The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 1991, Image 6
Page 6 The Battalion Wednesday, March 6,1991 The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: English Annex Wanted Contact Fairfax Cryobank A Division of the Genetics & IVF Institute 1121 Briarcrest, Dr., Suite 101-Bryan TX 77802 HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Help infertile couples; confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable, ages 18 to 35, excellent compensation. 776-4453 Help Wanted THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE needs carrier for several off campus routes and one male for on campus route. $450-$700 per month. Approximately 3 hours a day. Call Julian, 693-2323 or James 693-7815. THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT at TAMU is conducting research on group dynamics and needs participants. We will pay $30.00 for 6 hrs over a three week period. If interested, instructions and sign up sheets are posted outside Room 409 in the Psychology Department. Part-time Physical Therapy Assistant needed mornings. Apply Sherwood Health Care at 1401 Memorial Drive Bryan. Make $200 in two nights. Sell 50 tunny, college t-shirts and make $200. Sell 100 - make $500. No tinancial obligation. More information call 1-800-245-3087. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. AHbranches. US Customs, DBA etc. Now hiring. Call (1) 805-962-8000. Ext. K-9531. Cooks and drivers, lunch and evening shifts available. Cooks $5.00/phr. Drivers $4.50/phr.+ tees. Must have own transportation. Apply after 2 p.ra Mario and Son's on Northgate. 84&-0379. , HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Details (1) 800-962-8000 Ext. B-9531. Water Safety Instructors, Supervisors and Lifeguards needed (June - Aug. 2). W.S. I. or Lifeguard certification required. American Red Cross - Dallas (214) 871-2175. Cooks and drivers, lunch and evening shifts available. Cooks $5.00/phr. Drivers S4.50/phr.+ fees. Must have own transportation. Apply after 2 p.m. Mario and Son's on Northgate. 846-0379. HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Details (1) 800-962-8000 Ext. B-9531. Water Safety Instructors, Supervisors and Lifeguards needed (Juno - Aug. 2). W.S. I. or Lifeguard certification required. American Red Cross - Dallas (214) 871-2175. EEO/AA Employer. ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income, assemble products from home. 504-646-1700 DEPT. P7/7. Services Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes, Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 $1 /page typing, laser printed, double spaced. Call Editing Services 776-5560. TYPING in Macintosh computer. Letter-quality printer. Done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. For Sale CHIMNEY HULL OFFICE BUILDING Price reduced to $109,000.00 1700 sq. ft. owner financing 846-7805 SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, four wheelers, motor homes, by FBI, IRS, DEA,. Available your area now. Call (805)682-7555 Ext. C-1201. Macintosh SE-20, Imagewriter II and software. One year old. $2,000/lirm. Call Andy at 268-4543/leave message. SPRING BREAK APT. LIQUIDATION) Bright shorts, shirts, toyslll Wednesday, 3/6/91, 2-7 p.m. Anderson Place Apartments. More information call 696-1717. 1987 Honda Hurricane 1000. Original owner. Garage kept. Excellent condition 3,795; 713-554-4243. Unkfen Radar detector tor sale. One year old. Call Meg, 847-8062. BOA 4 ft. with cage and accessories $175.00, 696-3417. SOMERVILLE - 6.17 acres, 1/2 mineral rights, furnished 1,200 sf A-frame, barn, +boat. Owner finance/with 25% down, $55,000, 974-7667, 1964 Chevy Imp ala, white, convertible top, ASM maroon paint and interior, completely restored, original engine, $6500, 713-974-7667. Roommate Wanted House to rent/share. Female roommate needed. Nice 3b/ 2ba house shuttle. Eastmark furnished all appliances W/ D, pool close. 250/mth. All bills paid+150 deposit. Call 693-5948 or 713-438-5325 collect. Female roommate $150 month 2BR/1B -1/2 utilities. GREAT AREAI Call 693-1489. For Rent COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible Sweetwater Pools, Inc. In Houston is looking for leader ship orientated individuals to run our pools this summer. Training is available - must have or be willing to take Lifeguard Training, First Aid, and CPR courses. You will manage as well as lifeguard. Salary range $800.00 - $1,000.00 per month plus lessons and bonus. Call be tween the hours of 9:30 am -1130 pm and 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm M-F to set up an Interview. 