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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1991)
Page 4 The Battalion Tuesday, April 23, C The Battalion RSKKUa Phone: 845-0569 / Office: English Annex Help Wanted Book Your Summer Vacation With Us... .and travel to some of Houston’s top corporations and businesses. Assignments Available: •General Office •Clerk Typist •Data Entry •Secretaries •Receptionists •Word Processing We Offer: •TOP SALARIES/BENEFITS •Bonuses •Training •Flexible Schedules . •Weekly Pay Checks mu THE TEMPORARY CONNECTION, INC. »=EEE=^y HOUSTON, TEXAS 713-493-5554 y CALL NOW!! LVNTs/GVN’s Sherwood Health Care Make more than a living; Make a difference. Currently paying $10.00-$11.25/hour. Positions available 6-2 and 2-10. Excellent benefits including: Group Medical/Dental/Prescription Drug Card, Educational Reimbursement, and many others. Interested in making a real difference in the quality of someone's life? Then we want you to consider joining our team, dedicated to the best in resident care. SHERWOOD HEALTH CARE, INC. Apply in person at 1401 Memorial Drive, Bryan, Tx. No phone calls, please. E.O.E. For Sale Computer 1000SX Tamdy with 640K, 30 MB hard drive, Keyboard and monitor $700. 846-5664. 1983 650 c.c. YAMAHA? SHARP MOTORCYCLEI $750 NEGOTIABLE. STERLING - 268-4476. Golt clubs - ping copies, special edition. 3-PW - $240 set. Taylor copy metal woods - $40 each. Jeffrey. 847-1196. 1988 Honda Elite(SO) scooter. Excellent condition. Low mileage. 696-3869 or 696-7735. MASSIVE INCOME Full-time, part-time , extra ordinary new sheer product. 100 million prs. of pantyhose are being sold per week and they all run...until NOW. Timing is the key to wealth. You could be rich by getting in on the front. Distributors wanted. Call today, 1-800-771-5690 24 hr. recorded message. Super Cuts now hiring full or part-time stylist 696-1155. Cruiseline positions entry level onboard and landside positions available summer and year round. 1-800-473- 4480, Schlotzsky's is now accepting applications for part-time evening and weekend shifts. Apply in person only be tween 2-5 p.m. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. US Customs, DEA etc. Now hiring. Call (1) 805-962-8000 Ext. K-9531. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help Infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensattan. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. For Lease Wanted Students needed from the following cities to observe seat belt use for the Texas Transportation Institute in late May or early June: Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland, Tyler Waco, and Wichita Falls. Apprx. 3 days work, $125 plus gas allowance; 845-2736 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for interview. PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER'S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar tendonitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. ' Eligible volunteers will be compensated G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 THE GREENERY Landscape maintenance team member is hiring full and part-time. Interview M-Th from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan. Tx. Want to buy two tickets for OPAS production Camelot. Call Rebecca, 846-2692, 846-0207. PERSONAL TRAINER KNOWLEDGABLE IN MUSCU LAR STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE, ESPECIALLY GLUTES AND ABS,CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE. FLEXIBILITY, AND NUTRITION. I'M SERIOUS AND WILLING TO WORK HARD. DAVID 696-5507. For Rent ‘Distinctive StyCc! Jr* \,y 811 Harvey Rd 696-9638 1001 Harvey Rd 693-4242 INTRUDER ALARMS. NEAR SHOPPING ENTERTAINMENT, AND MUCH. MUCH MORE Services Professional typing, word proc essing, resume writing and editing services are available at Notes-n-Quotes call 846-2255 PIZZA DRIVERS WANTED Immediate openings , flexible hours. Earn $50-$100 every night. Paid nightly. Call Gumby's Pizza 76-GUM BY HAVE A PERFECT MEMORY BY FINALS Proven Techniques. Send $5 to: JLM; P.O. Box 261165, Plano, Tx 75026 OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT ON TARGET! EASTGATE 696-7380 INTRUDER ALARM MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE For Rent COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible 1BDRM. STUDIO APARTMENT FOR RENT, SUMMER ONLYI GREAT PRICEI 764-3024. 