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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1992)
> l The Battalion Classified Ads Page 4 The Battalion Tuesday, April 28, yes, i know you BEAr the coug-ars two ouita three ... BUT THIS IS the cartoon I PROMISED P°R THE DUNCAN VOLUNTEERS/ IT WAS SUPPOSED TO RUN LAST FRIDAY, BUT TNE 0ATT DIDN'T HAVE ROOM ... SO I'M TRYING AGAIN / * Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours Call or visit us: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fax us at 845-5408 Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication VISA, MasterCard accepted ‘AGGIE* Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchandise Is priced $1000 or less (price must appear In ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If Item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional Insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Help Wanted Services Skin Infection Study Volunteers needed for Skin Infection Research Study comparing two antibiotics (one of which is an investigational drug.) Infection must be culturable. Qualifying infections include: infected blisters, earlobes, boils, fingernails, infected cuts, scrapes and insect bites. Call to see if eligible. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Strep Throat study Volunteers needed for Strep Throat Study comparing two antibiotics (one is an investigational drug.) Qualifying symptoms include at least two of the following: Sore Throat, Difficulty Swallowing, Swollen Glands and Fever. Rapid strep test will be done free of charge to confirm diagnosis. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G &S Studies • Close to Cam 846-5933 pus NOTES-N-QUOTES Typing, Resume, & Editing Service. Call us Now 846-2255, FAX 846-2985 Word Processing, Resumes' Term Papers Rush Jobs Welcomed VERY REASONABLE RATES! Call Shawn - 845-9440 or (1) 825-7788 Gun Club ARROWHEAD GUN CLUB. Non-members welcome. Skeet-Pistol-Trap-RifleRanges. OpenTues-Sun, 10a.m. Hwy. 6 S. 1/4 mile past Texas World Speedway. 690- 0276. For Rent SUMMER WORK $9.25 to Start International Firm filling full & part-time openings. Contact personnel office nearest your summer residence. TEXAS PONT. Ft. Worth- (971)377-2533 Houston- (713)977-1535 Longview - (903) 759-9940 Lubbock- (806)795-2380 Midland- (915)520-9675 N. Houston- (713) 440-8000 San Ant.- (512)824-0032 Sugarland- (713) 265-9275 Waco- (817) 754-3655 A&M PRE-MED MAJORS Interested in a summer internship to develop people skills and help pay for medical school? TAMU students last summer made approximately $5,600 for a 13 week summer. Qualifications. 1) Entire summer must be free from restrictions like essential summer school, ROTC, etc. 2) Must be willing to work outside of College Station. 3) Should be able to demonstrate a financial need. For more information call: 1-800-234-3269 THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY COLORADO Boulder- (303) 449-6266 Co. Springs-(719) 599-5416 Fort Collins- (303) 226-5522 N.Denver- (303) 369-6370 S .E. Denver-(303) 237-8488 OKLAHOMA Okla. City-(415) 840-9675 Tulsa- (918)664-4118 TEXAS Abilene- (915)698-0551 Amarillo- (806) 374-5631 Arlington- (917)860-0901 Austin- (512)458-9675 Beaumont- (409) 899-5533 Clear Lake- (713) 286-2226 Col. Stat.- (409) 764-1077 Corp. Chris.