713-270-5946. Immediate opening for medical technologist; full-time and part-time positions available. Personnel Department, TAMU. MLT'S, CLA'S with previous hospital lab experi ence will be considered. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. U.S. Customs, DEA,etc. Nowhiring. Call(1)805-687-6000, Ext.K-9531. Graduate student couple needed to manage small apart ment complex. Must be able to do maintenance work. Apartment + salary. Call 696-7414, between 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. or send information to 1300 Walton Drive, C.S. TX 77840. THE WEKEELA CAMPS, CANTON, MAINE. One of America’s most prestigious camps, seeks creative dyna mos tor staff positions June 17-August 18 for tennis, athletics, lacrosse, gymnastics, competitive swimming, water skiing, sailing, small crafts, piano, dance/ballet, drama, song leaders, campcraft/ropes, ceramics, art, woodworking, photography/yearbook. Also kitchen and maintenance positions. If you think you're tops, reply to: 130 S. Merkle Rd„ Columbus, OH 43209, (614) 235- 3177. SPARE TIME CASHI $5000 GUARANTEE Amazing Hot Details, 1-900-990-7014 + 1016 limited time offer. Cost $1.99 1st minute, ,99<e rest. OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000 mo. Summer, year- round, all countries, all fields. Free info, write IJC, PO BX 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar CA 92625. Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for girls. Counselor posi- tions for program specialists: All team sports, especially baseball, basketball, field hockey, softball, soccer and voile yball;25tennis openings; also arch ery.riflery, weights/ fitness and biking; other openings include performing arts, fine arts, newspaper, photography, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft; ail water front activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe/kayaking). Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Call 1-800-753- 9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 16 Horseneck Road, Montville, NJ 07045. Call 1-800-776-0520. Notice A 2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury four-plexes. Close to campus, shuttle bus, washer/dryer available $360.00. 693-0551, 764-8051. Adoptions We've bedtime stories, rocking chairs and much love, but no baby...yet. Can you help? Call Sue and Jamie collect about adoption. (802) 235-2312. ADOPTION - We're a loving, secure, nurturing couple. We are creative homebodies, devoted to each other, our families and pets. We want more than anything to adopt a baby toflll our lives. Please call Steve and Cristina (805) 239-1409. A OOP I ION- A life filled with hugs, kisses and love is what we have with each other, but long to share this special love with a child. We live in a beautiful home and can give your baby the love, laughter, music, art, education and financial security that you would if you could. Devoted dad, full-time mom and extended family await your child. Expenses paid. Please call Phyllis and Mark collect and help us become parents 301 - 583-1199. Announcements Put your degree to work where it can do a a world of good PEACE CORPS Stop by at MSC (Wed) 9:00 a.m. -1 :Q0 p.m. or call 845-1496. TAKING THE GRE IN APRIL? Check out our rigorous course with guarantee. Cost $200, 1st 10 students $50 OFF. Introductory session March 7, 1991, 5:15 p.m. Room 104, Nagle Hall Ronnie 846-7977, Roy 846-6161 The Brazos Valley Development Council's Section 8 Housing Office is accepting applications for the Operation Bootstrap Program. If anyone in yourfamily is 18 years of age or older and is currently attending school, or a training program and you need assistance with your rent, you may be eligible to participate in the program. Brazos County Applications will be accepted every Wednesday between 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. - 430 P.M. at the Council’s Offices 3006 East 29th Street Door #2, Bryan, TX 77802. Outlying county applicants may request an application by writing to Brazos Valley Development Council, P.O. Drawer 4128, Bryan, TX 77805-4128 or contacting Sandy Shumaker, Operation Bootstrap Coor dinator, at (409) 776-2277 or (409) 776-2281. