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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1990)
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Just Remodeled! 693-9957 Longmire House Apartments 2300 Longmire • College Station Pool, Laundry, New FF Refrigerators. Just Carpeted! 693-7741 MONTHLY DRAWING FOR CASH! TOWNHOMES • DUPLEXES FOURPLEXES • HOMES AND APARTMENT HOMES HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9:30-4:00 SATURDAY 9:00-4:00 Yellow House Apartments Welsh & SW Pkway • College Station Pool, Laundry, New FF Refrigerators. Just Carpeted! 693-9957 D. R. Cain PROPERTIES Duplexes & Fourplexes Navarro & Howletree On the Shuttle route in Southwood Valley in College Station Office • 693-9957 NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL Bryan Properties Townhomes • Duplexes • Fourplexes Apartment Homes Some on the Shuttle route • All located in good neighborhoods ’ Locally owned properties »Caring, on-site management »Monthly tenant newsletter »24 hour maintenance service > Get-acquainted BBQ Social in Fall > Convenient to shopping, shuttle route and Texas A&M 3002 S. TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION (409) 693-8850 $ Are You Graduating in May or August? You can qualify for Volkswagen’s College Graduate Program. Down and No Payment until September 1990. 1990 Corrado $15,995 Fahkver&nOoen. frs What Makes a Car A VOLKSWAGEN. Wayne Thomas Volkswagen 1111 S. Tx. Ave. (in the bend on Tx. Ave.) 775-VOLK AggieVision Option 23 Texas A&M v s video yearbook Page 8 Wednesday, May 2,1990 The Battalion Mavs pummeled by fierce Blazer team DALLAS (AP) — Jerome Kersey tf- and Terry Porter took comrriand af ter Buck Williams suffered an eye injury and the Portland Blazers rolled to a 106-92 victory over the Dallas Mavericks and a three-game sweep of their NBA first-round playoff series. Williams played only in the first period and missed the rest of the game after he was hit in the eye by James Donaldson’s elbow. The Mavs rallied from a 17-point deficit in the second half to come within two points at 87-85 with 5:45 to play. But Kersey, Porter, and Clyde Drexler beat back the rally. Kersey scored 29 points, Porter had 20 points and Drexler made 20. Rolando Blackman led Dallas with 20 points and Herb Williams con tributed 17 off the bench. Dallas came from eight points down to tie the game at 40 midway through the second quarter but Port- Detroit definitely “Motor City Pistons let air out of Pacer’s yy tires with three-game sweep INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Isiah Thomas scored 23 points and Bill Laimbeer had 12 points and 19 re bounds Tuesday night, leading the Detroit Pistons over the Indiana Pacers 108-96 for a three-game sweep in the first round of the NBA playoffs. The Pistons built a 15-point lead in the third quarter, then withstood an Indiana rally within five points midway through the final period. Detroit put the game away with three baskets apiece by Laimbeer jdm and Dennis Rodman during a 12-4 spurt in the closing minutes. John Salley added 17 points for Detroit, including 16 in the first half, when the Pistons built a 54-45 lead. Reggie Miller had 22 points and Detlef Schrempf added 20 for In diana. The defending champion Pistons will play the winner of the Boston- New York series in the conference semifinals. re- CHICAGO (AP) — The ley Cup show goes on and the can Chicago Blackhawks are ady to play their roles. Having survived straight seven-game eliminating the St. Louis from the playoffs 8-2 . U night, the Blackhawks open their semifinal Stanley jCttp serks* fri Edmonton on Wednesday night senes by Everything seems to favor the Oilers. They will have home-ice ad* vantage^ they have' won seven down to Winnipeg 3*T4ttS5|| opening series, and they have rested lor more than a week since “T^he L)i!ers arc on a roll,” said Blackhawks coach Mike Keenan* "‘They are a commendable team. They have a lot of chathpidnship players. Bot we have been re* hearsing fc ■■P a taskmaster not known to pass out praise often, said: “A lot of people gave os a lot of heart. We’ve been able to come through hard times. We’re proud to be the only team to repeat in the final four* 1 ’ Last year’s champion Clftgpftfy 1 Flames have been eliminated, as I were Montreal Canadiehs, The other sembflnaiist in J9B8,1 the Philadelphia Flyer's, didn’t:: eve n make the playoffs * While the Oilers have a n.U*h- : ; : ber of players remaining from their past championship teams, they finished, secondin the: Smythe Division while the Black- hawks finished first in the Norris. Edmonton gets home ice because the Oilers finished with 90 points, two more than the Blackhawks. Spurs take bite out of Nuggets DENVER (AP) — Terry Cum mings scored 28 points, including 10 to thwart a fierce Denver rally in the third quarter, and the San Antonio Spurs raced to a 131-120 victory Tuesday night to sweep the first- round playoff series. The Spurs, who advanced to meet >pi the Portland Trail Blazers, outshot Denver 56 percent to 40 percent and held a 58-40 rebounding edge. Spurs center David Robinson, the NBA’s rookie of the year, and Willie Anderson added 26 points each. But it was Cummings’ play in the third quarter that proved critical. Down 14 points early in the quar ter, the cold-shooting Nuggets climbed back with an 11-2 run to draw to 69-64. Cummings then hit five jumpers over a span of 3:1 1 to help extend the Spurs’ lead to 13 points. After the Nuggets cut the