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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1992)
Page 4 The Battalion Friday, April 24,1! Creative accounting aids A&M Continued from Page 1 comptroller's office funds these disbursements account for the amount needed by the institution that day. Any left over funds are invested the following day. "We're able to keep enough cash available to meet day-to-day needs, and can invest up to 70 or 80 percent, which brings about a greater return," he said. In addition, the centralization program allows the system to buy securities in no less than $5 mil lion blocks, which allows for greater returns. "It's more efficient for the parts in the system, because it gives them a greater return for their money," Anderson said. Anderson said each part of the system used to have to determine its own funding needs, and would sometimes invest more than what was needed. "Now they don't have to worry about that anymore," he said. Another benefit of the central ization program is that it has giv en extra time to fiscal officers, since they no longer have to deter mine individual funding needs, he said. Anderson said the program is new to university systems, but it has been very successful when used by corporations. Dr. Ed Davis, executive deputy chancellor, and Kevin McGinnis, investment analyst for the A&M system, were unavailable for com ment. The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building AGGIE'WANT ADS $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). For private individuals, not businesses. Guaran teed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Help Wanted For Lease Skin Infection Study Volunteers needed for Skin Infection Research Study comparing two antibiotics (one of which is an investigational drug.) Infection must be culturable. Qualifying infections include: infected blisters, earlobes, boils, fingernails, infected cuts, scrapes and insect bites. Call to see if eligible. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Strep Throat study Volunteers needed for Strep Throat Study comparing two antibiotics (one is an investigational drug.) Qualifying symptoms include at least two of the following: Sore Throat, Difficulty Swallowing, Swollen Glands and Fever. Rapid strep test will be done free of charge to confirm diagnosis. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G&S Studies • 846-5933 Close to Campus A&M ENGINEERING MAJORS Interested in a summer internship to prepare for technical sales career and pay for graduate school? TAMU students last summer made approximately $5,600 for a 13 week summer Qualiticatigns 1) Entire summer must be free from restrictions like essential summer school, ROTC, etc. 2) Must be willing to work outside of College Station. 3) Should be able to demonstrate a financial need. For more information call: 1-800-234-3269 THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY ^ BUSINESS / PUBLIC RELATIONS MAJORS Interested fn a summer internship to build your resume experience and to help pay for school? TAMU students last sumer made approximately $5,600 fora 13week summer. Qualifications 1) Entire summer must be free from restrictions like essential summer school, ROTC, etc. 2) Must be willing to work outside of College Station. 3) Should be able to demonstrate a financial need. For more information call: 1-800-234-3269 THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY Interested in sales and marketing? Special undergnad program offers college credit and approximately $450+ week. Call 1-800-234-3269. THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY. Schulman 6 Theatres is now hiring! All positions available including manager trainee. Apply in person at Manor East III Theatre. M-W8am-12pm. A director needed for non-profit organization. Requires BS in sociology or psychology. Resumes in person to 3130 East 29th Suite A 175. Help wanted: Student to clean house Fridays, $5.00/hr. Three references. Leave message 775-4115. High paying construction jobs? None available. Better paying sales openings $1710month average. Call 1-800- 234-3269. THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY. Perm, cut and color models needed for April 27th. Free of charge. 776-5008. Need 10 students with ranch or construction experience to work May 15 to May 31st in exchange for summer apart ment rent. Apply at Academic Village 3900 Old College Road. Bryan from 1 to 5, M-F. 846-9196. Student couple needed for summer to assist with ranch activities. Housing and salary provided. Send information to 1300 Walton C.S. 77840. Mechanic ASE certified or equivalent. Full or part-time. Flexible hours. Salary/commission. Apply at Piper’s Chevron the corner of University and TX Ave. CRUISE LINE Entry level onboard/landside positions available; year-round & summer. (813) 229-5478. EARN CASH! $110/MTH. AND UP. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Wellborn Road 846-8855. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. Free transportation! Room & Board. Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call Student Employ ment Services at 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1601. Dependable people for Houston Post route $400-$900 a/ month. Early morning 846-2911, 846-1253. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35. excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. Wanted WANTED! Working and non-working TVs and VCRS. 1207 Antone 822-5893. Services Word Processing, Resumes' Term Papers Rush Jobs Welcomed VERY REASONABLE RATESt! Call Shawn - 845-9440 or (1) 825-7788 Services Professional Word Processing Resume Services Reports & Merge Letters Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 NOTES-N-QUOTES Typing, Resume, & Editing Service. Call us Now 846-2255, FAX 846-2985 MAKE STRAIGHT AS Leam secrets teachers don’t know. Guaranteed. Free Details 1-800-880-4636. CYBERGENICS TOTAL BODYBUILDING SYSTEM $99.99. LOWEST PRICES ON ALL BRANDS OF SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS. 693-1236. $1.00 PER PAGE TYPING LASER PRINTED. CALL EDITING SERVICES 764-7191. Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue(6-10p.m.),W-Th. (6-10 p.m., Fri.(6- 10 p.m.) Sat., (8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m..). $20.00/per class. 411 TX Ave. S. 693-1322. Gun Club ARROWHEAD GUN CLUB. Non-members welcome. Skeet-Pistol-Trap-RifleRanges. OpenTues-Sun, 10a.m. Hwy. 6 S. 1/4 mile past Texas World Speedway. 690- 0276. Call 846-8878, 774-0773 a/5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible COTTON VILLAGE APTS. Ltd. TIRED OF APARTMENT LIVING? Nice 3bd/1ba homes, W/D connections, CA/H, fenced, close to shuttle, lawn care. Call Buddy 696-2204. 2Bdrm,.1 1/2Ba luxury four-plex. W/D, near A&M, shuttle bus, water paid, $425; 693-0551, 764-8051. Roommate Wanted Female Roommate needed to share 2bd/2ba for summer only. Call Laura 693-9379. Great accommodations. WOODBROOK CONDO 2 bedroom, 2,1/2 bath, living room,dining room, central ac, wet bar, fireplace and bus route. Call (713) 360-5419 EAST GALVESTON CONDO On beach, faces Gulf, 7th floor, pool, tennis, security, & cable. Call Vargas - Class '54 (713) 643-8881 SUMMER SUBLEASE-1BDM, Sevilla Apartments; pool, volleyball. $220.mth. 696-9436. Sublease for summer luxury 2b/2ba condo, on route, fenced yard, $525/mth. Call 696-1384, Summer months Only! Sutter's Mill Condo 2bdr/1,1/2bth, washer/dryer, furn/unfurn., on shuttle route. Great condl- tlon! $550/mth. 696-0943. Preleasing Now! 2 bedroom for 2 people, starting June 1 st for 12 months $305.00.unfurnished, $355furnished. 846- 1413. 1ba/1ba apartments, on shuttle, quiet, pool, low bills, pets welcome. Great for grad/vet. students. Clark and Wyndham 846-4384. SUBLEASE FURNISHED CLOSEST TO CAMPUS APARTMENT FOR SUMMER $225/mth. 846-1346. APARTMENT AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER SUBLEASE. 2b/1,1/2ba, unfurnished, $395/mth. 307-D Manuel Drive. College Station 693-9902. YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE. 1670 sq. ft.. 4bd/2ba., two 1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms, wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, ceiling fans, intrusion alarms, pool and park. Call Sandra 696- 9638. Garage Sale GARAGE SALE: Furniture, clothes, & much more. Friday 4-7 and Saturday 10-4. 701 Cherry College Station. For Sale Table with four chairs for $30.00. Matching sofa and loveseat$45.00. Four-door Chester drawers $25.00. 764- 9605. Smith Corona word processor; like new $175. Call Lisa 693-3986. BIKE OR WALK to TAMU. Houses for sale $30,000 - $60,000. FINANCING AVAILABLE. Call 696-1444, Listen up Parents! Only Antique Mall and Aggieland Community! Located in Historic downtown Bryan. New est addition to Main street project. For information call (409) 822-7400 or come by 118 North Bryan Avenue. 86 Honda Spree, good condition. Must see 776-8800. Ninja EX-250 1988. Excellent condition $1850. 