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. Services Professional typing, word proc essing, resume writing and editing services are available at Notes-n-Quotes call 846-2255 MONEYI MONEY I MONEYI SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS GUARANTEED FOR EACH STUDENT SEND BUSI NESS SIZE SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: AWARDS, P.O, BOX 8179, ST. LOUIS. MO 63156. WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL LASER QUALITY REPORTS. RESUMES, ETC. LISA 696-0958. Travel [ AMERICAN TRAVEL & TOURS Great Ski Trips Available SPRING BREAK SPECIAL New York Miami Orlando /Tampa London Paris Frankfurt 202 R/T 175 R/T 224 R/T 365 R/T 530 R/T 510 R/T Some restrictions apply. Please make your reservations now. One way fares to some destinations avilable. 1-800-798-2226 Business Opportunity REPOSSED VA & HUD Homes available from government from $1.00 without credit check. You repair. Also tax delinquent foreclosures. CALL (805) 682-7555 Ext. H-1445 for repo list your area. Wednesday POLITICAL FORUM, INTERNATIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE: Talk on international terrorism at 7 p.m. in 701 Rudder. Kenneth Bergquist, associate coordi nator for counter-terrorism in the U.S. State Department, will give a lecture on the U.S. policy consideration. Call Steve at 764-9733 for more informa tion. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at 8:30 p.m. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION: Seminar for faculty members and graduate stu dents with Dr. Barak Rosenshine, “Teacher Education Research Agenda” at 10 a.m. in 602 Harrington Tower. Call EDCI at 845-8384 for more informa tion. AGGIE ORIENTATION LEADER PROGRAM: applications now available at 106 YMCA, SPO, Student Activities. Deadline is March 29. Call 845-5826 for more information. RHA: Hall delegates’ roundtable at 8:30 p.m. in 401 Rudder. Call RHA office at 845-0689 for more information. TEXAS A&M TRIATHLON CLUB: organizational meeting for upcoming races at 8 p.m. in 162 REED. Call Ken at 696-5661 for more information. PRSSA: Portfolio workshop given by Dr. Lynne Walters of the journalism depart ment at 3:30 p.m. in 003 RDMC. All majors are welcome! AGGIES FOR DIABETES AWARENESS: general meeting and discussion at 7:30 p.m. in 105 A Zachry. New members welcome! Call Regina at 693-3431 for more information. METHODIST STUDENT CENTER: 7 p.m. informal worship and 8 p.m. Women's Bi ble study, both at the Methodist Student Center. Ce “ more information. ble study, both at the Methodist Student Center. Call Max at 846-4701 for SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION: guest speaker Gus Baker on ca reer planning at 7 p.m. in 160 Blocker. All majors welcome! Call Carrie at 693-5540 for more information. N: ql . All i MSC GREAT ISSUES: general committee meeting to discuss upcoming programs at 8:30 p.m. in 501 Rudder. SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM: Arts and sciences meeting, Dianna Hunt will be showing how to make swashbuckler shirts at 7:30 p.m. in 229 MSC. Scribes guild meeting, scrolls for the Roundtable tournament will be created and colored at 7:30 p.m., contact Michael or Star for location. Call Jane at 846-3113 or Michael at 268-7737 for more information. REFORMED UNIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP: Bible study at 7 to 8 p.m. in 302 Rudder. Call Chris at 776-1185 for more information. CATHOLICS ON THE QUAD: this week’s topic is “The Change from Traditional Roman Catholicism” at 9 to 10 p.m. in Lounge D. Call Joe Anne at 693-1703 for more information. EUROPE CLUB: weekly meeting at 10:30 p.m. at The Tap. Call Mark at 846-1783 or Nathan at 846-1654 for more information. BRITISH AGGIE CLUB: general meeting at 8 p.m. at the Flying Tomato. FACES: Core committee meeting at 5:30 p.m. in 230 MSC. WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY: general meeting at 5:15 p.m. in 207 Nagle Hall. Call Sayra at 845-4291 for more information. CORPS OF CADETS: members of the Corps will be collecting donations for and distributing information about the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation from 11 to 3 in the MSC. TAMU DEBATE SOCIETY: debate on TAMU banning Bonfire in 601 Rudder. Call Christian at 845-5590 for more information. NEWMAN: Informal mass, creative liturgy and fun at 7:15 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. Call 846-5717 for more information. TAMU PRE-LAW SOCIETY: general meeting, speaker Jim Noble, assistant district attorney, will speak on criminal law and law in general at 7 p.m. Call Joycelyn at 693-2842 for more information. SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: general meeting, guest lec turer: Dr. Joe Townsend, “How to Effectively Motivate People,” at 6:30 p.m. in 131 Blocker. Call Rhonda at 774-4358 for more information. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN: Dr Maret will give an informal talk, “The Wage Inequity: A Blaming-the-Victim Approach,” at 7 p.m. in 105 Blocker. Call Melissa at 846-3487 or Jennifer at 823-4283 for more informa tion. TEAC: general membership meeting - discuss TOTEM (the Oklahoma and Texas Environmental Meeting) coming up on March 22-24 at 7 p.m. in 104 Zachry. Call Scott at 693-3371 or Wailin at 847-6460 for more information. STUDENT Y: general meeting, officer elections at 8:30 p.m. in 502 Rudder. TAU KAPPA: information sessions for prospective new members at 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in 301 Rudder. Call Jerry at 847-6101 for more information. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP: Worship service at 7 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. Call Chris at 847-7000 for more information. TRAP & SKEET: Call John at 846-1193 for national tryout information. EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER: Holy Eucharist and community dinner at 6:15 p.m. in the Canterbury House, 902 George Bush Drive. Call Rev. Larry Ben efield at 693-4245 for more information. Thursday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at 8:30 p.m. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: general discussion at 6 p.m. Call C.D.P.E. at 845-0280 for more information. S.W.A.P.: meeting at 8:30 p.m. in second floor of Rudder Tower (theater side). TEXAS A&M EMERGENCY CARE TEAM: general meeting at 7 p.m. in 601 Rud der. Call 845-4321 for more information. MEXICAN-AMERICAN ENGINEERING SOCIETY: MAES social outing at 7 p.m. in lobby of Zachry. FOURTH DAY: get together for all those who have made Aggie Awakening at 6:15 p.m. in St. Mary s Student Center. Call 846-5717 for more information. RPTS PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEE: general meeting at 6 p.m. in 151 Francis. PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR A SAFE BREAK: Safe Break Open House, every one welcome to celebrate third anniversary of C.D.P.E. at 2 to 4 p.m. in 217 Health Center. Call C.D.P.E. at 845-0280 for more information. Hems for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battal ion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first- come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. Lawyerfights use of alleged murder plan tapes in custody case Judge will decide relevancy of recordings HOUSTON (AP) — A judge de termining a child custody case said Tuesday he may listen to tape re cordings of a mother allegedly at tempting to hire a hitman to kill the mother of her daughter’s cheerlead ing rival. Assistant District Attorney Bill Delmore objected on grounds that the tapes are not relevant to the cus tody issue and they should be re stricted to the criminal case against Wanda Webb Holloway. State District Judge Henry Schu- ble is presiding in a custody case be tween Tony Harper and Mrs. Hollo way over their two children, Shanna Harper, 13, and Anthony Harper, 17. Mrs. Holloway, 37, was arrested jan. 30 after Tony Harper’s brother, Terry, contacted police about the al leged plot to kill Verna Heath. Mrs. Holloway is to be tried in June on a charge of soliciting capital murder. She has been freed on $10,000 bond. Spring Break Special! 25% off all hair products •Redken • Sebastian •Vavoom •Paul Mitchell •Biolage • Joico •Matrix TIie OtIier Eclips 696-8700 * 2551 Texas Ave. College Station WEDNESDAY NIGHT 9-1 AM LIPPMAN JAM 75<£ draft Miller Lite $1.25 Kamikazies All Nite... Everynite! IT'S ALWVAS A PARTY AT THE BAJA! 268-BAJA 19 years experience ring sizing • watch batteries chain repair • Aggie rings sized, stripped • diamonds mounted Very Personal Investments 846-8916 404 University Dr. East PRE-LAW SOCIETY General Meeting Wed., March 6 I^nmr 7:00 p.m. _ *) _ 226 MSC Sv Speokor Jim Noble Asst. District Attorney For Info. Joycelyn Ray 693-2842 *Now taking orders for June & July weddings 707 Texas Ave. • 764-8289 We sell the finest Bridal Gowns for less EVERYDAY! LADIES AND LORDS AT TEXAS 707