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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1988)
A ; t • ' HELP WATfTED 1 Word fVocrvnnu. rratorubir rim CiB Che- H*6»785. 68tl S/09 o« Pin-dmr Accoununt nrcdrd for Real Estate Firm. ,> *‘*er older uudem or graduate student Hours Drxi- Meed to be in CoMrgr Station area at least two more yrars. Send Resume to PO Boa 44SS Bryan. TX '780*. SBnfo Si'..lmts needed from Abilene. BrownsvtUr. Midland, ind Wichita Falh to observe safety belt use for the Inas Transportation Institute S days work. $100 mamaum iiav plus gas (all MS-S274 between 4».m anil Sp m for an interview 7St 12/9 Slilnldit's is now atieyMinK applHations for fuU-Unir dat pnsiiMiMs. \pplv in person <mlt between 2-5 pm ti«*tl2'09 Needed: I wo pait-tivie workers, bilingual preferred, with some accounting rspersemr Starts Jan 1 Sth •'lough tax season Contaci M'iNir Ramirei. 77S-8980 °67tl2/09 iwinrsnter In my home Mornings Beginning early 71,01/04 ! muary. $3 2Vhr 693-0738 M WESTER BREAK WORK Earn $l0 3(Vhr Cuar- nteed salars between semesters us Dallas El Worth '•rtroplei Full or part-time HeaMe hours (all (ti esro) 817-261-5820. 1-5 p m. only when you arrive '“os*. 7ltl2/09 ^ .<l«nt to sujiervise 10 yr old bov Dec I9-2I, IO- ,>m $l5.dav 846-6211. ‘ 72tl2V ( RVISESHIPS NOW HIRING FOR CHRIS1MAS. nest spring, ami summer breaks Mam positions Call |mi5) 682-75- 7555 eat S-1026 70(02/01 I’att time I rlemarketer needed for Finamul Advisor No eapersence Necessars No selling involved. Eacrl- h nt Pay 822-5550. 70,12/09 tlvnamK < •• in wlwilrsale electron as business n seeking IVserabet graduates m Industrial Dsstnbu- uon ami Business High energy, resuhs or wilted indi- iwluab reryuirrd with mu client organisational and com- i lunkafson skiHs Training w ill begin in an inssdg sells ,>>sitian w«h opponunates for advancement based on irmonstrated ablins (Qualified candidates must be ma- lure and demonstrate a professional image and ap- earance FHtemy in Spanish is a plus Respond with esume to: Echosphcre (asrp.. 4050 LaReumon Park way. DalUs. IX 75212 70tl2/09 • SERVICES $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 HEADACHE STUDY Do you have a headache? Earn $40. for a 4 hour at home study with currently available medications No blood drawn, no physical exams. Call today: Pauli Research International 776-0400 after 6 p.m. call 361-1302 40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion. burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing tor those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify . C jit .'null Research IntematkMsai 776-0400 $200 S 2 0 0 4200 $200 SORE THROAT Wanted: Individuals, 18-70 years okj, with sore throat pain, for 90 minute study to compare over- the-counter pain relief medication (no blood drawn). $40. incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 ^ $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser yet printing Pipers, resume, merge letters Rush servires 846-5755 181tfn STUDENT MOVERS MOVE CHEAP! EXPER1- ENCE. RELIABLE. FREE ESTIMATES 778-0420. 846-2429 71,12/09 Notes-N-(Quotes will tvpe sour term paper or resume Rush |ob» asailable 846-2255. 7102/09 SI l DENT TYPING— 20 sears exprnmee Fast, accu- tate. rrawsnable. guaranteed. 695-8557 50(01/17 Cal's Bods Shop-We do it nght the first tune! 823- 2610 S2ttfn H goose Butch (713)391 -4581 or Rands (713)591 -9552 56(01/02 personals' ADOPT: A BABY IS OUR DREAM I Happity married, financially successful couple hope you'll call collect. Legal. Expenses paid. Call Lynn & Martin collect. (212)362-6884. oanzoo ADOPT ION We are experienced, loving parents aeckitgl to adopt a newborn babv Our bole boy (abo adopted) will make a terrific big brother' Please call tolfo t Carole and Andv (9I9>49! oc advisor (802)235-2512 937995 or our 7ltl WOMEN NEEDED R A NEW LOW-OOSE ORAL CONTRA- prtVE PILL STUDY ELK3IBLEWOMEN RTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH JOY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: N oontraespevs tor 6 months mplsls physical XJdwortt — medtoal Bup—v*** 00 For inisers wdl be compwwf»d For more mtormefion ca*: GAS studies, Inc. fdoee to campus) All Bills Psldl •2 Bedroom 1 Vi Bath e On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool e On-site Maintenance e Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 BIX ofl Jersey • W. of Texes JSSL Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Cell 646-6678 or 774-0773 after 5pm. ^ sublease $265./mo spring. $125. 846-8091 Apts I SJmo. special 75,12/9 Why Drive' 2 bedroom, furnished duplex Near Cam pus *2S0/month 696-2594 H8tl2«9 In Bryan- Four Plei t Bdrm 1 Bath extra storxge/fire Dlxcr. celling Cut. new carpet Abo adnrablr 1 Bdrm rf naency Wvndham Mgmt 846-4384 57,dn Need to break lease 2 bdrm/2 bath studKi cm Dart mouth St. $420./month. 6932470. 