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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1991)
/ Page 4 The Battalion Thursday, June 13,193] Services Piano Lessons ^ Sarah Watts Pian is t- Teacher Two years ’ Piano Faculty, Baylor University Bryan Studio, over 20years “Serious Students of all Ages” 822-6856 i*T- i' FREE SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS WHO NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE Every student is eligible for some type of financial aid regardless of grades or parental income. CALL ANYTIME 1-800-542-5174 EXT. 152 Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 Professional typing, word proc essing, resume writing and editing services are available at Notes-n-Quotes call 846-2255 For Sale condition 1986 Rod Yamaha Jog includes helmet $400. David 696-1362. For Lease SUBLEASE: Large 1 bedroom for fall 91. Furnished female or male. Parkway Apts. Joe 764-8559. Wanted MUSCLE SPASM STUDY Patients needed with acute (recent) onset of muscle spasms (back pain, etc.) to participate in a consumer use research study with an FDA approved drug. Medical evaluation at no cost to patient. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 WANTED FEMALE CYCLISTS & SEDENTARY FE MALES, Age21-30. For study to be conducted beginning In June 1991 ending November 1991. Contact: Tonia 823-8256 (5:00- 7:00 p.m.) Monday- Friday. For Rent COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Read Faster Snook, TX Comprehend more, and Ibdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available improve your GPA. Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 For reservations call after 5 p.m. 764-2665. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible COLLEGE MONEY Private Scholarships. You receive minimum of 8 sources, or your money refunded! America's Finest! Since 1981. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LOCATORS, Box 1881, Joplin, MO 64802-1881.1 -800-879-7485 Cripple Creek for $200/month, 10 bedroom condo avail able for second summer session. Normally $265/mth. Call and leave message, John 693-3218. Northgate One- 2 bedroom apartment, $200-$320. Two bedroom houses, 846-8432, 8465800. A 2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury four-plex. Near A&M, W/D. shuttle bus $395,693-0551, 764-8051. Lost & Found REWARD!! LOST CHOCOLATE LAB 13 MONTHS OLD. COMES TO TINA. CALL 693-7772. WORD PROCESSING/LASER PRINTING. Editing by JOUR/ENGL Majors. Rush orders accepted. 822-2907. Horseback riding lessons EngHsfVjurrping, all ages $13/ each. 8461116. TYPING in Macintosh computer. Laser writer print-tout, done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. Defensive driving classes, ticket dismissal, insurance discount. AAA, 909 S.W. Parkway. 693-1322. Help Wanted THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE needs carrier for several off campus routes. $450-$700 per month. Require working early morning hours. Call James 693-7815 or Julian 693-2323 for an appointment. Jobs in Kuwait tax free. Construction workers $75,000.00. Enigneering $200,000.00. Oilfield workers $100,000.00. Call 1-800-743-3440 Ext. 609, Babysitter available. Part-time or full-time (preferably at my home) 696-2809. Graduate student couple to manage 40 unit apartment complex. Apartment plus salary. Resume to: 1300 Walton Drive, College Station, Texas 77840. 846-9196. GOLF INSTRUCTOR familiar with Coach Ellis' teaching technique, to give weekly lessons to two high school age golfers. Call Loretta 7760400. LAW ENFORCMENT JOBS. $17,542 - $86,682/yr. Po- lice. Sheriff, Stale Patrol, Correctional Officers. For Info call (1)806962-8000 Ext. K-9531. Management trainees needed. Call 693-2539. Office workers : drivers, secretaries wanted fulltime or part-time. 693-0345. Super Cuts now hiring full or part-time stylist 6961155. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 1835, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. For Sale HANDCRAFTERS MALL & MORE Grand Opening Sat. June 15th. 1315 Texas at Coulter Bryan 822-2334 (next to Lange Music) Grand Opening Includes: Gospel singing, 400 free hot dogs & drawings in parking lot starting at 10:00 a.m. Open Th-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-5 Announcements SCHOLARSHIPS availablefrom private sector (to $20,000/ yr.) Call 24-hr. message for details: 213-964-4166 Ext. 88. Personals TALK LINE Beautiful women wanting to talk to you! 1-900-329-0005 $2.49/min. 10 min. minimum SOFT AS COTTON Talk Live 2.50/min., 10 min/minimum 1-900-454-9995 Live one on one, adults only. 1 -900-884-7644,2.50/min„ 10 min ^minimum. A DATE TONIGHTI Hear talking personals from local singles waiting to meet you (names & phone numbers included). 1-900-346-3377 $1.95 1st minute. SMALL BUSINESSES Do you operate a small full or pari time business from your home, such as selling specialty items, making clothing alterations, turning out novelties, repairing things, restoring furniture or babysitting? You probably don't have an advertising budget, but that doesn't mean you can't afford to advertise... and do it in one of the most effective & profitable places there is...CLASSIFIEDI Call the Classified Ad Department today & get full details on how easy & inexpensive it is to run an ad in classified. Then discover how classified can help your business thrive! 