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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1991)
Page 6 The Battalion Monday, February 18,1991 School board members turn against district DALLAS (AP) — Two school board members have been working on behalf of plaintiffs in a federal desegregation lawsuit against the Dallas Independent School District, an attorney said. and Yvonne Ewell, both black board members. Attorney E. Brice Cunningham billed the DISD $67,022 for three years of work, including more than $4,000 for telephone conferences and meetings with Kathlyn Gilliam Cunningham represents the Black Coalition to Maximize Education. The school board agreed to pay Cunningham’s bill but some board members protested. “How can a board member sit in executive session and listen to the strategy of the school board and then turn around and work with an outside attorney to oppose the board strategy?” asked board member Ed Grant. But Gilliam said she doesn’t plan to limit her conferences with Cun ningham, whom she described as an important legal voice for the black community. “It will not change,” said Gilliam. “I personally intend to contact Mr. Cunningham whenever I jolly well please.” Ewell confirmed Sunday that the attorney’s fee was paid, but it was for work done some time ago. “What I am most disgusted about is that it appears from this that we had lengthy discussion during board meetings,” she said. “But that did not happen. We have not had any discussion at board meetings re cently about Mr. Cunningham’s fees.” The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: English Annex Canadians brave heat in first wave of Break mayhem Help Wanted THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT at TAMU is conducting research on group dynamics and needs participants. We will pay $30.00 for 6 hrs over a three week period. If interested, instructions and sign up sheets are posted outside Room 409 in the Psychology Department. PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar tendonitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Eligible volunteers will be compensated G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 Parl-timo help - Part-time bookkeeper. Apply in person, Piper's Chevron Texas at University. NEW ENGLAND BFtOTHER/SISTER CAMPS - MASSA CHUSETTS Mah-Keo-Nac tor Boys/Danboe (or girls. Counselor posi tions for program specialists: All team sports, especially baseball, basketball, field hockey, softball, soocer and volleyball;25tenn is openings; also archery, rKlery, weights/ fitness and biking; other openings include performing arts, fine arts, newspaper, photography, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft; all water front activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canos/kayaking). Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (BOVS) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Call 1-800-753- 9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 16 Horseneck Road, Montville, NJ 07045. Call 1-800-776-0520. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. U.S. Customs, PEA etc. Now hiring. Call 1-805-962-8000. Ext.K-9531. HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Details. (1)805-687-6000. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. U.S. Customs, PEA,etc. Nowhiring. Call (1) 805-687-6000, Ext.K-9531. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help Infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Brlarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. Services FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential Counseling Good Samaritan Pregnancy Testing and Counseling 505 University Drive (Behind Nutri-System) 846-2909 COLLEGE MONEY Private Scholarships. You receive minimum of 8 sources, or your money refunded! America's Finest! Since 1981. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LOCATORS, Box 1881, Joplin, MO 64802-1881.1-800-879-7485 Professional typing, word proc essing, resume writing and editing services are available at Notes-n-Quotes call 846-2255 Services Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 WORD PROCESSING; PROFESSIONAL LASER QUALITY REPORTS, RESUMES, ETC. LISA 696-0958. $1/paga typing, laser printed, double spaced. Call Editing Services 776-5560. O'BRYAN PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 HRS, SMALL OR LARGE JOBS. 822-6735. TYPING in Macintosh computer. Letter-quailty printer. Done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. Roommate Wanted SOUTH PADRE ISLAND (AP) — The way Michael Braun saw it, his group of 90 Canadians who braved a 36-hour bus ride from Winnipeg, Manitoba, represented the vanguard of spring break 1991. “We set the standards for the next groups to come here,” the 22-year- old University of Manitoba student said last week lounging pool-side at Gulfpoint condominiums. He had just watched eight other Canadians drink themselves sick in a whiskey-guzzling “Southern Com fort relay” in and around the swim ming pool. “The police are going to gauge ev erybody else by us,” said Braun, a generous dose of fluorescent red sun screen across his equally red nose. They were the first wave of an ex pected 200,000-250,000 students to last year in Daytona Beach, Fla. The educational effort is sponsored by a Costa Mesa, Calif.