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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1989)
Battalion Classifieds Pages The Battalion. Thursday, July 20,1989 Death row inmate seeks reprieve from Clements GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS may be picked up beginning July 18 thru July 28. Student Programs Office Rm. 216 N, 9am-8pm M-F. i EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS will go on sale in the Student Finance. Rm. 217 Wednesday July 19. 8 a.m. First Come-First Serve HUNTSVILLE (AP) — Hanrv Earvin, who faces execution next week for an east T exas slaving 13 years ago. said Wednesday he wrote Gov. Bui Clements hoping to obtain a commutation Earvin, however, who also has written to his trial judge for a re prieve. said he is not optimistic the governor or any other elected offi cial will agree to his request “It’s rather remote.” he said Wednesday in an interview “No one has been given a reprieve so far You've got so many people in Texas who are in favor of capital punish ment. “You know how politicians are. They're not too anxious to make those moves that would jeopardize themselves " Clements has the authority to commute Earvin's sentence to life in prison, but has declined to do so in similar capnai cases. Earvin, 31, a Houston native who had lived and worked in Lufkin about a year, was convicted of the Dei . 7. 1976 robbery and slaving of Ertis Brock, a 76-year-old service station attendant Earvin is scheduled to receive le thal injection after midnight Julv 26 He would betome the 32nd inmate Wr but wHI grind mcd lurmiurr Xatgawi Pl» r Aitom fromCXkfccaOil M6-I4TC I7IKWAK • A ♦ tarsi PLUS is now interviewing • new instructors for Fall 89. We have openings In these areas: • Bartending • Oil Painting • Crochet • Resume Writing • Interviewing • Massage • • Self Defense • Landscaping • Mexican Cooking • Chinese Cooking • Italian Cooking • Basics of Cooking • Financial Planning • Buy/Sell A Home • Buy A Car • Stereo Selection • Star Watching And Many More.... Do yon have a new course Idea ? Call us 0 845-1631 . ..—i —. . i ...I ScMnukt’, m nm Murptmg appluatiorw lor pi and 1*1 dull, Appt* m pmnn onh hrifrrn >-S p rnl?Srt>7'iS Vlaturr uudmi <«Hip*r to managr tmall apt. omplrara. Send rmpimmrnt (moo, to I vV) Walton Or C S, TX TTMOo. nHMIMMWS IIMipni I7W07T0 Cmvrrwit Phn nerd, uudmi km u«b good woodmu king tkdK Auplt SkS MM ItatrtMm it rail cenm* Sm Watnror Oana MVI6SI 17IV07"TO NUDFX) IMMEXHAI ELY: Icmporarr mainrenamr i to* apanmrm cnmplrart I all M6-M IS or M*k 17310711 Riding HorMs ♦or rent. Sandy Point Rd (By Lulac Hall) Call Rudy 779-7052 or pager# 775-1462 anytime. TSVITO Cotton Village Apts. Snook. TX. 1 Bdrm. $200.2 Bdrm $248 Rental assistance available' Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 * X I'v h. IV, an Kmdl 4 iilexrt i mm Itom kkrM Oprmrv firrploce. fonmf u d ,onn , \tra ooiagr Nno prolratinj. Wtndhatn AlH-lVM I74rrln U/IW* dupfamr, 14 4 rtudrd Lou uidorn A MX-4M4 On •huitlr Wbl) m- ram a, ailahir t Mkt MMX WALK TO CLASS, t Bdrm . I Hath Apt tmall cam pln.tSIO * Mk.6W-7TM> ITltOTTf, SKIN INFECTION STUDY Q & S Studies. Inc « participating in a study on acuta skm infection If you have one of me following conditions call G & S Studies Eligible volunteers will be compensated IPTSCtBO dnsiots infect00 cuts * mteded boils * infected scrapes • infected insect bites (“road rash") G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 tbh si 1971V W B«IV Wl.onn m« . g<rid <nndMM,n tl.V»» or hntoHrt CaUtMI4-2y7» I74r07'f7 SITN Cl NA AS DEMONS) X A LEU B> I \W IN- M>R< LMIM onII IMS n m S m ) ».•*, s \n I74tl)7'*0 H6 NINJA MN) RID Wlim SI l I $1 WR* OBO OOOeCONDn ION *?S 11*1 (2l4)5i»l 4421 I TOrOT 20 Yamaha 210 mmonttlr urth trunk, nnlt 7700 mi $400 SOI-1142 I71r07^1 Mobdr hnmr. 2 bdrm I harh. t. d, lunmhrd I t«n md*» from tamput. (400I112-42IW Ilim07'2l labr nrt> btkr If, Trrk. grral crmdHuui. tuned (all 0SS-S4I7 I -VH72f> l‘)01 CBctt,4rt Z-2R 4 aniar«>- Whirr I 4np». tirrao. A>C $4100 774-4770 imaoT Vr, Are You Studying For Last Year's LSAT? H you rg not taking Stanlr>’ H Kaplan to prrparv for the .vrw LSAT you could hr wasting your timr studying for an rxam that's already outdated That t because unlike most test prep companies, our research department acts on krst changes before others even know they enst And with Kaplan you II benefit from our 50 years ot experience