2bd/2bath fenced duplex, with washer/dryer, on shuttle, $450/mth. 696-4384 or 764-0704. Nonhgate one two bedroom apartment, $200-$320, 2 bedroom houses 846-8432; 846-5800. For lease - 693-8534. Large 2bd/1ba studio apartment, wooded, Northgate area, approximately 3 blocks from A&M campus. Gas and electric, central air and heal, carpeted, $350+bills on one year lease. Available J une 1. NO PETS. Woodsman Ouadraplex. Subrent for summer. Furnished Ibd/tba, 237.50/month. Room for two 693-2999. DORM ALTERNATIVE PLAN, for less than 200/mth. per roommate at Anderson Place. Eastgate, Sausalito or Sundance. You'll have a totally refurbished, furnished, bills paid apartment with individual alarms, pool, kitchen, living/dining room and a lifestyles membership. All on a dorm style lease. 696-9638, 693-4242, 693-2347, 696- 7380. YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE. 1670 sq. ft. 4bd/2bath at Sundance apartments with great rooms, wet bar, new appliances, ceiling Ians, W/Dconnections, Intrusion alarms, and new carpet for as little as $183 monthly per roommate. Call Rene 696-9638. A2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury tour-plex. Near ASM, W/D, shuttle bus $395, 693-0551, 764-8051. Announcements A super, single waterbed with heater, $125. Cheryl 696- 3771. Ninja 250 1989, clean, good condition, $1400. Doug 696- 3771. We buy and sell good used furniture. Bargain Place across from Chicken Oil 846-2429. Roommate Wanted Roommate needed lor summer in Corpus Christi. Call Kevin at 847-1191. SHARE AWESOME FURNISHED HOUSE. ONLY $125 MONTH. NEED 1-4 STUDENTS NOW. 693-3911, Female roommate summer only. 2bd/2bth, condo, W/D, garage, block from Blocker $200 +1/2 utilities. Tess 764- 6737, Roommate needed summer, Southwood Valley, Duplex/ yard, 2B/1,1/2 ba. 693-9607. FREE HOUSING LOCATOR APTS. Duplex Houses ASM Properties. 693-3777. MAY GRADS If you ordered a 1991 Aggieland and will not be on campus next fall to pick it up, you can have it mailed. You should stop by the English Annex between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and pay a $5 mailing and handling fee. Refunds will not be made on yearbooks not picked up within one Semester of the publication date. The City of College Station and Ellis and Associates are announcing National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Train ing classes. There will be two separate sessions of the class. These classes are required tor employment with the City of College Station as a lifeguard. To regisfer for one of the classes, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at 764-3773. First Session - April 26, Friday, 6p.m.-10p.m. April 27, Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. April 28, Sunday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Second Session - May 10, Friday, 6p.m.-10p.m. May 11, Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. May 12, Sunday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. The Friday night classes on April 26 and on May 10 will be held at the College Station Confer ence Center on George Bush Drive across from the Texas A&M University Campus. Students will then be informed of the other locations. Personals A DATE TONIGHTI Hear talking personals from local women and men who would like to meet you (names & phone numbers included). 1-900-346-3377 $1.95 1st minute. TALK LIVE - beautiful women wanting to talk to you 1 -900 329-0005 $2.49/min. Adoptions A HOME FULL OF LOVE AND A NURSERY WITH CUDDLY TOYS AWAIT YOUR BABY. OUR COMFORT ABLE CONNECTICUT HOME IS NEAR THE BEACH ANDOTHERCHILDREN. FINANCIAL, SECURE CHRIS TIAN COUPLE. WE YEARN TO GIVE YOUR BABY ALL OF OUR LOVE AND A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE. HELP US HELP YOU. EXPENSES PAID. CALL BETH AND DON COLLECT. 203-622-0513. 1 bedroom efficiency apartment available. Best floor plan in town. Pool, shuttle, private patios, W/D connection, low utilities. Wyndham Management, 846-4384. 2B/1Bath, Northgate area. Available 5/15, $260, lease required. 845-6981,846-9334. 