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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1988)
Battalion Classifieds ■ MM- - i.,.., | III. !■,! Page 8 The Battalion Thursday, December 1,1988 Workers stand in line for amnesty benefits *;H£LP HELP WANTED NEED STUDENTS TO WORK A BROADWAY SHOW ON DECEMBER 7th. IF INTERESTED CONTACT RUDDER THEATRE COMPLEX AT 845-8903 OR COME BY ROOM 107 OF RUDDER. „ CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING FOR CHRISTMAS, next spring and summer breaks. Many positions. Call (805)682-7555 Ext.S-1026. 52112/02 Sublease 2 Bdrm./l V2 Bath. With enclosed patio 8c stor age rm., electric appliances, fireplace, pool. Across from Tx Hall of Fame. $365./mo. 823-0194. 67t 12//7 College Station duplex - 2 Bdrm./lBath, washer- /dryer, $375./mo. 8c utilities, shuttle bus.* 846-4118 any time. 67t01/ll National Marketing Firm seeks ambitious junior, se nior, or graduate student to manage on-campus pro motions for top national companies. Flexible hours with earnings potential at $2500. Call Lisanne or Myra at 1-800-592-2121. 67tl2/01 2BR/1BA Duplex, Fenced, Pets Okay, Bryan, $310./mo., 846-4465, weekends: 1-279-2967. 66t01/17 1 & 2 BR Fourplex (Northgate), semester leases okay. 846-4465. Weekends: 1-279-2967. 66t01/17 Needed: Two part-time workers, bilingual preferred, with some accounting experience. Starts Jan. 15th through tax season. Contact Willie Ramirez, 775-8980. 67t 12/09 1, 2 8c 3 Bedroom Duplexes Month To Month Lease. Walking Distance To Campus. From $157.50 To $247.50. $200. deposit. 779-3003. 66t 12/09 Waitresses, needed immediately at Yesterday’s. Apply 11:30 - 2 p.m. 4421 S. Texas Ave. Will train. 67t 12/02 Part-Time Jewelry Sales. Must be able to work until De cember 24. Experience preferred but not necessary. Speak to Dorothy or Randy. Texas Coin Exchange 404 University. College Station. 66112/02 Part-time Accountant needed for Real Estate Firm. Prefer older student or graduate student. Hours flexi ble. Need to be in College Station area at least two more vears. Send Resume to P.O. Box 4453 Bryan, TX 77805. 58ttfn Teacher’s Aid for Montessori pre-school kindergarten w/ability to speak & teach Spanish or French. Part-time. 779-0290. 63t 12/09 • NOTICE WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G & S studies, inc. WORLD ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK! Needs Sales Manager/Producer to conduct local promotions for na tionally televised productions. Call (214)241-2375. fiRt12/01 STUDENT DIRECTORIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! Bring your Fall ‘88 fee slip to Rm. 230 in the Reed McDonald Bldg, between 8-5 , 3 49ttfn DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 69S-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26t 12/09 « ; fOURENT 2 Bedroom 4-plex 5 min. From A&M. $150. deposit, $250. Rent 779-3003. 66t 12/09 In Bryan- Four Plex 2 Bdrm 1 Bath extra storage/fire place, ceiling fan, new carpet. Also adorable 1 Bdrm ef ficiency. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 57ttfn Spring Term. Large one Bedroom Apartment. $295. month. Call 764-6902. 64U2/02 2 Bdrm studio. Ceiling fan, appliances, pool, shuttle. $360-$385/mo. Glade East. 696-9669. 58t 12/07 * MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED - Spring 8c Summer. Great Condo! Private bedroom, fireplace, w/d, pool, shuttle & more! $21 1 ./mo. plus bills. 696-6600, Brad. 67t 12/07 Visiting female artist seeks apartment in B/CS to share during Spring Semester. 845-0206. 8-5 daytime. 65t 12/05 # FOR LEASE rnrnimmmmmmmmmsKmmmmmmmmmmmmmimwn ■mrimrii 1 Bdrm. apt., Lincoln Square, $290. Sublease for Spring Semester. 764-7427. 67t 12/07 $45. off regular monthly rent: Very nice one bedroom studio, washer-dryer connections, frost-free refrigera tor, walk-in closets, more. Will sublease for $300. Eve nings: 846-4629. 67t 12/07 Female needed to sublease-no deposit, spring 8c sum mer 1989. 693-2656 Kathie. 66t 12/02 ADOPT: A BABY IS OUR DREAM! Happily married, financially successful couple hope you’ll call collect. Legal. Expenses paid. Call Lynn & Martin collect. (212)362-6884. 