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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1990)
Page 6 The Battalion Wednesday, January 31,199( Battalion Classifieds . - — — HELP W.ANTED FOR RENT FOR SALE SUMMERJOBS COUNSELORS - BOYS CAMP, W. MASS./GIRLS CAMP, MAINE TOP SALARY, RM/BD/LAUNDRY, TRAVEL ALLOWANCE. MUST LOVE KIDS AND HAVE SKILL IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: AR CHERY, ARTS & CRAFTS, BASE BALL, BASKETBALL, BICYCLING, CHEERLEADING, DANCE, DRAMA, DRUMS, FENCING, GOLF, GUITAR, GYMNASTICS, HOCKEY, HORSE BACK, KARATE, LACROSSSE, NA TURE, NURSES, PHOTOGRAPHY, PIANO, RADIO, ROCKETRY, ROPES, SAILBOARDING, SAILING, SCUBA, SOCCER, TENNIS, TRACK, WSI, WATERSKI, WEIGHTS, WOOD. MEN CALL OR WRITE: CAMP Wl- NADU, 5 GLEN ALNE, MAMARO- NECK, N.Y. 10543 (914)381-5983. WOMEN CALL OR WRITE: CAMP VEGA , P.O. BOX 1771, DUXBURY, MA. 02332 (617)934-6536. FREDBR&WN 3100 Briarcrest Drive at the East Bypass 776-7600 Thm Driving Fotcm o4 BryarV Cotog* Station WANTED : AFTER HOURS TECHNICIAN, GENERAL SERVICE, NEW CAR PREP, MUST FURNISH OWN TOOLS. CONTACT RANDY HAYNES. 776-7600 The Psychology Dept. at TAMU is conducting re search on group dynamics and we need participants. We will pay you $30. for 6 hrs. over 6 weeks. Please sign up outside Room 348 of the Psych. Bldg. If you have questions please call 845-4992 and ask for Dawna. NOW HIRING CASHIERS Part-Time & Full-Time Apply In Person 9 am-5 pm Across From Chicken Oil, Ask For Mark c FButi\ > TPatcl\, GANDCN mCSH VtGLTABLES 6- FRUITS a. ' \\ TOrxLj' 3519 S. College 822-7209 ■s&m life BRAZOS BEVERAGES Now Hiring Campus Reps Apply in Person only 10-3 No Phone Calls 505 Hwy 2818 Bryan The Houston Chronicle is cur rently accepting application’s for route carrier positions. Earn $500 to $700 per month. If interested call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for an appointment. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distributorships, Dealerships, Money making opportunities, Franchises, & Mail order. Detail, send $2.00 to: NATIONAL MARKETING COMPANY, BOX 3006, BOSTON, MA. 02130. 79t2/8 Market Discover Credit Cards on your campus. Flexi ble hours. Earn as much as $10 .00/hr. Only ten posi tions available. Call 1-800-950-8472 ext.3. 84t2/l Dependable People for Houston Post routes. Daily Morning, $200,$850 Per Month 846-2911 846-1253 Waitresses needed immediatly at Yesterdays. 4421 S. Texas Ave. No experience necessary. 846-2625. Apply 11:30-3:00. 82t02/01 For line workers, prep cooks, and wait staff. Apply at 3- C Bar-B-Que in person. 82t02/02 WORK STUDY JOB: COMPUTER DATA ENTRY, LEX $4.50/HR., FLEXIBLE HOURS. CALL PROF. CRON K AT 845-5256 OR 512-446-5846. 82t02/02 C.V.C. part-time delivery driver needed. Monday thru Saturday. 40 hrs. a week, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 272-8470. 82t02/02 Graduate students with good note taking skills needed. Good pay and flexible hours for more information call Notes and Quotes, 846-2255. 82t02/01 Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity de- sirsable. Ages 18 to 35, excellent compensation. Con tact Fairfax Cryobank 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101 776- 4453. 72t5/4 JOBS: US Government, Airlines, Cruiseships and Casi nos. 1-800-359-6651. 83t2/5 Handyman needed: tools and transportation a must, 20 plus hours/week, 5 days a week preferred, 823- 5469. 74tl/31 Apply now delivery drivers needed at Mr.Gatti’s 107 S.College. 80t2/8 OVERSEAS JOBS $900-2000 mo. summer. Yr.round, All countries, All fields. Free info. Write IJC, PO Bx 52-TXD4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. ' 56H2/13 FOR RENT COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878or 774-0773 after 5pm Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible eottfn 2 bdrm/1 bath near shuttle. $275 CB Richard Smith Co. 846-8400. ' 79t2/2 Bargains! One and two bedrooms. Close to campus $80.00 to $150.00 696-2038 7U2/8 CONDO - SPRINGBREAK - PLUSH, ON MUSTANG ISLAND, 14th FLOOR, OVER LOOKS GULF. 2B-2B, 6 PERSONS COMPLETELY FURNISHED, KITCHEN WITH LAUNDRY. 512-853-4591. 83t2/6 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed! $180.00/mo, 2/2, shuttle. Non smoking M/F! Charles 693-8991. 84t2/6 Wanted male roommate 2B, 1/2 bath, W/D, $187.00. Call Steve 696-8973 80tl/31 To share house one block off campus $ 170/month call 696-8938. 