71,12/09 ■ apart me srave. FREE 24 Gyms memherxhtp linther Creek Apu 846-6270 71112819 (aillegr Station duplex 2 Bdrm /1W Bath, washei- /dryet. $375Jino Ic utilitirs. shuttle bus 846-41 18 anv- dme. 67,01/11 !,’ Free Deposit 2/1 Apartment Great liKatmn SHL’T- Tli. $575 /mo 764-7621. 72,12/9 2 blocks tmm campus. North Ramparts Condos $280 to $555 846-1129 72,12/9 Female wanted to sublease duplex Your rent $l78Vmo Kim. 695-2955 70tl2/09 2BR/IBA Duplex. Fenced. Pets Okay. Bryan, $3IIE/mo . 846-4465. weekends 1-279-2967 66,01/17 I A 2 BR Fourplex (Nnrthgair). semester leases okav 846-4465 Weekends: 1-279-2967 A6t0|/|7 I, 2 A 5 Bedroom Duplexes Month To Month l^ase Walking Dbtance To Campus. From $157.50 To $247 50 r $200 deposit. 779- npus 5005 $250 Rent i 4-plex 779-500: deposit. 66(12/09 » ROOWWATE WAffTEP Male (non-student) has 2 Bdrm Apt 2 Mocks from TAME' $ 100 /mo (nut of $400./mo ) Native French or English Speakers prrfrrrd 8432631.846-3997 75,12/9 Roommates: own mom. share utilities. $200./mo Non- smokers, no pets 696-8765 71,128)9 Prefer lemalr. non-smoket. non-dnnkrr to share du plex $l62.54Vmo . Wutibucs 696-0751 70tl28» AGGIE ROOMIE WANTED Female to Inc in 2 bed room. 2 bath apartment For spring semrsirt Kent A elect not v around $225^mo No Deposits Please call 695-6491 72,12/9 • FOR LEASE Ann 695-0761 before 9a.m r 9a m • ANTKXJBSCEMENT DOLLARS FOR COLLEGE: Grants, loans, schol arships. deadlines approaching Applications invited, details FREE P O Box 4466. Dept. 2577 Charfoties- viUe. VA. 22905 (804)971-7635 ex, 2377 24 hours a day 66,01/11 • WANTED CAR POOL: Daily, Katy. TX. to College Station A re turn Student desires participants Begin Spring 1989 (715)5735052 Sandy 64tO|/|| • FOR SALE Need a one-way ticket from Denver to College Station? Jan. 12. $100 Call 696-3925 after 5 p.ra 7It 12/09 Honda XL 250R. 1986. 1000 miles, like new. $1620 774-0735 711128)9 Kenmore all-in-one washer/dryer, less than 2 vears old $565,774-0755 7 It 128)9 Rolex iitpirv plus other lanmuv brand wah h look likes (715)9736246 69ll28)» SONY 113 Watt receiver, cavsette. Bose 601 speakers. S923 776-051 l.eveningsonlv. 69,128)9 Graduating' Must sell 100 gallon fish tank A brand new KX-2M motorcross A furnishings 822-7924. 711123)9 ■87 Pontiac Ftrebtrd Black, loaded, excellent condition. $9500.oflrt 846-5545 74)128)9 PEUGEOT ALLOY Quxk release 12 speed. $150 o^.o.6932960, Ricky * 7ltl28)9 Hide-A Bed Couch, chair A foot-rest Excellent condi tion, must sell $100. Robert 6937817 71, Graduating Sensor Mum Sell: double bed. night-stand, dreswt. 5 x5' desk with bookcase and chair $400 (all William 764-1932 6802 09 '86 Yamaha Jog Moped basket and trunk $475 . Hide- a-bed $50.6931422 72,12/9 Macintosh SE. New 20MB Hard Disk, BOOK Floppy; Imagewtuer II Printer; some software included. $2500.774-0755 70028)9 CTENSIVE DRIVING. GOT * TRAFFIC TICItET? ET VOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! «»3im W9 W Parkway WBIX8W The Battalion 845-2611 -ta \ ! sTX Pag* 10 The Battalion . Friday, Dacambar 9,1988 Sites for smelter cut to two Copper plant supposedly headed to Texas City HOUSTON (AP) — Site selection for a inultimtllion-dollar copper smelter that will create hundreas of jobs has been narrowed to the Texas City-Houston Ship Channel area ana Uncle Sam, La., a Mitsubishi Metal Corp. consultant confirmed Thursday. Speculation has centered on Texas City as the final choice for the plant since a Louisiana state official Wednesday told a business seminar that the election of George Bush helped steer the Japanese company's decision. But the president of Mitsubishi’s U.S. subsidiary and consultant Thomas S. Mackey of Texas City- based Key Metals and Engineering said Thursday the final site has not been chosen. “We’ve narrowed it down to Texas and Louisiana,” said Mackey, who has served as a consultant to the project for mdre than three years. “Texas City is certainly one of the prime cities in the ship channel area, oecause it’s one of tne deep-water ports." The tiny Louisiana town of Uncle Sam is located on the Mississippi River, about midway between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Hiroshi Sakurai, president of the Tokyo corporation’s New York- based subsiaiary, said Thursday only that Texas City “may be" one of the final sites remaining from hundreds that had been considered for the plant. He said three sites remained as contenders for the plant, but Mackey said Baltimore recently had been eliminated from the competi tion. “We worked for about two years to squeeze down from over 1,000 lo cations to these three,” Sakurai said in a telephone interview from his New York office. “And also we graded the three and the place we found best suited is now under re view, but we have not made a final decision.” Izuma Sukekawa, project man ager for the copper plant and the