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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1989)
4 i * i i Page 4 The Battalion Thuraday, August 10,1989 Battalion Environment group 4^. •£• . calls for regulation V^lassineas of industrial wastes • HF1P WANTED — IMiRVHWIILV RIM \K( IURS rvrurt «ip>n«on» tnapnmns Armmvtmiom m% Vrf' prr«. «utr-MMtr Hcmi» l4ono«»K» Son»l A \4«rin R# waxh. 'il* SwmmM A»r I \Twthui«. \| 'iTnTI ( tni^t9S-7m. ? <ta«« Man* Itpn, lllliflRW SAIi.S C.t.IRfcS «ah |>rrw<natMH->' \pp»> m rut i Orn r fatt, Lnitrrwtf c um 7n0 t nffrrttif SlVDENn nmM lufl lc $9 3*fer. on-tampat Aua tl-Sra* •round flaw a hrduin ( jl) 77>*-1707 k pan ua»r I. Wi« oork WAVTfD l>RI\>R u> trahr-in-fi and hati Van, dj»v no j rrawlai haw« WM na« all rvprmc* ( all (-at aim M M6-7VAI «r KOARM HHKMO-i »n nioiiM.R\m\ miim. is riiiixim.' ( <anr •rrihr • afiM-i.i atal a« lanun^ |< Itii .t It U*> \ H KU .M 7 Mmi, \uauu ITili .« XJ Mit H m >4,. I »|. it liu/a Im^tiK In 1*1*1 in RAKT-TtMK Sf.C.RETARV lor rmtal proprm hu«»- nrw M 7S>i* IWv77M m mummyi IMtOO II >M>M l.AWS < ARI urkma tain frprrtrtnaioTt in nr* armtamt dr|Mnf»rfn %t*wk tout mm hnan Bn an * ■iMi'ar Siamm rrtttlr mial arrat I aU |nrl IVlrarat. *rs »wit immamm IRAnMill HOI MOM IIROMI It tt.iiftrmli taking applaa ■awtt Im larnrf pnwunnt lot thr lad trmrfrr larlt mnrnmii hnun laanl pat and irantpnrtaifnn aRnm- anrr JVNI t7<»> m<t If ifffrfrtirtl tad Julian AUV73T3 <« Andt <i«)-7lllk ll>9t«m/in MAl.t 0AM I RS nrrdrd Mini hr drprndahlr Otm ptumr irantpunaiam rrqunrtl (and pat fiUA-VRH IRBlBBOl • FORRENT shouttVt tvog style. One of a kind apartments at yesterday s prices. 6 Unique Roorplans from $225 All Bills Paid (•xcapt RMctncRy) No UtiUjty Deposit 2 Pools* Volleyball Court * Hot Tub • 8w«Mball Courts • Lighted Tennis Courts •Across From Post Oak Mall PLANTATION OAKS Apartments 693-1110 Mon.-RH. S4 Sat 1»S Sun 14 Cotton Village Apts. Snook, TX. 1 Bdrm $200.2 Bdrm $248 Rental assistance avaiiabie' Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 ( irrktrouif IBIS rfl api umqiar fkiur plan w/d >nnn Imird pauo. ptwl, oat alMMtlr vt tndham Manu M6-4AM I77(tfn Room, prrtalr hath A rtMiamr I Blk *170 to, aid pd 7M-796A MA-S3R6 • NOTICE ATTENTION AUGUST GRADUATES If you have ordered a 1989 Aggieland and will not be here this fall when they ar rive for distnbution, please stop by the English Annex between 9 and 4:30 and pay a $4 mailing fee. The Aggielands will be mailed to you when they ar rive this fall. iBftOB* • SERVICES PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER'S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of Knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Previous diagnoses welcome Eligible volunteers will be com pensated GAS Studies. Inc. (dose to campus) 846-5933 SKIN iNFECTION STUDY G & S Studies. Inc is participating in a study on acuta skin infection H you have one of the following conditions caN GAS Studies Eligible volunteers wiH be compensated * infected Misters * infected cuts * mfected bols * infected scrapes * mfected insect bites ( road rash ) Q & S Studies, Inc. (cloaa to campus) 846-5933 rsnst UN IHfc DIH BI-* ruRrauoujl t^nrd Pr<»rf*m« Paprrv mumr inrrar IrU.ff Ruui ■ *IUn :SSS?ti TVriM- WOKH I'NOt I SSI Mi- Aiimiam I *i Hlrm Actfffotnauroil Rcaulit- liti-T* *! ITUltlM |0 l.aprnrnt rff t JlKMSW MMatun «SI do lihrat \ rrwar* h lor Vou '."