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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1988)
I Battalion Classifieds • HELP WANTED HELP WANTED NEED STUDENTS TO WORK A BROADWAY SHOW ON DECEMBER 7th. IF INTERESTED CONTACT RUDDER THEATRE COMPLEX AT 845-8903 OR COME BY ROOM 107 OF RUDDER. BURGER KING Now Hiring Shifts available during the following times: 5a.m.-11a.m. 11:00a.m.-4:30p.m. 4:30p.m.-8:30p.m. 8:30p.m.-4:00a.m. Apply in person between 2:30p.m.-4:30p.m. 1719 Texas Ave. Culpepper Plaza CRUISESHIPS NOW HIRING FOR CHRISTMAS, next spring and summer breaks. Many positions. Call (805)682-7555 Ext. S-1026. 52t12/02 Part-T ime Jewelry Sales. Must be able to work until De cember 24. Experience preferred but not necessary. Speak to Dorothy or Randy. Texas Coin Exchange 404 University. College Station. 66t 12/02 ♦ FORREKT All Bills Paid! •2 Bedroom 1 Vz Bath • On Shuttle • Tennis • Pool • On-site Maintenance • Close to campus Rent Starts at $409 SCANDIA 693-6505 401 Anderson 1 Blk. off Jersey - W. of Texas 166tfn Cotton Village Apts., Snook, Tx. 1 Bdrm,; $200 2 Bdrm.; $248 Rental assistance available! Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5pm. 4ti 2BR/1BA Duplex, Fenced, Pets Okay, Bryan, $310./mo., 846-4465, weekends: 1-279-2967. 66t01/17 1 & 2 BR Fourplex (Northgate), semester leases okay. 846-4465. Weekends: 1-279-2967. 66t01/17 Part-time Accountant needed for Real Estate Firm. Prefer older student or graduate student. Hours flexi ble. Need to be in College Station area at least two more years. Send Resume to P.O. Box 4453 Bryan, TX 77805. 58ttfn 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Duplexes Month To Month Lease. Walking Distance To Campus. From $157.50 To $247.50. $200. deposit. 779-3003. 66U2/09 2 Bedroom 4-plex 5 min. From A&M. $150. deposit, $250. Rent 779-3003. 66t 12/09 Teacher’s Aid for Montessori pre-school kindergarten w/ability to speak & teach Spanish or French. Part-time. 779-0290. 63t 12/09 • Nonce RECORD STORE CHOICES MAILORDER PRICES Original Artist & Labels Records & Cassettes $9.98 Compact Disks $22.96 (Plus $3. Ship & Handling) Catalog + 20 Coupons for 2 for 1 prices No expiration Date: Satisfaction Guar anteed Send only $12. to: AK&M P.O. Box 447 College Station, TX 77841 Fundraising information avaiable ‘Great Christmas Gift!’ WOMEN NEEDED FOR A NEW LOW-DOSE ORAL CONTRA CEPTIVE PILL STUDY. ELIGIBLEWOMEN PARTICIPATING IN THE 6 MONTH STUDY WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING FREE: •oral contraceptives for 6 months •complete physical •blood work •pap smear •close medical supervision Volunteers will be compensated. For more information call: 846-5933 G & S studies, inc. (close to campus) WORLD ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK! Needs Sales Manager/Producer to conduct local promotions for na tionally televised productions. Call (214)241-2375. 65t12/01 STUDENT DIRECTORIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! Bring your Fall ‘88 fee slip to Rm. 230 in the Reed McDonald Bldg, between 8-5 w 49nfn DEFENSIVE DRIVING, GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET? GET YOUR TICKET DISMISSED?! 693-1322. 909 S.W.Parkway. 26t 12/09 Spring Term. Large one Bedroom Apartment. $295. month. Call 764-6902. 64t 12/02 In Bryan- Four Flex 2 Bdrm 1 Bath extra storage/fire place, ceiling fan, new carpet. Also adorable 1 Bdrm ef ficiency. Wyndham Mgmt. 846-4384. 57ttfn HELP ME GET OUT OF MY LEASE! FREE $200. DEPOSIT! 2 Bdrm/1 Bath $210. a month. Mike 823- 2666. 64t 12/02 2 Bdrm studio. Ceiling fan, appliances, pool, shuttle. $360-$385/mo. Glade East. 696-9669. 58t 12/07 * ROOMMATE WANTED Visiting female artist seeks apartment in B/CS to share during Spring Semester. 845-0206. 8-5 daytime. 65t 12/05 * PERSONALS ADOPT: A BABY IS OUR DREAM! Happily married, financially successful couple hope you’ll call collect. Legal. Expenses paid. Call Lynn & Martin collect. (212)362-6884. 64U2/09 III FOR LEASE Female needed to sublease-no deposit, spring & sum- mer 1989. 693-2656 Kathie. 66t 12/02 HI ANNCKINCEMENT DOLLARS FOR COLLEGE: Grants, loans, schol arships, deadlines approaching. Applications invited, details FREE. P.O. Box 4466, Dept. 2377 Charlottes ville, VA. 22905. (804)971-7633 ext. 2377 24 hours a day. 66t01/l 1 * WANTED mmmmmrntjmmmmmmmmimmmmmimmmK CAR POOL: Daily, Katy, TX. to College Station & re turn. Student desires participants. Begin Spring 1989. (713)578-5032. Sandy. 