Tokyo company’s general manager for metallurgy, was in Texas City on Thursday, but Mackey said he was not there to inspect any sites. "We’ve done all the site inspec tions months a^o,” Mackey said. “We’re now looking at the data, try ing to finalize a conclusion.” Sukekawa will recommend the best plant site to company officials in Tokyo, who will make a final deci sion “within weeks,” Sakurai said. Mackey said an announcement could be made by the end of the month. The copper smelter, estimated to cost between $200 million and $300 million, probably would employ 200 or more people and result indirectly in the creation of 100-200 jobs, Sa kurai said. Arnold Lincove, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Economic Development, caused a stir Wednes day when he told a business seminar that the company would locate its copper plant in the Houston area. And U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas said Thursday he is optimistic that Mitsubishi will announce plans Palestinians hold strike in honor of Gaza revolt GAZA CITY, Occupied Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli soldiers killed a teen-ager by shooting him in the heart, and the 1.5 million Palestin ians held a general strike in the occu pied lands Thursday, the first anni versary of their uprising. The death of Yussef Mohammed Sbaith, 17, raised the number of Pal estinians killed to at least 320 since the rebellion began Dec. 8, 1987, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. More than 7,000 Palestinians have been wounded, and 11 Israelis also have been slain. An army spokesman said Sbaith was shot in the heart when troops were stoned during a sweep in the West Bank village of Kafr Rai. Soldiers also wounded a 22-year- old woman in the leg after meeting “violent resistance" from stone throwing youths in Kafr Rai, said the spokesman, whose name cannot be revealed under army rules. Hospital officials said a 23-year- old man suffered head injuries from a beating by troopers. Army gunfire wounded six other Palestinians in Nablus, the West Bank’s largest city, and in Gaza City, Arab doctors said. One of those wounded m Nablus was a 14-year- old boy shot in the stomach, they said. Arab witnesses said two of the wounded were hit by bullets fired from the wirylow of a house the army used as a lookout post in the open-air Nablus market, the center of manv clashes between soldiers and Aran youths. Palestinians closed businesses and halted public transportation throughout the occupied territories. The underground leadership, which the Palestine Liberation Orga nization supports, called the strike for the anniversary of the revolt in the West Bank and Gaza, which Is rael captured from Jordan and Egypt in the 1967 Middle East war. Israeli military authorities put all eight Gaza Strip refugee camps un der curfew, confining more than 250,000 Palestinians to their homes. Throughout the coastal strip, Pal estinians erected road blocks and burned tires in sporadic acts of defi ance. About 20 Palestinian youths were seen lobbing rocks from a bar ricaded alley in Gaza City. by early next year to build the smelter in Texas City. Gramm said he had been in touch with the chairman of the board of Mitsubishi and the University of Texas over sale of property to the Japanese company. Ui holds con siderable property in the ship chan nel area, Mackey said. 4 The smelter would produce semi finished copper, known as “anode,” and primarily would be supplied by mining operations in Chile, Sakurai said. Mitsubishi already has invested in the mine, which is expected to start producing in 1992, he said. Sakurai said the cost of the plant would depend on whether Mitsubi shi would have to construct a ship ping facility or purchase property with a port already in place. Site selection for the plant also fo cused on proximity to markets for byproducts, such as sulfuric acid and non-hazardous slag, often used in roadbuilding and insulation, Mackev said. "We have to decide our final (plant) location within weeks, and tnen there is quite a lot of time nec essary to construct a plant,” Sakurai said. “It will take about two years, or maybe a little more, to have it oper ating.” Continuing recovery tops ’89 Gramm plan WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Phil Gramm says keeping Texas' economic recovery on track tops his agenda for 1989, but he's also plan ning to make the troubles facing ru ral hospitals “a major issue.” “The economic recovery in Texas started last year and I want to be sure we build on that,” Gramm said Thursday. “We’ve been picking up steam for the last two years,” he said. “But in the last four years we’ve not shared in the national prosperity because of problems in the oil industry, the fi nancial industry and real estate.” At the heart of his plans are a bi partisan