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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1989)
Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT FLOTATION OAKS DORM PLAN All the extras of Apartment Living at Dorm Room Prices * Furnished * AH Bills Paid * 2 pools. Hot Tub * Volleyball, Tennis and Basketball Courts * Great Location (Across from Post Oak Mall) $950 Maximum Rate for Fall Reduced Rate with 2 or 3 occupancy Plantation Oaks Apartments 1501 Harvey Road Across from Post Oak Mall 693-1011 • HELP WANTED bee; shouldn’t New carpet in selected units. $100. off 1 months rent. 6 Unique Floorplans from $225. All Bills Paid (except electricity) No Utility Deposit 2 Pools* Volleyball Court Hot Tub • Basketball Courts • Lighted Tennis Courts •Across From Post Oak Mall PLINTATIQN OHS Apartments 693-1110 18ttOS/31 Mon.-Frl. 8-6 Sat 10-5 Sun 1-8 ORTHODONTIC OFFICE We are a professional team seeking an intelligent, self-motivated, enthu siastic person with accomplished business and organizational skills. We focus on warm, caring commu nication with our patients. If you are excited about entering the health care profession, we are willing to train. To apply: Please come by 2011-C Villa Maria, Bryan between 8am-5pm, Mon. Sept. 18 through Friday Sep tember 22. 11109/19 The Houston Chronicle is currently taking applications for route carrier positions. Gas allowance provided with routes earning $400.-$700. per month. If interested, call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693- 2323. 09(09/29 Cotton Village Apts. Snook, TX. 1 Bdrm. $200., 2 Bdrm. $248. Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. i47tttr TAKE MY DEPOSIT if you take my apt.! 2/2, w/d conn., shuttle, on-site mgr., more! $329. 846-3028. 13t09/22 AVAILABLE NOW & for fall: 1&2 bedroom apart ments from $225/mo. APARTMENT LIVING CEN TER. 3914 Old College Road. 846-9196, open 10-6. 180ttfn CASA BLANCA APARTMENTS: 2 bdrm. furn. & un- furn. units, SPECIAL PRIVATE BEDROOM DORM PLAN. 4 110 College Main. 846-1413, 846-9196. ISOttfn HELP WANTED HELP! Need a photographer for 12/16 wedding in C/S. GOOD PAY!! 696-2778 after 5:00 pm. 1 lt09/21 Waiter needed. Experience necessary. Call after 5 pm. 11109/21 779-8702. SKI STEAMBOAT FREE Inter-Campus Programs is looking for an individual, organization, or club to promote our Christmas Break ski trip. Work with the nations leading col lege tour operator. We provide all marketing materi als, free trips, and cash commis sions. Call now for details: 1 -800-327-6013 ext. 300. THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team member Full-time or Part-time Interview Mon-Thurs from Sam - 9am 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan The Psychology Dept. at TAMU is conducting research on group dynamics and we need participants. We will pay you $30. for 6 hrs. over a 6 week period. If interested, please call 845-4992 and ask for Dawna, or pick up a questionnaire outside Rm. 348 in the Psychology Bldg. CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING for spring, Christmas and next summer breaks. Many positions. Call 1 -805-682-7555 EXT. S-1026. Little Caesar’s Pizza Now accepting applications for all positions. Apply in person at SW Pkwy/Texas Ave. loca tion. SUCCESS Take hold of your future! Operate your own business with al most no money down and even less time to commit. Call King Publishing Co. for FREE de tails. 1-800-877-6995 12109/29 I’illl-lillK- di>li\\;i>lu'i. S«’ fieri. No phono naro RcMaur.uil. -HM E l nivciMtr Dr. allv Ct- OSulii TALENTED INSTRUCTORS NEEDED Talented instructors needed for Christmas crafts workshops. Areas to include: Arts & Crafts, Cooking, Novelty Items, Holiday Season Specialties, Gingerbread Houses, Candies, Bread Dough Ornaments and many more. Come by University Plus Craft Center in the MSC basement or call Dana at 845-1631 for more information. Do you need X-tra $$$? GET A JOB! A&M STEAKHOUSE is looking for De livery Drivers. Apply in person or call at 846-5273. JUST DO IT! ALTERATIONS The Needle Ladies & Men’s clothing close to campus*300 Amherst 764-9608 1 Ottfn NOTICE ADOPTION: IS AN ALTERNATIVE TO ABORTION. WE ARE A PROFESSIONAL COUPLE-A COLLEGE PROFESSOR AND A NURSE- AND WE ARE UNABLE TO HAVE A CHILD. WE CAN PROVIDE A SECURE, LOVING HOME FOR AN ADOPTED BABY. WE WILL HELP WITH ARRANGEMENTS. PLEASE CALL COLLECT JEAN/DICK (802)235-2312 10109/19 PROTECT YOURSELF against burglary and intruders with a home & apartment security system. No installation necessary. Call for free demonstration. 