The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 07, 1989, Image 8
Page 8 The Battalion Thursday, December7,1! Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT SERVICES COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1 bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 ir 774-0773 after 5pm Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible 60ttfn Mobile home for rent, private country living 8 miles from campus on FM 1688 $250 per month 822-6233. 67U2/13 2 Bdrm-1 Bath 4-plex in Bryan, new refigerator, new carpet, 7 min from campus, gas and water paid $285.00. Call Bill after 4:00 846-3864. 67tl2/13 A special deal! 15 days free 2B-1B. Near shuttle, $275. C.B. Richard Smith CO. 846-8400. 6702/13 Bargain! Two bedroom apartments south of campus $170.00. 696-2038 Barbara. 640 2/13 Sublease 1 Bdm apt, pool, 2 blocks from Blocker, $295/mo. Steven 846-1609. 650 2/08 1 Bdr apt for lease, Peppertree, available nojw. Janet 6102/13 696-5841 or 846-1702. 3 BR to share large bedroom, bath, quiet, nice, fur nished, $175 plus utilities, female only, nonsmoker 268-1553. 6602/13 2 BDRM HOUSE. NO PETS, LARGE YARD, W/D CON. 1906 MILLER $325/mo 693-3418. 6002/08 ROOMMATE WANTED Male Rooommate: spring semester 2B-2B Oakwood Aprs. Bus Route. $195.00 4- utilities 693-4952.67tl2/13 STREP THROAT STUDY’ Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis study ★Fever (100.4 or more) ★Pharyngeal pain (Sore Throat) ★Difficulty swallowing Rapid strep test will be done to con firm. Volunteers will be cojtipensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. (close tp^ campus) 846-5933 ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men’s clothing Off Southwest Parkway 300 Amherst 764-9603 ON THE DOUBLE Professional word processing laser jet printing. Papers, resumes, merge letters. Rush services 846-3755 QAM 1 /O Female Roommate needed Spring ’90 2B-2B $ 120/mo Call 693-7710 Plantation Oaks apts. 67t 1/5 Word processing from $ 1.35/page LASER PRINTER! PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 47tl2/08 Female Roommate Needed Spring ’90 2B-2B $215/mo. Call Missy 690-0549 /0866. Timber Creek Apts62tl2/13 TYPING: Accurate Prompt, Professional, 15 years ex perience. symbols. Near Campus. 696-5401. 45tl2/13 Share 2 Bed 2 Bath Mobile home $ 175.00/mo plus uti lities. Call Courtney 764-8419. 66tl2/13 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 30tll/12 WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL. PRECISE, SPEEDY - LASER/LETTER QUALITY. LISA 846- 8130. 49tl 1/21 HELP WANTED STUDENTS NEED A JOB NEXT SEMESTER? The Houston Chronicle has both immediate and Spring route open ings. Spring routes start anytime after Jan 6. Routes require work ing early morning hours and pay is based on per paper route and a gas allowance is provied. If inter ested please call Julian at 693- 2323 or James at 693-7815. 66112/13 WORK DURING CHRISTMAS BREAK Students needed from the following cities to observe seat belt use for the Texas Transportation Institute during the Christmas break (January): Abi lene, Amarillo, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Houston, Laredo, Lubbock, Midland, San Antonio, Tyler,and Waco. 3 days work, $100 plus gas allowance. Call 845-2736, 8am-5pm for interview. Ask for Terri or Laurie. Professional word processing, light editing. Carla 690- 0305. 48tl 1/06 sis. Bring your disk in to TOPS PRINT 0013. papers : ING or call 846- 66t 12/8 TRAVEL WANTED, ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE currently enrolled Texas A&M student with own vehicle to de liver bulk copies of the BA'ITALION, starting imme diately, and daily throughout coming semester. Deliv eries must be between noon and 5 p.m. daily to apartment complexes in College Station. Pay based on copies delivered, no mileage, interested, call Rusty at 845-2696. 67ttfn Babysitter wanted. My home $3.25/hr. Spring semester mornings. 693-0738. 