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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1991)
The Battalion Page 6 The Battalion Friday, February 8, Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: English Annex ; Help Wanted 1991 Grads Get A Job - In Silicon Valley! Job Hunt on Your PC! "The Silicon Valley Profiler" - a Hi-Tech Employment DataBase o Over 1600 Company Profiles, o Prints Cover Letters/Labels, o Runs on IBM XT/ATs. Order by Mail today from: InfoDiSCS $ 39.95 3687 Bryant/# 204 PaloAHo, CA 94306 415-493-2212 800-755-2212 + $ 2.71 CA Tax Updates Qrtly. Specify: 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" Format THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT at TAMU is conducting research on group dynamics and needs participants. We will pay $30.00 for 6 hrs over a three week period. If interested, instructions and sign up sheets are posted outside Room 409 in the Psychology Department. ENTERPRISING STUDENT or organization supporting Desert Storm wishing to make EXCELLENT MONEY. Product ready to sell. Exclusive territory possible. Small Investment. IMMEDIATE. AGTINC. 319 So. 17th St. Omaha, NE 68102 For Sale IBM Compattole, 640k, 2 Floppies, $350. Ideal for word processing, 045- 5132. Kawasaki EX 500. Only 1983 miles. Like new, $2100. 775-0316. PIANO FOR SALE: Wanted; responsible party to take on small monthly payments on piano. See locally. Call Manager at 800-635-7611. Roundtrlp plane tickets to New York from Houston, avail able until Feb. 13, 1991. Call Chris 846-6618/a 5 p.m. Centurion Racing bike Shimano 105 system, 88 model, condition is excellent. Call 693-7762, price is negotiable. Arrested contest operators appear before grand jury For Rent RIDING HORSES FOR RENT Sandy Point Rd. near Bryan Utility Lake. Call 779-7052 anytime. Ask for Rudy. Open 7 days a week, 24 hrs. a day. COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible APT. FOR RENT;2B-1 B WALK TO CAMPUS; NO PETS; $210+ BILLS. 696-7266. A 2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury four-plexes. Close to campus, shuttle bus, washer/dryer available $350.00. 693-0551, 764-8051. Travel LAST CHANCE! Resort Hotels: Cruiselines, Sumer Camps, and Amuse ment Parks, NOW accepting applications for sumer jobs, internships and career positions in the U.S. and Mexico. For more information and an application, write National Collegiate Recreation Service; PO Box 8074; Hilton Head SC 29938. Part-time help - Part-time bookkeeper. Apply in person, Piper’s Chevron Texas at University. COUNSELOR/STAFF FOR CAMP COBBOSSEE - Sum- mer positions available tor general counselors and spe cialists, at competitive sports camp in Maine. Must have strong skills A ability to instruct, coach, or assist in one or more of the following; Baseball, tennis, basketball, soc cer, hockey, lacrosse, archery, riflery, arts A crafts, martial arts, English horseback riding A all waterfront activities including; swimming (WSI), sailing, waterskiing, windsurfing, scuba. Located on a beautiful lake In Central Maine, near Boston, excel lent facilities, top salaries, room/ board/laundry, and travel allowance. Call or write; Steve Rubin- 5 Silvermlne Dr., South Salem, NY 10590. - (914) 533-6104. (ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS - FEBRUARY 18th at Memorial Student Center.) NEW ENGLAND - BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS ~ MASSACHUSETT SMah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for girls. Counselor poskions tor program specialists: All team sports, especially baseball, basketball, field hockey, softball, soccer and volleyball; 25 tennis openings; also archery, riflery, weights/fitness and blklng;otheropenings include performing arts, fine arts, newspaper, photogra phy, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft; all waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe/kayaklng). WANTED - STUDENT TO WORK PART-TIME MANAG- ING A 10-USER NOVELL NETWORK. WORKING EX PERIENCE WITH NOVELL UTILITIES. DOS, SPREAD SHEET, WORDPROCESSING. PROCOMM AND DATA- BASE. 775-2193 FOR INTERVIEW. Part-time domestic home and office cleaning. Call for an appointment. 776-6666. General help. Easy. Typing, etc. Also house cleaning. Both weekends. 693-4437. Deluxe Burger Bar, LaTaqueria, Cafe Eccell, needs office help. Light office skills. Apply at 104 B Church St. M-F office hours. CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR CO-ED, SPORTS ORIENTED CAMP located in northeastern Pa. near New York City. We have openings tor general counselors as well as specialists In both land and water sports. Specialty areas Include baseball, tennis, basketball, soccer, la crosse, hockey, waterskiing, sa'ling, scuba, WSI, canoe ing, windsurfing, gymnastics, archery, fencing, arts A crafts, piano accompanist, drama, radio, and rocketry. Pioneering staff needed tor both land and canoe trips and for our ropes challenge course. Other openings may be available. Salaries $100-$200perweekplus room, board, and travel. We will be conducting on-campus interviews on February 18th. For information call or write: G. Lustig, 60 W. 66th St.. 28A, New York, N.Y. 10023; tel. #212-724- 0113. TIMBER LAKE CAMPS located in NY’S Catskill Moun tains seek General Counselors, Athletic Instructors, and WSI’s. On-Campus Interviews. TOP SALARIES/TRAVEL ALLOWANCE. 