent (more than twice the white unemployment rate). And one out of five black families had a child drop out of high school. These statistics are strikingly similar to the statistics prior the riots that oc curred this year. In March 1992, the to tal unemployment was 6.5 percent for whites and 14.1 percent among blacks, again more than double the rate for whites. So where do we go from here? I dis cussed race relations with a group of students and received a variety of reac tions. "White folks believe that we have come far enough and that blacks have been helped out enough with affirma tive action," a 22-year-old black male explained. "Black people know what the problem is. We can't solve these prob lems without cooperation from the pow er structure. We have little representa tion in government." He went on to say, "I don't want to sound Marxist but you can just keep people oppressed for so long. The Rod ney King incident has not evaporated, I hope we are civilized enough, but I could see a civil war easily." A 21-year-old white male stated, "I don't get much into it, but I don't un derstand why when it's a problem, it's always the white man's fault. I don't believe this is just a black-white thing, but also a rich-poor clash." He continued, "I believe we are civi lized enough to prevent a national civil outbreak but it could possibly happen. But it won't be between whites and blacks, but government. War is a part of politics, you know." Another black youth explained, "Discrimination is like being punished for something you didn't do." A 21-year-old white female stated, "We have given blacks enough breaks. And now they should let time and hard work be their guide." And a*23-year- old white female asked, "Why should we judge people by their race, gender, and sexual preference for job placement? These have no bear ing on job performance, nor should they ever." Riots in the 60's, Houston's Moody Park incident, and this year's L.A. riots are all forms of radical protest. But are the Boston Tea Party, the Alamo, and the Battle of Gettysburg comparable? These were all factors of revolutions. One of the most telling features of discrimination is its ability to feed on it self: if you are discriminated against, you have a low-paying job and therefore low-income housing, and a less chance to have the education to move up the company ladder. And it's not only blacks but women, Mexican-Americans, Indians and other ethnic groups that want no less than an end to discrimination in all forms. Our racial problems are for real and an every day part of our lives. America must face this domestic time bomb that has been ticking for the past 30 years. This isn't George Bush or Bill Clinton's problem. It's our problem. And ignor ing the problem only leads to empty ideas and solutions. Most Americans believe strongly that we as a nation are civilized enougn not to experience another dyil war. But let's not forget that war is an extension of political conflicts (both domestic and international). And sometimes small events can lead to catastrophe. Anger is exhibited in various ways such as rap songs, rioting in the streets, the right to vote, or peaceful protest. Richard Price is a white author who spent three years in the ghetto for his new novel, Clockers. The novel is about youth growing up in the crime-and- drug-imested streets. He states, "There but for the grace of God go I. And if I were born in the projects in 1970, where would I be today?" Greco is a freshman general studies ma jor and a columnist for The Battalion. ]VIail AIDS a problem affecting us all As a new member of the Texas A&M ommunity I am constantly faced with ►enefits were#trange and unexplainable facts. One t wasdownftf luestion is: why would The Battalion erall gaining iverpublish a letter as bigoted and misin- ne 1991 and"2 ormed as that of Michael Snyder n since a simii! 7/22/92). mberl987. Mr. Snyder attempted to address msation exce^ ^IDS in the 90's; instead he revisited the t what a perse ate 70's when HIV was incorrectly la- i didn't," Dede Jeled GRID (Gay Related Immune Disor- ler). No one "deserves" AIDS. Not a iggest boosts: voman in Houston, nor the baby she or v'as the ever-/ ler spiritual sister may some day con- rare costs. Wlti :eive. Not the gay, the TV drug user, the ied health cai aasketball player who slept around, nor ow up in wod he wife whose husband had a blood acreased costs 5 ransfusion. We have (the educated por- ding such betf ion of the population at least), I thought, d in the depai* [often beyond the point where sick peo- alewere being "punished for their sins." ?mic increase^ Another complaint of Mr. Snyder was tes adversely^ hat the government was spending budgets, it ^ Monies that it did not even have on AIDS mployers tryii Ssearch/education. I have a news flash: its in an effort he government spends in excess of $1 a sluggishe- ! fillion dollars a year that it does not tent. It alsotf 'ave. I am of the opinion that I would market ather spend money they do not have on ?nt rose to? education/research than on, say, the highest: Texas's Super Collider, provided eff Finally, Mr. Snyder states that "If tie leverage! bore Americans had common sense, this ses. Benefit!! 