■OOMWATHWAmEP Imuh lo fluti *_* hrfnii •(uiimrfii *7 1 1 ill ImII. pat<l i>OIv7JCA jltrt Vl.lp m 1*»ihii» il CHRISTIAN FtMAlX. * hdrmtluih »IB7 Wm.. ph»f uuMra Nopati IMnrah 764-OMV MVlftSI MaSMI COUACC. KMIMMMTSoantxf Vrff nur MMuir turruUfcd hrkk homr «vry doar to I VMl S Mrm 2 hath tm/fnoplu, I I uittUM (»S>tTBHpi. > Wan,rtf | or I ffil nafffimafrf In fharr a 2 Bdrm 2 Bath apt CaR Katro aftrf 6 Onp m SI?4UI? R<V(S I77i0*t'l*> • NOTICE — ■ gond t h-*'v < 90s45. Bargam FWr At ro%% fman CTwrkm CM • FOR SALE MTV Mtnfaul4f CHU-D CARE 12 — *>l, ffoflt l\i.,,, AIV* ttfiMitli *(4*, ih^avftr ?l4 ttY» 1<»>I I( V,IMatmTO IllMH tMf 1 lift fit StklllR lIlft^IMt- tatlt|M|. Klllt r od Hdi I R rllaamt kn. In n S22Y Hair pir- Ittd W'l linXullfi M’M |ni«UK£1 k\ All ABI I NOW A l<* I all 1*2 hrdroom apart awtM« from *221 mo APARI MEN I LIVING CT.N ITR. Ml4Old 11a*Kf Road MS-0IR6 opm l(M» IROutn SHmii OR ftalk m.mopua 6 dillrtm, Sour plant lo chooar Irom P<w4 laundtt faedaff >4 hi oo-orr mam nvatucr mr m Saanma at S2M S«*n non and rr- carvr $100uTI S«p« f«n« 6RV2IOO I7WORAM M» t Him nt ii »i i MiooK ri \nn to IllfMfM IKI'U lltnilOIM IAMH I I WIN I \l \|«KN I \l II I I It A Sill | 11 | HI S 21 I IK l>\ MU MUM St VRI INI. \l «$>l t Ml TfOW inl-ft'nr. I :•*>*• III l \s\Bl \Ni \ VP \K I MINIS 8 hdrm. fum A un- )oin units. NPK I VI PRIVAIT BIOROOM IK>RM m VN 41IW titlrRr Mam MO-I4IS. Mh-OlilS. ISOuIn 1.2*1 hdim duplrsr-v - jlkina druamr hi tainput Rroi SIOO-SSiHI nnh a t2**l drpofH Brann lluplrsrs. TTO V*I1 IBItORUB k ASMR COCR I lunuft tnurpkra. tm fhultlr. Ion uo- himf f. d 2 himkt from .amput W tndham M411.1 ISM* m ton put. I AVOn. 16 don't let your business bomb. coll 845-2611 to advertise * The Battalion WASHINGTON (AP) — Tosh 1mluMr1.1l ami Aewage u.imca pollute most of the nation v cnaMal waters, ami the contamination will get worse without tighter |>ollutH»n controls and curb* on <na*tal dev rlo[>ment. a C maie environmental group \aid •dnesday “We need to Mop UAing our (Keans a* dumping grounds.” vaid Boh Adler, one of the authors of a report on coastal w ater roniamination. The repnn hv the Natural Rc- vourcrv Defence Coumil 'aid that while attention hav I<k uv-d on medi cal waste*, waching onto beadiec. shoreline noUution is much broadei and deva^ating with coastal water* in virtualU even tegton ul the roun- try contaminated hv bacteria, toxic chemicals, heaw metal*, and sewage overflow*. “Each year our factories dump mi les* than 5 Million gallons of waste- watet into coastal waters.” said thr report. entitled Ebb Tide for Pollut ion. “We Ihtfch another 2.3 trillion gal lons of sewage into them And even time it rains or snows, massive amounts of poisonous siilistames. including gasoline and pesticide*, are carried into the sea .is tunofl Irom our city streets and iat ms." The report, which examined a *a- neiv of <Kean |>olluiant*, suggested the trend toward growing coastal contaniiRatton will become worse in the P.iMfH without a national ellort to curb the llow of ioxk industrial chenticah. raw or inadequately treated a*wage and poisonous run offs IrontagiK ulfurr and urban cen ters. Sarah Chasis. anothet author ol the studs, said a (ombination of sep arate le^slatKHi hefote Congress (ould produce a turnamund il en acted into law . But she cotneded the fiattle against (Kean pollution could Ik* expenme — into the tens of bil lions of dollars — and also require c urbs on coastal development. “I don’t think we can pretend that its not going to cost.” she told a news conference The reviuices council said it had developed no precise cost figures, hut that juti the cost of improving sewage treatment facilities could lie $h billion toS 16 billion AImhm one-fourth of all sewage wastewater "is dumped directly into coastal waters" and mm h more is te- leased into rivers and eventuallv t eat lies the ocean, the report said i Medical waste on l»ea< he*, which attracted widespread attention last summer, continues m\ Ik* a problem, the report said Hostages (Continued from page 1) /one the Israeli* control just north ol the border. „ Five Israeli soldiers and a membei of the allied South Lebanon Army militia were repotted wounded. Trt Tuhrani Israel’s lootdinaior lor south l^hanon. said on Middle East Television the Israelis would re taliate. hut did not sav when or how. “Israel will deal with the Hezbol lah as it deals with all the otgam/a- ttons which threaten the normal life of the securitv zone,” he