845-0569 The Battalion Doll flies with shuttle Hopi medicinal symbol orbiting in Columbia ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A bear figurine decorated with fur and feathers — a symbol to Hopi Indians of a powerful force able to cure ills — is on space shuttle Co rn payload specialist on ^P 1 to cure ills — is on si lumbia's medical research mission and likely will land a permanent spot in New Mexico. The kachina doll, handmade by a Los Ala mos woman, was among the items taken aboard the shuttle by Dr. Drew Gaffney, a Carlsbad native and i the flight. Gaffney, a cardiologist and associate pro fessor of medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, is among seven astronauts on the 10-day mis sion. He has been participating in medical experiments. Elsie Morales said Wednesday she got goose bumps when she learned Gaffney fanned to take one of her crafts on the ight. And she has watched the news 8! throughout the mission in hopes of seeing her doll in space. "When they show it on television I look to see if I can see it somewhere — see it floa ting," she said, chuckling. "But I haven't." The 4V'2-inch kachina likely would be kept in Gaffney's personal preference kit, said Kari Fluegel, a public affairs specialist at Johnson Space Center in Houston. The kits, stored in the shuttle's middeck, can contain no more than 20 items and can weigh no more than IV2 pounds, Fluegel said. Family mementos and items from the astronauts' schools are commonly found in the pouches, she said. Kachinas similar to the one on the shuttle are given to alumni of the University of New Mexico School of Medicine who do nate money to the organization. Gaffney, a 1972 graduate of the UNM medical school, asked the school about tak ing one of the dolls on his mission, said Connie Sais-Romero, coordinator for school's alumni affairs office. "That's a big deal for us," Sais-Romen said. "We're all so excited about it." It also was a big deal for Morales. "I've been doing this for 10 years and this has been like the highlight of my career, she said in a telephone interview from hei home. "I feel like I've accomplished some thing. This has been like the reward foi making kachinas." She selected the bear because in the Hopi religion the bear symbolizes a powerfii medicine kachina able to cure serious i nesses, she said. I. Texai boy E sugg- 'Oice anottr trait, - day. Morales, 51, makes her dolls in the spin of authentic Hopi kachinas, which are reli gious figurines carved from cottonwood trees. The dolls, all of which are male, conn in many human and animal likenesses anc symbolize gods, ancestors or forces. monc: and s and H menEr S ' her ill,K intrc*- som«: Sanction effects wearing off; illegal immigrants still hired WASHINGTON (AP) — Sanc tions against employers who hire undocumented workers ap pear to have slowed illegal immi- § ration across the Southwest order but the deterrent effects might be wearing off, a draft ver sion of a presidential report says. Many firms, however, con tinue to hire and recruit unau thorized workers and are more likely to violate minimum wage and child labor laws than indus tries employing few aliens, says the draft report by the Labor and Justice departments. The report was obtained by the Associated Press. Both sides in the debate over the repeal of employer sanctions believe the report will boost their case for either keeping the sanc tions or repealing the 1986 law that subjects employers to civil and criminal sanctions for kno wingly hiring illegal aliens. The report, required under the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), said the em ployer sanctions provisions of the law appear to have helped restrain the flow of illegal aliens in 1989, the year following full implementation. But apprehensions of illegal aliens on the Southwest border, the only indicator of the movement of illegal aliens, in creased in 1990, "implying that some of the initial deterrent ef fects of IRCA may have worn off," the report said. The report said many firms continue to hire — and even re cruit — unauthorized workers despite the threat of sanctions. The report also said 43 percent of non-agricultural firms investi gated by the labor department's wage and hour division were found to be violating IRCA and minimum wage, overtime or child labor laws. At the same time, the draft summary said that IRCA ap pears to be raising wages among firms that had routinely relied on unauthorized workers and that the sanctions were having their greatest impact on those em ployers. Verne Jervis, spokesman for the Immigration and Naturaliza tion Service, said sanctions have had an impact but have been nei ther "overwhelmingly success ful" nor a failure. Rain soaks New Orleans Homes flooded; two killed NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Most of the water had vanished from city streets Wednesday, replaced by furniture, carpets and mattresses soaked