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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1990)
■f^C‘1/ / COSMETIC8 The best thing to happen to Mothers and Daughters since the shopping mall. Mother/Daughter Facials Saturday, April 17,1990 C.S. Community Center 776-2870 Must have an appt. Call for reservations SUPERIOR S9K9B88 W AH.' S 38)888888(1 f i88!88D»38E AUTO SERVICE ‘SUPERIOR SERVICE FOR TOD A Y'S CARS' • On Board Computer and Electronics Repair • Fuel Injection Diagnosis and Repair • ASE Certified MASTER Technicians • Air Conditioning Service • 12 month / 12,000 mile limited warranty Where service really is SUPERIOR! 111 Royal Street • Bryan • 846-5344 Once T Eli time, work time and exam time... Uptime was created for people just like you-busy, active students whose sched- s ules change from day to day If you want to stay healthy while keeping up with the pack, then Uptime may be just what your looking for. It’s 100% organic for pure natural potency. Try Uptime today! Now available at General Nutrition Centers. 1 Uptime Natural ■ Nutritional Energy 12 packets Expires 4/30/90 GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION’S LARGEST BOOK 4% °lVly 1 3 ^eks , Ielection Thousands at 70% off Publisher's Retail WIN A $500'i ( i ^f E ins BRING IN REGISTRATION FORM & WIN! At Publisher's Retail NAME. ADDRESS. Phone BE 1 of 5 Winners of A $500 00 Shopping Spree DRAWING: APRIL 14,1990-4:00 PM Children's Books V2 off Publisher's Retail 100's of Categories In cluding: • COOKBOOKS • TEXTBOOKS • REFERENCE •TRAVEL • Novels • Paperbacks • Fiction • Business AND MANY MORE! • Dictionaries • Computer • Medical • Crafts OLD LOWE'S BUILDING 7500 East By-Pass Hwy 6 College Station, TX OLD LOWES BLDG. POST OAK MALL Harvey Rd. HOURS: MON-SAT 10:00 AM-9:00 PM SUN-NOON-6:00 PM This Sale Is An Authorized Liquidation of New Books from Bankruptcies, major publisher's overruns and bookstore returns. Personal checks accepted. Page 6 OUR STORY 50 FAR’- WALOO HAS BROUGHT AKA5HA, QUEEN OF THE DAMNED, UP FROM THE STEAM TUNNELS. COULD IT BE THAT THIS EVIL DEMONESS HAS PLANNED CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION? IS AKASHA THE DARK FORCE BEHIND THE "YELL PRACTICE' INCIDENT AT THE RICE FOOTBALL GAME 3 WAS IT THIS DEMON OF THE UNDERWORLD WHO HAD THE RED POTS BEAT UP SOME BAND MEMBERS AT BONFIRE? AND WORST OF ALL...IS Aft THE ONE WHO HAKES THE CUSTODIANS CLEAN WET ROOMS ALL AT THE SAME T': I DIDN'T KNOW TRADITION COULD BE USED A SAN EXCUSE FOR ASSAULTED BATTERY/ I would Robert Plai less than a i His lates picks up v off, ana ta fore unexf capacity. SPADE PHILLIPS, PI. By MdTT AHHH666666I | e firs sounds sin from Now ity doesn’t of the albi encompass tions as w teric cuts. Plant m sources. 1 which recc are: Chris Boyle (gui boards), ( Plant (voce Manic > ity of thes< they wen weren’t ti Many ban dio, suffer ter mousei They s really coo ear-catche strive for and com drome. Dragging storyline overcome by superb acting in 6 Enemies’ ByTODD STONE Of The Battalion Staff “Enemies, A Love Story” relies on superb acting to elevate itself to above-average status. Although critically acclaimed, “E- nemies’ ” storyline drags more than it runs, which rhakes its two-hours- plus length difficult to sit through. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth enduring the ho-hums of this film. Ron Silver stars as a Holocaust survivor, Herman, who lives in New York in 1949. He is a ghost writer for a rabbi, played by Alan King, and he seems to need the anonymity the job gives hirh. Herman felt obligated to marry the sweet Polish girl who saved him from German death squads, and now he is stuck in a passionless mar riage. Still, Herman finds passion with his mistress, Masha, played by Lena Olin. At first, it seems their relationship is based on strong phys ical attraction, but we discover that Masha’s intensity is absorbing. She keeps Herman’s blood pumping. After a series of events I won’t re veal, Herman ends up with three wives. Although illegal polygamists might be viewed as insensitive scum sucking sexist swine, Herman is ac tually a nice guy who is stuck in cir cumstances which demand he give up parts of the life he is trying to put back together. The three wives plot device seems more suited for an all-out comedy farce, but the film emphasizes trage dies and hardships instead of hu mor. A few well-crafted amusing mo ments occur, which left me craving more tension-breaking comedy. But you can’t blame director and co screenwriter Paul Mazursky (“Down and Out in Beverly Hills”) for em phasizing the drama. His principal stars, Ron Silver, Lena Olin and Angelica Huston, are superb. Olin and Huston’s perfor mances rightfully were nominated for Oscars for Best Supporting Ac tress. Silver, who carries the film, could have had a little more help from the screenplay to add depth to his char- ENEMIES, A LOVE 5 Starring Ron Silver, Lena and Angelica Huston Directed by Paul Mazursky Rated R iT 1 Local businesses facilitate recycling By CHIP SOWDEN Of The Battalion Staff You’re not going to get rich recycling aluminum cans at about 30 cents per pound. But recycling conserves resources and helps the economy and the environment. Bryan-College Station has facilities to recycle almost anything. Among the conserved by recycling is the last virgin old-growth forest in the country, said Charles Albert, recycling officer for the Texas Environmental Action Coalition. This forest, located in the northwestern United See Recycle/Page 7 Tracy Washburn, a senior anthropology major, dumps wine bottles into the container for brown They t< high mu: them, disr permeate I’m no concernec just not t trying to i they’re su But th< albums 1 first can Re (Contim overloo keel by the Academy, i Silver’s performance was the M light of the movie. Disappointingly, Alan King,* probably was hired to inject the® essary comedy, never had anc tunity to do much as Herman’se ployer. King could have addedt! light-hearted touch this film needc! Mazursky and production cj signer Pato Guzman brilliantly) created 1949 New York. Seeingl4 man’s portrayal of immigrantsecto)| rk said Bry two gov includin “Wee Altho pay mu cents pe $5 per t paper. “(But cling op to rape Some • Bt of New' York was like reliving1) tory. Overall, “Enemies” is a well-ina#] drama with performances (halt ate dynamic characters, whichort| comes any of the film’s other: comings. States, is being cut down largely for paper products Albert said. If the amount of recycled paper were doubled, r of this destruction would be unnecessary, he said. Recycling also saves energy and reduces the Untel States’ dependence on foreign oil. For example, ittajoj 95 percent less energy to make aluminum by reqtm than it does to mine it, Albert said. And recycling could be part of the solution to loci trash troubles. With the closing of the Bryan lanU three to four months, Bryan and College Stationgoj ernments have collaborated to plan ahead, . Photo by Kathy Havana 1 glass behind Cafe Eccell. They also take gree" and clear glass, cans, cardboard and newspape' 1