deficit to four points, San Antonio scored the next nine points — five by An derson and four by Cummings —for an 87-74 advantage. But the Nuggets wouldn’t go qui etly. They drew within five points early in the fourth quarter after a pair of free throws by Todd Lichti and Alex English’s baseline jumper. Staying within striking distance, they cut the Spurs’ lead to 121-118 on Fat Lever’s 3-pointer with 1:27 remaining. But Cummings scored on a follow and Anderson added a three-point play to clinch the victory. English, possibly playing his final game in a Denver uniform because of differences with Coach Doug Moe, led the Nuggets with 24 points, 18 in the second half. Lever had 20. Wudel (Continued from page 7) to the floor. Coach Larry Brown said the display blew his mind. The demand for Spurs playoff tickets reached such a frenzy that a local judge had to rule on a case between two fans who shared season tickets and who both wanted the playoff tickets. The litigants were brothers. So the NBA really is “fantastic,” as are all the other sports leagues. Take the recent revivals of football’s Green Bay Packers or baseball’s Baltimore Orioles last season. Their lowly fans became crowds of raised hands as the teams rose above all expectations. However, some teams are content to live in the cellars of their leagues. It’s a common sight to see teams like the Seattle Mariners, Atlanta Falcons, and Sacramento Kings lingering in the troughs of their leagues. The never-ending drought of PEKING EXPRESS MAGNIFICENT CHINESE BUFFETS Over 20 Selections of Salads & Entrees, Iced land went on an 18-3 run to lead 58- 43 at halftime. Portland’s hustling defense shut down the Mavs, who only scored three points on their last 12 posses sions of the half and the Trail Blaz ers forced them into four turnovers. An alley oop-pass from Cliff Rob inson to Clyde Drexler gave Port land a 10-point lead and they stretched it to 16 on a basket by Wayne Cooper as the sellout crowd of 17,007 began to boo. Dallas hit only one of eight field goal shots and one of six free throws in the final 6:47. Roy Tarpley went the first half without a point, missing all eight shots he tried. Portland had 15 baskets off lay ups, dunks and tip-ins in the first half. Williams was forced to the dress ing room with 10.1 seconds left in the first period when he caught an elbow in the face from Dallas’James Donaldson. Tea, Desserts ALL YOU CAN EAT $ For Only w/coupon 6.99 Dlne-ln Only Reg. $3.89 & $4.19 11:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Dally One coupon per person per visit. Valid May 2-May 9,1990 Not good with any other offer. 606 Tarrow 764-8960 r" STAGECENTER Presents Social Security May 3, 4, 5 10, 11, 12 8 p.m. May 5-Matinee-2:30 p.m. Directed by: Dave Kelton 3700 Block of E. 29th St. Town & Country Shopping Center 846-0287 $1.°° off for matinee. May 5th with this | coupon ^Jj Class of 92... Capture the spirit and memories of your Junior year. Only with a copy of 1990-1991 AggieVision FEE OPTION 23 during FALL REGISTRATION Da’ fly T Off ByK OfTI $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! We Buy All Books! Bring your out-of-date books WITH your new books & we’ll make you an offer on all your books (including pa perbacks). T1 I Task ; indie and : Braz [said. T1 | men: lion jmen I the S Fore I Safe Cold Hard Cash F DFTpa rn.fn University Bookstores FT FD rn.,rn THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS NORTHGATE CULPEPPER ‘ VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 409 University Drive Texas Avenue & Hwy. 30 University Drive 409/846-4232 409/693-9388 across from the Hilton 409/846-4818 Open Late through Finals $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$11! successful seasons dumbfound their fans. No counting expansion teams here, they have an excuse. But they are also among the top of their leagues in attendance. That’s faith. Any loyal fan can’t help but be jealous of Los Angeles Lakers or San Francisco 49er fans. Their consistent success and happiness can be almost sickening at times. And as for the Dallas Cowboys, well, the ball is in your hands for this one. There is no room but for improvement here. Fans who remember the glory days of America’s team should stop blaming the Cowboys’ problems on Jimmy Johnson’s haircut. When you get right down to it, teams would be nothing without their fans, and fans would be nothing without their teams. It’s not whether your favorite team wins or loses, but how they play the game. Even if they don’t play it very well, your time and patience as a loyal fan will eventually pay off the night they win the long-awaited championship. , Then, it will be your turn to gloat. Weight Watchers is smart... “It’s smart because it’s safe , . , Weight Watchers New Fast & Flexible Program will helpyw lose weight safely and sensibly while eating real food. There are no magic liquids, powders or pills...just a safe proven method to losing weight. Start today and you’ll look and fee great by Summer. “It’s smart because it’s flexible? Keep right on eating the foods you love, go to your favorite restaurants, parties, and enjoy your everyday life with family and friends. Yes, it’s all part of Weight Watchers New FastS Flexible Program. ‘It’s smart because it works? 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INC ©WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL , INC 1990 Sl t# AggieVision Option 23 sur the Foe Texas A&M’s video yearbook wit ove l will sur ver 1