83tl/5 GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chevys, Porsches and other confiscated properties. For buyers guide. 1- (800)-448-2562 ext 1342. Also open evenings & weekends. REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES available from government from $1. without credit check. You repair. Also tax delinquent foreclosures CALL (805)682-7555 EXT.H-1445 for repo list your area. i i9ttfn 1987 Yamaha Razz with basket, chain, and lock. $400 or best offer 693-2255 ask forJ.J. 84t2/6 NOTICE CFA MALE PERSIAN DITTEN. SHOTS. SHOW QUALITY. $250.00 693-0239. 84t2/6 NOW ENROLLING KIDS KAMPUS Learning Center 3406 S.College 823-4691 2yrs-up $45.00 week 6:30am - 5:30pm PERSONALS REWARD UP TO $500 FOR INFORMATION LEAD ING TO THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF PERSON OR PERSONS RESPONSI BLE FOR HITTING AND DAMAGING THE FRONT FENDER AND/OR BREAKING THE REAR GLASS OF A 1985 WHITE MIT SUBISHI TREDIA-L PARKED OUT BY THE RAILROAD TRACKS. CALL 847-4296 OR UNIVERSITY POLICE AT 845-2345. 8412/2 SERVICES PATELLAR JENDOftUTIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome, Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 1 fiPttfn STREP THROAT STUDY’ Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis study ★Fever (100.4 or more) ★Pharyngeal pain (Sore Throat) ★Difficulty swallowing Rapid strep test will be done to con firm. Volunteers will be coitipensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. (cIosq tp^ campus) 846-5933 i; SKIN INFECTION STUDY G & S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G & S Studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected cuts * infected boils * infected scrapes * infected insect bites (“road rash”) G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 76 ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men’s clothing Off Southwest Parkway - 300 Amherst 764-9608 ON THE DOUBLE Professional word processing laser jet printing. Papers, resumes, merge letters. Rush services 846-3755 QCM i /O BEGINNING JAPANESE Language Classes. Small class sizes. Call 696-1101. 82t02/02 We laser print resumes, cover letters, research papers, : for typ- etc. for the same price most places charge just for typ ing. Call for more information. Notes and Quotes. 846- 2255. 82t02/02 WORD PROCESSING PROFESSIONAL, PRECISE, SPEEDY-LASER/LETTER QUALITY; LISA 846- 8130. 80t5/4 Deans Typing Service, electric typewriter. Call after 3:00pm 774-0546, before 3:00pm 846-5019, M-E4t2/13 ONE BLOCK SOUTH CAMPUS TWO BEDROOM HOUSE $300 AVAILABLE NOW 696-1617. . 84t2/2 A-l WORD PROCESSING. Legal/Executive secretary. Proffessional resumes, proposals, reports 778-0587. 72t2/9 Houses at Wellborn, 3 bedroom $300.00 per month; 2 bedroom $200.00. Acreage included for horse or ani mals. Call 775-4526 daytime till 1:00 or 690-0994 after 7;00 pm. 84t2/6 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. ''all 27 Call 272-3348. Battalion Classified 845-0569 I HAVE JUST PURCHASED COMPREHENSIVE MCAT COURSE. 42 CASSETTES. 1000 PAGES, NEED SOMEONE TO SPLIT COST. 696-8806 80tl/31 1982 Pontiac 6000 LE Extra clean $3500 Call evenings 774-7263. 80tl/31 1986 Suzuki 6S 550 ES Excellent condition 13K $1000 calljason 823-5567. 80t2/21 SRADE PHIL LI PS, Rl. By Mtirr BASEBALL CARDS- BUY, SELL, AND TRADE. CONTACT SCOTT OR NOE AT 693-4838. 81t2/l Queen waterbed for sale headboard, under bed draw ers, semi-motionless mattress. Call 846-7730. 8H2/1 Yamaha Jog, great condition and low mileage with bas ket 846-2611. 8U2/1 Bad credit? No credit? Fix your credit report.-Get Loans- Credit Cards. Amazing recorded message re veals details. 693-8475. 72t2/9 1986 HONDA ELITE 80, RED plus TWO HELMETS CALL 847-0918 OR 764-2920. 8D2/1 1986 MAZDA RX-7 Grey and maroon, extra nice $8500,696-1896. 76t 1 /25 ATTENTION — GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U-repair). Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1-602-838-8885 Ext. GH 4009’ 71 ttfn Dorm refigerators, 4.2 cu. ft.,woodgrain or white, $65.00, call 846-8611. 62t2/9 Honda Interceptor 500 ’86 w/he!met, 3k miles, great condiuon $2,000 847-1629. 83t2/2 OH,$PflDE,T FoRboT To TELL You*, WHILE You WERE CASHIMO YooR SPEfUA DonHTIoH CHCCK AT THE bank. 8 BuncHoF PEOPLE CALLED Fop. YoO. Most of them had Tc> Do With THAT INCREDIBLE DISPLAY or M/wHcoO Yog DEMON STRATFD LAST WEEK WHEW YOU DOWATED SEMEH To BArJK 7-1 Times IN 4 W'a.jT 7 YES,LET S SEE...6u;NE$S / CALLED...SAiDYOo BROKE 1 THEolO WORLD RELoRD of . \ M Br' S»ME6or ltd /\ \ Siam... ) qeraldo Rivera >J / CALLED and WANTS I OH A bHouJ t-—. Titled-, \ \ l "THE LAST©F/p —- O A- \ THE REAL / z 2 ’jf | yj \ Vr&l \K 7m; fr-w-Ak &} m.’’ ^—C w' /> drJD, Finally, wFesrfR's D|dT/OfV4Rr C/lLLSD.*- THEY '■‘'ANT TO Pur Your Picture, NEXT TO '' S7VD." fleefPT Mow Book Mf OU (,ERALOo i k TCll wW.’i OK OMlYlffe CKoss f*£ffSE«. v/cTri UBtRofr Osbourne portable computer reference-guides- softwares, $185 zenith Monochrome monitor $60, af ter 5:00pm 693-2221. 78tl/24 WANTED ADOPTION: Warm, loving couplewants to provide your baby with a home full of love, happiness and secu rity. Make our dream come true. Please call Jamie & Linda’s Friends in Adoption advisor collect at 802-235- 2312. 79ttfn NEEDED: TRANSLATOR, POLISH. DISSENTA- TION ASSISTANCE. FOUR HOURS THIS SEMES TER. CALL TUES, THURS 2:00 to 6:00. 845-6207 80U/31 BUYING BASEBALL CARDS, PAYING TOP MAR KET VALUE. 696-8806. 80tl/31 ADOPTION: Childless So. Cal. couple, husband is a lawyer, wife a librarian, seeks Caucasian infant to adopt. Legally allowed expenses paid. Will relocate you to So.Cal. to give birth if you wish. Call collect Richard and Janet 1(818)988-6634; attorney Joan Flam 1 (818)986-6840, a 24 hour number. 8112/2 Dry cleaning program sets limit Laundry class trains students quality, prices foster success TRAVEL RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOW! DAYTONA BEACH , rom $ 129 ‘ 7 NIGHTS SOUTH PADRE ISLAND o« $ 129 S OR 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT from 2, 5 OR 7 NIGHTS FORT LAUDERDALE ,oJ132 ? NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND J127 7 NIGHTS CORPUS CHRISTI/ MUSTANG ISLAND 5 OR 7 NIGHTS CALL TOLL FREE TODAY 1-800-321-5911 *99 ’Depending on break dates and length of stay. South Padre -Springbreak- Nice hotels and motels at a great price, starting at $104. Call 1-800-782-7653 ext 221. 78t2/6 LOST AND FOUND MISSING: gold ring with flower-shaped setting,a di amond in the center surrounded by six rubies. Also, sterling silver ring, oval-shaped garnet in gold setting. Reward is offered for the return of the rings intact. Contact Wendy Rigdep 847-0886. 84t2/6 DALLAS (AP) — The problem was that Oscar Brisco’s hard-work ing employees had too many satis fied customers. That’s why the Dallas Indepen dent School District’s laundry and dry cleaning program now limits customers to five dry cleaning items and five laundry articles per week. “They were overflowing us with clothes,” said Brisco, who teaches high school students the laundry and dry cleaning business. “I didn’t even have time to teach the class. We were spending all our time trying to get the clothes out.” The program, in its sixth year un der Brisco, has become almost too successful. “We’ve done such good work that one friend would tell another friend about us, and it got to booming,” he said. “We had more people bringing in clothes than we could possibly do.” Making money isn’t the idea. Making productive citizens is, the in structor said. The DISD program is believed to be only one of three in the nation that teaches public school students the ins and outs of the cleaning busi ness — from the pressing concerns of running a large steam iron to the measured concentration needed to pour in the right amount of soap for 1 troublesome loads. The other public school programs are in New York and Houston, according to Brisco, who used to own and operate a dry cleaning busi ness. The DISD program is unique in the fact that it concentrates its ef forts on physically handicapped stu dents or those who have learning disabilities. Based at the Multiple Careers Magnet School in East Dallas, the program operates essentially like a regular dry cleaning establishment. ii We’ve done such good work that one friend would tell another friend about us, and it got to booming. We had more people bringing in clothes than we could possibly do.” — Oscar Brisco, instructor where and spend either three hou: in the morning or afternoon at magnet school. Each class is lirain to 10 students so they can havepe: sonal instruction. Although the program hmi drawn much attention other tha word-of-mouth advertising amm its customers, education observerf have visited from Japan, Austral and Switzerland, hoping to r< the program’s success in t hose com tries. The older students in the put gram begin taking outside jobs their experience increases, a Brisco estimates about 80 percs