64t01/ll • FOR SALE CHOOSE THE PRICE OE YOUR BOOKS INSTEAD OK PAYING HIGH BOOKSTORE PRICES! FOR MORE INFO CALI. THE STUDENT BOOK EX CHANGE AT NOTE ‘N QUOTES, 846-2255. 66t 12/06 1979 CAMARO LOADED LOW MILEAGE. $2500. ARCHIE 260-2875. EXCELLENT CONDITION. 66t 12/06 • FORSALE Toyota Corolla 78 Good Condition. Must Sell! $950. Pablo 696-3688. 66t 11/30 Honda Express SR Moped $200. or best offer. 693- 9174. After 5:00p.m. 64tl2/01 83 Honda NightHawk 450, looks good, runs good, new seat $950. Robert 846-9366. 64t 12/02 Apple He computer, Epson printer, disk drive, $600. Senior- must sell. 268-5896. 61tll/30 1986 Honda Elite moped, 1500 miles. $650. Runs like new! Senior- must sell. 268-5896. 61tl 1/30 Airplane Ticket Nashville to Houston. Dec. 15 thru Dec. 19. Call Nancy (615)758-5004 for information. 65t 12/05 * SERVICES $200 $200 $200 $200 URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY Do you experience frequent urina tion, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE Urinary Tract In fection Testing for those willing to participate in a 2 week study. $200 incentive for those who qualify. , Cal! r’aull Research International 776-0400 $200 $200 $200 $200 SORE THROAT Wanted: Individuals, 18-70 years old, with sore throat pain, for 90 minute study to compare over- the-counter pain relief medication (no blood drawn). $40. incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 54ttfn $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40$40 $40 $40 $40 Are you suffering from a TENSION HEADACHE?? Call To see if you qualify for a medication survey. $40 financial incentive for those chosen to participate. CALL PAULL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 776-0400 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 ESSAYS & REPORTS 1<L278 to choose from—all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD msssm 800-351-0222 in Calif. (213)477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Essays & Reports 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-SN, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Custom research also available—all levels Cal’s Body Shop-We do it right the first time! 823- 2610. 32ttfn TYPING—WORD PROCESSING—REASONABLE RATES—BEST SERVICE IN TOWN. 764-2931 33t 12/07 TEXSERV TEACHER PLACEMENT SERVICE-6801 Sanger Avenue, #108 Waco, TX 76710. 817-776-6175. 59t 12/02 Typing—589-2793 $1.50 per page double-spaced $2.00 rush jobs. 64t 12/08 Typing: Accurate, 95wpm, reliable. Word Processor. 7days a week. 776-4013. 27tl2/07 Duck, goose & pheasant day hunts. Katy area. Call Butch (713)391-4381 or Randy (713)391 -9332. 56t01/02 ON THE DOUBLE Professional Word Processing, laser jet printing. Papers, resume, merge letters. Rush services. 846-3755. 181tfn STUDENT TYPING— 20 years experience. Fast, accu rate, reasonable, guaranteed, 693-8537. 50t01/17 don't let your business bomb. coll 845-2611 to advertise I at ease So itex ^ A M By Assists , It’s no coin Lost successft football coincii Aggie defense A&M football, j When Agg great defenses |he mid-1980s hf great player j From the 11 monini, Tan Hayes, Pat Th |on come to Snajor players Sshed near the tensive statistic The Jackie Ihe most suco listory. That Lay to defensi lohnny Holla john Roper, fence Brooks; Actually, th defense was n lent recruitin] Tlocum has pi fereas. Slocum orij |and in 1972 t loach Emory lant to defensi llobertson, he jdefensive line A&M has cl Sher From Dce-Juan Han, the Snow King, and Michelle Martin, the Snow Queen perform. Photo by Phelan M. Ebenkl The Nutcracker has magic of Christmas By Staci Finch Entertainment Writer The Christmas season is upon us. It’s obvious in the decorations, in stores, in the Christmas songs on the radio and the stands of Christmas trees for sale everywhere. And the advent of the season brings more than Santa and the wise men. It also brings The Nutcracker. The classic ballet, accompanied by music by Tchaikovsky, is as much a part of Christmas as manger scenes and reindeer. Children by age as well as at heart gather during the season to see performances of the show, as did those gathered in Rud der Auditorium Tuesday night. The Indianapolis Ballet Theater were well-received by an audience of 1900 as they performed the beloved bal let. The ballet tells the story of the Stahibaum family as they exchange gifts with friends at Christmas. Their