1 When you finish reading The Battalion pass it on to a friend but please DON’T LITTER Travel SUMMER WORK, $9.90 TO START. INTERNATIONAL FIRM FILLING FULL AND PART-TIME OPENINGS. CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE NEAREST TO YOUR SUMMER RESIDENCE. SOUTHWEST ZONE PERSONNEL OFFCES: AUSTIN...512-458-9675, DAL LAS...214-991-8920, FT. WORTH...817-377-2533, HOUSTON..713-977-1535, LONGVIEW...903-759-5533, LUBBOCK...806-795-9490, MIDLAND...915-694-3188, N. HOUSTON...713-440-8000, OKLAHOMA CITY... 405- 848-8721, PLANO...214-422-0016. SAN ANTON I0...512- 366-1885, TULSA...918-664-4118, WAC0...817-776- 3307. Full-time summer day camp counselor positions avail able. PostOakFamilyYMCA, Houston, Texas 713-781- 1061. Contact Mike Loflin. Dental assistant for periodontal office. Full-time and part- time. Call 260-9772 for appointment. Swimming coach needed for Navasota's community team. Momingslrom June-mid July. Good pay. Call Betsy 1- 409-825-2099. Two part-time advertising sales reps needed for STUDY BREAKS MAGAZINE. Send resume to; 505 University Dr. E, 4603 C.S. TX 77B40. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. US Customs, DEA etc. Now hiring. Call (1)805-962-8000, ext. K-9531. Part-time accounting clerk position available with local environmental sciences firm. Data-entry, computer, and general accounting experience or coursework helpful. Call 696-8255 for more information. Ask for Janie or Rhonda. EOE/M/F/H/V. SUMMER WORK: $490/wkgain experience, travel, chal lenging. All majors considered. Leave message at 846- 4330. Hiring for line cooks and wait staff. Apply at 3-C Barbecue Culpepper Plaza. Fabrication Shop needs part-time help, welding experi ence helpful. Call 778-3646 after 5:00 p.m. Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 FREE APT. LOCATING HOUSTON AREA S.O.S Locators 713-496-5260 We love AGGIES! Computer training, tutoring and assistance available. Call 693-9154. TYPING WORD PROCESSING. EXCELLENT SER- VICE. LASER PRINTER. SPELLCHECK. 764-2931. TYPING- Fast,Professional,Convenient. Call693-5325. WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL LASER QUAI? ITY REPORTS, RESUMES. ETC. LISA 696-0958, TYPING in Macintosh computer. Laser writer print-out. Done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. For Sale THE AMAZING MICRO DIET. Rapid weight loss. Afford able, complete nutrition, great tasting. Michelle 693-0201. Have You Gotten fin 1 Any Putt In The Hawaiian Tropical Sun. You can Cut-fl-Slice of Fun In A Hawaiian Paradise FREE ! In Naui, Hawaii. Conplinents of The Fun In The Sun After The Exans Are Done Vacation Line! Giveaway Pkg. incl. airfares, hotel/notel accon for 2, 7 days/6 nites + $500.00 spending cash^ For wore info and details f|p|f|f\ on how you can get it f just call 1(900)776-MAUI. 6284 Hust be 18 orolder. 2,49/nin void where prohibited. What’s Up Tuesday THE BATTALION: Informational meeting for students interested in applying for at 8:30 p.m. in 226 MSC. MEDICINE TRIBE/AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Discussion of upcoming and next semester events at 5:30 p.m. behind the Sul Ross statue in front of the Academic Building (inside Academic if it rains). Call Irwin Tang at 268-7471 for more information. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Meeting with speaker John Deisher at 7 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel. Call the house at 846-3119 for more information. STUDENTS FOR THE EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPACE: General meeting with discussion of the rules of Saturday’s rocket competition at 7 p.m.i 308 Rudder. Call Sean Sadler at 847-1704 for more information. UNIVERSITY HONORS PROGRAM: Undergraduate Fellows Symposium presenta tions at 7 p.m. on the fourth floor of Rudder. Call Julie Cowley at 845-1957 for more information. BRITISH AGGIES: General meeting 8:30 p.m. at Carney’s Pub. PROGRAM IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Lecture by Shelley Wachsmann, Institute Nautical Achaeology, ‘A 2000-year-old Boat from the Sea of Galilee,’ at 7:30 p.m. in 207 HECC. Call Dr. Steven Oberhelman at 845-0841 for more information. PHI ETA SIGMA: General meeting for new members at 8:30 p.m. in 601 Rudder. Refreshments will be served. Call Chad at 847-1229 for more information. ORDER OF OMEGA NATIONAL GREEK