64112/09 • ANNOUNCEMENT DOLLARS FOR COLLEGE: Grants, loans, schol arships. deadlines approaching. Applications invited, details FREE. P.O. Box 4466. Dept. 2377 Charlottes ville. VA. 22905. (804)971-7633 ext. 2377 24 hours a day. 66t01/1 I * ■ CAR POOL: Daily, Katy, TX. to College Station 8c re turn. Student desires participants. Begin Spring 1989. (713)578-5032. Sandy. 64t01/ll All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1V 2 Bath • On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas 166tfn Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Cali 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. ♦ FOR SALE CHOOSE THE FRIGE OF YOUR BOOKS INSTEAD OK PAYING HIGH BOOKS FORE PRICES! FOR MORE INFO CALL. THE STUDENT BOOK EX CHANGE AT NOTE 'N QUOTES, 846-2255. 66t 12/06 1979 CAMARO LOADED LOW MILEAGE. S2500. ARCHIE 260-2875. EXCELLENT CONDITION. 66t12/06 Apple lie computer. All accessories, printer, modern, monitor, disks. Must sell. 693-0830. 67tl2/07 Honda Express SR Moped $200. or best offer. 693- 9174. After 5:00p.m. 64U2/01 83 Honda Nighlilawk 450, looks good, runs good, new seat $950. Robert 846-9366. 64t 12/02 Airplane Ticket Nashville to Houston. Dec. 15 thru Dec. 19. Call Nancy (615)758-5004 for information. 65t 12/05 • SERVICES $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. , Call .'aull Research Internatloiia* 776-0400 $200 $200 $200 $200 SORE THROAT Wanted: Individuals, 18-70 years old, with sore throat pain, for 90 minute study to compare over- the-counter pain relief medication (no blood drawn). $40. incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 54ttfn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40$40 $40 $40 $40 Are you suffering from a TENSION HEADACHE?? Call To see if you qualify for a medication survey. $40 financial incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776 - 0400 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 ESSAYS & REPORTS 16^278 to choose from—all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD WRMm 800-351-0222 in Calif. (213) 477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels WORD PROCESSING — papers, resumes, thesis, dis sertations. Rush services. Call 822-2118. 67tI2/01 Motorcycle and scooter storage for Christmas. Call University Cycle. 696-8222. 67t 12/08 Typing, Research papers, Reports, Education Units, etc. Near campus. 696-0914. 67U2/07 Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 823-3348. 67t01/31 Cal’s Body Shop-We do it right the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttfn TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33t 12/07 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, 7days a week. 776-4013. reliable. Word Processor. 27tl2/07 Duck, goose & pheasant day hunts. Katy area. Call Butch (713)391-4381 or Randy (713)391-9332. 56t01/02 TEXSERV TEACHER PLACEMENT SERVICE-6801 Sanger Avenue. # 108 Waco, TX 76710. 817-776-6175. 59t 12/02 Typing--589-2793 $1.50 per page double-spaced $2.00 rush jobs. . 64t 12/08 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn STUDEN T TYPING— 20 years experience. Fast, accu rate, reasonable, guaranteed, 693-8537. 50t01/17 • GARAGE SALE Multi-family, Sat. Dec. 3rd, 8:30-noon, Married Stu dent Apartments Council Room, beside garage. 67t 12/02 AUSTIN (AP) — Texas agricultu ral workers seeking amnesty under the landmark immigration reform act on Wednesday were lining up outside processing centers in num bers surpassing some projections, with a midnight deadline looming. Immigration and Naturalization Service centers were working around the clock with beefed-up staffing and extra shifts. Though the farm workers’ appli cation process was not as hectic as during the general amnesty pro gram that ended May 4, Immigra tion and Naturalization Service offi cials said the pace has been increasing since last week. “We’ve been increasing from around 400 last Wednesday to a peak of about 1,200 in line at one time yesterday,” Richard Rios, direc tor of the Houston INS legalization center, said Wednesday. “It looped all