-based group called Beer Drinkers of America. Officials will distribute literature and provide activities, including a sandcastle-building contest, in an at tempt to keep the spring breakers from overindulging. The first wave of Canadians, how ever, had not heard of Party Smart last week. “In between drinking, we do other things,” said JoAnne St. Go dard, a 20-year-old physical educa tion major, who appeared com pletely sober. Some of the students did not drink at all, and said they found the heavy alcohol consumption repul sive. “That’s why we came out here to Southwood Valley large house. 3B/2Ba, yard, pets. $167/ mo. «■ utiUtlea. Shuttle bus. Very nice roommates I 764- 2968, Kelly. For Sale Part-time help tor doctor's office. Mon. 4-7, Wed. 3-7, Fri. 12-7. Typing. 909 Southwest Parkway, C.S. TX. Marie, 696-2100. Graduate student couple needed to manage small apart ment complex. Must be able to do maintenance work. Apartment + salary. Call 696-7414, between 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. or send information to 1300 Walton Drive, C.S. TX 77840. GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For Buyers Guide (800) 772-9212, ext. 1342. Also open evenings and weekends. LANGE MUSIC CITY 1315 Texas Avenue 822-2334 20% off accessories 30% off Yamaha guitars Bring ad when you come! take over the resort island near the take a walk,” said Monique Trottier, Mexican border between now and 19, walking on the beach with her early April. Canadians always usher 19-year-old cousin and best friend in the season and trigger the first of Suzanne Trottier. spring break’s estimated $60 million They said they had to escape some economic impact on this island town of the out-of-control students at the of just 1,000 year-round residents. poolside party. “Since tourism is our only indus- Monique Trottier said spring try, all of our jobs are impacted by break for them was a chance “to gain tourism,” said Geri Jean Wilson, some independence. That’s one of marketing director for the South Padre Island Visitor and Convention Bureau. Hundreds more Canadians de scend on the town this week. While epe the major thi nor things for me, because this is the first time I’ve been away from home by myself.” Corporate sponsors this year at THE WEKEELA CAMPS, CANTON, MAINE. One o( America's most prestigious camps, seeks creative dyna mos for staff positions June 17-August 18 for tenlns, athletics, lacrosse, gymnastics, competitive swimming, water skiing, sailing, small crafts, piano, dance/ballet, drama, song leaders, campcraft/ropes, ceramics, art, woodworking, photography/yearbook. Also kitchen and maintenance positions. If you think you're tops, reply to: 130 S. Merkle Rd., Columbus. OH 43209, (614) 235- 3177. Table and tour chairs. 764-1866. Good condition. Call alter 6:30, For Rent Brazos Beverage Now Hiring bannerartist and sign printer part-time only. Flexible hours, pay based on ability. Call Alan Tidwell, 775-6322, 8-5 p.m. Windsurfing Instructors wanted in the Houston area, 713- 326-2724. $5000 GUARANTEE Amazing Hot Details. 1-900-990- 7014+ 1016 limited time otter. Cost $1.991st minute, ,99e rest. COTFON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible spc spring break gradually builds to its South Padre Island will include Fos- mid-March crescendo, the sparsely ters Beer, Chrysler, Perry Ellis and populated beaches will fill with sun- Nintendo. They plan to organize bathers, volleyball nets, beer kegs volleyball tournaments, basketball and corporate sponsors. Endless games, and Frisbee and sandcastle parties will turn rowdier and louder contests. until no one is guaranteed a peaceful Organized poolside events will in night of sleep. elude bikini contests, zinc oxide com- Sooner or later, someone will toss petitions and the often risque “tan- furniture out the window. line” contests. As March approaches, hotels start Three beach concerts also are taking down paintings and removing planned the weeks of March 9 and furniture and other moveable oh- 16. jects from high-traffic areas and charge deposits of $50 or more per Police chief Ed Sanders said his person. force of 17 officers and 10 reservists “We become a spring break hotel will put in much overtime when the for about a four-week period,” said big crowds hit in March. The town Craig Vogel, sales and marketing di- takes a fairly lenient eye toward mis- rector at Sheraton South Padre Is- chief during spring break, but he land Beach Resort. said police sometimes have to step in This year the island is promoting to keep people from harming them- the “Party Smart” program initiated selves or others. OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000 mo. Summer, year- round, all countries, all fields. Free info, write IJC, PO BX 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar CA 92625. House to rent/share. Female roommate needed. Nice 3b/ 2ba house shuttle. Eastmark furnished all appliances, W/ D, pool close 250/mth. All bills paid + $100 deposit. Call 693-5948 on 713-438-5325 collect. War Continued from page 1 A 2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury four-plexes. Close to campus, shuttle bus, washer/dryer available $350.00. 