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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1991)
W25,1ji lyslexic says A&M policy should be altered rsday, April 25,1991 The Battalion TIM MARTIN, rsity, were Continued from page 1 hours, to complete the test, at another problem surfaced, trmont said. One section of microeconomics test was to written by an instructor he not taken, but the other ht students taking the test i taken the instructor. )earmont said in the past sep- te tests would be given to stu- its who had different instruc tor the course. The new e, however, stated that tests mid be written by a committee all instructors teaching the irse. Jut in his case, his instructor l not help write the test, Dear- mt said. armont passed the first sec- of the microeconomics test failed the other section, oon after, Dearmont's advi- committee voted to remove n from the Ph.D. program, n attempting to appeal his ter- nation, Dearmont said he found it frustrating and an im possible task to get the Univer sity administration to handle a discrimination complaint. Dearmont said he went to the personnel office. University af firmative action officer, dean of faculties, and dean of the Grad uate College, only to find he had to appeal to the department head. Dearmont then was told to ap peal to the department's faculty grievance committee, which Dearmont said was newly formed and never existed prior to hearing his complaint. Dearmont said the committee decided since the words "lear ning" and "education" are re lated, the University's prohibi tion of discrimination based on "educationally unrelated" hand icaps did not apply to learning disabilities. Dearmont filed an appeal to the then Graduate College, which said he had not been treated fairly in respect to aca demics, but still did not say he was discriminated against. Dearmont said the Graduate College ordered the department head to give him another exam, but the department head re served the right to change the grading scale to compensate for the extra time Dearmont needed. Dearmont said his advisory committee suggested he apply for admission to graduate pro grams at other schools. Dearmont said he tried to ap peal this decision to the presi dent's office without success. In November 1987, Dearmont filed a civil suit against A&M. The court date was in February, 1990, but Dearmont still is wait ing for a decision from the judge. "It was my feeling that I went through the proper channels, and I still found no resolution on campus to my problem," he said. Since 1987, many of the people involved with Dearmont's com plaint have changed jobs. Dearmont said he thinks that A&M's administration counts on few people having the resources to fight that long within the sys tem, and then through the courts. "If those of us who are mem bers of legally protected classes cannot get justice on campus, the adminstration has a long way to go before it can claim to protect those not afforded the status," Dearmont said. Dearmont said there still is no real alternative to fighting dis crimination at A&M, but every one still should go through chan nels the way they are set up and document everything. "If you have a claim, you may have to take it to court," he said. "But give the system a chance. Maybe with new people in place it will work, but I personally have not seen any evidence of it." ,ewis checks into drug rehabilitation clinic Continued from page 1 \e running back's entry to Te center and said he hopes le team will give his client ic benefit of the doubt. "Darren has admitted him- elf into a 30-day program as a irecaution," Burroughs said. Darren did test positive, and want to make sure it is a ne-time occurrence or minor xperimentation. "Darren said he experi- nented sometime after (his lenior) season. We want the Jears to see a willingness on is part to help himself." A&M head coach R.C. Slo cum said the news was shock ing, but that if Lewis had any previous problems, the Uni versity didn't have any knowledge of it. "I'm disappointed if it turns out to be fact that he did test ositive," Slocum told KBTX- The drug problem is something that we read about daily in the papers in all walks of life, athletes as well as non athletes. "I can say that Darren Le wis did the things we asked him to do. Darren never pos TV missed a practice, never missed a meeting. We test on a regular basis, we have ran dom tests, we have required tests, if there was ever a prob lem here, we're certainly not aware of it." Slocum left town Wednes day afternoon, and couldn't be reached for further com ment. Lewis will miss the Bears' mini-camp which starts today and runs through Sunday, but he said he'll be ready to make a contribution to the team. The Bears are stockpiled at the running back