846-0144. Sales opportunities available. SNAKE: 7 ft. Bermeeze Python with acquarium $325. negot. Great dorm pet. 764-9185. I0t09/22 * ANNOONCEMEHT A FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING PLUS, RAISE UP TO $1,700: IN ONLY TEN DAYS!!! Student groups, fraternities and soroities needed for marketing project on campus. For details plus a FREE GIFT, group officers call 1-800-950- 8472, ext. 10. NEED CREDIT??? Visa arid Mastercard with no credit check. Also new credit card!!! NO ONE REFUSED!!! For details call 702-825-3750 Ext. 505. 13ttfn * MISCELLANEOUS VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even if bankrupt or bad credit! We Guarantee you a card or dou ble your money back. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. M-1054. • SERVICES TYPING/RESEARCH You have many things beg ging for your time. Let us help you. Typing: $1. per page; $1.75 next day Access to multiple data bases $5./hour CALL IDIC, INC 693-9864 IfMOQ/On PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome. Eligible volunteers will be com pensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 legttfn SKIN INFECTION STUDY G & S Studies, Inc. is participating in a study on acute skin infection. If you have one of the following conditions call G & S Studies. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. * infected blisters * infected cuts * infected boils * infected scrapes * infected insect bites (“road rash”) G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 7€ TYPING 7 DAYS PER WEEK. WORD PROCESSOR FAST/ACCLRATE 776-4013. 07tl2/01 1 >ping anti rcMinic -.cia k available at reasonable prices. Rush jobs excepted. Call Notes-X-Quotes. Mtv- 225.'). 03i09 19 SERVICES STREPTHROAT STUDY’ Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis study ★Fever (100.4 or more) ★Pharyngeal pain (Sore Throat) ★Difficulty swallowing Rapid strep test will be done to con firm. Volunteers will be compensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. (close to campus) 846-5933 i2mn Handyman. 20 + hrs./wk. Experience necessary. Tools & transportation a must. 823-5469. 09t09/26 PROFESSIONAL WORD processing by experienced typist. Carla, 690-0305. 190t09/22 Part-time LSAT instructor. Good communicator. 40 or better on LSAT a prerequisite. Call Barbara 696-3196. 09t09/19 _>N THE DOUBLE Protessional V\(ord Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. / 181tfn ATTENTION: EARN MONEY READING BOOKS! $32,000/year income potential. Details. (1) 602-838- 8885 Ext. Bk 4009. 190t08/31 Typing: Accurate, Prompt, Professional. 15 Years Ex perience. Symbols. Near Campus. 696-5401. 06t09/29 Cutting horse opperation part-time. Experienced re quired. 846-8547 after 6pm. 09t09/26 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. atl9HBMi Call 272-3348. Part-time afternoons 8c Sat. Apply at Pilger’s Tire & Auto Center. 400 E. University Dr. 12t09/22 Typing: Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Word Perfect, Spellcheck. Letter Quality Printing. Janie 776-0595. 12t09/22 Computer Access is now hiring a receptionist. If you are free to work from 9-6 Tues., & Thurs. Please apply at 110 Lincoln Ave. 12t09/26 • ROOMMATE WANTED Computer Access is now hiring two Sales Assistant. If foi you’re interested in working for a growing company and or free to work from 9am-lpm or lpm-6pm. Please apply at 819 S. Texas Ave. 12t09/26 Mature Quiet Student seeks furnished room Wednes day Nights, sometimes also Thursdays. Non-Smoker. Prefer if a Meal included. Orlando (713)772-2200. 12t09/22 FOR SALE SEIZED CARS, trucks, 4 wheelers, TV’s, stereos fur niture. Computers by DEA, FBI, IRS and US custons. Available your area now. Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT. C-1201. REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES available from government from $1. without credit check. You repair. Also tax delinquent foreclosures Call 1-805-682-7555 EXT H-1445 for repo list your area. 06ttfn Scooter '87 Riva Razz. Excellent Condition. Helmet Basket Cover 846-6155. 13t09/25 1985 Yamaha FJ 1100, Kerker header, fast & clean! $2,950. O.B.O. 696-9117, 696-1379. 10t09/20 YAMAHA RIVA JOG excellent condition, low mile age, has Gasket. 846-2611. Ilt09/21 Blue-Green 10-Speed Peugeot. $120. Call 847-4679 After 6. Ilt09/21 1987 HONDA HURRICANE 600. EXCELLENT CONDITION, SADDLEBAGS, COVER, $3,500. 846- 9423. 11109/21 WE BUY-sell good used furniture. Three drawer desk, 30x45, $25. Bargain Place. Across from Chicken Oil. 846-2429. 184t08/31 SENIOR BOOTS, like new, never shined, size 8-B, $300,693-6526. 12U0/13 1984 Delta 88, V-8, good tires, cruise control, AM-FM stereo; 847-2115. 12t09/22 Cutlass Supreme Brougham '86, loaded. Good condi- uon. $6,400./774-7626. 12t09/29 « TRAVEL rnww THANKSGIVING & WINTER BREAK CRESTED NOVEMBER 22-26 * 4 NIGHTS' STEAM JANUARY 2-12* 5 OR 6 NIGH BRECKEN JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS WINTER JANUARY 2-7 * 5 NIGHTS VAIL/BEAVER JANUARY 5-12 * 5 OR 7 NIGH 8th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATION ft RESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 • LOST AND FOUND LOST ON THE A&M CAMPUS A GOLD BEE SHAPED PEN ABOUT 1 INCH LONG. PLEASE CALL 696-5984. REWARD. 13t09/25 • WANTED EDITOR, NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, FOR UNDERGROUND NEWSPAPER ATTACKING REAL ISSUES C.A. POST BOX 2793 COLLEGE STATION 77840. 13t09/25 The Battalion '"A* si. Number One in Aggieland Paged The Battalion Tuesday, September 19,1S Th Judge declares 261 \ aliens from 52 nation HI! American citizens SAN ANTONIO (AP) — In a mass citizenship ceremony coincid ing with the 202nd anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, 261 people representing 52 nationalities became citizens. U.S. Magistrate John Primomo gave the oath of citizenship to the group Sunday at Trinity University. They were part of more than 1,000 people who became citizens this week in the San Antonio district of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm and U.S. District Judge Emilio M. Garza spoke to the crowd and told their families’ stories of citizenship. “There is no other country where immigrants can be told ‘your chil dren can become president,’ ” Gramm said to about 500 people at tending the ceremony. Gramm told the story of his wife, Wendy, and her family’s struggle to become Americans. In 1906 a Korean man shipped to Hawaii as an indentii:» servant, forced to work on a! cane plantation there to pay off debts. He picked his wife outofapici. book and later became a cidzer the United States. Eighty-threeve, later, his granddaughter, Gram; • Iu wife, is chairwoman of the Coir.: dities Futures Trading Commisi: in Washington, D.C., and overs 80 percent of the sugar trading the free world. A federal judge here since, year, Garza told of a woman borr. Mexico who became a naturafe citizen June 7, 1944. She had an eighth-grade edoi tion and her husband had a sit grade education, but they raa three children who each earnedts lege degrees. “The second of those three cc dren is standing before you todi said 42-year-old Garza. B Young couple keeps faitl as first baby beats death H BROWNWOOD, Texas (AP) — On a recent Sunday at Locker Bap tist Church, the Rev. Dennis Hester delivered a sermon on the testing of faith. He preached a similar sermon a week before his infant daughter was born with multiple birth defects. He says that since that sermon in July, his faith has been tested as he saw his daughter fight for life at Cook-Fort Worth Children’s Medi cal Center. Seven-week-old Katie Hester has surprised physicians and surgeons at the Fort Worth hospital by not only surviving those first traumatic weeks, but improving to the point where she can be cared for at home. “When the doctors saw our baby and realized her many birth defects, they didn’t give us any encourage ment and indicated that she most likely would never leave