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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1991)
Had too much of a good thing' Call 822-6110 CCCS Nonprofit & Free IlufkiimI INDUSTRIES, INC. Lufkin Industries, Inc. is a diversified manufacturer of • industrial gearing • oil field equipment • iron castings • steel fabrications • highway trailers Founded in 1902, in Lufkin, Texas, Lufkin Industries is a world leader in oil field pu mping unit and commercial gear drive technology and production. To continue our growth and strengthen our position in the world market, we are seeking talented individuals who are interested in building their engineering career with one of the best teams in the country. Graduate Engineer - Mechanical Entry level engineering position, leading to a career in the design of advanced power transmission machinery LUFKIN offers a competitive wage and benefits package. Lufkin Industries EEO/AA M/FA//H For campus interviews on February 21, 1991 contact: the Placement Office or Jim Riggs P.O. Box 849 Lufkin, TX 75901 409/637-5267 For Help When the Flu Gets You! "x CarePlus^ffi MEOICAL/DENTAL CENTER M No Appointment Neccessary 10% Discount with A&M ID 696-0683 1712 S.W. Parkway (across from Kroger Center) Open until 8p.m.- 7 days a week Athlete's Foot Study Individuals to participate in an investigational drug research study. Must have symptoms of athlete's foot. $150 incentive for those chosen and who complete the study. Pauli Research International® 776-0400 $150/ Adult Sore Throat Study ONE DAY STUDY, NO BLOOD DRAWN Individuals 18 years & older to participate in an investigational drug research study. $100 incentive for those chosen to participate. Pauli Research International® ysioo 776-0400 Siogy Urinary Tract Infection Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE urinary tract infection testing for those willing to participate in a short investigational research study. $100 incentive for those who qualify. Pauli Research International® VSioo 776-0400 SiooJ High Blood Pressure Study Individuals with high blood pressure, either on or off blood pressure medication to participate in a high blood pressure research study. $300 incentive. BONUS: $100 RAPID ENROLLMENT BONUS for completing study. Pauli Research International® ^300 776-0400 $3ooJ,j cr- Asthma Study Individuals 18-55 with asthma to participate in a short clinical research study with an investigational medication in capsule form. Pauli Research International® yszoo 776-0400 SzooJjj Page 4 The Battalion Monday, February 18,1| Monday, Representative tries to block deportation SAN ANTONIO (AP) — U.S. Rep. Henry B. Gonzales is trying to keep a former Salvadoran army offi cer from being deported after the officer testified that U.S. authorities knew of death squad activities in his native land. Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez is being held in a Jourdanton jail, 30 miles south of San Antonio, under a U.S. Immigration and Naturaliza tion Service order. Attorney Daniel Alcorn has sought the nelp of former President Jimmy Carter and Gonzalez, D-San Antonio, to protect Martinez from being illegally deported to El Salva dor by the INS. On Friday, Gonzalez wrote to U.S. Attorney General Richard Thorn burgh and Richard Casillas, INS dis trict director in San Antonio, warn ing the government not to summarily deport Martinez to face what the congressman called certain death in El Salvador. Because Martinez has publicly tes tified his claims of U.S. military knowledge of Salvadoran death squads, Gonzalez said deportation looms as a motive to silence the de fector. DARRIN HILL/The Battalia Two heads are better than one Texas Tech student Matt Smith places a two- convention held in Texas. Hundreds of gaming headed ettin atop a miniature castle tower Sat- enthusiasts attended the event at the Memo- urday. The castle was on display this week- rial Student Center on the Texas A&M cam- end at Warcon '91, the largest wargaming pus. Events Included a cyberball tournament. Monday RECREATION, PARKS AND TOURISM SCIENCE CLUB: general meeting at 7 p.m. in 202 Francis. SPANISH CLUB, LA TERTULIA: general meeting and guest speaker Antoni) Caraballo, who will give a presentation on Puerto Rico through slides arc music at 9 p.m. in 229 Rudder. Call Anne at 847-1261 for more information ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS AND DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Registration-“Real World 1991 Life After Aggieland” from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the MSC. Call Felicia at 845-1133 for more information. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: meeting with speaker John Deisherat p.m. in 209 HECC. Call 846-3119 for more information. PHI ALPHA THETA HISTORY HONOR SOCIETY: general meeting in 503 Harring ton. All interested history majors are welcome. Call Francesca at 696- 0097 for more information. MINORITY LIBERAL ARTS SOCIETY: general meeting discussing upcomirc events and issues at 7 p.m. in 125 Blocker. Call Chris at 693-9427 for non information. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION: general meeting at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. Call Beau for more information. MEDICINE TRIBE: grape boycott information from MECHA, SEAC conference workshop, human rights rally, community service sign-up at 5:30 p.m. be hind Sul Ross statue in front of the Academic Building. Call Irwin at 268-747I for more information. HONORS STUDENT COUNCIL: general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. Call Randy at 847-0598 for more information. AGGIE TOASTERS: “Improve your public speaking skills with the ATM chapterc' Toastmasters International” and officer elections in Rudder Tower, ctieo monitor for room number. Call Tammy at 693-8466 for more information NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION: membership and organizational meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 231 MSC. Call David at 823-0509 for more information. IL CIRCOLO ITALIANO DE TAMU: social at 8 p.m. at Cafe Eccell. STUDENT COALITION AGAINST APARTHEID AND RACISM: Paul Howard will discuss “Combating Racism on the Homefront” at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. All new members are welcome. OUTDOOR RECREATION CLUB: backpacking in the Big Thicket and Mountair Biking trip at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. Call James at 847-4297 for more informa tion. AGGIES AGAINST BONFIRE: general meeting at 6 p.m. at Sul Ross Statue. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at noon. Call C.R.D.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS AND DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES: registration for “Real World 1991: Life After Aggieland” in Hit MSC Hallway from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Felecia at 845-1133 tor moreinfoi mation. nan DEPARTMENT OF MULTICULTURAL SERVICES: the video “Black in White America" will be shown in celebration of Black History Month at 6 p.m. in 401 Rudder. Admission is free. Call Penny at 845-4551 for more information. ALPHA KAPPA PSI: guest speaker with Paul Vachon from Anheuser-Buscf at 7 p.m. in 165 Blocker. Professional attire requested. POLITICAL SCIENCE SOCIETY: mixer at 9 p.m. at Triangle Bowling Alley. Cai Melissa at 764-6586 for more information. RCIA: no meeting on the 18th. Classes resume Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. Call 846- 5717 for more information. MID-JEFFERSON COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB: will have a general meeting as well as planning spring events at 7 p.m. at Mr. Gatti’s. Call Ben at 847-1105 or Amy at 847-2328 for more information. Tuesday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. METHODIST STUDENT CENTER: Breakfast and Devotional at 7 a.m. and Men's and Women’s Bible Study at 7 p.m. Both in the Methodist Student Center Call Max or Judy at 846-4701 for more information. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at 8:30 p.m. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. PHI ETA SIGMA: will have a general meeting and letter writing campaign for the troops in the gulf at 8:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. Call Randy at 847-7058 more information. TAMU BICYCLING CLUB: general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 203 MSC. Call Gordon at 823-6224 for more information. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION: Co-op Career Fair in Zachry lobby. GENETICS SOCIETY: Dr. Price will speak about how to get into Graduate School at 7:30 p.m. in 107 BICH. Call Keith at 693-5452 for more information. TAMU GRADUATE WOMEN’S STUDIES GROUP: first film in Women's studies film series “Women Empowered," the autobiography of Miss Jane Pittmanat 7 p.m. in 604B Evans Library. BLACK AWARENESS COMMITTEE: The Alvin Ailey Repetory Ensemble at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. PAX CHRIST!: weekly meeting of this international peace organization at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. Call Cathe at 764-2112 for more information. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: choir practice at 8:30 p.m. in A&M Presbyterian Church. Everyone welcome to join! Call Beverly at 847-0743 for more infor mation. BIBLE STUDY: this week’s topic: the continuation of the Book of James at 7 p.m. St. Mary’s Student Center. Call Tim at 846-3559 for more information. TAMU NUTRITION SOCIETY: Peace Corps representative Ron Ziehm to speak at 7 p.m. in 127 Kleberg. Call Susan at 693-3556 for more information. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battal ion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a Ural- come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. WiRl m HERE WITH m> 5EEXDAA, THE. ' A TO- Spade 6ftff7w6S, & ft ViVERbi U6LY VJAR, \ 5oMETrf/W6 S Y^, WtT^ ! ?E£t ftT THE Tft£ ZriTTAC/ HMft'T YOU rtf£Y l-00£_ Tubul Abi fine ABILE tor Char Ten Con by the san His pe earned hi best actor This w< Doctor o Abilene C ACU p presentee] vate dinn Civic Cer read selet ment boo “Mr. ai the family in ways c< the univei Heston ceived a s ciation th; greatness out love, and abidii Heston more that Bud Con ATTENTION TAMU FACULTY LOSING YOUR TAX-DEFERRED PROGRAM? Within a few weeks you arc required to submit supporting paperwork if you wish to continue your tax deferred accounts. New TAMU requirements may result in reduced or cancelled 403B contributions. For an explanation of this issue, how to calculate your allowable contributions, and tax-deferred ruICS plan to attend our free* SEMINAR Speaker: ROSE VAN ARSDEL, CFP VICE PRESIDENT AG Edwards INVESTMENTS SINCE 1887 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1119 Villa Maria Rd - Bryan 5:30-6:30 P.M. * Seating is limited. Call Teresa at 846-7703 by Friday, 2/15/91, to reserve your place. You will not be able to call on the day of the seminar 2/18/91 as our A.G. Edwards office will be closed in observance of Presidents Day, so plan ahead and call by Friday, 2/15/91. -1 Spring Break Special $6.00 Haircut Special $35.00 All Quantum Perm Perm/Cut/Style Spiral Wrap $10.00 Extra By appointment only 822-9576 111 Ehlinger, Bryan Expires 3/11 TAMU Bicycling Club Next Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 19,1991 8:30 pm, room 203 MSC Everyone is welcome. New memberships will be accepted. We will discuss rides, trips, and other activities for the rest of the semester. mve For more information, contact: Gordon Powell (823-6224)