HONOR SOCIETY: General meeting in 2301 Greek Week 1991 will be discussed. UNITY: Informational meeting to make plans for summer issue of newspaper at 8 p.m. in 424 Sterling C. Evans Library. Call Bridget Harrow at 846-8211 for more infer tion. PAX CHRISTI: Weekly meeting of the international peace organization at 7 p.m. in Mary’s Library. Call 764-2112 for more information. BIBLE STUDY: 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Student Center. Call Tim at 846-3559 for the topi this week’s meeting. METHODIST STUDENT CENTER: Breakfast and devotional at 7 a.m. in the Methodist Stu dent Center. Call Judy at 846-4701 for more information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845-0280lot more information. ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY: ’Neon Animation’ and ’Sign of the Times’i Livingston, neon artist, at 7 p.m. in 124 ENSB. All majors welcome. Call BrianMa- larkey at 775-0434 for more information. STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: Come learn about A&M Study Abroad in the main hallway of the MSC from 10 a m. to 2 p.m. TAMU BICYCLING CLUB: General meeting and officer elections, demonstrations of repair and maintenance at 8:30 p.m. in 228 MSC. Call Gordon Powell at 823-6224for more information. SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS: Mandatory meeting, officer elections, for all members at 7:30 p.m. in 014 Reed McDonald. Wednesday THE BATTALION: Informational meeting for students interested in applying for staff at 8:30 p.m. in 226 MSC. EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER: Holy Eucharist and community dinner at 6:15 p.m.atttie Canterbury House, 902 George Bush Dr. Call Rev. Larry Benfield for more infc tion at 693-4245. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845-028 more information. METHODIST STUDENT CENTER: Informal worship at 7 p.m. and Women's Bible study all | p.m. in the Methodist Student Center. Call Max at 846-4701 for more information. BETA ALPHA PSI: Initiation at 6:30 p.m. at the Clayton Williams Jr. Alumni Center. LUTHERAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Evening prayer and supper at 6:30 p.m. intheUnive: sity Lutheran Chapel. AGGIE SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Final meeting at 8:30 p.m. at Pat's apartment, Call Pat at 696-0823 for more information. Lounge D on the Quacf. Call Rosie Rios at 693-5499 for more information. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN: Officer elections and semester end organ at 8:30 p.m. in 507AB Rudder. Call Jennifer Arnold at 823-4283 for more iir tion. WOMEN’S BONFIRE COMMITTEE: General meeting at 7 p.m. in 226 MSC. SPIC—MACAY: Lecture-demonstration and concert in Indian music b jee at 7 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Call Jyothi Shankar at 846- tion. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS: Annual banquet at 7 p.m. at the College Station Community Center Call Christy Cattanna at 847-2029 for more information. TEAC: General meeting, election of officers at 7 p.m. in 202 Engineering PhysicsBidj. Anyone interested in environmental concerns, community or campus are inviteil. Call Wailin at 847-6460 for more information. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: General elections for ISA officers at 8:30 p.m in 502 Rudder. Call Suzanne Droleskey at 845-2909 for more information. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, r: later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and plm* number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battalion service tint lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served bass There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have questions, call the newsroom at Sti 3316. fr Asthma Study Wanted: Individuals 18-50 years of age with asthma to participate in a short clinical research study involving an investigational medication in capsule form. Pauli Research International ^Szoo 776-0400 $w Aggies-WHICH ONE OF THESE PRIZES WILL BE YOURS FROM THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE? 10%^^ MORE CASH TUMBLER e>r- ^ $ 5 i CO ^ s 3s FREE § FREE § ZE. t-shirt Sell to play • Spin to win ROTHER’S BOOKSTORE 340 GEORGE BOSH DR. 901 HARVtf 1 ®