67U2/7 RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOW! DAYTONA BEACH „ *129 *129 7 NIGHTS SOUTH PADRE ISLAND 5 OR 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT from 10f PORT LAUDERDALE ^ $ 132 HILTON HEAD ISLAND 0 J127 7 NIGHTS CORPUS CHRISTI / l MUSTANG ISLAND *99 5 OR 7 NIGHTS CALL TOLL FREE TODAY 1.800-321-5911 ‘Depending on break dates and length of stay. Campus Rep position — Sell well known spring break packages. Earn high $$$ plus trips. 1-800-Hi-PADRE. 67tl2/8 ATTENTION - HIRING! Government jobs - your area. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1-602-838-8885 Ext R 4009. 190t08/31 FOR SALE House cleaning person for faculty family, 10-12 hrs/week, schedule flexible. Must be available thru summer call 6-9pm 846-3765. 60t 12/08 LIVE OAK RANCH Restuarant. Now hiring wait resses, dishwashers and kitchen help (409) 878-2216. 60t 12/08 For Sale Roundtrip ticket for female from D-FW to Denver leave 12/8 return 12/26 $220, 361-3861 or 776- 8213 OVERSEAS JOBS $900-2000 mo. summer, Yr.round. All countries. All fields. F'ree info. Write IJC, PO Bx 52-TXD4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 56tl2/13 NEW 3-D CAMERA will dramatically change your per- . . 65tl2/13 ception of reality! 696-8037 for info. Houston Chronicle needs dormitory residents to de liver dormitory routes please call Julian 693-2323. 66U2/13 VW Scirocco 16v, 2yrs, 21,000m, fully loaded, $10,000/offer, 846-1418. 65tl2/13 Scooter: Honda Elite 50, 1988, Red/Gray. Free helmet. 846-2001. 66tl2/13 Pizza Drivers $6 to $9 per hour. Daily pay, start imme- .. . : 764-7’~ diately. Phone at once 764-735 or 268-8268. 62t 12/13 Washer and dryer. Need to sell by 12/15. $150. Call 774-7096. 66tl2/l 3 ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! $32,000/year income potential. Details. (1) 602-838- 8885. 45tl 1/09 Round trip ticket to Albuquerque. Leave 12/20 return 12/27. $150. Call Cindy 696-8709. 65t 12/08 Earn $500 to $ 1000 weekly stuffing envelopes at home. No experience needed. For free information,send self addressed stamped envelope to: P.O. Box 50282 Den ton, TX 76206. 65tl2/13 Datsun 200SX ’82 hatchback, ac/heater, AM/FM cas sette, sunroof, extras. 693-2501. 64tl2/7 Scooter Elite 80, 1985, white, free helmet. Need to sale. 693-2501. 64U2/0 Warehouse help over Christmas break in Schulenburg. .f 43 _4~-- 743-3825 days 743-4211 weekend. 62tl 1/13 HONDA ELITE 80 1985, great condition includes 2 helmets, Parking sticker. Lydia, 693-0911. 66tl2/13 CAMPUS Representatives Needed For ‘Spring Break 90s' programs to Mexico-Bahamas-Florida & S.Padre Island-Earn Free Vacation Plus $$$$, Call 800-448- 2421. 66tl/10 LOST AND FOUND COUNSELOR POSITIONS available at year-round residential therapeutic camps near Dallas. BA/BS re quired. Live-In position, $14,000 starting salary; excel lent benefits; career ladder. Girls Camp 214-549-2377 / Boys camp 214-769-2500. 66U/10 LOST JAZ WATCH, BROWN LEATHER BAND, LOST 11/3, SENTIMENTAL VALUE; REWARD 693-6039. 65tl2/I3 NOTICE SERVICES Volunteers wanted for Save America petition on cam pus. 1-800-344-7065. 65t 12/08 PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 CAN THE AGGIES ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE? SAVE AMERICA! 1-800-344-7065. 65tl2/8 169ttfn PERSONALS ADOPTION - Feeling scared and alone? Let us help. We can provide the love, guidance and security vou want for your child. Will assist you in any way possible. want lor your child. Will assist you in any way possib Please call Charlie and Bonnie collect, anytime (802)235-2312. 65tl2/13 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G & S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G & S Studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected cuts * infected boils * infected scrapes * infected insect bites (“road rash”) G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 7t PICK UP YOUR : 1989-90 STUDENT DIRECTORY \ 230 Reed McDonald* if pre-paid • or buy • one for $2.50 at MSC Bookstore ‘King Leer’ still revels in saucy pranks WtRKD c by Scott McCullareiiL pue to oonsmicnoH AMP PARKING P/FFJCl>lJ7£% GRADUATION CEKEACNIES THIS TEAR WILL BE- DRIVE-THKDUGH. GRADUATING SENIORS AND THEIR FAMILIES VIILL DRIVE THROUGH, IN AUWr BEHCAL ORDER, THE IA6C HOTEL DROPOFF DRIVE... SPRING BREAK ** Cancun with air/South Padre Is land. Book NOW for lowest prices/best locations. 