- (512) 993-2830 Dallas- (214)991-8920 EXCITING SUMMER JOBS Now seeking 300-400 Waitpersons •Previous experience required •Flexible hours •Earn good pay •Training available Ask about becoming involved with the Republican National Convention. For appointment call or write: READHIMER STAFFING SERVICE 7634 Park Place Blvd. Houston 77087 (713) 649-0236 RESIDENT CAMP STAFF May 31 - July 25 Girl Scout Camp Lake Brownwood, Texas All majors welcome: MUST LOVE CHILDREN! For more information call: Kay Hutton (915) 646-1516 or write: Heart of Texas Girl Scout Council 700 E. Baker Brownwood, Texas 76801 E0E FREE LOCATORS "NOW LEASING" •Houses •Duplexes/condos •Apartments Aggies Helping Aggies L. H. Cox Class of '85 Advantage Realty Group 361-4045 Summer Camp Counselors, Administrative Stall, Nurses, and lifeguards needed for girls' resident camps near Athens, Texas and on Lake Texoma. For more informa tion, call Janis Hunt (214) 823-1342 or 1-800-442-2260. EOE. STUDENTS NEED A JOB THIS SUMMER? Earn $600 to $800 per month as a route carrier for the Houston Chronicle. Job requires working early morning hours and a gas allowance is provided. If interested call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for appointment. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. If you like to sell we have the product. Follow our simple sales and marketing program for 10 wks. this summer and you will earn between $4,000 - $5,000. Not only that but we will send you to Cancun for 5 days as a bonus. For interview send name, school address and phone number, and home address and phone numberto SAFEGUARD P.O Box 327 Brookhaven, MISS. 39601 EXTRA INCOME - HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE STU DENTS. Let American Youth Enterprises show you our extra income and cash bonus program. Unlimited poten tial. Set your own hours. Call 693-6062 Monday-Friday. 3:00-6:00 p.m. JOBS IN KUWAIT TAX FREE. Construction workers $75,000.00. Engineering $200,000.00. Oil field workers $100,000.00. Call 1-602-837-9554 ext. 609. Summer childcare needed part-time. In my home. Two boys. Will schedule around your classes. $4.00/hr. 693- 0738. Interested in sales and marketing? Special undergrad program offers college credit and approximately $450+ week. Call 1-800-234-3269. THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY. Schulman 6 Theatres is now hiring! All positions available including manager trainee. Apply in person at Manor East III Theatre. M-W8am-12pm. A director needed for non-profit organization. Requires BS in sociology or psychology. Resumes In person to 3130 East 29th Suite A 175. Help wanted: Student to clean house Fridays, $5.00/hr. Three references. Leave message 775-4115. Mechanic ASE certified or equivalent. Full or part-time. Flexible hours. Salary/commission. Apply at Piper's Chevron the corner of University and TX Ave. CRUISE LINE Entry level onboard/landslde positions available; year-round & summer. (813) 229-5478. EARN CASH! $110/MTH. AND UP. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Wellborn Road 846-8855. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. Free transportation! Room & Board. Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call Student Employ ment Services at 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1601. Dependable people for Houston Post route $400-$900 a/ month. Early morning 846-2911, 846-1253. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. Wanted WANTED! Working and non-working TVs and VCRS. 1207 Antone 822-5893. Services Professional Word Processing Resume Services Reports & Merge Letters Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 PROTUTORS - GROUP CHEMISTRY 101, 102 REVIEW TONIGHT. CALL 775-2600. MAKE STRAIGHT A S Learn secrets teachers don't know. Guaranteed. Free Details 1-800-880-4636. CYBERGENICS TOTAL BODYBUILDING SYSTEM $99.99. LOWEST PRICES ON ALL BRANDS OF SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS 693-1236. $1.00 PER PAGE TYPING LASER PRINTED. CALL EDITING SERVICES 764-7191. Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue (6-10 p.m ). W-Th. (6-10 p.m.,Fri.(6- 10 p.m.) Sat , (8-12 noon). Sat. (8-4:30 p.m ). $20.00/per class. 