said. “Vio lence has two edge* and Israel will retaliate in one wav or another .. in due time, in a place it will choose.” Israeli commandos abducted Obrid, 33, and two aide* from the southern Lebanon village of Jibe hit on Julv 2H. Israel has offered to trade him and us estimated 306-400 Shiite prisoner* loi three Israeli sol diers held in Lelianoii and the West ern hostages “The Zionist enemy ha* suffered a bitter dismav because of his failure to achieve hi* objective* Imm the crime of alKluding Sheik Abdul Ka- nm Obeid." said a statement-issued hv the Hezbollah information cen ter “It is dear that things have back fired adversely on the enemv altri this fiKilish crime.” the statement said. "It has become impossible to re lease the Israeli P< >W* and all wavs for a jKissible swap have Ik-cii Worked “Moreover, the refusal ol the enemv to release Sheik < >beid and Im tw-o relatives, and hi* linkage ol the problem ol the Zionist IHlWs with that ol the hostages, might hurt the West and further complicate the hostage issue." The statement said “efforts for the release of the Western hostages in Lebanon are passing through their greatest setback liecause of the foolhardiness committed hv the rac ist Zionists who appear perfectly willing to sacrifice all others for theit selfish interests.' Hezbollah said die \\V<! should force Israel to lire Obeid. and de scribed Israel’s ( laiins about statements the cleric made undei in terrogation as “lalse and mislead- mg." Higgins' captors said the* hanged the L\S. Marine officer |ul* 31 in re taliation for ( )heid's alxluc tion UROtHIMIV VIROSIIMCKHIK rtM»..M2»> ♦ IRMIW4 | | 4 4hm It .hmI ituan 2 rn.! mMo '^IW* A|f||i iNrww tK* 11 \ iiimI . K.1 . ‘ v \\ ' N KM*s I ilkf \« v VjfHl fi*.l1-3t»ritl a lit 9 *» | MttfkM I! ll*Ms«ia Si»si4r« \s|ti.» I I ‘ POLICE BEAT RIC.IMTIli 1> i'llII IK AKI in im htNnr an* «•« Mon In. •.eri.-nd* n*n-2l'*i 1 he following mcidents were re ported to the Tniversit* Polwe l)e- |>artment between Aug. 2 and Aug. 7. ASSAl LI: • A light broke out at Olsen Field between two men after a liasehall game One man grabbed the other hv the licit w hile making derogatory statements, causing the jiursued to turn and strike the man in the face with a face mask. I he light was bro ken up hv AA.-M Athletic Dejiaii- ment Grounds-keepers. MISDEMEANOR THEF I: • Cash was stolen Irom the Ink ers of two students in the Reed Building • Three bicvcles were stolen from various IcKations around campus A hike stolen from Ball Street Apart- inents was recovered at Skaggs M- pha Beta • Two backpacks were stolen from the librarv. One was left unse cured. while the othet bac was taken as a student slept in the lounge OK the second floor. • A student’s teat tail light lens cover Irom his car was stolen while pai ked m parking area 51. • A rear license plate was stolen from a student's grav Chevrolet. • A Class of '8M nng that was re ported stolen, last week was recos-- creel hv a person Irom the Sea grav es Volunteer Fire Department. BURGLARY OF A MO I OR \ f- IIICI.E: • A student’s hac kpack was stolen Irom his unlocked car on |oe Routt Bottles ard. * Bl RGLARYOF A BUILDING: • Several tcnils were stolen from a loom in the Biological Virtues Building. DRIVINt; WHILE INTOXI CATED: • Alter responding to a traffic a( - ( idem on University Drise at Hous ton street, police found the driver to lie intoxicated I he student had a 10 percent blood altohol content and was incarcerated I he incident was referred to Student Affairs. PUBLIC INTOXICATION. POSSESSIC)N OF MAR11UAN A: • Officer* Slopped a vehicle fm a trafiic violation and lound the driver had warrants lor hi* arrest outstanding Irom the Brazos Counts Sherilts Oilier Alter searching the vehicle for weapons, several mari juana cigarette butts were found Both the driver and the passengef were charged with possession of marijuana, and the passenger was also charged with public intoxua- tion. Thursday ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: will meet at 6 p m For more tnformatior contact the COPE at 845 0280 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at noon For more information contact the COPE at845-0280 Friday STUDENTS OVER TRADITIONAL AGE (SOTA): will meet at noon tor a brown-bag lunch for Aggies With Kids'. For more information, contact Nancy Thompson at 845-1741. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: will meet at noon For more information contact the C O P E at 845-0280 Items for Whet s Op should be submtttea to The Battalion 216 Reed McDonald no later than three business days before the desired run date We onfy pubiisr the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us lo do so What s Up <s a Batta!»or service that ksts non-profit events and actnrtties Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served oasis There is no guarantee an entry wttf run If you nave Questions caO the newsroom at945-3315 •THE, GR£PE,Viim 201 Uva Oak Coliage Station, TX 77840 asMndLe Quints 696-3411 AM/PM Clinics a Minor Emergancias a General Medical Care e Weight Reduction Program 10% Student Discount with I.D. Card CLINICS 846-4756 3820 Texas (iwaf to Handy Bona) 693-0202 2305 Texas Ave S. I MX 779-4756 401 S. Texas (ZMiBTasaa) Courtyard Apartments Free Microwave with a 9 month lease •1 AIMIR1 R(KIM av>( HOI K MAIM I NAM I •SHUTTLE Bl S •VOLLEYBALL TENNIS A BASM IBAIt.tOt KIS •SPA( HH SI A?BII>R(M1M ARAM Ml M Siflat * attniMii •NPK I At MOM IN RATES • SWIMMING mot •HOT TUB •Cl l K R(M|S| 600 University Oaks 696-3391 N!AR< ORMROt HARVFA Kl> * S I AM IM .S HR HMIIMUSISI OAK BANK CarePlussi^fr Presents Roc, The Good Doc "You've absorbed too much sun!" Had too much fun in the tun? Roc, the Rood doc say* swim by UarcPIus Medical Center. They’ll soothe and heal your sunburn at well as recom mend an appropiate sunscreen for your next soak in the tun. And don't forget students faculty Ac staff receive a I03f discount at CarePlu* Medi cal ('enter. For any ailment from sunburn to heartburn, come to Care- Pluv Medical Center. CarePlus^rit I7H Southwest Parkwav •College Station. TX T7M0 Medical 6W^0bVl $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 S50 S50 $50 $50 US PAINFUL MUSCULAR INJURIES gg $50 Individual with recant lower back or neck pain, sprain, strains. $50 550 muscle spasms, or painful muscular sport injury to participate 550 550 in a one week research study $50 incentive for those chosen 550 550 to participate 550 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 »£ ASTHMA STUDY , OSS S 2 ® 0 Wanted: Individuals ages 12-70 with asthma to panic- ipate in a research study to evaluate asthma medica- 5200 tons $200 incentive for those chosen to participate. 3200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 MENSTRUAL CRAMP STUDY Wanted: Women, 18 years and older who suffer from men strual cramps. Monetary incentive for those chosen to partici pate CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 SALE SALE SALE SALE &ALE BALEAAlE ftALE SALE BALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE 3 Contact Lenses, £n<j* r* 4u 9*.f989? WHAT’S UP Only Quality Name Brands (Bausch & Lomb. Ciba. BameB-Hinds-Hydrocurve) ,00 $^00 pr •*STD CLEAR DAILY WEAR SOFT LENSES $ 99 00 $9900 pr*-STD EXTENDED WEAR SOFT LENSES pr *-STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES DAILY WEAR OR EXTENDED WEAR SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES Call 696-3754 For Appointment (CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. t DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY ’Ey* •xam not inctudad. Free care kit with exam and pair of I ^5 — 5 707 South Texaa Ave.. Sulla 1010 College Station, Taxas 77840 0, 1 Mock South of Taxas a UrwvOTBtty — - - SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE BALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE BALL 1