1- 800-Hi-PADRE. 67ttfn Scooter for sale Honda Elite ES $450 O.B.O. call Tom 696-3882. 67tl2/13 NEW YORK (AP) — When Benny Hill was a lad, his grandfa ther took him to places of learning in London. These places had revues called “Piccadilly Spangles” or “Tou- jours La Femme,” and dance troupes like “The Saucy Girls.” A fine education. But what most interested him was the “prin-com,” the principal comedian. Little Benny saw that the prin-com got lots of laughter and hugs and kisses from all the dancing girls. “I’d think, ‘That’s not a bad li fe,’ ” he recalls. “And I think that’s when I got hooked.” Thus it has been for most of Hill’s working life — dancing girls in mini malist costumes, slightly naughty comedy, word-play, a bit of music hall. Much of it still is on display on about 100 U.S. TV stations as the syndicated “The Benny Hill Show.” Sight gags abound in his shows. A recent one showed him as a ship’s captain about to sing. As he opened his mouth, the ship’s foghorn made what sounded like a basso whoopee cushion being sat on. It bothers him not that some dare call such antics vulgar. “You can do a show for six of your friends or you can do a show for as many people as possible,” he says. “I’d rather make a nundred million people laugh.” His half-hour shows, seen in the United States since 1979, actually are bits and pieces of the three to five one-hour specials he usually makes each year in London. The skits are rapid-fire. Not so the writing of them, however. ..COMMENCEMENT SPFECm AND CEREMONIES WILL BE Aired over the car RADIOS AVP PRESIDENT lAOBLEi WILL TOSS DIPLOMAS THROUGH THE Th ONCE ALL CAKUM BLEW THROUGH m ARE GATHEfEV IN REMOTE PMKIH6W GRADUATION TOSSED OUT THE. ^ says The longest part is the writing, he ys: “I write the show on trains, on buses, in hotel rooms on the beach at St. Tropez.” His voice trails off and he smiles. Now is far better than the early days, when he was a struggling young straight-man-turned-comic in music halls, pubs and the army camps where, during and shortly af ter World War II, he honed his en tertainer’s skills. The army pay was minimal, he says, “but it was a very good audi ence. You didn’t have to sweat blood for them.” The man the British tabloids call “King Leer” lives quietly, without flash. The British tabloids consider him eccentric, but that is the way of the tabloids back home, he says, and why he is wary of journalists there. Hill quotes what he says is a Brit ish saying: “The only reason that people be lieve truth is stranger than fiction is because they’re not so used to read ing it.” Keyboard for sale ensoniq EPS, full keys, 1 Meg ram, 16 track editor, sequencer, full midi, sound library. Call Jon 696-7473. 67tl2/13 AROUND TOWN Live Music Information is provided by the individual nightclubs and is sub ject to change. THE BISTRO 21 and older admitted. Call 693- 7500 for more information. Thursday, Friday and Satur day —D.A. McDowell. Jazz pia nist. Starts at 6 p.m. No cover. KAY’S CABARET In the College Station Ramada at 1502 S. Texas Ave. 18 and older ad mitted. Alcohol served. For more information, call 693-9891. Thursday, Friday and Satur day — Jimmy Ray Warren. JazZ piano. Starts at 7:30 p.m. No cover. EXCALIBRE CLUB 1803 Greenfield Plaza (behind Dairy Queen). 