411 TX Ave. S. 693-1322. WHY PAY RENT?? Simple to understand, easily affordable report provides you with a proven alternative to avoid the high cost of renting! Could provide you with cash upon graduation! A must for every college student!! Please contact Brent at CBBR Enterprises (409) 778-1128 Written by an Aggie for Aggies. COTTON VILLAGE APTS. Ltd. Snook, Texas $0 w/RA $224-$360 for 1 bdrm. $0 w/RA $280-$481 for 2 bdrm. Call 846-8878, 774-0773 a/5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible A one bedroom near campus $290. $150 deposit dis count with year lease no utility deposit. Available 5/16 or 6/1. Call 8-5 846-4266. Two bedroom house, 2502 Tabor Road, Bryan, near East bypass. $200 monthly. Call after 5:00 778-8755. TIRED OF APARTMENT LIVING? Nice 3bd/1 ba homes, W/D connections, CA/H, fenced, close to shuttle, lawn care. Call Buddy 696-2204. Roommate Wanted Roommate Needed for summer terms only. 2b/1,1/2ba, $230/mth , 1/2 utilities. Call after 5pm Javier 693-9171. Male student summer/fall housing. Very affordable. Utili ties paid, furnished. Call 693-5767 or 764-8441. Female Roommate needed to share 2bd/2ba for summer only. Call Laura 693-9379. Great accommodations. For Lease LOADED WITH BARGAINS Anderson Place 693-2347 Call Today WOODBROOK CONDO 2 bedroom, 2,1/2 bath, living room/dining room, central ac, wet bar, fireplace and bus route. Call (713) 360-5419 EAST GALVESTON CONDO On beach, faces Gulf, 7th floor, pool, tennis, security, & cable. Call Vargas - Class '54 (713) 643-8881 Sublease 2bd/2ba, microwave, dishwasher, laundry room, on shuttle bus route $200/mth. +1/2 bills 775-0815. Summer sublease apartment 2bd/2ba $400/mth. Close to campus 693-9193. SUMMER SUBLEASE-1BDM, Sevilla Apartments; pool, volleyball. $220.mth. 696-9436. Sublease for summer luxury 2b/2ba condo, on route, fenced yard, $525/mth. Call 696-1384. Summer months Only! Sutter's Mill Condo 2bdr/1,1/2bth, washer/dryer, furn/unfurn., on shuttle route. Great condi tion! $550/mth. 696-0943. For Lease Preleasing Now! 2 bedroom for 2 people, starting June 1 st for 12 months $305.00.unfurnished, $355furnished. 846- 1413. 1bd/1ba apartments, on shuttle, quiet, pool, low bills, pets welcome. Great for grad/vet. students. Clark and Wyndham 846-4384, APARTMENT AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER SUBLEASE 2b/1,1/2ba, unfurnished, $395/mth. 307-D Manuel Drive. College Station 693-9902. YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE. 1670 sq. ft.. 4bd/2ba„ two 1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms, wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, celling fans, Intrusion alarms, pool and park. Call Sandra 696- 9638. For Sale Brand New 1992 Nishike Mountain bike with Shlmano parts and 'u' steel lock $200.00. o.b.o. Dorm loft $90.00. Call George 847-3170. Near mint comics for salel Up to %75 oft 696-9221. AKC dachshund, red male. Moving, must sell. 12 weeks old on April 21st. Adorable, wormed. 2nd shots, papers, $100. 696-3271. 4,1/2 x 8 ft. pool table, fair condition, $300. Call Tim 846- 3681. Sharp VCR, Hi-Fi stereo, four head $250 822-1797 ask for J D. 1985 Chevy Cavalier maroon $800 or o.b.o. After 5:00 p.m. 260-9889. 1989 Nissan Sentra 2-door, 4-speed, 54K, excellent con- ditlon $4000 693-1019. Table with four chairs for $30.00. Matching sofa and loveseat $45.00. Four-door Chester drawers $25.00. 764- 9605. Smith Corona word processor; like new $175. Call Lisa 693-3986. BIKE OR WALK to TAMU. Houses for sale $30,000 - $60,000. FINANCING AVAILABLE. Call 696-1444. 