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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1991)
Page 6 The Battalion MOVING? Reserve Your U-Haul Today. Guaranteed Reservations Easy Access • Speedy Service We Sell Boxes too. (ask about our discount) Call 822-3546 When you finish reading The Battalion pass it on to a friend but please DON’T LITTER ADVENTURE TRAVEL Specializing in Cruises, Scuba, Ski and International Travel Mon-Fri 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. / Sat 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 313 College Main 3 Blocks North of Texas A&M Post Office (409) 260-1131 BUSINESS MAJORS EARN 12 HOURS OF CREDIT WHILE STUDYING IN ITALY SPRING SEMESTER 1992 Make your reservation now! Deadline is May 6 EARN CREDIT IN: FINC 445: Funding International Business ACCT 489: Special Topics in International Accounting BUAD 489: Issues in International Business ARTS 350: Art History Informational Meeting Thursday, April 30 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 503 Blocker Study Abroad Office, 161 W. Bizzell Hall, 845-0544 Smith Corona Seeks Student Marketing Reps To sell Electronic Typewriters, Word Processors, and Computers on Campus Must be Sophomore or Junior by September 1991 Term Campus Interviews at Memorial Student Center Room 140 on Friday, Apni 26th. Sign up, Room 228, The Pavilion. ]£ SMITH S CORONK Polo If Ralph Lauren Polo Pleated Jean That old favorite, with a twist. This week end only, instead of $55 ^ b ^NOW $39.88 /v^lpik cr> 520 University Drive East 693-0995 vyw. Mtaxh. Since i97o Baseball Wrapup NL Standings East Division Team W L Pet. GB Pittsburgh 11 5 .688 - New York 10 6 .625 1 St. Louis 9 7 .563 2 Chicago 8 9 .471 31/2 Montreal 5 11 .313 6 Philadelphia 5 11 .313 6 West Division Team W L Pet. GB San Diego 10 6 .625 - Cincinnati 8 7 .533 IV2 Houston 7 8 .467 2Y 2 Los Angeles 7 8 .467 2V 2 San Francisco 7 8 .467 2V2 Atlanta 6 7 .462 216 Thursday's Games Cincinnati 6, Chicago 4 Pittsburgh 8, Montreal 0 Philadelphia 5, New York 3 San Francisco at Los Angeles, (n) Friday's Games Chicago (Harkey 0-1) at Cincinnati (Rijo0-1), 6:35 p.m. San Diego (Hurst 1-0) at Philadelphia (Dejesus 0-0), 6:35 p.m. Pittsburgh (Z.Smith 2-0) at New York (Viola 2-0), 6:40 p.m. Atlanta (Leibrandt 1-1) at Houston (Deshaies 0-1), 7:35 p.m. Montreal (Boyd 0-2) at St. Louis (B.Smith 2-0), 7:35 p.m. San Francisco (LaCoss 1-0) at Los An geles (R.Martinez 2-1), 9:35 p.m. Saturday's Games Chicago at Cincinnati, 12:15 p.m. Pittsburgh at New York, 12:40 p.m. San Diego at Philadelphia, 6:05 p.m. Atlanta at Houston, 7:05 p.m. Montreal at St. Louis, 7:05 p.m. San Francisco at Los Angeles, 9:05 p.m. Sunday's Games San Diego at Philadelphia, 12:35 p.m. Pittsburgh at New York, 12:40 p.m. Chicago at Cincinnati, 1:15 p.m. Montreal at St. Louis, 1:15 p.m. Atlanta at Houston, 1:35 p.m. San Francisco at Los Angeles, 3:05 TANK M^AMARA by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds KCVik) UMLtl&R'b STiLL OMTVje JOB At TRE pLANJT TO PEMOMS’TRATE fWG^S' CWlOk)'5> *APPR£ClATlOM /i TDf?TMe ^051/ I&8 AYERAGtE MAJOR L6A3UE 5ALAf?Y. p.m. Team AL Standings East Division W L Pet. GB Toronto 10 7 .588 . Boston 8 6 .571 y 2 Detroit 7 7 .500 1V2 Milwaukee 7 8 .467 2 Cleveland 5 8 .385 3 New York 5 8 .385 3 Baltimore 5 8 .385 3 Team West Division W L Pet. GB Chicago 9 4 .692 - Oakland 9 7 .563 1V2 California 9 7 .563 iy 2 Texas 6 6 .500 21/2 Seattle 8 8 .500 2y 2 Kansas City 7 7 .500 2y 2 Minnesota 6 10 .375 4y 2 nday, r- Sa NICOSL am Husj leutralizec n his driv he post-< hat has sv But the hiite Mi addam's if their o\ nain a thr< gnore. A tentat he Kurd; vhich the lecades ireathing wld his ether wit! Dij Critics should look closer at coverage Pniitinuort frnm nano - ... , Ip Thursday's Games Milwaukee 9, Texas 1 Toronto 3, Detroit 2 Minnesota 4, Seattle 3,10 innings Friday's Games Milwaukee (K.D.Brown 1-0) at Balti more (Mesa 1-2), 6:35 p.m. Detroit (Terrell 0-2) at Toronto (Stot- tlemyre 1-0), 6:35 p.m. New York (Leary 2-0) at Chicago (Hibbard 2-0), 7:05 p.m. Seattle (R.Johnson 2-1) at Minnesota (Erickson 1-2), 7:05 p.m. Boston (G.Harris 1-2) at Kansas City (Boddicker 1-2), 7:35 p.m. Cleveland (Candiotti 2-1) at Texas (Ryan 2-1), 7:35 p.m. California (McCaskill 2-1) at Oakland (Welch 1-1), 9:35 p.m. Saturday's Games Detroit at Toronto, 12:35 p.m Boston at Kansas City, 1:35 p.m. California at Oakland, 3:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Baltimore, 6:35 p.m. New York at Chicago, 7:05 p.m. Seattle at Minnesota, 7:05 p.m. Cleveland at Texas, 7:35 p.m. Sunday's Games Milwaukee at Baltimore, 12:35 p.m. Detroit at Toronto, 12:35 p.m. New York at Chicago, 1:35 p.m. Cleveland at Texas, 2:05 p.m. California at Oakland, 3:05 p.m. Boston at Kansas City, 7:05 p.m. Seattle at Minnesota, 7:05 p.m. Continued from page 5 A&M sports is by no means perfect. I don't expect it to be, and anyone who does will be disappionted. To the specific charge that we don't adequately cover football, i.e. "spring practice, weekly