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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1989)
V * ' » •» f i r. 4 The Battalion WORLD & NATION Wednasday, August 23, 1989 The Battalion Page 11 Panamanian Embassy plans to shut down until democracy is restored 9 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Panamanian Embassy in Wash ington. which has been under the control of forces opposed to Gen Manuel Antonio Noriega, will be closed neat week until democracy is restored to Panama, it was an nounced Tuesday. Ambassador Juan B. Sosa, who has used the embassy as an anti- Noriega headquarters for the past 18 months, made the disclosure in a telephone interview on the eve of an Organization of Ameri can States foreign ministers meet ing on Panama. Sosa was appointed ambassa dor to Washington by then-Presi- dent Eric Arturo Delvalle two years ago Delvalle was deposed by Noriega’s allies in February 1988 but the United States con tinues to regard him as the legiti mate authority in Panama. It has continued to recognize Sosa as Panama’s official envoy Sosa said he has decided to close the embassy on Aug. 31 be cause Sept 1 is the date on which Delvalle s term was scheduled to expire "We have always maintained we are fighting for a constitu tional prinqfPle." Sosa said, add ing he and his family are vacating the embassy and will move to an apartment in Washington. He in tends to continue his struggle against Noriega, he said. Sosa said State Department of ficials have informed him they concur with his decision to close the embassy Panamanian President Manuel Solis Palma attempted to replace Sosa last year but the envoy, with U.S. goverment support, refused to relinquish control of the em bassy Sosa has had partial access to Panamanian government funds in the United States which were frozen by the Reagan administra tion to prevent Noriega from having access to them Sosa has used the funds to keep the em bassy functioning Department pushes for extradition of most wanted alleged traffickers WASHINGTON (AP) — The Jus tice Department on Tuesday listed the “Dozen Most Wanted’ alleged Colombian drug traffickers it wants extradited to the United States, in cluding the leadership of the Medel lin and Cali cocaine cartels The list does not include the one alleged major money-launderer who has been arrested by Cofombtan au thorities. Eduardo * Martinez Ro mero, and the department has not yet said whether M wants Martinez extradited * A Colombian official said in Bo gota that the first moves toward ex traditing Martinez had already been made “Facing trial in the United States is what these drug lords fear the most,” Attorney General Dick Thornburgh said in a statement ’This list of a dozen priority offend ers is only the first phase of our ex tradition efforts. Our review of those whom we seek for trial is on going and the list is likely to be sup plemented in the near future.’* Thornburgh said he was sending the list to the Colombian govern ment. Included are reputed Medellin cartel leaders Pablo Emilio Escobar Caviria. 39. Jorge Luis Ochoa Vas- quez. 40. and Jose Gonzalo Rodri guez Gacha, 42. In all. about 80 alleged Colombian drug traffickers are under indict ment in the United States, but their cases have languished since the Co lombian Supreme Caiurt overturned its extradition treats- with the United States in 1987. the department said Colombian President Virgilio Barm instituted emergency mea sures over the weekend to allow the immediate resumption of extradi tions His action was triggr-red by the assassination Friday of Luis (Carlos Calan. a leading presidential candi date and an outspoken foe of the drug traffickers Also on the Dozen Most Wanted’’ list are: —Two of Ochoa Vasquez s broth ers. Fahio. 32. and Juan David. 41. along with Custas-o de Jesus Caviria Rivero. 42. and Gerardo Monruda. 42 All are allegedly members of the Medellin cartel — Jose Kan Duarte Acero, 37. a former policeman who allcgedl\ works with the Medellin cartel. Ac ero is the gunman . . . who was re sponsible for the attempted murder of two of our agents down there." DEA s|xikesman Cion Doogbcrts said Groups file suit against Mosbacher for actions on behalf of shrimpers Judge sentences disbarred attorney to jail; found in contempt of court • a f a ^ • a • a a aav a *» • a . ft _ ■■ az x I J . aft__ IJ WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Tues day ordered disbarred attorney William Borders to jail for refusing to answer questions from a Senate panel gathering evidence in the Alcee L. Hastings impeach ment trial. U.S. District Judge Thomas Pennfield Jackson found Borders in contempt of court and gave him until 10 a m Friday to put nis affairs in order and surrender to federal marshals. Jackson acted hours after Borders refused for the third time in a month to answ-cr questions posed by the Hastings impeachment committee The committee is gathering estdence concerning charges that Hastings, a 52-year-old U.S district judge from Florida, conspired with Borders to obtain a SI50.000 payoff and lied about it before a jury that ac quitted him in I983.