86 Honda Spree, good condition. Must see 776-8800. Ninja EX-250 1988 Excellent condition $1850 764 -2158 Sergio Sofa sleeper matching chair, coffee and end table all $75.00. Console stereo for $25.00 823-8286. MUST SELL! 1984 Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE; 5-speed, black with leather interior, tinted glass, sunroof, A/C, power windows, 4-speaker, AM/FM stereo. Call 823-4967. Raleigh Technium City sport 18-speed. Great for street riding and curb jumping. $165. Call 764-7282. Full size 9 mth. old bed Need to sell by May 12. $125 or best offer. Call Chris 846-6141. A.K.C. Chow puppy, red champion bloodline $200 Call 696-3096. Loft for salel semester old $200 or o.b.o. Rob 847-1882. Farms & Ranches 143 Acres or will divide Long mountain near Sugar Loaf Mountain, overlooks River Valley 30 miles N.W Bryan. Beautiful homesifes, large pecan and oak trees, deer, squirrel, springs, minerals. Terms $975 acre Gray & Gray Real Estate 713-473-0793 or appointment by grand daughters both A&M seniors Brandi 409-693-5362 and Katherine 409-693-7477. Roommate Wanted Roommateneededforsummer. 2-bdrmduplex, $200mth., 1/2 bills. Call after 5pm 822-0462. Computers COMPUTER ACCESS. Books, software, service and computers. 809 So.. TX Ave. Across from TAMU (next to Red Lobster) 764-1136. Adoption Warm, loving, professional couple longs to adopt new born. We promise a caring, happy home filled w/music/ warmth, quality education, full-time mom. Confidential/ Legal. Call Nancy collect 919-942-9666. New England country home, love of outdoors, large family and pets await your baby. A loving couple will provide a lifetime of laughter, security and LOTS OF LOVE. Please call collect Ken & Ann (802) 235-2312. Personals Nice, handsome guy looking for rock & roll girl to go dancing, dining out, listen to KTSR 92.1FM, and fun. Call Pat 774-4604 @5:00 p.m. Mon-Fri. Announcements MAY GRADS If you ordered a 1992 Aggieland and will not be on campus next fall to pick it up, you can have it mailed. You should stop by room 015 (basement) of the Peed McDonald Building between 8:30 a.m. and 4-30 p.m. Monday through Friday and pay a $5 mailing and handling fee. Pefunds will not be made on Aggieland yearbooks not picked up within one semester of the publication date. It happens when you advertise in The Battalion Call 845-2696 "Thr. Yankees take Rangers, Barfield gets three-run homer; Bohannon strug NEW YORK (AP) - Jesse Barfield, who's had an ugly April, helped the New York Yankees win an ugly game with a big home run. Barfield hit a three-run homer and drove in four runs Monday night as the Yankees beat the Texas Rangers 8-7 for their fifth win in six games. Barfield singled in a run in the first off Brian Bohanon and home- red in the fifth off Barry Manuel. He has five hits in 17 at-bats fol lowing an 0-for-26 slide. "I've been feeling good for the last four, five games, starting to hit the ball hard," Barfield said. The score was tied 3-3 in the fifth inning when Barfield hit his cfe first home run in 60 at-bats since last July 2. He was leading the Yankees with 17 home runs last July before a season-ending foot injury. "I've had bad starts in April before and gone on to have fine seasons," said Barfield, who raised his average to .143. Still, Barfield's homer was not enough. Roberto Kelly also home- red and Kevin Maas broke a 7-all tie in the seventh with a bloop sin- gle. "It's kind of strange to come out of a game 8-7 and feel you HELD them to seven runs," Yan kees manager Buck Showalter said. Texas had taken a 7-6 lead with four runs in the top of the seventh on pinch-hitter Dean Palmer's two-run homer off Lee Guetterman and Ivan Rodriguez's two-run single off winner John Habyan (1-0). Kelly led off the bottom of the inning against Terry Mathews (1- 2) with his first home run of the season. Mel Hall doubled, took third on a wild pitch and scored one out later on Maas'pinA! opposite-field bloop downthel field line with the outfielders^ ed over to right. "He got the ball down; away from me," Maas said."I was trying to do wasgetthei in the air.' v Steve Farr relieved ft Howe and got the lastoudoil fourth save as the Yankees? Texas to its fifth loss in games. New York outhil! Rangers 15-13. Rafael Palmeiro's sacrifin gave Texas the lead in thefiisf the Yankees immediatelyd Bohanon, who got just one and three runs and four hits, eluding Kelly's RBI double run-scoring