eventually take positions in til cleaning business. Others use the: work experience and newfouit skills to obtain other kinds o positions that Brisco said theymijit never have been able to find olhei Customers drop off clothes Monday through Wednesday, then pick them up a week later. “We’re way under everyone else pricewise,” Brisco said. “But we were still generating too much money. It was becoming an enterprise, al though all the money we made was turned back to the district. So they made us cut our prices in half. A dress used to be $2 to clean, but now it’s $1.” Students attend regular high school classes for a half-day else- “These kids will make $5 an boa when they’re still in high schod then $6 to $8 an hour after ihr graduate,” he said. “You knowthtij wouldn’t make that workingataMt: Donald’s or a Jack in the Box.” Principal Norwood King is high! complimentary of the job that® 51-year-old Brisco does in teachini laundry lessons, such as thefineac of bagging and tagging. In fact,tlill principal regularly drops offhisbcs suits to be cleaned by the students, The laundry class is one of sevei work-skills programs at the niagnf school, King said. Lost: Black/gold Heuer diving watch near spence Park on 1/26. Inscription J.P.S. 87 on back. Contact Jimmy Schwartz 847-3450. Reward. 83t2/l PEOPLE GET A LOT MORE OUT OF THE PAPER THANT JUST NEWS The Battalion Call 845-0569 The following incidents were reported to the Uni versity Police Department between Jan. 18 and Fri day: ASSAULT: • A student in Hughes Hall reported being as saulted by her boyfriend after he saw a list of male names on her desk. He then took a T-shirt and some money from the room, at which time the girl threw a butcher knife at him. The man then retrieved the knife, re-entered the room and threatened her with it. He then dropped the knife and left. The matter has been turned over to student affairs. • Several students and non-students were ar rested during an altercation during a dance at the Memorial Student Center. HARASSMENT: • A student reported receiving several annoying phone calls both at home and at work. She has re peatedly informed the caller, whom she knows, that she has no desire to continue their relationship. • A worker at the Dullie Bell building reported receiving annoying phone calls every 30 minutes. She said the caller telephones and hangs up when she answers. BURGLARY OF A HABITATION: • Several items of clothing, jewelry and a Cross pen were reported stolen from a room in Spence Hall. • Two textbooks were stolen from a room in Dorm 3. BURGLARY OF A VEHICLE: • A student reported that a black leather bra was stolen from her Toyota Celica parked in Parking Area 61. • An Alpine stereo and red parking tag were sto len from a 1986 Volkswagen in Parking Area 61. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: • The parking gate arm in Parking Area 10 was reported broken after a student repeatedly rammed her car into it. • Someone spray painted graffiti on the exterior windows, two exterior walls and two interior doors of the Langford Architecture Center. • A 1985 Pontiac Firebird was damaged in Park ing Area 71. Investigation revealed the driver's door, right rear quarter panel and right tail lamp were dented with a blunt object. BURGLARY OF A COIN OPERATED MA CHINE: • Someone broke the glass panel on a stamp ma chine in the Northgate Post Office and stole two $5 books of stamps. MISDEMEANOR THEFT: • A GTE single line telephone and an AT&T an swering machine were stolen from an office in the Civil Engineering building. • A telephone and roll of tan carpet were stolen from the third floor of the Zachry Engineering Cen ter. • A woman reported $30 was stolen from her purse. She left the purse at Bernie’s and returned for it, where she found it in a restroom with the money missing. )ff< The “coffee fund” was stolen from a locked locker in the Engineering Physics building. • A Senco pneumatic nail gun was stolen from the second floor mechanical room of G. Rollie White Coliseum. • An umbrella and purse were reported stolen from a desk in the Harrington Education Center. i THE CRIME PREVENTION UNIT IS AVAIL ABLE TO ANYONE REQUESTING INFORMA TION ON COMBATTING CRIME. PLEASE CALL 845-8900. 8, 1- bash If requ colu Ii love othe r I wo Micl Irvin real. H< desp only intin Gt I’r Su hoop life, lean be m Bt Be anyw bodie Kr into £ litera An playii the at If £ bigge big gt was tl W1 Set