the hospi tal,” said Katie’s mother, Susan Hes ter. “They held out no hope at all that she could be bottle-fed.” Today, however, Katie sucks on a small bottle of prescription formula. Katie was born July 29 at Hen drick Medical Center and soon after birth was flown to the Fort Worth hospital where doctors performed a colostomy and repaired a hole in her intestines. Among her birth defects was a non-functioning kidney and one that has about one percent kidney action. Her doctors say Katie will need a transplant sometime next summer, Hester said. There appears to be no problem that her heart is on the right side of her body. “The front of her heart in stead of being on the left side facing forward, is on the right side facing her back, but the heartbeat is nor mal,” Hester said. The baby was born without an anus or vagina, but surgeons agree that both defects can be repaired later. According to her father, Katie eats fairly well for a baby with kidney failure. At birth she weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces and at a checkup earlier this month tipped the scales at 7 pounds 4 ounces. - “All things considered, she much like any other baby, cryinj: her bottle, unhappy whensheisi or loses her pacifier,” Hester said Most mothers aren’t too thriUei changing diapers, but for the Hi ters, a soiled or wet diaper is as; that their daughter is holdings own, functioning as normally a baby with such serious birth dele can function. The Hesters were going to tn get back to their work and lives sit the baby’s birth. Hester will resu: s j on his pastorate and his job at Mr & t h e c 66 envi All things considered, she is much like any other baby, crying for her bottle, ^ unhappy when she is wet or loses her pacifier.” — Dennis Hester — father deni arm: Unit time Chir cont cracl Beiji In porti here said it po privi T1 iwmj and ^ ram i He ter w ronrr ters. ack’ wasn Th ti’s, and his wife has enrolled for hi last year at Howard Payne Unite! sity. The couple takes turns stayii home with Katie. They haveworli out a schedule where one or other is always at home. Katie! had her first checkup. Brownwoe Pediatrician Dr. Hal Woodra said, “She is doing remarkably well Keeping up with the requin medicines isn’t a simple matter, Ki tie must take six different medioK a day. In addition to the specialfo( mula, the baby must have nvec ent colostomy supplies, which i used daily. Katie seems to have a non sleep pattern for a baby her i Many times she sleeps from five! six hours at a time, especially! night. “We feel that the Lord has bless us with our baby and we havegrosj tremendously . . . both as a cotipl and in our Christian faith,” Hes said. Group to ask legislatunj to finance fish farming AUSTIN (AP) — A new state committee voted Monday to ask the November special legislative session for nearly $650,000 to develop an aquaculture industry that one law maker said could develop into a $1 billion industry within the next seve ral years. Aquaculture, or commercial fish farming, “is a fledgling industry that is beginning to grow,” said Sen. Chet Brooks, D-Pasadena. “We feel rea sonably sure we might be able to build an industry that may become a billion dollar industry within five to seven years.” Brooks met with the Aquaculture Executive Committee, which in cludes state Agriculture Commis sioner Jim Hightower, state Land Commissioner Garry Mauro and Chuck Nash, chairman of the Parks and Wildlife Commission. The 1989 Legislature transfei regulatory authority over fish fact ing from parks and wildlife to aga culture. But Hightower, who elected committee chairman, J Gov. Bill Clements vetoed funds carry out that task. The committee voted to ask - special legislative session to rest: $373,496 in state regulatory mod and to provide an additioc $275,000 to run the Aquacuto Liaison Office. A maximum salan $58,000 was designated fortheid son officer, with Hightower ca® for a national search to fill the job Mauro said aquaculture natiotl represents an $8.8 billion Indus- and “Texas doesn’t have its share “We’re in the oil game, M* said. “We ought to be in the3 game.” / It out in The Battalion Classified! K