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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1991)
What’s Up igh intensity ■* u ?eam, can be ; your way e to pack up ops that were ave a way of n trying to :>ack cove on Thursday 'e a couple of filled before ip because 24 hard to come shame to run t a.m., when starts to pick nother point, v for the first out. There are> \ fish activity w down, chance to cool Then, hope- vill get a little up s Gaines i Diego 1 eat 1 elphia 3 0 ati 0,13 innings nta 4 actings vision Pet. .571 ..563 i .538 1 .429 GB .385 .385 I'h .385 214 Pet. GB .892 - .563 M .563 IV* .545 2 .533 2 .500 214 .333 5 ,S ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845-0280 for >fe information. CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: General discussion at 6 p.m. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. Al SURF CLUB: Movie: “Surfers 2’ with special guest Derrick Ho at 8 p.m. in Rudder. Admission $5, $6 at door. Call Brent at 764-1 §67 for more information. fEXAS A&M EMERGENCY CARE TEAM: Final meeting of the semester to discuss mem bership and banquet at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. Call 845-4321 for more information. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Last Life Line meeting of the semester at 7:30 p.m. in 108 HECC. WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM: Dr. Paula England will give a formal lecture entitled ‘So cial Philosophies and Their Implications for Comparable Worth' at 8 p.m. in 225 MSC. Call 845-9670 for more information. STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: Informational meeting on how to apply for a British Marshall Scholarship at 3:30p.m. in 251 Bizzell Hall West. Informational meeting for Finance and Accounting majors to study in Italy for Spring ’92 from 2 to 3 p.m. in 503 Blocker. Informational meeting on how to apply for a Jr. Fulbright Grant (U.S. citi- c zens only) from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in 251 Bizzell Hall West. Table with information on Study Abroad opportunities from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the MSC. FOURTH DAY: Meeting for all those who have made Aggie Awakenings at 6:15 p.m. in St. Mary's Student Center. Call 846-5717 for more information. CATHOLICS ON THE QUAD: This group meets weekly to discuss contemporary Christian issues at 9 p.m. in Lounge D. Call Jo Anne at 693-1703 for this week’s topic and more information. HONORS STUDENT COUNCIL: General meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. We will be holding elections for next year. Nominations will be taken at the meeting. Call Randy at 847-0598 for more information. SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM: Autocrat’s meeting to discuss the Kingdom Dance Symposium in June at 7:30 p.m. Contact Michael at 268-7737 or Star for the location. Friday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845-0280 for more information. p.m. in 302 Rudder. Call Brent t bay Area Divers will speak on Gulf Diving at 7 at 823-C -0788 for more information. ames , 11 inn. I andO a 5 ?4 Gaines d 4 2 ppd., rain land 2,10 inn. • 1 AFRICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Last general assembly meeting of the school year at 7 p.m. in 510 Rudder. The executive committee for next year will be elected, so come out and cast your vote or volunteer to be nominated. Call Lynn at 846-0276 for more information. cw24/ferns for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry Mil run. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845- 3316. Public thought wrong Continued from page 3 their goals accordingly, Callahan said. "We must think of our lives differently," he said. "We can't count on dying young." Society also must have a long term outlook on health care, Cal lahan said. For example, de creasing infant mortality rates is not enough. He said the children must have health care after they leave the hospital. articipate in a medication in ionalS $200, i/EL thgate merit r lexes connections osets New carp? )llUl l’ r! EL $ You say you can’t afford a new car. We say you can. Attention Graduating Seniors Introducing Volkswagen’s Financing Assistance Plan Are you graduating in the next 4 mos. or have graduated in the past 12 mos. You Can Qualify for a New Car from Wayne Thomas Volkswagen. Your Job is your Credit. FahuvcromOocn. trs What Makes A Car A VOLKSWAGEN WAYNE THOMAS VOLKSWAGEN 111S. Texas Ave.-Bryan 775-VOLK Police arrest wife in doctor's death LIVE OAK (AP) — The wife of a pediatrician stormed into his office Wednesday and shot him to death while a room full of waiting patients listened, au thorities said. Dr. Luis Valdez Fuerte was dead on arrival at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio after the shooting at about 3 p.m., officials said. After negotiating with the woman to come out of the office, police arrested the doctor's wife, Lourdes Fuerte, said Live Oak Police Chief Mark Jackley. Charges against the woman were pending. Jackley said Mrs. Fuerte ap parently bought the .38-caliber handgun used in the shooting earlier in the day. Witnesses said they were not sure what was happening. "It was like a helium balloon bursting," said Jane Miller, one of those within earshot. "And I heard the doctor go, 'Aye-yi-yi.' We thought that he was just playing with a child. "Then I heard the second ex plosion, and he made some more noises and was pleading. By the time I heard the third one, I knew it was not balloons." Nurses immediately came to the waiting room and told the patients there had been a family problem and that they needed to leave immediately. Miller said. Sex, AIDS, high school Paper angers parents AUSTIN (AP) — The publica tion of a student newspaper that featured articles on AIDS and safe sex drew more than 100 peo ple and a heated discussion to a PTSA meeting at Bowie High School. "We felt that it was an impor tant topic that needed to be dis cussed because it was very rele vant," said Tara Trower, editor of the student paper. The >er was published newspape Friday and included several arti cles and columns on safe sex and AIDS. Laura Rarity, a parent whose son is a senior at Bowie, said the paper was irresponsible and too focused on sex. She said it gave the impression that most stu dents in high school were sex ually active. "They presented only one si de," she said. "And they pre sented it in a way that took up practically the whole newspa per." John McCartney, the journa lism teacher who oversees stu dent publications for the school with about 2,000 students, said he believed the students respon sibly and intelligently presented needed information. "People are oriented toward the cure, and neglectful of the consequences of the cure," Cal lahan said. Health care has a powerful claim on resources/he said. The medical community must be careful not to divert all these re sources toward short-term goals that cause more problems. "We accept death as a part of life," Callahan said. "We must accept disease as a part of life." Schwarzkopf OKd peatedly kopf lack Continued from page 1 have said Schwarz kopf lacks the academic cre dentials required for the chancellorship. Faculty Senate criteria call for a chancellor with "a distin guished record of teaching and scholarship commensu rate with a tenured profes sor," an earned doctoral de gree and experience in a university's planning. Dr. Peter Hugill, deputy speaker of the Faculty Senate, said Monday the Senate also wants a chancellor who is a candidate for the National Academy of Sciences or Na tional Academy of Engi neering. Are You ftnnmiii* “ We’ve told each other d love you a thousand times. But it took a diamond like this to leave her speechless” ForLast \ car's LSAT? If you’re not taking Stanley H. Kaplan to prepare for the new LSAT, you could be wasting time studying for an exam that’s already outdated. That’s because unlike most test prep companies, our research department acts on test changes before others even know they exist. And with Kaplan, you’ll benefit from our 50 years of experience, small classes and superior teaching methods. So when it comes to preparing for the new LSAT, study with the one test prep company that always does its homework. E STANLEY H. KAPLAN JEk Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances Classes Forming Now Call 696-3196 or Stop by 707 Texas Ace. 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