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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1990)
DO YOU WANT TO CO-OP WITH THE STEHLIN FOUNDATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH? If so, they will be on campus [THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1990 to interview for spring semester co-op positions. Persons interested in interviewing should contact the Cooperative Education office at 845-7725 to sign up for an orientation. Page lO The Battalion Tuesday, October30,19911 Comedian to visit Mideast WRED SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Bob Hope told thousands of cheering Air Force trainees he has set the date for a Christmas visit to troops deployed to the Persian Gulf. “I’m going over there about De cember the 20th. I want to be there for Christmas,” the 87-year-old en tertainer said Sunday. Hope made the announcement during festivities at Lackland Air Force Base, where a theater was re named in his honor. Hope has enter tained American troops overseas since 1941. Remember... The Recreation, Parks & Tourism Science Undergraduate Professional Committee's Tuesday, October 30 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Francis Hall idltitHames if 6* for State Representative Compare Jim to his opponent on the issues...% Jim James Steve Ogden 1. Pro-Choice 1. Believes the government should make the choice of abortion illegal, even for rape victim 2. Favors a student on board of 2/ ? regents o 3. Opposes allowing regents to 3. ? raise tuition 4 ? 4. Pro-environment- endorsed by Sierra Club Paid for by the Jim James Election Committee* 1/07 Broadmoer, Bryan, Texas 77802* Richard West, Treasurer REMINGTON, RUSSELL & THE BOYS ARE FREE TONIGHT. MSC Forsyth Center Galleries. Right across from the Post Office in the MSC, and now open Tuesday through Friday 9-8, and weekends 12-6. m c fr mm SPONSORED BY MANOR EAST MALL & KKYS 104.7 FM Location: Dates: manor east mall October 29 - 30 - 31 Time: 7:00 - Midnight TICKETS $4.00 ADULT CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER $3.00 Ward Grant, the comedian’s pub licist, said Hope earlier had an nounced the Middle East trip, but did not confirm the date until Sun day. ‘‘We’re going to have a ball over there,” Hope told about 15,000 peo ple at the base. “I like what (Presi dent) Bush is doing. He keeps send ing troops over there because we’ve got to get the message through.” Hope said the stronger the U.S. resence in the Persian Gulf, the less ikely it is that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein will turn to fighting. Field of A&M Dreams (continued) SO 'iOO'KE. IfJ CHARGE OF FLAMING CAMPOS PARKING, ANP 100 SIT IN THIS OFFICE ALL PAL..? f7 T 50Y, YOU'RE 5UKL CROMPED WITT/ FILIf/6 CABINETS IN HERE.. Hi CZOMVEP? A/A-W-Wf I'M GCWNA PUT IN A DOZEN MORE PRETTY SOON. LOTS MORE- X LOVELEM. by Scott McCullar ^ V X THINK X 5 ££>111) wildings are. taking vitrm RACKING lots OH ' VA Center plans opening in Austin area Spade Phillips, P.l. Vol. 9* Re by Matt Kowalski You mint PR£/?MS ftK/UoTLitt INCOME You W/Ittf UP flUD Km /rs Jusr /) cftun Hw, AUSTIN (AP) — By mid-Jan uary, many of the nearly 90,000 vet erans in the Travis County area can stop driving to Temple for Veterans Administration health care. By then, a new 48,000 square-foot outpatient facility is scheduled to be opened, offering medical, surgical, psychiatric and dental services on a first-come, first-served basis at re duced cost. The $4 million clinic, to be oper ated by the Olin Teague Veterans’ Center in Temple, was being ded icated Monday. Construction began in May. Officials said that only about 14,000 of the Austin-area veterans are military retirees and therefore eligible to use health services at Bergstrom Air Force Base. “This clinic has been needed for many years,” said E.A. Borrell, di rector of the Teague Center. Tubularman by Boomer Cardinale ’ UMAT IS lT,uMDe? JmATCH 7HP TufiEDudE I ■ / .vi’N' bfXJy y.-meR we uAvie Vown -rvBvxwt tW'i 'Dez-Tto -r 0 -rtuo poSstflL'TlK— / •Sw / V ^ CAWNfUf ^/Zo JTjAf o* tt.c. Officials end hearings for racing track bids Nerd House by Tom A. Madisoi AUSTIN (AP) — An administra tive hearing wrapped up Monday into applications for a Galveston County dog racing track, considered by many to be one of the potentially most lucrative in the nation. Hearing examiner Dudley Mc- Calla said track applicants will have to wait another week before state of ficials decide how to proceed from this point. On Monday, Nov. 5, the Texas Racing Commission will consider whether to have McCalla recom mend a winner, or have him compile the record of the hearing for the commissioners to decide without a recommendation. Either method probably means the winning application will be cho sen Nov. 29 or mid-December, rac ing officials said. On Monday, the Texas Depart ment of Public Safety submitted its investigative reports, saying that be cause of time constraints it was im possible to assure that monies in vested in each of the proposals were obtained legally. But DPS Cmdr. Joe Murphy said, “We found no indica tions that would indicate otherwise.” Last year, the Racing Commission awarded the pari-mutuel wagering license to Lone Star Greyhound Park. But the losing applicants won an appeal of that decision in court and had the case sent back to the commission. Lone Star claims they won the li cense and that the current proceed ing is illegal. They are an applicant, but are not participating in the hear- ing. New applicants include Bay Grey hound Racing Association, which wants to build the track in Galves ton; Gulf Greyhound Partners and Galveston Bay Greyhound Park are proposing a La Marque site. The earlier battle over the license was marked by controversy when an employee of Lone Star allegedly placed a dead bird on an opponent’s proposed site to make it appear the area was the nesting ground for the rare Attwater’s prarie chicken. En By SEAN JfTheBa Wu/le: Tzick - o/t - THE a t/ng , Nezbeet e-sau zes Halloween bucks. mr The Association of Former Students Fall Senior Induction Banquet Wednesday & Thursday, November 7 & 8, 1990 6:30 p.m. MSC - ROOMS 212-216 All December ’90 graduates are invited Complimentary tickets may be picked up in the MSC Hallway, (Across from Post Office) October 30, 31, & November 1 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. TICKETS GIVEN ON FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED BASIS Student I.D. Required to Pick Up Tickets. This is your invitation to the induction of the Class of ’90 Compliments of The Association of Former Students Junk istrat Americ oreign oi idopting aid an ii nventor Dr. Pai irst woi ipoke du nore that “Becau tiergy pi diddle L liction," : neer of th )f Media: m the sol enger. Oil imj aid, whil Go Hi to AYC Goverr thousai talists \ barrica their w mosqut and 20 , At le in othe cades-o dus ani of the s The least U week, V.P. Si, c ollaps< ready t dia’s H minorii Sing] eampai oentur Tuesda sign if help o lence. Monda Hinc said the Tuesda Rama c mosqut would stroy tl and ar of the Hindu Li