the way around a square block. The tail met the beginning of the line.” Rios said that, by midnight, about 1,500 people should have visited the Houston center within 24 hours. At the Arlington INS office, the crush of illegal immigrants was so large that those arriving at 5 a.m. Tuesday had to wait until noon merely to turn in their application and pay their filing fee, a process of less than three minutes per applica tion. “It’s been a steady increase (in ap plications),” said Paul Reece, INS deputy chief legalization officer, act ing as the center’s director. “There’s been no big jump in the numbers, (but) as the time draws nearer, it’s in creasing.” The center has been the busiest of Texas’ nine amnesty offices, with more than 25,000 applications of 110,000 statewide from immigrants who claim to have experience in ag riculture, Reece said. Officials said “special agricultural worker” program standards are more lenient than the general am nesty program. Both plans are one time offers that allow immigrants to gain legal residency, now a require ment for holding a job in the U.S. In San Antonio, some farmers who are bringing their workers to the legalization center said the am nesty program will help deplete the migrant labor force. “These kinds of permits are not doing us a damn bit of good,” Mar- garito Rodriguez said. Rodriguez, who raises peanuts and cattle near Charlotte, said the program is damaging because work ers who are granted amnesty will not have to continue working in the fields. Instead, they will leave the farms with their work authorizations in hand and seek higher paying) elsewhere. He said they will be forced lot illegal aliens because theycannoi ford to pay as much asotherlafe intensive industries, such as a struction. About 350 people applied aij El Paso legalization center bymM, ternoon Wednesday. “1 do bef- we will go over 400,” legalize center director Henry McGel said . Supreme Couri rules for HLP in accident case AUSTIN (AP) — The Texas Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that Houston Lighting & Power was not liable in an inci dent in which a youth lost both legs and his right arm after touching an electrical power line with a tent pole. The 5-4 decision reversed ear lier trial court and appeals court decisions, which ordered HL&P to pay Carl David Reynolds $3.7 million for injuries he received. The ruling was praised by HL&P, but blasted by Reynolds’ attorney, Geep Hardy III, who said the court has shown it is more interested in protecting business rather than the public. “If the utility company does not have the duty to warn or edu cate the public of the danger of their installations who does have that duty?” Hardy asked. But a spokeswoman for HL&P said the utility does warn the pub lic about the danger of the lines. “We have a safety program dealing with power lines as well as nthfr electrical safety issues that is probably the most extensiveir, the United States,” said GeriKo- nigsberg. “Of course we sympathize will the young man’s plight and his in jury,” she said. “But wedon'tfed that HL&P, or its ratepayers I should bear the responsibilityfoi what resulted from his act.” On July 26, 1980, Reynolds, who was 16 at the lime, coupled eight 3-foot aluminum tent poles together and touched a high ten sion line that ran above his neigl hors’ backyard. The line carried 35,000 voltsof electricity. He was knocked unconsdous and his clothing caught fire burn ing him over most of his bodv. Doctors said he was lucky to have survived. Writing for the majority,Jus tice Eugene Cook said HL&Pdid not have a duty to warn aboutthe danger of contacting a power line, because the utility had con structed the line in accordance with national standards. Bentsen says supercollider will be difficult to pay for WASHINGTON (AP) — Round ing up the money in Congress to pay for the super collider will be exceed ingly difficult, especially now that only Texas is leading the fight for the $4.4 billion atom smasher, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen said Wednesday. “It’s going to be uphill and