\ - v-—.; is *a ■■ Hastings, who was impeached by the House in Au gust 1988. is also accused of improperly disclosing in formation that government investigators obtained through a court-approved wiretap Once the* committee finishes its report, the full Sen ate will vote on whether to remove Hastings from the federal bench and thus take away the $89,500 annual salary he continues to collect While Hastings was acquitted by a federal court jury. Borders was com icted of the payoff conspiracy charges in 1982. He was disbarred, sent to prison for 33 months and shorn of the political influence officials say he wielded in the Washington of the late H#/Os At the request of the Senate. Jack so o’ held Borders in civil contempt of court for refusing to losttfy after being granted immunity from prosecution' for anything con- eeminn the payoff plot tpafTfe might sav in the pro- or adme — a — -■ - v—* WASHINGTON (AP) — Five conservation groups base filed suit against Commerce Sec retary Robert Mosbacher. alleging his actions on behalf of shimpers nave vinuallv as sured the drowning of thousands of threatened and endangered sea tur tle*. In a federal lawsuit filed late Mon day, the organizations claim Mos bacher acted unlawfully when he suspended regulations requiring shrimpers to use devices that pre vent sea turtles from becoming ensnarled in their nets and drown- The lawsuit seeks to force Mos bacher to resume enforcement of the suspended regulations on turtle excluder devic es. or TED*. Mosbacher suspended TEDs reg ulations after shrimpers, angrv about having to use devices the\ claim reduce their catch by as much as one-third, blockaded shipping channels along the Texas Gulf Coast. Under a court order to protec t rn- * 4 • r « ft « * dagered sea turtles in a separate law suit Tiled by the National Wildlife Federation. Mosbacher then or dered shrimpers who don’t use TEDs to limit their trawling times to 105 minutes. Michael J. Bean, an attorney for the Environmental Defense Fund, said there has been “no sign" that Gulf Coast shrimpers are complying with the limited trawl times Under the rules, shrimpers can have their nets in the water at only prescribed intervals. Although Mosbacher was led to believe shrimpers would comply with the restricted tow times bv their organizations and congressmen, “all the evidence available suggests the secretary was tricked. 'They (shrimp ers) don’t want the federal govern ment telling them they have an obli gation to protect sea turtles." Bean said Tuesday. Commerce spokesman Brian Gor man said the agency is waiting “for the courts to make a judgment about the appropriateness of our course of action. Man accused of murder in 4 states WICHITA. Kan (AP' — A New Mexico prosecutor says that once Gregg F. Braun is tried in that state for the slay ing of a con venience store clerk he will lie transferred to Kansas for trial there Braun. 28. of Carden Citv, Kan , is art-used of killing five people in four state's during a multi-state n»bl*erv ami homicide spree last month In addition to New Mexico and Kansas. Braun is c harged in (fklalionia and Texas Braun. wh<> worked at a feed- lot near Garden City, is jailed in New Mexico in lieu of tl million Ixtil He is acc iis«*d of killing Ger aldine Valdes. 48. a clerk at a Springer. N.M.. gas station and comenicnoe store during a July 23 rohliery. Braun was arrested at a roadb lock north of Springer a short time after the* shooting A ,25-cal- iher pistol was found in the car. Police have said all of the* virt’nis were killed with a 25-caliber weapon 7‘ Don’t Let Back To School Get You Down! ' Buy All of Your Supplies I' ' at BOTHER’S BOOKSTORE Save Money on Our Large Supply of Used BOOKS! We have plenty of new and used books, paperbacks, school supplies, pens, pencils, paper, laboratory supplies, study guides and reference books. All of our Eastpac and outdoor backpacks backed by a lifetime warranty. Full refund if you drop a class within the first two weeks of school. Hassle-free full service book departments. Just bring in your schedule and we’ll do the rest. OPEN LATE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL We Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express 340 Jersey Across from University Police 901 Harvey Rd. Woodstone Shopping Center