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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1990)
The Battalion Battalion Classifieds WORLD & NATION HELP WANTED NO: Farmwork Construction Flipping Burgers YES: Experience $450 per/week 3 hrs. credit CALL 822-0808 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G&S Studies Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the folowing conditions call G&S Studies. El igible volunteers will be compensated. 'infected blisters 'infected boils 'infected insect bites 'infected cuts 'infected scrapes 'infected earlobes G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 SEAT BELT SURVEYORS NEEDED Students needed from the follow ing cities to observe seat belt use for the Texas Transportation Insti tute May 29 - June 8: Abilene, Fort Worth, Houston, Laredo, Lub bock, Midland, San Antonio, Tyler, Waco, and Witchita Falls. 3 days work, $100. plus gas allowance. Call 845-2736, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for interview. Ask for Terri or Laurie. Students - need a summer job? Earn $600 to $800 per month as a route carrier for the Houston Chronicle. Job requires working early morning hours and a gas al lowance is provided. If interested call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. Central Valley Chemical Inc. is looking for drivers part-time, M-F and Saturday, 7 a.m. -12. Requirements: 1) 21 years of age. 2) Excellent driving record. 3)No D.W.I.’s. 4) No felonies. 5) Class C Drivers Li cense. Rate of pay is $5./hour. Work description: Delivery of Agriculture Chemicals to dealers and growers. Please contact Richard Lure or Barrett Blackwell at 272-8470. 142105/04 BAKER All Shifts The Deluxe Burger Bar/Cafe Eccell Will Train apply at: 104 B Church Street Wanted elementary ed. or special ed. major. Senior or grad, student to work with a 10 year old with A.D.D.. Math, writing, and reading 4th grade level. Summer months, 2 hoursper week at $15.00 an hour. Call for information 776-2318 Sam to 10pm. ! 4415/1 e $17,000 EARNED BY STDENT LAST SUMMER. CALL 696-1655 BEFORE 6:00p.m. T.V. LEARN HOW. 14515/3 Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity de- sirsable. Ages 18 to 35, excellent compensation. Con tact Fairfax Cryobank 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101 776- 4453. 72t5/4 Computer training- word processing spreadsheet, DOF. Reasonable rates, Guaranteed, 846-3535. 138t5/7 Students spending summer in Fayette/Colorado County: warehouse help wanted over summer in Schu- lenburg (409)743-3825, (409)743-3534. 144t5/9 ATTENTION SUMMER WORK COLLEGE STU DENTS, NATIONAL CORPORATION HAS OPEN INGS IN HOUSEWARES AND SPORTING GOODS. CALL NOW 260-9166. 144t5/9 Wicks N Sticks- Post Oak Mall. Sales Associate. Retail experience. Flexible hours. Apply in person. 144t5/16 Liberal Arts student familiar with library needed for research. $5. per hour. Call Ed Schulze (409) 295-5751. 142t05/04 Half a day work, General office and house cleaning. 143ttfn 776-0946. Summer help needed. Packers and loaders. Local mov ing company. 779-6333. 143t5/4 Child care in mu home for summer. 7:45 til 5:15 M-F. Must have car. 776-0765. 14U5/3 Schlotzsky’s is now accepting applications for part time nifts. evening and weekend s tween 2-5 pm. Apply in person only, be- 138t5/7 Part-time experienced pet shop clerk needed evenings & weekends. Call 822-9315 for Appointment. 140t5/4 SERVICES Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes Reports, Letters and Envelopes Rush service available ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men's clothing Off Southwest Parkway • 300 Amherst 764-9608 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 9U3/30 TYPING 7 DAYS/WEEK. WORD PROCESSOR, FAS T/ACCURATE. 776-4013/846-3273. 92t5/4 SERVICES WHY LOSE YOUR DEPOSIT? MOVING, SPRING CLEANING, FREE ESTIMATES. SUPPLIES FUR NISHED. REASONABLE 764-8626. 137t5/9 WANTED FOR SALE Palm Harbor Repo’s. Several to choose from. MUST SELL THIS MONTH 1-800-880-HOME. 126t5/3 Palm Harbor Buyers. SAVE $$$ THOUSANDS. Buy at the Palm Harbor Factory Model Center 1-800-880- HOME. 126t5/3 For sale couch and cover $75 also coffee table $25, call Sherry. 693-4577. 14U5/3 PLEASE HELP! Must sell my waterbed! Shelved head- board, lining, heater, and mattress. Call Chris, 696- 2773. 142t05/04 FORD FESTIVA ‘88 SUPERB CONDITION, 38 + MPG, GREAT LITTLE CAR! PRICED TO SELL $4300,693-2069. 144t5/4 QUEEN WATERBED FOR SALE EXCELLENT CONDITION, HEADBOARD AND DRAWERS $250 Call 846-7730. 144t5/4 Honda Aero 125 Moped. Helmet & Battery charger $550 Linda 693-8187. 144t5/16 ROOMMATE WANTED Female Roommate wanted for San Antoriio . Call Janet at 693-8308, 693-0084. 145t5/9 FEMALE ROOMMA I E NEEDED. 2B/2B 4-plex, WD, $187.50/mo. Debra, 823-4665, 845-1824. 142t05/04 MALE AG cl’89 SEEKS d’90 GRAD IN HOUSTON GALLERIA AREA. (713)467-0497. 