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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1992)
1 Multicultural week includes Spade Phillips, Rl. skits, origami, films, awards Contined from Page 2 proactive approach," she said. An MSC Hospitality group will perform a skit on cultural aware ness Tuesday at noon. Also, the workshop "Orgami: The Art of Paper Folding," will take place at 12:30 p.m. in 292 MSC. Beekmann said students will be given paper and Dr. James Yao, head of the civil engineering de partment, will demonstrate the ancient oriental art of paper fold ing in a hands-on workshop. Students will work in target groups trying to solve actual cam pus conflicts in the role-playing workshop. The role playing will take place Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in 292 in the MSC and is being coor dinated by Student Affairs. A PBS video about the history of buffalo-hunting warriors, enti tled "The Spirit of Crazy Horse," is to be shown at noon on Wednesday. Also, "The Killing Fields" will be shown at 6 p.m. Both presentations will be viewed in room 292 of the MSC. Readings from Chicano au thors, including Sandra Cisneros, will be read in the flag room at noon and 1 p.m. April 2. There also will be cultural display tables in the MSC between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The second TAMU Diversity Awards presentation will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. in room 206 of the MSC, with six categories: stu dent organizations, support staff, professional staff, administrators, faculty and students. The multicultural week will end with the fifth annual confer ence "Hispanics . . . What the Fu ture Holds" presented by the Committee for the Awareness of Mexican-American Culture on April 3 and 4. For more information, contact the Department of Multicultural Services at 845-4551. (the story so far. by thomas deenj The Battalion Classified Ads OH fU/J, vJHJtf A 1HA1 4AsreK2c*i wkz caaJ I woiJpeK vJtu<Mrrwzv ■Tb 'fUArf VLCtJVf I WAJ o/J LJsr/j^uf-' In tin west C< A&M ba ed Frida with his That Johnson boundec of a doc Universi one. Aftei on Frida came ba Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building AGGIE'WANT ADS $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). For private individuals, not businesses. Guaran teed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Monday through Friday accepted — Help Wanted Skin Infection Study Volunteers needed for Skin Infection Research Study comparing two antibiotics (one of which is an investigational drug.) Infection must be culturable. Qualifying infections include: infected blisters, earlobes, boils, fingernails, infected cuts, scrapes and insect bites. Call to see if eligible. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Strep Throat study Volunteers needed for Strep Throat Study comparing two antibiotics (one is an investigational drug.) Qualifying symptoms include at least two of the following: Sore Throat, Difficulty Swallowing, Swollen Glands and Fever. Rapid strep test will be done free of charge to confirm diagnosis. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Ankle & Knee Sprains Investigational Study Volunteers needed with acute ankle or knee injuries to evaluate the effectiveness of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. Must be seen within 48 hours of injury and have swelling tenderness and limitation of range of movement. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G&S Studies • 846-5933 Close to Campus MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Must be ASGP certified or eligible. Duties include routine and complex laboratory analysis, performs general lab duties, assumes responsibility for problem solving and quality control. Must possess phlebotomy experience. Afternoons and evenings, part-time. Scott & White offers excellent benefits, and competitive salaries. Apply in person: SGOTT &WHITE 1600 University Drive East College Station, TX 77840 E.O.E. Services JITTERBUG LESSONS. Tuesday nights form April 7-May 12 from 6-8 p.m. $25.00 per person. Must have partner. Call 764-5430 for more Infor mation. Given by CSISD. HURRY CLASSES BEGIN SOONI BEST RESUMES IN B/CS. ANTHONY AT 847- 4665. TYPING ALSO DONE. $1.00 PER PAGE TYPING LASER PRINTED. CALL EDITING SERVICES 764-7191. Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue (6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m., Fri. (6-10 p.m.) Sat.. (8-12noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m..). $14.00/per class. 411TXAve. S. 693-1322. Roommate Wanted Female roommate needed Immediately 2b/2ba $200/mth. Call 693-1937. For Rent COTTON VILLAGE APTS. Ltd. Snook, Texas $0 w/RA $224-$360 for 1 bdrm. $0 w/RA $280-$481 for 2 bdrm. Call 846-8878, 774-0773 a/5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible 2Bdrm,.11/2Baluxuryfour-plex. W/D, near A&M, shuttle bus, water paid, $425; 3bdrm/2ba, garage $480. 693-0551,764-8051. For Lease SUBLEASE 1b/1ba from now until May 21 or longer. Rent $310 (negotiable). Location Boyett (Northgate). Call 846-7105. 3b/2ba four-plex with w/d. On shuttle starting at $495 696-4384, 764-0704, or 693-4783. SUMMER WORK INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE Interested in averaging $1710/mth. Interviewing independent & ambitious college students. Must be interested in developing MKT or communication skills. All majors considered. Opportunity for travel. Must show a need for money. 1-800-477-9447. THE SOUTHWESTERN SfM] COMPANY SLOP. CHARACTER IN YOUNG PEOPLE SINCE 1868 GREAT PART-TIME JOB Earn $100 - $200 per/wk. working 10-20 hrs. per/wk. late afternoon & Sat. Mature, out-going personality & strong self-image essential. No selling. 693-9182 8-10 a.m. ONLY. Jobs In Kuwait Tax Free. Construction workers $75,000.00. Engineering $200,000.0. Oil field workers $100,000.00. Call 1-800-279-8555 ext. 609. ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income to assemble products from your home. 504-646-1700 Dept. P777. THERE'S A JOB FOR YOU IN A SUMMER CAMP. The American Camping Association (NY) will make your application avail, to over 300 camps in the Northeast. Exciting opportunities for college students and professionals. Positions avail: all land and water sports, kitchen, maintenance, arts and crafts, drama, music, dance, nature, tripping, R.N.'s, M./D.'s., athletic, waterfront, and boating directors. Benefits may include college credit, travel expenses. Experience or certification not necessarily required. CALL OR WRITE FOR APPLICATION. AMERICAN CAMPING ASSO CIATION, 12 West 31 st Street, New York, N.Y. 10001, 1-800-777-CAMP. NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER: Full-time posi tion available for responsible, energetic person who enjoys gardening. Work experience and education helpful. Will train. Responsibilities include retail sales, merchandising and mainte nance of plants and garden area. Some light lifting required. Vacation and benefits. Apply in person at PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE ASSN.; 1800 North Texas Ave., Bryan (1 block north of Highway 21). EARN CASH! $110/MTH. AND UP. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guar anteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CEN TER 4223 Wellborn Road 846-8855. HELP WANTED GREAT ATMOSPHERE OUT DOOR FARMERS MARKET CASHIERS. Good personality and reliability much more Important than experience. Call between 8:30 -3:00 to set up and appointment. FARM PATCH 822-7209. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. Free transportation! Room & Board. Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call Student Employment Services at 1 - 206-545-4155 ext. 1601. $200 dally stuffing envelopes for major corpora tion. Free supplies. Rush LSASE to: USTB Marketing Dept. A-1, P.O. Box 6504 Kingwood, Texas 77325. Conservation Scientist l-IV ($2,432-$2,953) :2 openings-Responsible for fish propagation & dis tribution & hatchery maintenance at state hatch ery. Contact Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept, office for applications. Call Glen Alexander 817/779- 2301, Possum Kingdom State Hatchery, Aaron Barkoh 817/586-1576, Dundee State Hatchery, near Wichita Falls. TX. Closing date 3/24/92. Summer jobs, warehouse work, 3 shifts, 8 hrs. each. Two locations. Dallas (214) 869-0250 or Houston (713) 820-3820. Dependable people for Houston Post route $400- $900 a/month. Early morning 846-2911, 846- 1253, Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable. Ages 18-35, excellent com pensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101,776-4453. Wanted CASH FOR CLOTHES!) Hey Ags, dean out those dosets and get cash for clothing you no longer wear! RESALE TRENDS 3606 Old Col lege across from CHICKEN OIL 846-0438. Gun Club ARROWHEAD GUN CLUB. Non-members wel come. Skeet-Pistol-Trap-Rifle Ranges. Open Tues-Sun, 10 a.m. Hwy. 6 S.1/4 mile pastTexas World Speedway. 