small dosses and superior teaching methods So when it comes to preparing tor the new LSAT, study with the one test prep company that always does its homework f STANLEY H. KAPLAN » Take Kaplan Or Take \bur Chances Give us a call at 696-PREP l Pf The Battalion PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar ten donitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel Previous diagnoses welcome Eligible volunteers will be com pensated GAS Studies, Inc. (dose to campus) 846-5933 UN ntt dolbll rm . mSTfr IRItfh TYPING- WtlRD ISUX 1SMM*. fVnmvd litmonrv LmrRrrw IVntruimnl Rrsukt- 7B4-291I I7MM.I0 Exornsamdl Cai 272-5S4* Wbtanan du bbnrt mcank bar ram. Number One in Aggieland to hr executed since the state re turned capital punishment in 1982 and the third this year. Attorney General Jim Mattox has listed Earvin's as the most likeh of several executions now scheduled. Earvin was 18 and had just lost his job at a Lufkin factory when authori ties say he and a 15-vear-old girlf riend held up Brock, who was carry ing cash bags from the station to his car. Brock was shot in the chest with a shot gun as he reached into his back pocket. Earvin, who said he thought the man was going for a gun, (led with none of the estimated $300 Brock was carry ing “I can't tell you how regretful I’ve been." he said. “I have mixed emotions about it.” he said of his possible death “It ihanges from moment to moment. I'm not trying to justify anything. I guess everybody would like to be re membered light " in a most favorable Earvin was described at the time of his trial as remorseless and coc ky and allegedly joked about the slav ing He said Wednesday he is not the same person that arrived on death row 13 years ago. Satan (Continued from page 1) symbols on book covers and in pub lic places Nome mav also involve the mutila tion of animals, robbing graves, chanting and burning cancfles. “We often find these people tend to beat up on their families — par ents. grandparents and siblings.” Sloat said. “Mans of these kids have all types of behavioral problems any time they get into a social situation " The six areas of concern in hea\ i metal music are: aggressive behav ior. explicit sex. fascination with the occult, inappropriate language, fas cination witn death and suicide and references to drug and alcohol use and abuse “In every case related to occult crimes, homicide and suicide, heavy metal music has been present 100 percent of the time and 1 have nevci seen an exception to that rule.” Sloai said. The five movements are sects, cults, witchcraft, paganism and sata- nism. he said. First, sects, can be organizations such as Catholic. Jewish and Mor mon. This movement includes anv groups who think alike, and gener ally c io not participate in criminal ac tivity. Cults, systems of religious or “ma- gikal” (this spelling represents the occult movement) beliefs. Included in this category are destructive reli- J jous cults, such as The Wav. Jim ones and God's Children. The witchcraft movement, which has mostly female followers, is based on a belief in a god or goddess. T he participants do not prac tice satamsm nor is murder a ritual, contrary to many television portrayals. Paganism, is the practice of worshiping Greek and Egyptian mythological gods, and followers oi satamsm are nevoted to the works of the devil. “When we talk about the occult movement, we're talking about groups that practice witchcraft, pa ganism and satanism blended toge ther," he said. Sloat discussed four types of oc cult groups —dabblers, self-stvled, unorthodox and religious. The dabbler group consists of ex perimenters. with ages ranging from eight to 75. Sloat said. “These people start reading books on the occult and listen to others talk about the occult.” he said. “Many high school and college students are involved in this particular movement.” These groups have little organiza tion, are loose in structure and don't have definite types of ceremonies or rituals. Sloat said alcohol and marijuana, also hallucinogens, tend to be the drugs of choice among dabblers Participants wear symbolic jew elry. burn candles and chant. Mahv sacrifice small animals such^ils cats and chickens, he said Many dabblers are involved in fantasy role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons. When dabblers' needs aren't satis fied after participating in all these activities, they graduate into the self- stvled