144t5/9 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. 2B/2B 4-plex, WD, $ 187.50/mo. Debra, 823-4665, 845-1824. 142t05/04 Summer Roommate needed. 2B/2B Polo Club. Cheap rent, low utilities! Calljohn 696-4389. 142t05/04 FOR RENT COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878or 774-0773 after 5pm Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible 60ttfn CATS MANAGEMENT 693-1723 ), yarc -1723. I43t5/9 SUMMER ROOM FOR RENT. VERY CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1BD/1B WITH KITCHENETTE $150/mo. ALL BILLS PAID NEGOTIABLE CALL LISA 696- 3423. 143t5/4 Sublease Cripple Crek IB-IB Condo for summer or longer. ALL the amenities for $366/mo. Call 696-8613. ]43t5/9 Summer lease of 2 Br studio. Ceiling fan, balconies, many trees. Aggieland shuttle bus, $320. Available Ridgewood Village. 696-2998. 143t5/30 WALK TO CLASS, 2 BDRM.. 1 BATH APT., SMALL QUIET COMPLEX, $210 + BILLS, 696-7266.134i5/l 1&2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR SUMMER AND FALL RENTAL. PRE-LEASING AVAILABLE. NEW CARPET. SUMMER RATES. CALL TODAY. 764-3024. 136t5/3 Sublease $200 savings, 1 Br, Arbor Square, shuttle, summer 5/15/90, 8/15/90. 764-0642. 144t5/4 DESPERATE, SUBLEASING LARGE 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR FALL SEMESTER. SAUSA- LITO APARTMENTS, ONLY $269/mo, REGU LARLY $310. NO HOOK-UP FEES. CALL 696-3134. 144t5/4 Large 2b-lb studio apartment, approximately 3'A blocks from A&M. Wooded, gas and electric. $350. + bills. Phone 693-8534- NO PETS. 142t05/04 Charli’s: Sales help needed. Fashion ladies clothing store. Apply in person. 696-9626, 707 Texas Ave., Col lege Station. 145t5/4 lb-lb best floor plan in town! Private fence patios, sky light, pool, shuttle, low utilities, horseshoe design. Wyndham. 846-4384. 142t06/31 Wanted - part-time babysitter for four children in my home, evenings.' Education major preferred. 822-9225. 14D5/3 Dependable people for Houston Post routes. Early morning. $200-$300 per month 846-2911,846-1253. 144t6/26 Come Play VOLLEYBALL Live Oak Nudist Resort Washington, TX (409) 878-2216 BIG BILL? NOT WHEN YOU LIVE AT • Efficiency, 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms • All bills paid (except electricity) • No city utility deposit • Shuttle bus route • Volleyball Court • Lighted Tennis Court • Hot tub • 2 Pools • Basketball Courts “New Carpet-New Carpet” Lease Today For Best Selection Now pre-leasing for summer & fall 693-1110 Hours: M-F 8-6 Sat. 10-5, Sun 1-5 FUNUT10N OKS 1501 Harvey Road, C.S. Across From Post Oak Mall Thursday, May 3,1990 Professional Word Processing, Resumes, Thesis. LA- SAR PRINTER 822-1430. 108t5/4 Baltic republic considers proposal Want to buy: Senior boots, larger men’s sizes, used but still good, $350 pair 505-989-8419. 140t5/23 Dark room equipment. Reseller enlarger, light, timer, dryer. 150. 846-0558. 135t5/16 1988 Honda Elite 50-ES. Must sell! $6255 847-2320 Al most neew. 145t5/4 MOSCOW (AP) — Lithuania’s president said Wednesday his Baltic republic would consider suspending temporarily some of the pro-inde pendence laws that drove the Krem lin to impose an economic embargo two weeks ago. President Vytautas Landsbergis agreed to the step in a letter to French and West German leaders who last week proposed that such a compromise would help start nego tiations between the republic and Moscow. “Everything is negotiable which does not question the matter of re- Lithuanian president considers independence non-negotiable TYPING: Accurate, prompt, professional, 15 years ex perience. Near campus. 696-5401. 143t5/4 a Everything is negotiable which does not question the matter of restored independence of the Lithuanian state on March 11, 1990.” rand and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The letter was read to Lithuania’s parliament, the Supreme Council, which gave its approval without a vote, said Aidas Palubinskas, a spokesman for the parliament. “Putting our confidence in France and the Federal Republic of Ger many, as well as in other Western de mocracies, and in their support of Lithuanian democracy, we are asking you to transmit to the Soviet authorities our consent to consider a temporary suspension of the effects of tne decisions taken by the sover eign parliament of the Lithuanian ~ jublic that could trouble the So- Repi — Vytautas Landsbergis, Lithuanian president stored independence of the Lithua nian state on March 11, 1990,” Landsbergis said in his letter to French President Francois Mitter- viet authorities,” Landsbergis wrote. The idea behind the proposal from France and West Germany was that if Lithuania temporarily sus pended those laws, the Soviet Union, in return, might ease its pressure on the republic and also agree to talks on secession. Palubinskas stressed that the pro posal from Kohl and Mitterrand did not ask for rescinding the declara tion itself, but urged the suspension of laws passed to implement the in dependence declaration. Lithuania declared independence on March 11, trying to restore the freedom it enjoyed before 1940, when the Soviet Union forcibly an nexed it along with Latvia and Esto nia. It has since passed laws designed to back the independence drive, in cluding ending conscription of Lith uanians into the Soviet army, issuing identity cards for non-Lithuanians and seizing Communist Party prop erty. Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorba chev has declared the independence declaration invalid and rejected ne gotiations with the republic, saying such talks are reserved for foreign countries. He demanded that Lithu ania rescind those pro-indepen dence laws. Gorbachev imposed a partial eco nomic blockade, cutting supplies of fuel and other commodities to Lith uania. As of Wednesday night, no resumption of any of the fuel sup plies has been reported. Former hostage Reed reveals contact with other Americans WASHINGTON (AP) — Former U.S. hostage Frank Reed revealed Wednesday he was held for months with two other American captives in Lebanon and said he was angry and embarrassed that they have not been freed. Reed, who was released Monday after 42 months in captivity, said he also was held with two British hos- tt For God’s sake, it’s nearly the sixth year for these men.” — Frank Reed, Former hostage Air Force hospital. “I have not seen Tom and Terry for a while and I don’t know where they are,” Reed said, referring to Terry Anderson, the Associated Press chief Middle East correspon dent, and Thomas Sutherland, an American educator. “For God’s sake, it’s nearly the sixth year for these men,” he said. “I’m absolutely embarrassed I’m out before they are.” Reed, in his first comments to re porters since arriving in Wiesbaden, said he spent “the good part of two years with Tom and Terry.” Anderson, the longest-held West ern hostage in Lebanon, was kidnap ped on March 16, 1985. Sutherland was seized June 9, 1985. hospital bathrobe, said he last saw Sutherland in February 1989. Su therland turns 59 on Thursday, marking his fifth birthday in captiv- ity. Reed, 57, also said he spent three years in the intermittent company of Briton John McCarthy and Brian Keenan, a dual Anglo-Irish citizen. He said he saw them just before his release and they were “well and al ive.” “I have been with John and Brian since last October,” Reed said. “I’ve spent almost three years either with John and Brian or having them somewhere in the house with me.” tages. Reed was flown Tuesday to Wiesbaden for a battery of medical exams and questioning at the U.S. “I tell you, I’m very, very angry that Anderson ... Tom and Terry ... are not free,” Reed said from the hospital balcony. Reed, pale and dressed in his blue McCarthy, 33, a journalist for the London-based Worldwide Tele vision News agency, WTN, was kid napped April 17, 1986. Keenan, 39, disappeared while walking to work six days later. United States deports man to Mexico MEXICALI, Mexico (AP) — A Mexican man wanted in connec tion with the murder of a journal ist was arrested in the United States and turned over to Baja California state judicial authori ties, Gov. Ernesto Ruffo Appel said Wednesday. Ruffo told a news conference in Mexicali, the state capital, that Antonio Vera Palestina was picked up Tuesday afternoon by police in El Monte, Calif., where he was living as an illegal alien under an assumed name, and de ported to Mexico the same eve ning. Vera Palestina is wanted on a bench warrant for the April 20, 1988, fatal shooting of Hector Fe lix Miranda, a muckraking col umnist and co-publisher of the weekly newspaper Zeta also known as “El Gato”or The Cat. Felix Miranda received death threats several times for de nouncing corruption in the Baja California state government while the Institutional Revolu tionary Party was in power. Columbian politicians call for more protection Country’s presidential candidates face threats MEXICO CITY (AP) —- A spokes man for Colombia’s M-19 opposition party called Wednesday for interna tional campaign observers as a safe guard after the assassinations of three presidential candidates in re cent months. “We are calling on the govern ments of Latin America, the Organi zation of American States and the United Nations to create a verifica tion group in Colombia whose first task would be to name representa tives to accompany candidates in their public appearances,” said Ra fael Vergara. He is a member of M- 19’s national board of directors and representative of its political diplo matic commission in Mexico. There was no immediate reaction out of Bogota to the M-19 proposal. Vergara, speaking at a news con ference, also charged that the U.S. drug war strategy in his