1 AIDS) would probably be a minor prob- slowing, risi!i em." That statement is partially true 12 months eni though probably not in the manner that ared with ah tfr. Snyder intended). If all of the Moral i year earlier. Majority types would get out o the way of compensate tiucation attempts, we might be able to Private induste same for bit* rice workers. reach our children with the information they could use. Giving kids condoms does not encourage them to go out and have sex any more than wearing a safety belt encourages you or me to go out and wrap our car around a tree. The Netherlands has brought the spread of AIDS in their country under control, yet the Bush administration for bids federal funds for one of their very ef fective programs (needle exchange). Yes, AIDS, could be, if not minor, at least less severe, if we were allowed to try to reach people with more than words. Mr. Snyder and everyone else out there, please think before you label AIDS as a "their" problem. Dr. Richard Keeling (a national expert on HIV education) says that by the year 1995 everyone in America will either: 1. Have a friend with or who has died from AIDS, 2. Have a family member with or who has dies from AIDS, or 3. Have AIDS themselves. If AIDS has not touched your life in the past, you are lucky; all luck eventual ly runs out. Be smart — the only "safe sex" is abstinence; if you do not practice that, practice "safer sex" — use a latex condom and Nonoxyl-9. William R. Wilson Graduate Student Oppression? Moslems; the oppressed, the victims, the enslaved .... Mr. Ben-Musa has been shelling us with the image of a people that have been long oppressed and hu miliated by Christians all around the non- Moslenr world. He is right, Moslems are oppressed. He, however, always forgets to mention two very relevant facts. First, all around the Moslem world, Christians, Zoroastri- ans, Hindus, and other non-Moslems are also oppressed, suffer tremendously and long for freedom. Second, Moslems them selves, all around what constitutes the "umma" are oppressed by those apostles of fanaticism and hate who disfigure the face of humanity. Mr. Ben-Musa, you're pointing at America's oppression. For what? For giving you this tribune to exercise your freedom? There are a lot of people around the world who can only dream of such an oppression. George Nasr Graduate Student Citizens must evaluate issues I am a conscientious and concerned citizen who observes politics quite close ly. As Americans get ready to vote in the November election, I have become ex tremely interested in what the respective candidates. President Bush and Gov. Clinton have to say about the economy and well-being of this country. As a well educated college student, I am waiting to hear their views on the economy and unemployment before I de cide who to support. President Bush is facing great amounts of criticism due to the recent recession and sluggish recov ery of the economy. However, he has im proved relations with foreign countries which will open new markets for Ameri can businesses, creating many jobs for Americans, and bringing long range ben efits for this country. On the other hand. Gov. Clinton has been preaching "change" during the past two weeks. But, what does he exactly mean with the word change? Does he mean implementing socialized medicine and increasing welfare, thus increasing taxes, or does he mean motivation indus tries to produce more by tax reductions, thus creating more jobs? A great deal of pressure is put upon us (college students) by the candidates; they will say and promise anything to win our votes. However, as well educat ed people, we should think carefully about what they have to say about the main issues, the economy, and the high rates of unemployment, and then we should evaluate how their promises can affect the status of this great country. Therefore, my advice to you. Aggies, is: before you decide to vote for President Bush or Gov. Clinton, ask yourselves, "How will his ideas and promises affect my family, my country, and me?" Nathaniel Garcia '93 Voters' attitudes part of problem In reply to Brian Coats' concern about the state of the national government and lack of leadership all I can say is: It doesn't have to be that way. This is a democratic country and the people have power and responsibility to change the system. Mr. Coats wants the leaders to forget about political differences and just do what is right for the people. But isn't do ing the right thing for their constituents what keeps politicians in office? How else are they, or anyone, supposed to know "what is naturally and inherently best for the people?" Is there an alterna tive to the two party system and if so, why hasn't it evolved? The problem is not so much with there being two parties but with the atti tude of the voters. How can we ever go beyond politics when so many practice straight party voting, not really knowing who the candidates are? Where's the so- called outrage when voters re-elect in cumbents without examining what they have actually done? Why are politicians able to sway people with 30-second sound bites that have no real substance? Why do almost fifty percent of adults not vote in presidential elections? It's important to realize that no leader, no matter how great, can have the solu tion to every problem. With every policy there's always a trade-off; something giv en up, left out or compromised. It's time for people to attain a clear idea of what the government should or should not do, stop pointing fingers at the leadership, and start rebuilding from the bottom up. Dennis Muzza '93 Have an opinion? Express it! The Battalion is interested in hearing from its readers. All letters are welcome. Letters must be signed and must include classification, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. They should be 250 words or less. Anonymous letters will not be published. The Battalion reserves the right to edit all letters for length, style and accuracy. There is no guarantee a letter will appear. Letters may be brought to The Battalion at 013 Reed McDonald, sent to Campus Mail Stop 1111 or faxed to 845-2647.