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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1989)
Page 10 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED • m Dallas Police Department At least 150 positions lor Dallas Police otlicers will be lilled annually. ■ Starting salary- $23,901-$25,101 ■ $7,776 in step increases for first nine years at service ■ Corporal's base pay to $40,308 ■ Additional salary benefits ■ Tax-sheltered savings plans ■ Excellent retirement benefits ■ Flexible life 8c health insurance benefits Interested individuals, who have 45 semester hours of college with a "C" average or better, should contact: Recruiters at: Embassy Suites 9090 Southwest Frwy Houston, Texas October 17, 1989 10:00 am-6:00 pm No Appointment Necessary (214) 670-4407 An Hqual Opportunity Employer Uniform Excellence piaap ‘Hut! NOW HIRING DRIVERS NEEDED EARN UP TO $8.00 AN HOUR APPLY IN PERSON 1103 Anderson #103 4207 WELLBORN Rd. The Houston Chronicle is currently taking applications for route carrier positions. Gas allowance provided with routes earning $400.-$700. per month. If interested, call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693- 2323. 09t09/29 BEACH ME! Sunchase Ski & Beach Breaks is hiring Campus representatives to promote Spring Break to South Pardre Island, Mustang Island, Hilton Head Island, Ft Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, and Steamboat. We pay TOP commissions & FREE trips! Call 1-800-321-5911 today for a free application packet. Campus gruops & organizations welcome! 29110/13 • SERVICES TYPING/RESEARCH You have many things beg ging for your time. Let us help you. Typing: $1. per page; $1.75 next day Access to multiple data bases $5./hour CALL IDIC, INC 693-9864 10109/20 SKIN INFECTION STUDY G & S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G & S Studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected cuts * infected boils * infected scrapes * infected insect bites (“road rash”) G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 7611/31 SEIZED CARS, trucks, 4 wheelers, TV’s, stereos fur niture. Computers by DEA, FBI, IRS and US custons. Available your area now. Call 1 -805-682-7555 EXT. C-1201. AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Travel Agents, Flight Attendants, Mechanics, etc. Entry level and up. Salaries to $105K. Call 1-805-682-7555 Ext A-1058. 27ttfn EARN $500. TO $1,000 Or MORE WEEKLY STUFFING ENVE LOPES AT HOME NO EXPERIENCE FOR FREE INFORMATION SEND SELF AD DRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: NATIONAL P.O. BOX 130: WAYNE, Ml 48184. 1 ittfn CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING for spring, Christmas and next summer breaks. Many positions. Call 1 -805-682-7555 EXT. S-1026. EARN $500. TO $1000. WEEKLY STUFFING ENVELOPES AT HOME. NO EXPERIENCE. FOR FREE INFORMATION SEND SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED EN VELOPE TO: P. O. BOX 10 DEARBORN HEIGHTS, MICH 48127. 24ttfn MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES •Growing Aggie Owned Co. • Rapid Advancement •Excellent Training •Part-time to Full-time Sales or Business Background preferred Send resumes to: P.O. Box 9732, College Station, TX. 77840 16109/27 Little Caesar’s Pizza Now accepting applications for all positions, all stores. Apply in person. $$ HUNDREDS WEEKLY $$ (PT) Completing MIP Refund Policies. U.S. GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. CALL 1-713-292-9131, 24 HOUR RE CORDED MESSAGE. Please Have Pen Ready. 27t11 06 VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even if bankrupt or bad credit! We Guarantee you a card or dou ble your money back. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. M-1054. REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES available from government from $1. without credit check. You repair. Also tax delinquent foreclosures Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT H-1445 for repo list your area. 06ttfn ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies 81 Men’s clothing Off Southwest Parkway 300 Amherst 764-9603 NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE/TECH SCHOOL- BEEN TOLD YOU CAN T GET GRANTS? You can, regardless of family income. Easy step by step guide shows how you can get up to $6,000 PER YEAR in f rant money, (full 10 day money back guarantee) Send 19.95 plus $3.00 S & H to: Midwest Information Serv ices. 1511 N. West Street, Suite #1 Dept. L. Wichita, KS 67203. 3Ittfn Creative Halloween costumes. Custom made. 776- 1253. 31t 10/20 Research worker desires informatoin and stories about VIETNAMESE fishing and shrimping activities in Rockport/Fulton. Inquire: P.O. Box 8740, College sta tion 77844. 30t 10/18 Experienced libraian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. 30t 11/12 Typing-Word Processing. East. Pick up. delivery 764 1 .>57. Pattv asonable. 2611019 ON HIE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. ISIttlu Professional Word Processing In experienced npist. Carla. 690-0305. h |u Typing: Papers, Proposals, Dissertations, Theses. Linda, 696-4516. 28U0/16 Tvping: Accurate. Prompt. Piofessional. 15 Years Ex perience. Svmbols. Neat Campus. 696-5401. 23t)l 01 TYPING 7 DAYS PER WEEK. WORD PROCESSOR FAST/ACCURATE. 776-4013. 07t 12/01 WANTED Want to bus brand name manual pot table typewriter in gcx>d condition and reasonable priced. Call 693- 3640. 31110/13 Retail store seeking applicant with experience in nee dlework for approximateh 20-30 hours a week, flexi ble hours. Apple in person, 809 Universitv Drive East ( behind K-Bob s). 846-1849. 31U0/19 Drivers needed at Aggie owned Pizza Roni. Full or parttime $3.35 plus 20.5f a mile commision paid daily. Call or come by 764-7664. 2314 South Texas ASEt 10/19 Like new Nissan 200 SX, many extras, low milage. 268- 5817 after 5 or weekends. 31110/19 Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 • ANNOUNCEMENT Defensive Driving Ticket Dismissal. Insurance Dis count. Classes each week. 361-7959. 25M0/18 your business deserves some prime-time exposure. readers use these pages to see what's happening on the lube. let them know what's happening with you. call 845-2611 to place advertisements in TH* Battalion FOR RENT DORM PLAN All the extras of Apartment Living at Dorm Room Prices * Furnished * All Bills Paid * 2 pools. Hot Tub * Volleyball, Tennis and Basketball Courts * Great Location (Across from Post Oak Mall) $950 Maximum Rate for Fall Reduced Rate with 2 or 3 occupancy Plantation Oaks Apartments 1501 Harvey Road Across from Post Oak Mall bee shouldn’t Iving bur style. New carpet in selected units. $100. off 1 months rent. 6 Unique Floorplans from $225. All Bills Paid (except electricity) No Utility Deposit 2 Pools* Volleyball Court • Hot Tub • Basketball Courts • Lighted Tennis Courts •Across From Post Oak Mall PimiTION 0MSI Apartments 693-1110 188108/31 Mon.-Frl. 8-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 1-5 HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS.$900-2000 mo. Summer,Yr.round, AH Countries,All fields. Free info. Write IJC, PO Bx 52-1X04 Corona Del Mar CA, 92625. 29tl 1/2 Pan-lime janiiors nights 6-1(1 p.m. Sat. Sun. 8-5. Phone, car. references required appreciation, bonuses mileage above minimum wage. Home Care Services. 846-6277. 24ufn Campus Reps-Promote Spring Break I rips. Go Free; earn top commission. Call Now 1-800-BEACH-BUM. 25U0/17 ATTENTION - HIRING! Government jobs - your area. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1-602-838-8885 Ext R 4009. 190t08/31 ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! $32,000/year income potential. Details. (1) 602-838- 8885 Ext. Bk 4009. 190t08/31 Domestic help needed. 8 hours per week. 696-7414. 30U0/16 Wanted: Males and Females to show hairstyles for hairshow. 846-9711. 29H0/24 Drivers needed at Aggie owned Pizza Roni. Full or parttime $3.35 plus 20.5y a mile commision paid daily. Call or come by 764-7664! 