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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1991)
Page8 The Battalion Tuesday, April 23,1991 Chancellorship challenged Continued from page 1 of Regents. Stout was not available for comment Monday. Hugill said he thinks Stout was referring to an earlier Board, and said he believes the present Board will listen to faculty input. "I would say we believe the current Board is open to the fac ulty in the process of choosing a chancellor," Hugill said. Schwarzkopf, 56, returned to the United States on Sunday. A 32-year Army veteran, Schwarzkopf graduated 43rd in a class of 480 from the U.S. Mili tary Academy in West Point, N.Y. A&M chancellors earn $66,186 a year, as set by the state. Chan cellors also receive a house in the Bryan-College Station area with utilities paid. A chancellor's income usually is supplemented by substantial private sources. Guest lecturer examines literary reform views Continued from page 1 said. Works of minorities, women and others, for exam ple, are then reconsidered in a non-discriminatory environ ment. As elements of this theory develop, the tendency to in clude everything prevents se lective omission, which often happens when literary study lid. Although this study appears unbiased, the exclusion of some literature is inherent. "The new formation must deny attention to some things in order to pay attention to new things," he said. is redefined, Broadhead saic "The amount of time you have in a semester to teach doesn't increase with the amount of material you have to teach," Broadhead said. This fact is responsible for the parallel between modern, inclusive literary criticism, and the more exclusive criticism from the 19th and early 20th centuries, he said. The works, which are studied, are reflec tive of the values placed upon them by the society. "In the last ten years there has been so much interesting work done on domestic fiction of the middle 19th century, Clip Coupons Save Money In The Battalion - Every Tuesday 764-2975 Behind Appletree with this coupon B? 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Two Large Valid only with coupon it jmrtidpiting L Not valid with any other offer. One coupon f# f . Carry out only. No limit. ‘Exdudcj eit/» J Enplrtt 5-16-91 MB BUB MB «■ BM Mi nmm mm* mm ^ ^ f but at the same time that vol ume of intense criticism has been produced, it would be hard tor me to name three in-) teresting essays that have come out on Moby Dick," Broadhead said. "If these de velopments are related —the rise of one type of criticism and the decline of another- would suggest we are losing one body of work as the price j of reclaiming another." Vol. 901 De Ancho Presiden for attrai dential L an A&M Dr. Da lege of unique f« a living e: "No ot in the c< presidem of progra help mak living ent Dr. Ge center, sa a stunt t brary. Re r $iT99 MEbiuM PizZA SCON ENGL servec for pi summ On tions i presei 'I opene ter fu throu eithei to thf forcec Depa era! < 301 ai unde spaa force signe men l By add