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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1991)
Page 6 The Battalion Tuesday, June 11, <S£3 5 ’’~<?jr^a£5» <s^r'Czr*z±Si2> | y-funneyCBee § asfiionzuearfor MCSizes e !> • ACCESSORIES .PERFUMES • BEAUTY SUPPLIES 10% Discount w/ Student ID 693-9595 707 Texas Ave., Suite 306 C THU-FRI 6pm-9pm SAT 9am-6pm Baylor wants to cut power of Baptists Critics attack Mobley's revisions DALLAS (AP) — State Baptist leaders meet Tuesday to consider their own ideas for governing Bay lor University, but the Waco school says it has no plans to alter its latest proposal, which signifi cantly cuts the power of the Bap tist General Convention of Texas. TRcdyecn&xt Stylus Safatt I R I I I L, Sunglitz Special $30 Regularly $45-60 HAIRCUTS PERMS Mens $7 Womens $8 Start at $25 Spirals at $35 with shampoo and style includes style 846-8949 With Coupon Only Expires 7-13-91 I I I I I I J "We've made a proposal, which we asked (the BGCT) to accept by June 15, otherwise we're going ahead with the charter as amended a year ago," said Baylor vice president Michael Bishop. Continued from page 1 students' handbook are some what broader, they still are not satisfied. "These changes are as mean ingless as his last changes," Mazzullo said Monday. "Gay students are still unprotected and will remain unprotected." Hickman, who shares duties with Mazzullo in advising A&M's gay and lesbian student organization, said Mobley's lat est changes are an indication he is feeling pressure from other groups. "It seems there's an attempt to E lacate some segments of the University," Hickman said. "It still does not get us what we need, though. He's covering his bases. But it's still not strong enough to measure up to na tional standards. We're out of li- The president's memorandum on the students' handbook revi sions said he received input from the Rules and Regulations Committee, Committee on a Dis crimination-Free Campus, Fac ulty Senate, General Counsel, various administrators, faculty members and students before making his decisions. The Faculty Senate, however, recommended to Mobley in the spring that he not change any of the handbook statements on ha rassment and discrimination. 9( PLUS registration starts this week ^ "We don't have plans for any further affiliation proposals," Bishop said. NOW OPEN EQUINOX THE DAQUIRl SHOP Daquiries, Gyros, Cold Cut Sandwiches & More Northfiate 846-2496 Afifiie Special Gyro, Chips & Soft Drink II AM - 6 PM $2.79 ■ Under the school's plan, the BGCT could elect six members of a 24-member Board of Regents. The remaining 18 members would be appointed by the regents them selves. Continued from page 2 She said the length of the pro gram depends on the subject matter. Some programs are one night seminars but programs like foreign language last six to eight weeks. Amy Brunsting, a wood-work ing program instructor, said the program allows people to be come familiar with different equipment in the MSC. "The program shows people how to use equipment to make stain-glass windows, jewelry or repair bikes," Brunsting said. Registration for the program begins this week and classes start Monday. Williamson said not all classes begin Monday be cause classes are staggered throughout the summer. Payment is due upon registra tion and phone registration is available for those who want to pay with Visa or Mastercard. In dividuals interested in the pro gram are encouraged to call the University PLUS Center at 845- 1631. Metcalf denies knowledge of illegal cash fund Continued from page 1 cash change hands between a coach and a player. Other players, however, denied they received any cash. The first former player said he received small loans from Metcalf but didn't know where the money came from. It is against NCAA rules for coaches to lend players money. The second former player said the loans were really gifts because "most of the time, you and the coaches knew you couldn't pay it back because you didn't have any money." The NCAA is investigating the A&M basketball program for rules violations, which were covered in Presid< rt Strau Ijnion v\ juestion ! jb, said JDr. Ro (jrof Te: lefense ! lad beei lave cho! ("Straus luse he a 95-page vided aft< fter its internal investiga tion. Davis, who coached the 1990-91 season, resigned after an internal investigation alleged that he and his assistants committed eight NCAA rules violations. The administration source said Davis' lawyer, George Parnham, told A&M officials — including Athletic Director John David Crow and vice president Robert Smith — about the slush fund in March. The administration source said the booster payments were men tioned in Davis' response to the University's charges against him but was deleted from copies that were made public and sent to the NCAA. According to a legal brief filed with the Texas Attorney General's office by A&M officials, the par agraphs were deleted after a meet ing between Parnham and James Bond, A&M's general counsel. The school will have 90 days to prepare a response to the NCAA's list of charges after receiving it. A&M officials expect the Infrac tions Committee to hear the case in September. Davis declined to discuss the al legations. If proven, the allegations could NC (unique lie adva (his per fent." subject A&M to the NCAA's death penalty, a two-year suspension of the sport, because the A&M foot ball program was placed on proba tion in September 1988. Metcalf remains on the A&M payroll as a senior representative of the school's center for academic enhancement. However, the first former player who asked that his name not be used said he knew that at least three of his teammates received money after A&M had been placed on probation. Athletic Director John David Crow and Smith could not be reached for comment. Clip Coupons Save Money In The Battalion - Every Tuesday ■ ■ VALUABLE COUPON ■ ■■ ■ 2 Medium Pizzas With up to 5 toppings & Extra Cheese ■■ ■■ ■■ « valuable coupon ■ mi ■ ■ TWO PIZZAS "FAMILYCHOICE” I One for you .. .One for tl>c kuU! 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Delivery areas limited to ensure sale driving. Our drivers cany less than $20.00, Our drivers are not penalised for late j^e liveries. J| Univers [chance t earn he !°rks thr