2314 South Texas Ave. 31110/19 i 6» • PERSONALS ADOPTION A lot of love and a future full of op portunity await a special baby. Happily married, financially se cure So. Calif. Cauc. couple eager to share warmth and love. Strictly legal and confidential. Help with birth related expenses. Willing to relocate you to Calif, for the birth. Charlie and Margo (213)390- 2141, our lawyer Joan Flam (818)986-6840. Call collect. asno/is PREGNANT? Let’s help each other. Loving couple wife’s a pediatric nurse, seeks to adopt, love, and cher ish baby. Expenses paid. Legal/Confidential. Call Ed and Sally collect 301 -655-2848. 25t 10/18 NOTICE Cotton Village Apts. Snook, TX. 1 Bdrm. $200., 2 Bdrm. $248. Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 147111 Apt. complex needs couple to manage. Free rent and salary. Training immediately .Ask for Scott or Eauree 846-3569. 31110/27 ,1 d. .il in limn! M.mIi lllie . Ml hill- paid S CASA BLANCA APARTMENTS: 2 bdrm. furn. & un- furn. units. SPECIAL PRIVATE BEDROOM DORM PLAN. 4110 College Main. 846-1413, 846-9196. 180ttfn 2B-1.5B duplex and 4-plex units. Options: fenced, KP, WD, big closets, shuttle bus, low utilities. Wyndham 846-4384. '31tll/9 • TRAVEL THANKSGIVING & WINTER BREAK PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 169ttfn STREPTHROAT STUDY’ Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis study ★Fever (100.4 or more) ★Pharyngeal pain (Sore Throat) ★Difficulty swallowing Rapid strep test will be done to con firm. Volunteers will be cofhpensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. (close to campus) 846-5933 12ttfn CRESTED ROT NOVEMBER 22-26 * 4 NIGHTS'-/*'- S T E A M B < JANUARY 2-12 * 5 OR 6 NIGHTS/^N BRECKENRl-^, JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS WINTER P7LJZJ JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER i JANUARY 5-12 * 5 OR 7 NIGHl 8tti ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION ft RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 If vou arc having problems with voui giades. social life, or have recentlv lost voui job due to alcohol and/or drugs. WE CAN HELP. Call Weslev. at 1-800-621- 8580. oi 1-817-445-HELP. 18t 10 23 ® FOR SALE 1986 Yamaha. FZ750, 22,000 highway miles. Must sell. Scott 846-3569. ' 31U0/20 Rolling Stones T ickets. November 8th, Astrodome. Phone Jay. 764-9290. 29t 10/7 LARGE MENS DIAMOND BACK CL RACA (12 SPEED MOUNTAIN BIKE.) BRAND NEW. TERRI OR LEAVE MESSAHE. 260-9091. 29tl0/17 *88 MUSTANG LX.2door,Hatchback,4 cylinder,red- ,loaded,excellent condition. 409/279-3314. 29tl0/17 We Buv-Sell Good L sed Fuinitme. Thiee Drawer Desk. 30x43. S23. Baigain Place. Acioss Liom Chicken Oil. 846-2429. 23tll01 ’85 Honda Spree, low mileage, EXCELLENT condi tion. $450. 846-7834. Ashley. 31t 10/19 RIVA Razz *87 Excellent Condition $450. Helmet,Bas ket,Cover. 846-6 155 31111/2 King size hardwood waterbed w/heater and 6 drawer pedestal. ( $250 neg.)846-5514. 3U10/19 ♦ FOitSALE mmm SCOOTER FOR SALE. White Honda Elite.Good con dition $575.846-6624 30tl0/18 ’80 RX-7 4-speed, NEW engine, new paint, $2995. John, 693-4918. 28t 10/13 1 sV«r,v*i?. gift. igipCsfefc Kiai »1BS5 <<> 1NYADS. BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT matterwhat you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Battalion Classified! 845-2611 THE BATT DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday Air Fare Busters Brings You The World ARE YOU 12 TO 25 YEARS OLD If you are 12 to 25 years of age, enjoy Eu rope even on Christmas with no restrictions. Paris 518.00 Geneva 532.00 Frankfurt 518.00 Hamburg 518.00 Rome 578.00 Munich 518.00 Madrid 700.00 Milan 614.00 Amsterdam 500.00 Zurich 532.00 *Open Weekends 10-4 (713)961-5109 *Ask for other destinations (800) 232-8783 (800)AFBUSTER Eller (Continued from page 1) graduate work in business at Stan ford University. Moving up the cor porate ladder, Eller served as pres: dent of Becco, Inc., and chairman and CEO of Alcorn International. He founded Granada Corpora tion, which is a worldwide technica! service contractor operating in the broad field of agriculture and spe cializing in the