693-0551, 764-8051. For Lease Sublease spacious 3B/2Ba house for summer, campus and shuttle bus. $700/mo. 764-8613. Lost & Found LOST: LARGE, BLACK. CAT. WHITE FACE. FRONT. PAWS. BLUE COLLAR. LOST NEAR TREEHOUSE II. PHONE 693-0436. Travel Spring Break! Cancun UNIVERSITY BEACH CLUB" from *369 plus S39 taxes 800BEACHBUM (Call Now 1-800-232-2428) J optimism they would succeed. “There is nothing to be lost by talking ... and if that will result in the withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait, more power to whoever is doing the talking,” Baker said. “... It remains to be seen, of course, whether any thing can come of this session.” Scowcroft, appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” said past Soviet attempts to help Saddam Hussein engineer an “elusive withdrawal with dignity” had ended in failure. “He cannot be rewarded for the terrible things that he has perpe trated in the gulf,” Scowcroft said. Bush’s day began in church, where the service was disrupted by a man who demanded an end to the bombing of Iraq and the deaths of ci vilians there. Bush made no response at the time but told reporters later in the day: “I am concerned about the suf fering of innocents and I’m talking about the innocents in Kuwait, too.” “I hope we can get an end to that suffering very, very soon. I think we will,” he said. Neither Bush nor others in the administration would confirm a statement by French Foreign Min ister Roland Dumas that a date had been set for the start of the ground war and that it was close at hand. Soldiers’ mothers take Monday, matters into own hands MASH tries reason with Iraqi CHANDLER, Okla. (AP) — Anne Cornelsen couldn’t go to the war front in Saudi Arabia. So she declared war from her home. Since her son’s Oklahoma City- based Marine unit was activated in November, Cornelsen has founded a group called Mothers Against Saddam Hussein, or MASH. In November, Cornelsen an swered the phone and received "the most devastating call I ever got.” The Marines couldn’t reach her son, Robert Dowell, by phone, so they called her. She was told her son’s unit was to leave for Saudi Arabia Nov. 20. “Mothers of these boys are going to have to do something about this man,” Cornelsen said of Iraqijfcader Saddam Hussein. After . her son was activated, Cornelsen talked lo local military people about forming Mothers Against Saddam Hussein, and they encouraged her to go ahead with it. At first, Cornelsen hoped a group of moms could try to rea son with the Iraqi leader to end the conflict. Seventy-three letters from mothers of soldiers were pre pared, but there was no way to get them to Baghdad. Thev WPrp sent to the Iraqi embassy in Wash ington instead. There has been no reply. Cornelsen believes that some one, somewhere read the letters, but it made no difference. “I thought we could plead with him to correct a huge mistake, I thought that since he has children he would have to have a humane side.” She has changed her mind now and thinks Hussein should be taken alive and punished for “horrendous crimes and atroci ties.” Cornelsen turned her attention from trying to influence Hussein to showing support for troops in the region ana organizing sup port for families left at home. She started taking long rolls of paper to shopping malls in Okla- noma and Texas to gather signa tures and messages to make "sup- port-o-grams.” “Some mothers who saw ii were crying so hard they couldn't talk,” she says. One support-o-gram signed by shoppers over two days in Dallas was 1,175 feet long. con forn card L Study finds abused children have depression, low IQs things. I can te razy thi [et has :ards. I’ve pah (ecus su noney f ittle pie rardboard alasma noney fo ind ange: ianc£e c< imes ov weakness 1 I’ve eve jaseball ca Crazy tl But I ha A little c jaseball ca used to lac lucks on tl owed tha trike me. Last yea lometown :o check ot ny house, But I w< dways bee iuddenly s avorite pi earn set, 1 I didn’t jacks I sp< WASHINGTON (AP) — Chil dren who are abused or severely ne glected have lower IQs and an in creased risk of depression, suicide and drug problems, a study says. The study goes beyond earlier work showing that abused children were 53 percent more likely to be ar rested as juveniles and 38 percent more likely to be arrested for a vio lent crime, said the study’s author, Cathy Spatz Widom of the State Uni versity of New York at Albany. “The harm to children from abuse and neglect may have enc; mous long-term consequences,"!! said Saturday at the annual meetit o j 1990 of the American Association for if pj Advancement of Science “Other negative outcomes may more common than delinquencyai violent criminal behavior,” she said Similar findings were reported: Byron Fgeland of the University Minnesota, who compared 23 ph'- cally abused children with 75 MIL h children who were not abused Parade. But ther aseball Cj Jaseball cai alue of rm Continued from page looked on 1 jps, 11 of cause all of our friends of that age would be taken in a draft,” she said. About a dozen anti-war protesters participated in the parade, carrying banners calling for an end to the conflict. Bryan Skipworth, an A&rM grad uate student, said he attendee! the rally because he believes the war is immoral and unjust, and a result of failed foreign policy. “The Bush administration is continuing to perpetuate the situa tion, and the problems of theregj won’t be solved by more ktllmi Skipworth