18 and older ad mitted. Alcohol served. For more information call 846-6262. Thursday, Friday, and Satur day — The New Sundown. Easy listening. Starts at 9 p.m. No cover. FLYING TOMATO At Northgate at 303 University Drive. All ages admitted. For more information call 846-1616. Wednesday — Sneaky Pete. Sing-along with ’60s and ’70s mu sic. Starts at 9 p.m. $1 cover. FRANK’S BAR AND GRILL At Post Oak Mall. 18 and older admitted. Alcohol served. For more information, call 696-9191. Thursday — Don Overby and Scott Eddy. Classic rock. Starts at 9:30 p.m. No cover. Friday — Ragamuffin. Reg gae. Starts at 9:30 p.m. $3 cover. Saturday — Spittlefist. Rock. Starts at 9:30 p.m. $2 cover. TEXAS HALL OF FAME 818 in Bryan. Alcohol Served. For more information, call 822- 2222. Thursday — Special Effects. Country. Starts at 9 p.m. $3 cover ($1 off w/A&M I.D.). Friday —Johnny Lyon and the Country Nunotes. Country. Starts at 9 p.m. $5 cover. Saturday — Razzie Baillie. Country. Starts at 9 p.m. $8 cover ($2 off with A&M I.D.) TEXAS STAR TAVERN At Northgate at 103 Boyett. 18 and older admitted. Alcohol served. For more information, call 846-8863. Thursday — Ashburn. Rock. Starts at 9 p.m. $2 cover. Friday — The Band with No Sleep. Rock. Starts at 9 p.m. $2 cover. Saturday — Breakaway. Rock. Starts at 9 p.m. $2 cover. Tuesday— To Be Announced. Wednesday — Lippman Jam. Starts at 9:30 p.m. No cover. 693-2796 for more information, Prancer. Rated G. Showtimesare 7-. 15 and 9’.20. All Dogs Go To Heaven Ri((d I G. Shovnimes are 7’.30 .vudMO Ends Friday. Back To The Future 2. Rated PG Showtimes are 7:00 and 9:15. SCHULMAN SIX Comedy Information ?s change. GARFIELD’S subject to In College Station at 503 E. Uni versity Drive. All ages admitted. Alcohol served. Call 846-5388 for more information. Thursday — Local Jazz. Jazz. Starts at 9:30 p.m. No cover. Friday and Saturday — Vive Jazz with J. W. Davis. Jazz. Starts at 9:30 p.m. No cover. GALLERY BAR In the College Station Hilton at 801 East University Drive. Only In College Station at 4410 Col lege Main. All ages admitted. B.Y.O.B. For more information, call 846-3497. Thursday — Solid Senders. Rhythm and blues. Starts at 9 p.m. $4 cover. Friday — Chris Duarte with Arson. Jazz. Starts at 9 p.m. $4 cover. Saturday — Trout Fishing In America. Comedy/Rock. Two shows at 2 p.m. (kids’ show) and 9 p.m. $5 cover (kids’ show is $2). Located at 1503 S. Texas Ave. Reservations recommended. 18 and older admitted. Call 693- 1736 for more information. Thursday — Tracy Wright, headliner; Chuck Montgomery, middleman; and Jason Porter, opening. Starts at 9 p.m. $5 cover. Movies Information is subject to change. Admission restrictions may apply. CINEMA THREE Located at 315 S. College Ave. Call 693-2796 for more informa tion. Dad. Rated PG. Showtimes are 7:10 and 9:20. Ends Friday. Look Who’s Talking. Rated PG. Showtimes are 7:30 and 9:30. Steel Magnolias. Rated PG. Showtimes are 7 and 9:15. Starts Friday: AH Dogs Go To Heaven. Rated G. POST OAK THREE Located in Post Oak Mall. Call In Bryan at 2002 E. 29th Streel Call 775-2643 for more informa tion about “dollar movies" and weekend matinee times. Sea Of Love. Rated R. Showim are 7 and 9:40. Lethal Weapon 2. Rated R. Sho* times are 7:05 and 9:50. Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Rated PG. Showtimes are and 9:35. Turner and Hooch. Rated PG Showtimes are 7:15 and 9:30. When Harry Met Sally. Rated R Showtimes are 7:25 and 9:25. Parenthood. Rated PG. Show times are 7 and 9:45. PLAZA THREE In College Station at 226 South west Parkway. Call 693-2457 foi more information. Dance To Win. Rated R. Sho«- times are 7:20 and 9:40. Ends Fri day. Harlem Nights. Rated R. Sho» times are 7:00 and 9:30. Hollywood Brats. Rated R Showtimes are 7:05 and 9:35 Ends Friday. Starts Friday: War Of Tb< Roses. Rated R. Dad. Rated PG. MANOR EAST THREE gm cm he In Bryan in Manor East Mai 823-8300. Little Mermaid. Rated G. Sho* times are 7 and 9. The Bear. Rated R. Showtiittf are 7:20 and 9:30. Christmas Vacation. Rated R Showtimes are 7:10 and 9:35. SELL YOUR USED BOOKS FOR MORE! at University Bookstores THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS NORTHGATE CULPEPPER ' VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 409 University Drive Texas Avenue & Hwy. 30 University Drive 409/846-4232 409/693-9388 across from the Hilton 409/846-4818 OPEN LATE THROUGH FINALS Battalion Classifieds CaD 845-2611 CaD 845-2611 ^