country is a way of dominating Colombian poli tics. V “The United States has a de mented policy that serves as a pre text for intervention,” he said in a news conference. “The problem of narcotics trafficking can’t be solved by way of simple repression,” he added. M-19 left behind 20 years as a guerilla organization on March 8 and converted itself in a political party. Its candidate, Carlos Pizarro, announced his presidential inten tions April 19. Pizarro, 38, the son of a former army chief, became the third presi dential candidate assassinated m the campaign, when he was shot on April 26. “Carlos Pizarro symbolizes the proposal for a negotiated solution to the narcotics trafficking problem,” Vergara said. M-19’s September proposal for a verified dismantling of cocaine net works and trials of drug traffickers in Colombia was accepted by the drug cartels in December, Vergara said. “But the United States wants the trials to be in the United States, which has only exacerbated anti- American sentiments and politicized the narcotics traffickers,” he said. Pizarro was shot in the head and neck on a plane carrying him to Bo gota for a campaign rally. Cocaine lords claimed responsibility. M-19’s second-in-command, for mer guerrilla Antonio Navarro Wolf, 40, is now running for election against seven other candidates in presidential polling May 27. Vergara said international observ ers should accompany all candidates, not just Navarro Wolf. The republic of 3.8 million p«; has been struggling economic ibarct L~ a < mat, fz-w Got! i IL/ strug ever since the embargo was impc: At least 10,000 people have It thrown out of work due to fact- closures, Palubinskas said, witht number expected to increase 35,000 by the end of the weelj yi tioning of gasoline and food has™'“® gun, and medicine is in shortsuf in some hospitals. Soviet officials have welcomed French-German proposal, com in a letter to Landsbergis and Got) chev. Gorbachev’s spokesman, kady Maslennikov, told a briefind Moscow on Saturday that the lei “is not far from the line that the viet leadership has been pursuing The republic’s prime minisii Kazinriera Prunskiene, is schediili to meet Thursday with Presidj Bush in Washington. Bush urged the Lithuanians and Soviets negotiate their dispute but has fused to impose sanctions on Kremlin or recognize the repub independence. “We hope that Mrs. Prunshieril will more completely inform dent Bush about tne situation; Lithuania in the days of blodad; Landsbergis told parliamc Wednesday, according to Edim Potashinskas of Lithuanian n Mexico asks for extradition of ‘guilty men’ SANTA FE fAP) — Mexiot officials Wednesday asked fotiii extradition of a man whosaysk works for the U.S. governor, and masterminded the allege! abduction of a Mexican doctoral cused of participating in lt‘ death of a U.S. drug agent General Mexican Attorney rtque Alvarez del Castillo ard Thornburgh, said a spota man for Alvarez. “Mexico will ask for the extr? ditkm of the guilty men,” Fe nando Arias Perez told reports gathered at the hotel where tk meeting was under way. Arias also said that Mexk; wants an agreement with ihi United States that would alb? Mexican drug agents to operai in the United States the samewa U.S Drug Enforcement Admi® tration agents work in Mexico He said there are 41 DEA ageie in Mexico. Arias said the two countrie ambassadors, John Negropotm of the United States and Gustav Petricioli erf Mexico, were at th; meeting being held as a three-di' conference of border state attor nn gre It' an! hgj It aree an It' lay. He ncre laye e\ ineu eve G( hadi her oul oe I Bi alle oi H< 1923 pen ut ii her ork irstl ehr Oi it, t ot h ead lineu see i neys general began in Santa Fe He said the Mexican eovm ment also wants to extradite oth ers who may have participatedir “ t)r, Humberto the abduction of Alvarez Mafchain on April2. The abduction of the doctm has strained relations betweeni United States and Mexico, whitf has threatened to stop coopers tion in the fight against drugtrai ficking. A former Mexican police offi cer and longtime operative fe the DEA, Antonio Carats Btuis mante, told the I-os l imes last week that lie arrange the abduction of Alvarez withar ptoval from the DEA. Game said 10 Mexicans w promised $100,000 for Alvarei capture and delivery to El Past Texas, according to the Times. Arias said one of five men n rested in the abduction pW Game at the scene. That mar. Jorge Cobarrubias, an exf- hceman from the Mexican sta« of Hidalgo, said he lined uptfc others to help grab the doctor Arias said. Arias said the two attorn# general were talking about hie forma! charges against " and others. sax SELL SELL sax SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SEU SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL it happens when you Advertise In The Battalion Call 845-0569