said. “We want to seel bloodshed stopped.” Michael Worsham, another pm tester and A&M graduate studeni said the best way he knew howl: support the troops was to work it end the war and bring the soldier! jrice. But rave Rang So I star hop, and looked.11 :ard (1987 leer and! My obse enough, as lowly and njoyed lot xamining Rude i he cards tl vere worth eckett gui Thinkin ards that 1 laseball cai of them foi he good ca anseco,a [acksons. I was dis home. “What does ‘support the troop' mean?” Worsham asked. “Does mean we have to support theivar, can wejust support the people?” Search. Continued from page searching those areas found noth ing. Miller said he contacted CE SAR at the beginning of last week to see if its dogs could help locate the professor. Samsill said the non-profit or ganization is called to do this type of search five or six times a year. Samsill related the difficulty of searching the Brazos River. “Take a pen, walk into your liv ing room and throw it,” he said. “With your eyes closed and the lights off, try to find it.” Miller said if Sharpe is in the river, the sheriffs department does not know where he entered, and even if it did, the heavy rains could have carried his body down stream. Samsill said in addition to not having any clues as to where the body might be, the speed of the flowing river and the inability to see underwater also hampered the search. “In this river you can put your hand on your mask and not see your hand,” he said. Samsill said even when the dogs pinpoint where a body is, it some times takes divers hours to find it, Miller said if further searches fail, the University Police Depart ment is working with an A&M ge ophysics professor to try to search the river with a mobile sonar de vice. “And if that doesn’t work, well just stay on the river until we find him,” Miller said. He said other counties along the Brazos River have been noli fied of Sharpe’s disappearance. :0 ROSENTHAL MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE =r 3L- FLY FOR LESS AS A COURIERI Major Airline. Houston to: London $275 roundtrip. Tokyo $375 roundtrip plus tirst-time registration fee $50. Call NOW VOYAGER 713- 684-6051,212-431-1616. LEAN BEEF BOX Contains: 3 Steaks 5 Steaks 6 Steaks 3 Steaks $65.50/box >j Rib (bone-in) Top Round Bottom Round Shoulder Clod Eye of Round Top Round Ground Beef 2 Roasts 1 Roast 4 Pounds (Approximately 26.5Lbs.) (Limited Supply Available) Announcements LAMB International Experience See - Peace Corps represen tative at MSC (Wednesday) 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. or call 845-1496. Personals LAMB CHOPS (assorted rib and loin chops) $2.79 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $3.19 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) BONELESS LAMB CHOPS $3.99 per lb. (30-40 box) $4.39 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) GROUND LAMB (1 lb. per package) $1.29 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $1.69 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) LAMB SHANKS* $0.99 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $1.29 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) LAMB SHOULDER ROASTS (boneless, rolled and tied) $1.59 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $1.99 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) LAMB ARM CHOPS $1.99 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $2.39 per lb. (less than 30 libs.; LAMB LEG ROASTS (seml-boneless) $1.99 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $2.39 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) LAMB SIRLOIN HALF LEG ROASTS $2.29 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $2.69 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) LAMB BLADE CHOPS $1.99 per lb. (30-40 lb box) $2.39 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) LAMB SPARERIBS $0.79 per lb. (30-40 lb. box) $0.99 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) Beef Cubed Steaks (cutlets) $1.99 per lb. (30-40 lb box) $2.39 per lb. (less than 30 lbs.) Prices effective while supplies last or through March 1, 1991 (409) 845-5651 Mon-Fri 9a.m. - 6 p.m. Aggielands Campus Directories Available If you ordered a 1990 Agglelsni and haven’t picked it up, stop by the English Annex between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Yearbooks will not be held and refunds will not be made on books not picked up during the academic year in which they are published. If you ordered a 1990-91 Campus Directory and haven't picked it up, you may get it in the Student Publications business office, room 230 Reed McDonald Building, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. shook his h Were worth “I’ll give Bos,” he sai others.” I protest worth almc but to no ai of Bos and than he car A couple have been < my ignorar “Rookie < are worth a Don’t ya k I didn’t, up some ro card in a re card — and didn’t get a hoped for, appetite. Rookie I had roc packs of cat rookies and Blinded 1 about cards Jhrilling sta in Ranger c All I care rookies so tl more packs more rookii But, one room at the Wrappers ai too far. I told my v aluable cai So I took m shop, and g The deal "ookies, eve n Beckett. I as selling t ts a glut o Dejected 1 of comr ro value land — marke le Ran] nental eBob majoi sible ' for lac tail or ca hi it IN Rn THE V