764-2158 Sergio. Sofa sleeper matching chair, coffee and end table all $75.00. Console stereo for $25.00 823-8286. MUST SELL! 1984 Mazda RX-7 GSL-SE; 5-speed, black with leather interior, tinted glass, sunroof, A/C, power windows, 4-speaker, AM/FM stereo. Call 823-4967. Raleigh Technium City sport 18-speed. Great for street riding and curb jumping. $165. Call 764-7282. Full size 9 mth. old bed. Need to sell by May 12. $125 or best offer. Call Chris 846-6141. A.K.C. Chow puppy, red champion bloodline $200. Call 696-3096. Near mint comics for sale! Up to 75% off! 696-9221. Top of the line, heavy duty, matching frigidaire, washer and dryer. Good condition. Available May 10 $250 774- 4944. Leave message. Loftforsale 1 semester old $200 or o.b.o. Rob 847-1882. FARMS AND RANCHES 143 Acres or will divide Long mountain near Sugar Loaf Mountain, overlooks River Valley 30 miles N.W Bryan. Beautiful homesites, large pecan and oak trees, deer, squirrel, springs, minerals. Terms $975 acre Gray & Gray Real Estate 713-473-0793 or appointment by grand daughters both A&M seniors. Brandi 409-693-5362 and Katherine 409-693-7477. Roommate Wanted Roommate needed for summer^-bdrm duplex, $200mth., 1/2 bills. Call after 5pm 822-0462. Computers COMPUTER ACCESS. Books, software, service and computers. 809 So.. TX Ave. Across from TAMU (next to Red Lobster) 764-1136. Adoption Warm, loving, professional couple longs to adopt new born. We promise a caring, happy home filled w/music/ warmth, quality education, full-time mom. Confidential/ Legal. Call Nancy collect 919-942-9666. New England country home, love of outdoors, large family and pets await your baby. A loving couple will provide a lifetime of laughter, security and LOTS OF LOVE. Please call collect Ken & Ann (802) 235-2312. Travel SUMMER TOURS TO EUROPE, AUSTRALIA AND THE GREEK ISLANDS. 15-19 days. All expenses paid includ ing meals. $1395 - $1798. Call Contiki Tours 1 -800-950- 1037 ext. #2. Spade Phillips, P. SPflD£. Yoo Sk/NWIER TMn fl Toothpick! FISH OUT OF WATER by GREGORY GCM budge traveli and th coach' ply no De coach, trying YeS FblYS, ITS THAI' AfijAikll SVTvAtK. • fMt&O Mx> 7. T'd T*U ioaft PteWflIk pKSSfeb fcvAf rouUb X iofe. S© VoU To C,© TT> SCHOOL. progTc budge Texas nuclear plant gets OK DALLAS (AP) - Federal in spectors have scored TU Electric's Comanche Peak nuclear power plant with a grade they call good, but slightly down from last year's B-plus. In its annual review of the Glen Rose plant, 90 miles south west of Dallas, the Nuclear Regu latory Commission noted errors and problems that led to several mishaps. But the NRC this week said Comanche Peak's performance was "generally good." The plant scored exceptional marks in areas including radiation control, emergency plans and en gineering and technical support. "We're pleased with it," said TU Electric spokesman Mark Manroe. TU Electric owns and runs the plant. NRC spokesman Joe Gilliland said the $10 billion Comanche Peak has been told to give atten tion to maintenance details. Last year, the NRC's annual re port rated the plant's operations as Category 2-improving, mean ing the plant earned the second- best grade and was getting better. The 1992 rating is Categori without the improving trend, The head of a ComanchePe watchdog group said the NEC view process underplays so: concerns. "There's no way in thisrep to assess harassment and intie dation" of safety whistle-blow said Juanita Ellis, president of Citizens Association for Soic Energy. "That kind of informal: needs to be given to the pull she said. Activities to feature campus group Continued from Page 2 gie yells. In addition, the Aggie Band will perform and the traditional "Rock and Raquel" story will be told. Saturday, the committee is sponsoring the 4th annual Bevo Burn Barbecue from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in The Grove. Tickets are $5 at the gate, but can be pur chased in the MSC Hallway Fri day afternoon. The Aggie Wranglers and the Singing Cadets will perform about 11:45 a.m. In addition, Aggie 96 will broadcast live from the picnic site. Both the yell practice and the barbecue shine. will be held rain Saturday evening i "Family Night" at theTexasH of Fame. Students can show theiri card at the door, and theenS party will be admitted forff person. Tex Slocun draft th those d he wat bor - tl Smiths maroo: now m sional c Slo< A&M t NFL. In] head c< NFL ha most t< Green, Larry K Webb, and me include Thoma Lewis. Thii on NFL began, year. E parent Bucky Chris C have to in exten 'Tf i they wc prograr out la: Slocum Look for Aggie Vision in the MSC Parents Weekend. If* tal in AggieVision will have a table in the MSC on Saturday, April 25th. Bring your parents by to show them the video yearbook (and get them to spend THEIR money!) We will be accepting VISA , Mastercard, checks and cash. The hack te oldest a weeken to comr The sored b hosts m states a oontinei Me been se records oompet Carl Le beamoi Owens, Wilt Ch by. Last