daughter, Clara, receives a magical nutcracker that comes alive and leads her on a magical journey to the Kingdom of Sweets, where she meets the Sugar Plum Fairy. The performance was well pre sented, and was aided by fantastic scenery. Composed mostly of back drop curtains, the set was extrava- gent and contributed much to the fantasy setting of the show. Al though some audience members were disgruntled by the lack of live sound, the music was excellent and well recorded. Very memorable were the individ ual dances performed in the King dom of Sweets. Dale Shields was ex cellent in the Spanish Dance, as was Michele Jones and Clark Blakley in the Chinese Dance. The comedy in these two dances contrasted sharply with the sensousness of the Arabian Dance, performed by Annetthe Graber and Michael Stephenson. But the best of these dances was the Russian Dance. Michael King, Chuck Pizarro and Frank Weiner put such vigor into their perfor mance that they carried (heart ence off the stage with them. Along with the excellent dancini was a lot of humor, which wasra shown in the dance of the Past!' Chefs. As the four chefs, each one smaller copy of the previom jumped and bumped each otlu across the stage, they madetheditt cult art of slapstick dancing lod easy. Also humorous were the mitt Their dancing antics kept the art ence laughing, and was onlyto| by the arrival of the King of tk Mice. H is ego was hard to miss, Steven Wright played the role toll* hilt. The classic Pas de Deux betwti the Sugar Plum Fairy (faneHacfc and the Nutcracker Prince (Edvaj Moffat) was excellent. Aside few rough spots and some sfl movements, the two created m: onstage, and were greeted with ctin Texas / and Head Sherrill toe from pre] night’s Ala plans to rei “I don't getting tir< about that before pn nmg to res ing so hare A&M cam report on planned t< ama garni sounding applause from the: Diabetic care improves with years of research By Stephanie Richard Reporter Diabetic care is the best today that it’s ever been, Dr. Luther Travis, a professor of pediatric nephrelogy, said. Travis, practicing diabetic medi cine at the University of Texas Medi cal Center in Galveston, is the medi cal director for Texas Lion’s Camp for Diabetic Children. He has done extensive diabetic research and is in volved in patient education. “The past 15 years have shown an explosion of what we currently know about diabetes and its future,” he said. “It’s an exciting time to be in volved in diabetes; it’s a better time than it was a few years ago. Current diabetic research is focus ing on what to do with the informa tion patients receive once diabetes is diagnosed, he said. 1980 was a key point in establishing new techniques to monitor blood sugar on a daily ba sis. New research is analyzing meth ods for maintaining glucose levels in active ways. Insulin administration, diet and exercise can be programmed into an interactive process to help people learn, he said. Addressing a group of 20 in Ster ling C. Evans Library Tuesday night, Travis said four factors contribute to a patients’s blood sugar level. “Controlling diabetes results from insulin intake, diet, exercise pro grams and stress management,” he said. “Most people don’t realize how important stress is in regulating blood sugar. “Significant studies in drug re search have been done in foreign MARFA (AP) — Two teens, ages 16 and 17, were arrested Tuesday and charged with murder in a sniper attack on three Rio Grande white- water rafters, police said. Eduardo Pineda Rodriguez, 17, was arrested Tuesday morning at his parents’ home east of the Big Bend village of Bedford, according to Pre sidio County Sheriff Rick Thomp son. The 16-year-old was arrested by countries,” he said. Diabetes K search is taking top priority in ft ada, Europe and Japan. “We’re close enough in toda/sS' ciety to treating these immunedrt tiers,” Travis said. “We’re explort with immense technology. Ourfe will change dramtically within ik next eight to 10 years. The future very exciting.” Chihuahua state judicial police ’ Ojinaga, Mexico, Thompson The identity of the boy, a Mexifi 1 citizen, was being withheld beca^ of his age. Two other teen-ajf were being sought in Mexi (i Thompson said, adding the Nov ^ attack seemed to have been carr^ out on a whim. Both suspects were charged" murder in the death of Michael fley, 40, of Eastland. Police arrest two teens for raft sniper attack