1-800-626-CAMP (9-4:30 weekdays). Medical technologist needed part-time to fulHime. Veteri nary Teaching Hospital. Call 845-9180. Schlotzsky’s is now accepting applications for part-time evening and weekend shifts. Apply in person only be- tween 2-5 p.m. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. US Customs. DEA etc. Now hiring. Call 1-805-962-8000. Ext. K-9531. Earn $108.00 CASH monthly donating plasma. Safe, helping Aggie tradition. Most of the thousands ot AAM student donors study during their visit. Westgate Plasma Center. 4223 Wellborn Road 846-8855. HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Petals. (1) 805-687-6000. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. U.S. Customs, DEA,etc. Nowhiring. Call(1)805-6S7-6000, Ext.K-9531. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. VE QOT TO CALL TODAY! IDO NT WANE BE DTVCK1N COLLECiC. t \ *129 n*96 *137 $124* DAYTONA BEACH SOUTH PADRE ISLAND STEAMBOAT FORT LAUDERDALE PANAMA CITY BEACH CORPUS CHRISTI / MUSTANG ISLAND HILTON HEAD ISLAND DON’T WAIT TIL IT’S TOO LATE CALL TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321-5911 $102 $112 •Depending on break daces and lengtn of stay. Holiday Express SPRING BREAKIN' ★ Cancun ★ Puerto Vallarta ★ Acapulco ★ Winter Park -from $379. For information call your local A&M Reps at: 775-1634 or 847-7054 or our toll free number: 1-800-235-TRIP Spring Break! Cancun plus $39 taxes 1-800-BEACH-BUM (Call Now 1-800-232-2428) Services Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE let us prepare a professional resume tailor-made for you! CoTS COUNSELING OBTESTING SERVICES Call 846-2674 for an appointment FLY FOR LESS AS ACOURIERI Major Airline. Houston to: London $275 roundtrlp, Tokyo $375 roundtrlp plus first-time registration fee $50. Call NOW VOYAGER 713- 684-6051,212-431-1616. Campus Directories Aggielands Available If you ordered a 1990-91 Campus Directory and haven't picked it up, you may get it in the Student Publications business office, room 230 Reed McDonald Building, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. If you did not order a Campus Directory, you may purchase one for $3, plus tax, in 230 Reed McDonald. $1/page typing, laser printed, double spaced. Call Editing Services 776-5560. O'BRYAN PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 HRS, SMALL OR LARGE JOBS. 822-6735. TYPING irr‘ Macintosh computer. Letter-quality printer. Done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. Roommate Wanted Female roommate wanted two bedroom one bath studio. $150+1/2 utilities. Great area. Call 693-1489. If you ordered a 1990 Aggieland and haven't picked it up, stop by the English Annex between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Yearbooks will not be held and refunds will not be made on books not picked up during the academic year in which they are published. HOUSTON (AP) — The opera tors of a sweepstakes that offered to put an American aboard the Soviet space station were ordered Thurs day to appear before a grand jury following their arrest for alleged vio lations of Texas gambling laws. David Mayer, president of Space Travel Services Inc., and James Da vidson, the firm’s senior vice presi dent, made a brief appearance at a probable cause hearing before State District Judge Michael McSpadden the day after they were arrested and their offices searched by investiga tors from the Harris County district attorney’s office. “We intend to run a sweepstakes that is legal, just like McDonald’s does or Publisher’s Clearinghouse does and keep law enforcement happy,” said Arch McColl, a Space Travel Services attorney. McColl said a 900 telephone num ber, which charged callers $2.99 to enter the contest, had been sus pended temporarily. The fee is at the heart of the dispute with the dis trict attorney’s office. “You can enter the Publisher’s sweepstakes and you don’t have to buy books. You just mail it back in,” said Russel Turbeville, chief of the district attorney’s consumer fraud division. “It’s tnat $2.99 entry fee. Our position is that if anybody can pay a fee, it’s a lottery.” The contest rules provide for en tries also to be mailed in at no charge, which McColl contends makes the contest legal in Texas. “You can run a sweepstakes ‘No purchase necessary,”’ McColl said. “We have an alternative form. He (Turbeville) is viewing it in a differ ent light, and I think we’re going to be able to persuade him that we’re to be in compliance with the On Valentine's Day a very special pizza takes shape. “We think the loophole is speci ous,” Turbeville said. “A lottery like this couldn’t be set up in Las Vegas.” The promotion, unveiled in De cember and billed as “The Ultimate Adventure,” has been under investi gation since then by the district at torney’s office. Mayer and Davidson were ordered to appear before a county grand jury Dec. 19; but sub poenas were dismissed after they agreed to cooperate with authorities, and they never faced jurors’ ques tions. McSpadden ordered the pair to return to a grand jury within the next two weeks. A Feb. 21 arraign ment date was set if the jury returns an indictment. Mayer and Davidson remain free on $2,000 bond each. State commission stalls Richards urges waste permit approvals AUSTIN (AP) — Twenty-three permit applications for hazardous waste disposal facilities are stalled at the Texas Water Commission, after Gov. Ann Richards said she’s tired of them being “rammed through.” A chemical industry group said Thursday it would seek a meeting with Richards. It blasted the Water Commission for suspending permit activity in an emergency meeting Wednesday, just hours after Rich ards called for the moratorium in her State of the State address. “Action was taken without a clear presentation of the facts... This makes no environmental sense,” said Monte Janssen, a vice president for the Texas Chemical Council, which includes about 90 chemical man ufacturers. But environmental groups sup port a moratorium. Brigid Shea, state program direc tor of Clean Water Action, said she was “ecstatic” at the developments. “This is sending shock waves throughout the environmental com munity beca\ise it’s so sweeping and it happened so quickly,” Shea said. Janssen said his group is not at tacking Richards. But he said mem bers are dismayed at the emergency rule to suspend processing of permit applications for the treatment, stor age, or disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste by a commercial facility. The permit applications immedi ately affected are for facilities in Houston, Anahuac, Port Arthur, Waller, Deer Park, Devers, Midlo thian, Dayton, near Balmorhea, Mentone, Texas City, Athens, Cor pus Christi, Sweetwater, New Braunfels, La Porte, Robstown and Guy. There is more than one applica tion from some areas. Harry Whitworth, Chemical Council president, said in a statement, “It’s easier to understand the governor making a bad decision like this because she’s new on the job. But for the water commissioners to follow her action ... is unbelieva ble.” Richards Water Commission spokesman Bill Colbert said, “We felt like it was in the state’s best interest to respond to her (Richards’) feelings on this particular matter.” The commission’s suspension is effective until Sept. 1, to give the Legislature time to act on a two-year moratorium proposed by Richards. The governor’s press secretary, Bill Cryer, said Richards is not tied to the two-year time period but wants some “breathing space” so new permit rules can be instituted. The governor wants to ban the placement of hazardous waste dumps near schools, residential areas and drinking water supplies, and she wants to ensure residents of a proposed disposal site get a hear ing, Cryer said. Janssen said the Chemical Council wants to present its side to Richards. He said a moratorium would in crease the amount of waste that must be stored by companies and prevent the building of new facilities that will have more up-to-date waste disposal technology. A at the College Station Hilton Charlie Browns Tribute to the zjjje Coaste* s FAT TUESD AY February 12 8:00 PM $6.00 $5.00 With Student ID Enjoy a Carnival atmosphere throughout the hotel with Cajun Buffet, Creole Specials, Clowns, Jugglers, Magicians, and Street Vendors. Plus Sunday Cajun Creole Brunch and Monday N'Orleans Restaurant Specials For reservations and information call 693-7500 X COLLEGE STATION HILTON AND CONFERENCE CENTER V. 801 University Drive East, College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 693-7500 Sunbelt 1991 cleaner Texas, wins praise AUSTIN (AP) — A cleaner Texas starts in the office, Gov. Ann Rich ards told lawmakers in her State of the State address. “If you are using Styrofoam cups in your office, it’s time that you stop,” Richards said Wednesday in advocating recycling and stronger environmental protection. House Speaker Gib Lewis, for one, took her advice to heart; “I’m going to stop using Styrofoam cups. You never know. Little things like that have an impact.” Richards also won praise from the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club for recommending: • A two-year moratorium at the Texas Water Commission on per mits for new commercial hazardous waste incinerators, cement kilns and injection wells involving salt domes. The commission met the same day in emergency session to suspend ac tion on permit applications, an ac tion that was criticized by the Texas Chemical Council as counterproduc tive to economic opportunity. • Passage of effective oil spill leg islation. • Banning hazardous waste facili ties near schools, residential areas or water supplies. “Governor Richards made it clear in her speech that she not only feels that addressing environmental is sues is the right thing to do but that it is critical to the future of the state," said Ken Kramer, Sierra Club state director. In addition, Richards promised that appointees to environmental boards and commissions would be sensitive to the environment. Richards got some criticism after appointing Beaumont lawyer Walter Umphrey to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. Place your order today for a Flying Tomato heart-shaped pizza... and surprise your Valentine on February 14! Orders must be placed by midriijjtii t| February 13 for pickup on February! 1 prepayment required. pim 303 W« UNIVERSITY AVE 846-1616 Congratulations Delta Sigma Pi Pledges Spring 1991 Barbie Armstrong Michael Arora Amy Blumberg Forrest Boone Jeff Butrum Debbie Caldwell Peter Curran Sandy Davila Melissa Dellano Laura Dewbre Kendra Dick Kemberly East Kelly Furnas Luke Frick Rachel Gibbs Derrik Barry Gill Angie Housley Linda Judson Kari Liles Matt Martinez Nikki Morris Vince Pennine Jodi Ross D.L. Stone Roger Tayior Scott Thompson Joe Vela Anthony Wailer Tina White Steve Winkier Witte