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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1990)
Tuesday, March 27,1990 The Battalion Page 5 by Scott McCullar © 1990 OH FOR PETE5 5^KE/"11 IT tX) VILMGEX5 ALWAYS ' 'A\ ONUi FFIIA/G UP * GET CAWEP AM ZO/AE HAMB0&E&! FAfT OVEK THE LITTIEST tHMGZ! get out AMD* TAKE yoUR TORCHES/ Society of Automotive Engineers Guest Speaker Tuesday, March 27 7:00 p.m. 127B Zachry Dr. Tielking will be speaking on tire design. Everyone Welcome! For more information, call Mark - 696-0412. SIGMA CHI PRESENTS: A NIGHT WITH THE COMICS FEATURING SHOWTIME PERFORMER MIKE VANCE OPENING WITH TEXAS A&M'S VERY OWN JASON PORTER SNEAKERS WED. MARCH 28 8:00 PM $3 admission BENEFITTING: STERLING C. EVANS LIBRARY BRAZOS VALLEY SPECIAL OLYMPICS CLEO WALLACE CENTER FOR CHILDREN DESIGNED FOR ROOMMATES 2 BR/2 BA Split floor plan New frost-free refrigerators and new look coming soon! Preleasing Now! BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Open 24 Hours kinko's the copy center 509 University Dr. W. 846-8721 Comparison of weather to rape brings storm of political criticism to apologetic candidate Williams DALLAS (AP) — Women’s groups and others weren’t letting Republican gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams off the hook Monday for bis weekend remark comparing bad weather to rape, but his cam paign spokesman said the damage may be short-term. Williams, who has since apologized, told reporters on a cattle roundup at his Alpine ranch Saturday that the bad weather they were experiencing was a lot like rape. “If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it,” he said. He called the remark a joke but later issued an apol ogy- it indicates a level of thinking that is an embarrassment.” — Ann Richards, gubernatorial candidate “I feel just terrible about this,” said Williams in the statement released by the staff Sunday. “I had no inten tion in my heart to hurt anyone, especially those women who have been traumatized by rape.” “Looking back, I realize it was insensitive and had no place at the campfire or in any setting.” State Treasurer Ann Richards, who could face Wil liams in the November election if she wins a runoff against Attorney General Jim Mattox April 10, said Monday she agrees the setting doesn’t matter. “I don’t care if it was made around the campfire, a living room or a formal speech,” she said in an appear ance at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls. “It indicates a level of thinking that is an embarrassment.” The National Organization for Women, Texas chap ter, also issued a statement Monday calling the remark “degrading” and “not acceptable for someone who wishes to govern a society where all human beings can live and function in safety.” Williams’ campaign spokesman Bill Kenyon said Monday the damage to the Williams campaign may be short-lived. “We had probably 30 or so calls yesterday, that were most of them rather harsh in tone,” Kenyon said Mon day. “After the apology that Clayton put out yesterday, most of the calls today have been more sympathetic or not the same kind of tone.” He said Williams’ apology and his access to the public will work in his favor “because people know that Clay ton Williams doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.” Mattox, however, called the remark in character for Williams. “It is within his character, and it is within the way he normally deals with people and traditions and institu tions,” Mattox said Sunday. A fellow Republican, state Sen. Cyndi Krier of San Antonio, said she hoped Williams had learned a lesson. “He should not have joked about it that way,” she said. State GOP leaders said the controversy would be a lesson to Williams, a millionaire rancher and business man making his first political race. “Claytie is new to public life and he’s learning some lessons along the way,” said Beverly Kaufman, first vice president of the Texas Federation of Republican Women. “He used an archaic expression to say ‘Let’s make the best of an unpleasant situation,” she said, adding she could understand why some people would take offense. State GOP chairman Fred Meyer said Williams was not suggesting that a woman should enjoy being raped. “No, no that was not what he was saying,” Meyer said. “Clearly that was not his intention. He’s apologized and as far as I’m concerned it’s a closed book.” Kaufman said Republican women will still support Williams. Williams was to meet Monday evening in Dallas for dinner with Tom Luce, a Republican lawyer Williams defeated in the gubernatorial primary. 1989-90 UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE FELLOWS SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATIONS The University Undergraduate Fellows Program is the capstone of the Honors curriculum at Texas A&M. This program is the most prestigous research opportunity available for undergrad uates at the University featuring a close, master-apprentice relationship between student re searcher and faculty advisor. Shortly before Fellows submit their completed senior Honors Theses, they are invited to make formal oral presentations of their completed research at the annual Undergraduate Fellows Sym posium. This year the Fellows have been divided into six groups of students pursuing research in related areas. Each group will conduct a separate symposium session. At 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, the Biological Sciences Group, the Chemical and Pysical Sciences Group, and the Hu manities Group will make their presentations. At 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 29, the Bio chemical Sciences Group, the Engineering Sciences Group, and the Social Sciences Group will make their presentations. All presentations will take place on the fourth floor of Rudder Tower. Faculty, students, and other members of the University community are invited to attend any of the symposium sessions to learn more about what some of Texas A&JM University's most suc cessful, confident, and motivated undergraduates have been able to achieve. FREE CONCERT! 4S» MSC Town Hall presents Mark Nizer Oral juggler and comedian Thursday, March 29, 1990 Rudder Auditorium 8:00 P.M. Passes can be picked up at the MSC Box Office One I.D. per person, limit 2 per I.D. In Advance President Mobley addresses issue of internationalizing education Texas A&M President William H. Mobley will address the issue of internationalizing higher edu cation in a seminar open to the public at noon today in 601 Rud der. The presentation is part of an international seminar series spon sored by the Faculty Senate Inter national Programs Subcommit tee, the Office of International Coordination and Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society. Mobley chairs the Commission er’s Advisory Committee on In ternational Issues in Higher Edu- cation, which was created to develop “recommendations on policies, programs and activities that will help ensure that higher education in Texas is responding in an effective and efficient fash ion to international education and the international economic development needs of Texas.” Dr. B.A. Stout, chairman of the Faculty Senate’s International Programs Subcommittee, said the seminar-will give the public in sight into global programming (international education, study ing abroad, etc.) that institutions such as A&M will develop and put into action in the future. AMC sponsors bike-a-thon to raise money for children’s hospital The Aggie Mens Club is spon soring the Wheels for Life Bike- A-Thon to help raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the largest childhood cancer research, treatment and education center in the nation. I he Bike-A-Thon will be from 8:30,to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Texas A&M Research Park. To participate in the event, rid ers sign up sponsors who promise to make a donation for each mile the rider completes. The event is open to the public. All riders who turn in money will receive a certificate. Those raising S25 receive a T-shirt and riders w ho raise $75 receive a tote bag and a T-shirt. Anyone interested in partici pating can sign up and pick up pledge sheets at a table in the MSC from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and Wednesday. For more infor mation call Keith Cole at 846- 0667. Associate dean speaks about sexual harrassment on A&M campus Dr. Janis Stout will give an in formal presentation on sexual harrassment at 7 p.m. Wednes day in 019 Bolton. Stout, an associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts, will speak about sexual harrassment on the Texas A&M campus. She will dis cuss options for \ ictims of sexual assault and will hand out pamph lets addressing the social prob lem. Stout will give a 10- to 15-min ute lecture about the subject. She then will answer questions from the audience. The speech is sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, a political science honor society. We invite you to join 80 Former Students as they return to campus this summer for a week of classes and campus life STUDENT HOST Applications For AGGIEHOSTEL ’90 are now available in the FIELD OFFICE of the Association of Former Students DEADLINE MARCH 30 / June 17-23, 1990