proposal to bring stability to the oil industry, securing funding for a host of federal projects in Texas including the super collider, negotiations to open export markets and beginning work on creation of a free-trade zone with Mexico. He is also dealing with industries considering locating in Texas and is optimistic Mitsubishi Metals Corp. will announce plans by early next year to build a copper smelter in Texas City. He saia it would involve an invest ment of about $300 million and cre ate several hundred jobs. Gramm said he had been in touch with the chairman of the board of Mitsubishi and the University of Texas over sale of th$ property to the Japanese company. Gramm said he alos had been ne gotiating with many other industrial prospects but none was firm enough to announce. He is also considering giving up his seat on the Senate Armed Serv ices Committee to take a post on the Appropriations Committee. “It’s a tough decision,” Gramm said. "I’m really torn. I’m trying to sit down now and look at everything I need to work on related to Texas’ interests next year.” Gramm said virtually all spending decisions will be made oy the Appro priations Committee as it wresdes with the budget deficit, and he said he believes “it would give me an op portunity to do more things that are important to Texas.” Gramm said he would continue to press for funding of Sematech, a re search consortium of semiconductor companies in partnership with the Defense Department. He is also seeking $50 million for final construction of Navy home- ports in Corpus Christi and Galves ton, and anticipates some “heavy lift ing” in convincing Congress to authorize the initial construction money for the $4.4 billion super col lider atom smasher, which would be built in Waxahachie. He also hopes to bring other na tions into a super collider consor tium. including Japan and the Euro pean Community. If President-elect Bush decides to deploy MX missies with a rail garri son, Gramm said h<9 will push for Dyess Air Force Base to be chpsen as the garrison site. Gramm is also planning a series of seminars in Texas dealing with the troubles of rural hospitals “to be sure the federal government under stands the problem and understands our perspiective on the problem. I in tend to make that a major issue next year.” Twenty Texas hospitals have failed this year, another 17 closed in 1987, and there were 18 failures in 1986, according to the Texas Hospi- tal Association. About half were in rural areas. "We’ve got to come up with a fairer way of reimbursing (these hos- f iitals) to prevent these hospitals rom closing,”•Gramm said. Rural hospital officials say one of their biggest problems is that they are reimbursed less for Medicare pa tients than their urban counterparts. More affiliation between urban medical centers and rural hospitals could be part of the solution. Gramm said. Other priorities include the sav ings and loan crisis, cleaning up pol lution of the Rio Grande with a tar- f ;eted appropriation of $8 million or sewage disposal facilities at La redo and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, site of the worst pollution of raw sewage into the river. He said he also wants to make the Gulf of Mexico a protected area from ocean dumping and pollution. Diarrhea kills 500 kids annually in U.S. A health CHICAGO (AP) problem that many Americans may regard as only distressing — diar rhea — is fatal to 500 U.S. children each year, most of whom could probably be saved, researchers said Thursday. Diarrhea is a known major cause of childhood deaths in developing countries, but such deaths are gener ally thought to be relatively uncom mon in more economically advanced nations, the researchers said. But new research suggests that di arrhea accounts for 10 percent of all preventable deaths in U.S. young sters ages 1 month to 4 years old, said Dr. Mei-Shang Ho of the Na tional Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. "The key here is early treatment,” Ho said in a telephone interview Thursday. Diarrhea is life-threatening when it causes severe loss of fluids and electrolytes — body salts such as so dium and potassium — that are nec essary for normal functioning of nerves and muscles, including the heart. Ho said. Lost fluids need to be replaced with electrolyte solutions containing glucose, a form of sugar, she said. The solutions can bej bought ready- to-drink at grocery ir^ehug stores without prescriptions^Srie said. \ Infants who can’t keep the fluids down or who lose more than they keep need to be taken to a doctor. Ho said. OPEN 24 HOURS AGGIE SURVIVAL KIT Let Pizza Hut help you thru those last 2 weeks of school! PIZZA HUT NORTHGATE AND DELIVERY SERVICE JZL FIRST + AID OPEN 24 HOURS FOR FINALS STARTING DECEMBER 5 CALL 693-9393 Offer Good November 28-Oecomber 16 No Coupon Roquirod