development ani marketing of genetic products and services that enhance protein pro duction and food quality. It is with some of these majoi strides in mind that the Board of Re gents decided in March to rename the O&M building after Eller. Scores of Eller’s friends and col leagues gathered outside the 0&! building for the Saturday ceremonv including former Gov. Mark White who appointed Eller to theBoardo: Regents in 1983. Eller was a regent from 1983 k 1989, and was the Board’s chairmat from 1985 until the spring of 1989. William McKenzie, who suc ceeded Eller as chairman of die Board, said Eller brought to tbe Board a contagious attitude. “As a regent, he firmly believed that A&M could win on the fast track.” McKenzie said. “Hisvisionoi Texas A&M is big, and I believetliai A&M will find many wonderful fu ture opportunities because our n sion has been broadened by David “(Eller) listened and worked to build a consensus that generaii turned out to be a better policy than any one of the individual regenii ot igional idea,” McKenzie said. Michel Halbouty, an A&M alum nus and friend of Eller, said Elleris; dynamic leader and a true catalyst “always striving to help individuals and institutions around him achieve their full potential — his achiev ments are laudatory and legendary.' Legend tells that the very landtht O&M building was built on belonged to Eller’s ancestors who once owned more than half of the original land sold to Texas to establish A&M. His great-great grandfather and his brother each received a land grant of 4,428 acres in Brazos County from Stephen F. Austin ir 1832. Eller said he was deeply movedbs the honor that A&M had bestowed upon him. “Almost everything good that hi' happened in my life, somehow has been related (p A&M — to some thing I learned here ortoafriendl made here.” Eller said being a regent gave him the opportunity to use what he had learned over the years, while “itgare me a chance to pay back a small pan of what I owe to an institution gave me so much. “If you let it, Texas A&Mcanand will take 26 hours, eight days a weei and still ask for more,” Eller said “But the results are worth the effort I’ve learned that one ounce ofeffon can produce pounds of pure accom plishments.” And it’s with this philosophy said he plans to continue his life Boone (Continued from page 1) is the place to be or to hire from.” The Cadets also serve a valuable recruiting function at these perfor mances, Boone said. “I can tell you for a fact that then are students on this campus tod? that are here because they or then parents saw us perform,” he said “That makes me feel great.” Boone responded to the grow of the University and the present! of women by expanding the must programs. He established a mixed chorus called the New Traditio: Singers so that women could part: pate. In 1976, A&M’s centennial year, the group’s name was change! to the Century Singers, and this ganization is still active today. So many women auditioned ft' the Century Singers, however, th2 Boone formed the Women’s Chor. to allow them to participate. Th was followed by the creation of e Reveliers, a mixed vocal and instr- mentaljazz and swing group. The Cadets, though, are special Boone and it shows when he ti‘ about the singers. “This is a group of pretty spei people,” he said. “They give aid time and make a lot of sacrifc They are very conscious of givb something back to the Universitv Despite having to give so mui Boone said, the students have mu to gain from their time in thef- dets. “They grow a lot,” he said. “SoiS times they get lost when they coc here. We can help them growith? my responsibility.” All in all, Boone said, ‘‘1 am'f' happy with what we have done in past and very much looking for**' to the future.” Boone is also happy, he v when he sees his students gro" the kind of people he knows the' r capable of being. “I would like them to go into? community and be able to assun* leadership role,” he said. “Notju* observe, but to become a pan what is going around them."