690-0276. Services Professional Word Processing Resume Services Reports & Merge Letters Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 For Sale SS waterbed $150. Two couches $60/each. Dresser w/shelves $25.00 696-9041. 85 Camaro. All power, a/c, cruise control, 76K, excellent condition $3500. 693-7356. 88 White Chrysler Conquest with maroon leather Interior. Excellent condition $6500 . 693-5023. Brand New 1992 Nishike mountain bike with Shlmano parts and 'U'Steel lock $250. Loft $110. Call George 847-3170. DORM REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE. GOOD WORKING CONDITION. MUST SELL. $75 WIRELESS SPEAKER SYSTEM DATAWAVE WS-7, HARDLY USED. $75. CALL 764-7970, 1985 Honda Elite 250. Runs good. Indudes helmet and cover. $500 o.b.o. 693-8007. Computers COMPUTER ACCESS. Books, software, service and computers. 809 So. TX Ave. Across from TAMU (next to Red Lobster) 764-1136. Free FREE Adult Dutch dwarf rabbit to good home. Female 1 yr. Call 693-0945. Miscellaneous CASH, ON THE SPOT, FOR CLOTHING . For more information call RESALE TRENDS 846- 0438. Personals TALK LIVE 1 to 1 Share your private thoughts with beautiful, caring women. 1-900-535-KISS (5477) $2.95/min. Live Hot Phone Talk 1-800-735-KISS (5477)-MCA/ISA/AM AAA Talk Miami, FI. 18 or older. FISH OUT OF WATER by GREGORY GOWAI ANOTMkfc WAV -fo ffcuu WrtfcNl YouK HAS H££ SfcyUAU FfcAK. ITS This isfe SixTH Mi£^T in A £oW . fMttKIfO!! I'M SostfY TONY. I'Ll Tky to Off £AeuK ToMOREoW. Prosecutors question Foley's wif WASHINGTON (AP) - When federal prosecutors wanted to find out what was going on at the scan dal-ridden House post office, they went to the top. Not to Speaker Tom Foley, but to his wife. Heather Foley has run her hus band's congressional office for 23 years — without pay. As her hus band's stature has increased, so has her influence. Mrs. Foley's recent appearance before a federal grand jury pushed her into the harsh glare of public scrutiny that has fallen on Congress as its multiple scandals widen. It also touched off speculation that she was under investigation, prompting the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia to issue a letter last week stating that she "was neither a subject nor a tar get" of the investigation. Mrs. Foley is a widely known and warily regarded figure on Capitol Hill, a puzzle and a pow er, shy and reclusive, feared and resented. "What's wrong with her is she is the boss' wife," said one House Democrat. "Nobody couldgoto Foley and say, 'Heather'sdoiJj wrong by you.' That's whathap- pens when you have a spouseiiv volved in your office. Theothei staffers just cannot betray (hi spouse of the speaker." That congressman declinedte be identified by name, as did near ly everyone else interviewel about Mrs. Foley. Since her marriage to thi young Democratic congressmai from Washington state, Heathe: Strachan Foley has been her has band's chief of staff. NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK at Sterling C. Evan's Library Tuesday. March 31. 1992 "Newspapers, Libraries and Your Right to Know" a presentation by Tim Sager, editor of the Bryan/College Station Eagle. Room 204, at 2 p.m. Wednesday. April 1. 1992 Read A-Loud featuring faculty members reading from their favorite books. Second floor sunken study area beginning at 2 p.m. Friday. April 3. 1992 Book sale sponsored by the Friends of the Library. South concourse from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Cincy (AP) Cincinn, the cast In L< men w< nemesis bounds Chris W Web the ga: overtim powerfi lowup s tied it a 31 seco The 15tl Wolveri domina extra outscori State I! the fir minutes two mea In K, behind I beat Me 88-51 ic vaneeto G Se