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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1989)
Wednesday, September 20,1989 The Battalion Page 5 WSR.RD © 1989 by Scott McCullar WALDO By KEVIN THOMAS Adventures In Cartooning by Don Atkinson Jr. DON! I'M YOUR FRIEND / LISTEN TO M£! 50 WHPiT IF ANOTHER DATC STOOP YOU UP/// IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE: YOU'RE f) NICE GUV /// YOU'VE GOT A Nice FeRSGNPiUTY... YOU DRESS Nice . . YOU'VE GOT A NKJE SMILE... VOU GAT NICe... YOU TALK 'HXi waK AifCf... SOMEDAY YCUU. MffTT R NIC^ O/ieL , RAVE ^ Nice MARJtlAGEj live /a/ a Nice: HOUSE AND HP\Ve NICE CHILDREN// 1 YOU ARE A NICE GUY!!! IP^lBg [^K]Dl!,[!,DgS T 'M BEGINNING TO SENSE A THEME HERE/ WHATGAVn AWAY by Matt For Example ; aw adult I approach and say "Dock SFflsotf!" fo... ... HE V/oucD immioiaTELY /ItNfD REFLFxiveCV Respond " RABBiT SE/^So^I" Oncy /i culturally Keclusiye BorF<x>hj WouLD Do OTHERWISE. Dock SeasokI J| / \ (jNcess You weee two Sadist it hiDi> a OEKfHMJ r^inT/wv SCHOOL Dallas lawyer enters race for governor AUSTIN (AP) — Dallas lawyer Tom Luce entered the Republican race for governor Tuesday, saying he had received the encouragement of retiring Gov. Bill Clements. Luce, 49, entered a field where three candidates already have been campaigning and raising money for months. But he said he’s not worried about the late start. “I haven’t even done my Christmas shopping, and the prima ry’s in March, so I don’t consider it all that late,” he said. Luce said he had been considering the race for only three to four weeks and made the decision late last week. He also said he wasn’t concerned about a weekend opinion poll which showed him with only 1 percent sup port among likely GOP voters, argu ing that it is too early to place impor tance on such surveys. Luce has worked as a legal trou ble-shooter for Dallas billionaire H. Ross Perot, who earlier said he would support Luce’s gubernatorial bid. His campaign finance chairman will be Dallas financier and philan thropist Peter O’Donnell. Luce joins a field that includes Railroad Commission Chairman Kent Hance, Midland oilman Clay ton Williams and former secretary of state Jack Rains. A number of top Dallas Republi cans reportedly had urged Luce to run, including Clements. Asked about the governor’s sup port, Luce would say only, “He en couraged me to run. He said he thought I’d be a good governor.” Clements, the only Republican Texas governor this century, was va cationing in Africa and not available for comment. A founder of the Hughes and Luce law firm, Luce played a major role in the 1984 passage of House Bill 72, the sweeping reforms of Texas public schools. During that debate, he served as lobbyist for Perot, who chaired the Select Com mittee on Public Education that made reform recommendations to the Legislature. As chairman of the Texas Na tional Research Laboratory Commis sion, Luce successfully lobbied Con gress to fund the $4.4 billion superconducting super collider pro ject to be built near Waxahachie. Luce said continuing education reform and fighting illegal drugs would be key themes in his cam paign. He also pledged to work for continued economic development. JP calls abortion clinic 6 slaughterhouse ’ EL PASO, Texas (AP) — A justice of the peace who called an abortion clinic a “slaughterhouse” said Tuesday he just blurted the word out after being stung by the clinic director’s criticism. Reproductive Services Director Patti Pagels criticized Justice of the Peace Fred Chavez for re leasing 51 anti-abortion demonstrators on per sonal recognizance bonds. The demonstrators were charged with Class B misdemeanors at a protest Saturday. After hearing the criticism, Chavez told the El Paso Times if “she doesn’t agree with my deci sion, she should move her slaughterhouse out of this precinct.” The comment shocked Pagels, who said, “I’m appalled that someone in the judicial system should say something like that.” “I was talking about the law and the proce dures and the jurisdiction and the district. . . and I blurted that out,” Chavez told the Associated Press on Tuesday. Chavez said he is in his 11th year as a justice of the peace, and that the voters who elected him are familiar with his view that abortion is mur der. He said he believes the U.S. Supreme Court will restrict the landmark Roe v. Wade case fur ther than justices did in ruling on a Missouri case July 3. “Politicians don’t like to talk about abortion when running for office,” Chavez said, adding that he never has shied from the topic. In connection with the same anti-abortion pro test that prompted Chavez’ comments, El Paso Sheriff's Deputy Betty Lalicker has been sus pended for 30 days and, with her husband, faces charges of false imprisonment. Mrs. Lalicker and her husband Don, a minister at the county jail, are accused of grabbing a woman who was trying to enter the clinic. Lalicker said they were watching the protest when they were arrested. “We were picked out of the crowd unfairly,” he said. He said he and his wife are not members of Rescue El Paso, the group that organized the protest, but sympathize with the cause. Mrs. Lalicker may be reinstated or fired after the suspension. TO THE MSC BOOKSTORE OR STUDENT ACTIVITIES DEPT. THIS MIGHT BE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASE YOUR 1989-90 ALL-UNIVERSITY CALENDAR NOW! A BARGAIN AT ONLY $5.00 HURRY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! ALSO AVAILABLE THROUGH PURCHASING AND STORES DEPT. 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