preparations, reviews of upcoming opponents or game- day heroics" — I say, excuse me? This spring we ran 10 stories for 15 days of practice. There would have been more if not for the little matter of hiring a new basketball coach got in the way of a couple of pieces. To kick off last fall, we ran a separate section devoted entirely to the Aggie football team. Every week we ran at the very least three stories a week and as many as eight. Game previews prefaced every game. The only games a Battalion sports writer did not cover were the Hawaii game, for lack of funds, and the Holiday Bowl, because it happened during Christmas Break when we weren't publishing. regulations, sources for stories would have to come from prospects and from their home towns. For the time frame that passes between the start of the spring semester and the actual signing date (usually less than a month), there's not enough time to cultivate those hard-to-find sources. So, we decided to leave recruiting to the big boys — the ones who get paid to do it full time. We ran two stories, one short one the day before signing date and one comprehensive story afterward. about being an active memberot the sports desk is my three one- on-one interviews with the newly-replaced Davis. He'll fini another job and get back on his feet — the man's got too much optimism not to succeed somewhere. Along the list of thanks for making the job a lot easierwoul be everyone at sports WASHIh ower was ay at Arlii ry as a n idth a "sh nind and 0 w s latch," < a pati rith a p ^ hant for E ih suits i igarettes. Shiny 1 usines v qui\ g telephc information, AC, Colin, Brad, sponsorin To complain that we don't cover the recruiting process is absurd. Number one, the bulk of the process takes place in between semesters. Number two, since no one on campus can comment on who is being recruited based on NCAA To hear somebody complain that we don't provide enough football coverage makes me laugh. Many', and 1 mean many, would say we talk too much about the gridiron and not enough about other sports. With the help of our three biggest stringers, Chris Whitley, Anthony Andro and Michelle Bergeron, I think we provided a good broad coverage of A&M sports — without too much concentration on the bigger sports. Well, this has gone a bit astray. I guess the lack of sleep over the long haul of the semester is finally catching up with me. The best thing I'll remember Debbie and yes, even you Lisa Around the Batt, everyone knows tj is the Batt god and the two of us will team up nextfal for a special section tnatwillri on gamedays (it should be a good one). Tj, otherwise known as Richard Tijerina, was a night news editor this fall, but he consistently helped out in sport with designs and brainstormiat when the big stories broke. Finally, l want to thank my girlfriend, companion and bestfriend for all their support over the last year. Theyareai the same person — Nanette or 'Naner' as she is known around the Batt. Without her I don't think I could have survived. Even when T was cranky after minimal sleep the night before, she's always been right there. Everyone have a safe sumnw and watch out for that Aggie baseball team. They've turned out to be a scrappy little team. See ya on the opinion page. passelof( tery's amj JERUSA agreed Th of ae Arabs. But the nained ui shuttle ames A. neither on which Pah Soviet dessmertn nee in Kii ie and Bal k /STUDENT VETNMENT GO 1 TEX,iS A * til UNIVERSITY Would You Like To Be A Representative Of The Student Body? Applications now available to serve on University Committees Student Government Office, 221 Pavilion Due Monday, April 29 by 5:00 pm Academic Scholarship Selection Committee, Alcohol & Drug Advisory Committee, Concessions Committee, Convocations Committee, Cotton Bowl Representative Selection Committee, Council on Teacher Education, Environmental Safety and Health Committee, Fiscal Appeals Panel, Hensel Park Committee, Honors Program Committee, Intramural Advisory Committee, Minority Student Conditions Committee, New Student Committee, Placement Advisory Committee, Student Health Insurance Committee, Student Organizations Advisory Board, Student Health Center Advisory Committee, Student Publications Board, Students' Rights Appeals Panel, Women's Issues Committee, University Academic Appeals Panel, University Lectures Committee, University Recreation Committee, Yell Leader Advisory Board I ■ I 1 M 1 ■ Up} SCH U LMAN DISCOUNT MOVIES- *all shows except those designatedNDl Mon. & Wed. Student with current ID $/^75Tues. Family night all seats All shows before 6pm REGULAR ADMISSION NOW $4.75 MANOR EAST II Manor East Mall 823-8300 Mortal Thoughts (R) 2:05 4:30 7:05 9:30 Out for Justice (R) 2:00 4:30 7:00 9:45 The Marrying Man (R) . Kim Basinger Alec Baldwin 2:15 4:40 7:15 9:40 KING RALPII( PC-13) 2:15, 4:45, & 7:20 KINDERGARTEN COP (PC-lf 2:05, 4:35, 7:05 & 9:35 AWAKENINGS (PC-13) 2:10, 4:40, 7:10 & 9:55 L.A. STORY (PC-13) 2:10, 4:40, 7:10 & 9:55 THREE MEN & A LITTLE 2:15, 4:45, 7:20 & 9:45 .