by floods resulting from up to 13 inches of rain in less than 24 hours. The storms over the metropolitan New Orleans area and others in southwest Louisiana claimed the lives of two children, authorities said. The downpour began Monday, when 10 inches of rain fell in some parts of the city, including more than six inches in a two-hour period during the afternoon rush hour. The deluge continued Tuesday morning, when another storm dumped more than two inches of rain, prompting more flooding. Manning Ogden, a resident of the Uptown area, one of the hardest hit by the floods, had just moved into his residence nine days ago. Ogden said his automobile had been ruined and he had L pc remove scores of vehicles that were abandoned by motorists fleeing high water. Officials of the Sewerage and Water Board, in the middle of an expansion program, said that even a better drainage system would have been overmatched by the intense storms. Currently, the system can drain one inch of rain in the first hour, and a half-inch every hour after that. "We got close to three inches an hour (Tues day). ... That exceeded the capacity by a long shot," Fred Swan, the board's deputy director, said. no insurance. "Everybody was waiting for the big, one flood, this is the big two flood," he said. According to the Red Cross, at least 80 homes were flooded in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. The board's goal of nearly doubling that capac ity city wide will take between 30 and 50 years to reach, he said. Swan said the board had taken ma jor steps to improve drainage since a major flood in 1978. However, some Uptown residents said their homes took on more water this time. "If they got more water this time than last time, it's because they got more rain," Swan said. peop* WORLD/NATION ofus BRIEFS Shale: toke:* "non From win reports persTu new 1 expect third child ^us dagger, wife ters. □ LONDON - Rolling Stone N dagger and his wife, Jerry Hall, are . ^ expecting their third child earlf achie next year, dagger, 47 and Hall, 34, cess. who married in Bali last year, ah sardc ready have two children, 7-year-old his a Scarlet Elizabeth and 5-year-oM foibl James. mak« Haglergets Sa year probation □ BOSTON - Former middle weight boxing champion Marvel ous Marvin Hagler was sentenced to a year’s probation and commu nity service on a charge of assault and battery that left his girlfriend with a dislocated jaw. L Collider takes millions to build Z4 □ WASHINGTON - The Senate Ap propriations Wednesday to spend $509 million on the supercollider atom smasher next year, $75 mil- Committee voted lion more n . tir% than the P™ Gramm House agreed to spend. Under the Senate legislation, the collider would receive $348 million for con struction bom the $509 million to tal, said Sen. Phil Gramm, R- Texas. The collider’s $243 million appropriation for this fiscal year in cluded $94 million for construc tion. year sour help gooc Bond set for Dallas-area man □ NORMAN, Okla. - A Cleveland County judge has set bond at $500,000 for a Dallas-area man ac cused of the shooting deaths of a University of Oklahoma student and his date 21 years ago. Frank Gilley, a former Norman policeman who now lives in the Dallas suburb of DeSoto, remained in the county jail Wednesday. r JOCK ITCH AND RINGWORM STUDY Individuals 12 years of age and older with "jock itch" or "ringworm" are being recruited for a research study of an antifungal medication.$125.00 will be paid to volunteers who complete this study. CALL VOLUNTEERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH®, INC. Get ONTOP of your day with Omnitritionl Take Omnitrition with you . .. and OmnittiUon will take you TO THE TOPI Come by our meeting Thursday 7:30, CoHege Station Community Center ATHLETE'S FOOT STUDY Individuals 12 years of age and older with "athletes foot" are being recruited for a research study of an antifungal medication. $150.00 will be paid to volunteers who complete this study. CALL VOLUNTEERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH®, INC. 776-1417 3EYOUR & OMHim first coifTsE Omnitrition INTERNATIONAL, INC. For more information call 696-3999 Best natural weight loss & muscle toning program J r DEPRESSION STUDY Individuals are being recruited for a research study on depression. If you have been diagnosed with depression or would like to find out more about this study, call VIP Research. $125.00 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. CALL VOLUNTEERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH®, INC. 776-1417 J BUSINESS MAJORS EARN 12 HOURS OF CREDIT WHILE STUDYING IN ITALY SPRING SEMESTER 1992 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIOPN NOW EARN CREDIT IN: FINC 445: Funding International Business (CR 3) ACCT 489: Special Topics in International Accounting (CR 3) BUAD 489: Issues in International Business (CR 3) ARTS 350: Art History (CR 3) MKTG 321: Intro, to Marketing (CR 3) • Program Faculty from the College of Business: Steve Salter, 845-1498, 525N Blocker, Arvind Mahajan, 845-4876, 333F Blocker, Sam Gillespie, 845-5861, 623B Blocker, Study Abroad Office, 161 W. Bizzell Hall, 845-0544 t