tough, and particularly now because it’s just one state, whereas we had seven states working on it before,” Bent sen, chairman of the influential Sen ate Finance Committee, told a group of Texas reporters in Washington. Even when seven states were can didates for the potentially lucrative physics project, Congress was ad amant about financing the super col lider, voting earlier this year to give it $100 million — less than one-third of President Reagan’s request for $363 million — and decreeing none of the money could be spent on con struction. And now that a site in Ellis County has been chosen by the Energy De- E artment for the super collider, at :ast one member of Congress from a state that lost its bid to host the project is questioning the feasibility of finding enough construction money. It is expected to cost $4.4 bil lion, and to create thousands of con struction and scientificjobs. Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., said last week that the superconducting super collider was in trouble and would likely be doomed by budget constraints and opposition from oth ers in the scientific community. “And quite honestly, the way the “Funds are going to be\ hard to come by. We may not get full funding for the super collider the First year . . . but we can move it forward in some accep table manner. ” —Jake Pickle program has been set up, the conse quences are that there’s really very limited support outside of one par ticular state,” Dingell, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said. “I haven’t said it’s going to go down the drain, but it’s in serious difficulty.” He said it stood a chance of one or two in 10 of ever being built. Dingell and four other Michigan congressmen asked the General Ac counting Office on Monday to inves tigate the fairness of the Energy De partment’s choice to locate the project on farmland south onfii liachie. Senators from Michiganandsd of the other losing states havtil asked President Reagan toappofl special commission to investigate! Energy Department’s choice! Texas over sites in Michigan,! nois, Arizona, Colorado, NorthC olina and Tennessee. Rep. Jake Pickle, an AustinDfi crat and a member of the Ha I Ways and Means Committee,aji with Bentsen that Texas willta fight on its hands nailing dow! super collider funds. e going to be hard to comeW may not get full funding fortlid per collider the first year..,l)»l can move it forward in some a® table manner,” Pickle saidTidi 1 Pickle told the Austin Chamto Commerce that a crucial ingreii for success will be support (« President-elect George Bush, “Bush has got to support in push it. They (the Reagan adtf traton) are the ones that created They’ve got to say it's a pri® They’ve got to depend on did publicans (in Congress) to them. We in Texas, we’ve $ strong-arm some other votes,”h' said. G*I*F*T*S G ive a tasteful gift from POP-abilities. Our popcorn is perfect for any ocassion ... or for noocassion at all. Choose from a wide selection of decorated tins filled with your favorite flavor of popcorn. Now with two locations, we can serve your popcorn and gift needs even belter. Come by and v isit the location that's most convenient—or call us and we ll be happy to deliver vour selection! L 268-4001 3737 East 29th Street, Bryan, Texas 77802 693-2409 315B Dominik Drive, College Station, Texas 77840 L.S. Emerging Leaders Seminar "The Freshman Advantage Applications available in the Student Activities Office. 208 Pavilion, 845-1133 Deadline: December 12,19® 8 No r For the p sons, I have I write stories players in th sons that I h fan (not com Though I game in pers Baylor 0 at estly say tha and this pro more than - earth since S I mean, a to live and a special, and been very sp There has football pla Crow, who i Trophy and reer in th League. I listenei watched on was an All-A and an All-P dinals, never would be liki Well, I lu and have b story or two Tc vs •Time: Tin •Where: K) •Tickets: Si •Aggies: A 28-24 on Tl •Alabama: lost to Aubt •Records: Alabama is •Media: E! game natioi on play-by-j comment ar gie Radio N wiht Dave 5 and Jay Hoi