position. Starter Neal Anderson is an All-Pro, and backups Johnny Bailey and Brad Muster played sparingly last season. "I'm taking care of myself," Lewis said. "They're (the Bears) going to wonder if they give this guy money, what's he going to do with it? "I'm taking care of myself, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to help the Bears." The Associated Press con tributed to this story. er education t pinch, rman of the nning Com- Jtitutionsal- n dollars be- tenance. lings could and for over funds each d maintain . "I believe inue to ap- l be to cause higher edu- jrther dilut- inds we ha- I < director hopes A&M ethnicity institute thrives Continued from page 1 /illiam Mobley, who helped get le institute started, committed 175,000 in funding toward its welopment. I The center was approved by pe Texas A&M University Sys- |em Board of Regents on March I Thomas also thanked Dr. Ben liguiiTe, a professor in the socio logy department, for his help with the institiute. "I give credit to the depart ment (of sociology), but espe cially to Dr. Aguirre for his solo efforts in getting RESI started," she said. A&M has an increasingly di verse student body and faculty in terms of racial and ethnic makeup, Thomas said. lg£ rate at which racial and ethnicity is taking place," she said. "Given the present and pro jected changing demographics, it is imperative that we accept ra cial and cultural diversity as a reality," she said. "We view it as an opportunity for the full partic ipation of all citizens." ipe lez ist all i Contact Lenses ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hinds-Hydrocurve) 138 00 total cost U ...INCLUDES EYE EXAM. FREE CARE KIT, STD. DAILY WEAR, EXTENDED WEAR OR TINTED LENSES. YOUR CHOICE of Std. Daily Wear, Extended Wear or Tinted Soft Lenses SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES. OFFER ENDS MAY 31. 1 991 Call 696-3754 for Appointment Charles C. Schroeppel, O.D., P.C. Doctor of Optometry 707 S. Texas Ave.-Suite 101D 1 BIk. South of Texas Ave. S Univetsity D'. Intersection College Station, Texas 77840 :e The Battalion Fall staff positions open The following positions are available: Asst, city editor Asst, lifestyles editor Asst, opinion editor Asst, sports editor Asst, special sections edit. Special asst, to the editor Writing coach Production manager Graphic artist Reviewer Reporter Columnist Cartoonist Photographer Copy editor Feature writer Sports writer Clerk Applications available in 216 Reed McDonald All majors encouraged to apply Due date: Friday, April 26 at 5 p.m. Smith Corona Seeks Student Marketing Reps To sell Electronic Typewriters, Word Processors, and Computers on Campus Must be Sophomore or Junior by September 1991 Term Campus Interviews at Memorial Student Center Room 140 on Friday, April 26th. Sign up, Room 228, The Pavilion. jj| SMITH TOMORROW S TECHNOLOGY AT YOUR TOUCH.® DON’T CRACK UNDER PRESSURE TAG-Heuer SWISS MADE SINCE I860. Routine Cleaning, X-Rays and Exam *(Rcg. $59, less $20 cash discount) 39 00 * BRYAN COLLEGE STATION Jim Arcnts, DOS Dan l-awson, DDS Karen Arrcnts, DDS Paul Haines, DDS 1103 Villa Maria 1712 Soulhwcsl Parkway 268-1407 696-9578 CarePIus^trt DENTAL CENTERS AVAILABLE AT 1/y ccHunflEij jJna. (Formerly of Texas Coin Exchange) "Very Personal Investments' Rare Coins, Loose Diamonds, Precious Metal, Pine Jewelry Sr Watches 404 University Dr. Cast • 846-8916 The Importance of Life is Getting it Now Starting a life insurance policy can benefit you now more than ever. Please let us help you understand how important starting a life insurance program is for you. Information without obligation. MIKE SOUTHERLAND 110 E. Villa Maria, Suite B Bus (409) 823-3759 Res (409) 846-4541 dfj /instate Allstate Insurance Company Allstate Life Insurance Company She also said changing demo graphics can be viewed as a crisis or as an opportunity for growth. Although RESI is located in the College of Liberal Arts, its outreach is intended to be Uni versity-wide, Thomas said. "We hope it will be viewed as potential resource for the entire A&M community and totally supported as such," she said. LADIES AND LORDS AT TEXAS 707 where 5 or more Bridesmaids receive Special Discounts on each dress, EVERYDAY! 807 Texas Ave, • 764-'8289 *Now taking orders for May &. June weddings All Biomedical Science Majors are invited to attend our End of the Year PARTY!!! Where: Treehouse I Apartments Clubhouse When: Saturday, April 27 Time: 8:00 p.m. Come join the party after the MCAT and give your brain some rest. if< m 1 it vx §§ : ; >x II ^’OlVE cV;v ALLEGE STATION, TX. OR A WIFI SM BOI r $1.00 per Dozen $.75 Draft Beer Don’t forget SHRIMP BOIL Every Wednesday and Friday 6-9 p.m. Open 7 Days A Week Noon - 1 a.m. 696-5570 815 Harvey m M : - M M ... ■ . I & 1 H it :•» i