category. Sloat said. Self-styled worshiping consists of rituals and ceremonies individuals or groups have designed to suit their needs. Unorthodox groups are the most unpredictable and dangerous ot all, he said.Many of these fmiups can also be self-stvled. depending on the leader. "They are well-organized and clandestine, making them difficult to identify bv law enforcement," Skiat said. Members are usually profession als such as ministers, doctors or po licemen. he said. “Thev use ‘breeders' to)pvr birth to children for sacrificial purposes," Sloat said. “Breeders are usually women who will have a child on the alter, either for sacrificial purposes or to be indoctrinated into the jroMp- most holy sacrifice to Satan is a newborn baby . This is because the baby has no sin and is pure in na ture. What they dd is cut the babv up, cannibalize it. drink the blood, eat the heart or other internal or gans while it is still warm in order to get the greatest amount of power They then burn the sacrifice and use the ashes in vanous other ceremo nies or rituals.” Sloan said some of the occultists collect knuckles, joints and fingers from the right hand to wear around ’ their necks at ceremonies. Various crimes committed bv these groups include kidnapping, sexual abuse, pornography, drug trafficking, child prostitution, bes tiality and"snuff films.” “A snuff film is where they bring somebody on camera, usually a voung person, involved in some type of explicit sexual activity,” he said. “A murder then lakes place. The bloodier the murder, the more money the snuff film will bring. The film is then sold on the black market for as much as $500,000.“ Sloat said the main reason people are involved in these unonnooox movements is for power, the ability to manipulate people, self-gratifica tion. money, sex and drugs. Charles Manson was involved in the unorthodox movement and committed as many as 200 murders in California. “Charlie was probably a member of every satank church in southern California.” Sloat said. "Many of the churches say he was there to just learn what he could so he could start his own self-stvled movement, which he called Helter Skelter.” _ Thursday MEXICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: will mMt at 8 p m m 112 Btockar to dn cuss student halpers tor a contoranca For mor* information caH 845-3618 TAMU ATARI USER GROUP will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 139 of the MSC to show and dwcuss new hardware and software products S.WJLP.: wtN meet at 8:30 p m. by Rudder Fountain to discuss condom storage and safety CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: wW meet at 6 15 p.m at St Mary s Student Center Friday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: wifl meet at noon. For more information contact the CD.P.E. at 845-0260 items tor Whet s Up should be submitted to The Battalion. 216 Reed McOoneld. no teter than three business days betore the desired run dele We only publish the name and phone number of (he contact if you ask us to do so. What 's Up is a Battakon service that lets non-prol* events and ectnites Submissions are nai on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry wifi run. If you have questions, call Ihs newsroom at845-3315 CLINICS AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies Weight Reduction Program 10% Discount With Student ID Minimal Waiting Time College Station 845-4756 693-0202 779-4756 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 g! PAINFUL MUSCULAR INJURIES ^ $50 Individual with recent lower back or neck pam. sprain, strains. $50 $50 muscJe spasms, or panful muscutar sport injury to participate $50 $50 In a one week research study $50 incentive for those chosen $50 $50 to participate . MO $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 £2 ASTHMA STUDY £3 $200 Wanted: Individuals ages 12-70 with asthma to partic- >300 gjjjj ipate in a research study to evaluate asthma medtea- l2oo tions. $200 incentive tor those chosen to participate $200 >200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 SALE! Uultf, 17-3.3 Open 24 Hours kinko's the copy center 201 College Main 846-8721 8 1/2“ x 11“ 20B white bond, auto-fed sheet*, at partxnpating I oca dona It’s Time! to reserve Your ad space IN the 1989-90 Texas A&M University Campus Directory. Call Today 845-2696 or 845-2697 UP BIG SAVINGS! Buy and Sell Through Classified Ads Call 845-2611