singles by ~ and Randy Velarde. It was the second straights in which Bohanon failed toget of the first. He gotjustonei against Detroit and allowed; runs and four hits. "I have no explanation, 1 hanon said. "I thought I had location. I thought 1 made pitches. You could say I'm trated." Texas manager Bobby Vali tine felt the same way "His location was pretty It was right down the midd Valentine said. "And it didn’t very fast, either." Todd Burns, purchasedea in the day from Class AAA Oil homa City, took overandall two runs and four hits ink Bar!:; n!:. VE: all: nines. V T got in here with usstii ting in the first inning,'s Burns, who had been schediiledl start for the 89ers. "I wasgett dressed and they told me to: down and start throwing. I had get some pants and some slew went to the bathroom, wentoil the dugout, down to thebul(( warmed up and came in game." Texas tied the score in the on Palmeiro's RBI groundoul Ruben Sierra's run-scoringsingt Detmer picked in 9th roum Continued from Page 3 May 7-9. "I look forward to work ing with him." BYU coach LaVell Edwards said the Packers represent an ex cellent opportunity. "It's a great spot for him to go in combination with his style of play and what Mike Holmgren will bring there," Edwards said. Waiting out the draft was frus trating, and Detmer said he couldn't help dwelling on critics' claims that at 6-foot, 185 pounds, he's too small for the NFL. "I heard everything from the fourth to the eighth round, then that went by," he said in a tele phone interview from his parents' Mission, Texas, home. "I'm sure that was a major concern, my size and durability," added Detmer, who had both of his shoulders dislocated during the 1990 Holiday Bowl against Texas A&M. Off-season surgery healedk throwing shoulder and thera[ cured his left shoulder. Lasts son he again led BYU totheWfS ern Athletic Conferencechamf onship. "My shoulders are fine,do good,' Detmer said. "I have: had any problems with them. Edwards is certain Detmerw do well in the pros. "The ninth round pickwi him is the greatest deal since Brink's robbery," he said. "IS ize it's another major step up, the bottom line is the P la y" _ Had he not been chosen int* NFL draft, Detmer said have pursued feelers fromlk Canadian Football League. "But we've set that on t burner," he said. "I'm just think ing of one league right now, "I was nervous before, ing. But now 1 guess it'sti get really nervous. I'm readyf* that next challenge." Andro Continued from Page 3 -tered whether or not you win. "Be a man. Don't ever be satisfied with losing, but be a man about it." I never was - un til now. It's really amazing how cer tain things can hit you like a bolt of lightning. People never really listen to their parents. Everything they say goes in one ear and out the other. But, it seems there comes a time in everyone's life when they have that realization that their parents could have been right. For me, I've always known my mom was right about almod everything. But with my dad, things were a little different, But with spring here, I was having one of those memories! sports gone by, and I finally un derstood what he was talking about during those May evenings. When that happens, you really want to pick up the phone and let that person know that you finally figured out what they were talking about. But in some cases, that real ization comes a little too late in life, and they are no longer there. I miss you dad and thanks for everything. I finally understand why I couldn't give up on those grounders. come forme Pillsv ini tel spew from fruit, man a tertaii "V relate Pillsv seem show, T) in sp< parad over 1 fourtl Varie placet their 1 year b ing in "V aroun perfo: crowc nior S jor. "B doesn nature Pil perfoi ago af They 1 age. of manct school Jor g lin g perfor sion. L anges impre and ot Pil differe "Ir A SI sea; doi Zoole, TEXAS AA STUDY