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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1988)
Monday, November 7,1988 The Battalion Page 5 Election Letters ibook list of “actionnuirJ rious needs, y be picked upsl i City Hall. thePcJ the CommuniJ r city office. ictei oups sage e voter awareness,i ns have put d at shuttle bus st| t precinct theyai;| e to go to vote. ing up signs in do: at they need to if | and where they i >enior electricalts Hobbs, N.M.,si) mbers of AggieG a phone bank i registered voter: vote. t president Mick )emocrats are pat phone bank and to push voter a»>j democratic headi cd voters and entol and we’ll alsobt e for members oi can get out and uior political scs says, ans’ president I voting sites onL| c democrats will n people comm; lon't make uplL linute before they* site says. "We’l way from the veil out literature on 1 tes to people so re they vote.” nks that passingJ .■ an effective wayf ers. legislative secret lith, says Victoiyl id been handing t| its containing ini: ididates, candidatl what voters canll ure if they votefcl encourage voten| •own says, group had locale: group’s meeting:| liliarize themsdu views. ADS. REAL WEIGHTS RESULTS COUNT. Mail Call Dukakis not fit to lead country EDITOR: In recent weeks, I have read numerous letters praising Gov. Michael Dukakis and degrading Vice President George Bush. I would like to express my views, just as these people have done. First of all, how can anyone who grants hundreds of “weekend passes” to criminals (in other words, murderers and rapists) who are not even eligible for parole have the country’s best interest in hand. These criminals were just let out of prison and they were free to do whatever they pleased. While out, some of them committed other crimes against innocent people. If they had not been granted their passes, these innocent people would not have been victimized. So how in the world can Dukakis say he is tough on crime? Second, it is questionable that Dukakis has the ability to head this nation. He is governor of a state which is the size of a fingernail on a national map! Now the guy wants to be president! Third, the guy is against capital punishment and for abortion. That really makes sense to defend murderers and kill innocent, unborn children. Why not execute the criminals who are killing people and let the unborn have the right to live? Fourth, Bush is catching flack over his vice-presidential choice, Dan Quayle. Well, at least he did not choose Quayle just to win a state rich in electoral votes. It appears to me that the only reason Lloyd Bentsen was chosen as Dukakis’ vice president is to win Texas. We know it was not because they see eye-to-eye on issues. Dukakis is for abortion and Bentsen is against it. Dukakis is against aid to the Contras and Bentsen is for it. Bentsen is for a strong defense and Dukakis is not. How can this duo work together in the White House? Dukakis should have picked someone a little more liberal for his running mate. It is clear the one right for the job is George Bush. It’s kind of hard to vote for someone as incompetent as Michael Dukakis. Michael Butler ’91 Accompanied by 2 signatures Lip reader: ‘Vote Democratic’ EDITOR: I’ve been reading Republican lips. I read George Bush’s lips when he said he would not raise taxes. But the fact is, Bush supported three tax increases since making that promise. Mr. Bush says he lives in Texas, wants to be tough on drugs, thinks there are exceptions which would permit abortion, wants a kinder, gentler America and is an advocate for gun ownership. The facts are this: Bush claimed Maine as his official home (for a tax break) while residing in a hotel in Texas and he replaced Noreiga (an indicted drug dealer) on the CIA paid list after one administration removed him. The Republican platform does not allow for abortion exceptions (is he paying lip service to the platform). In his kinder, gentler America, the homeless would be warehoused in old army barracks and more children would be victims of abuse or abandonment (there are still unadopted children in a world where Bush favors adoption as an alternative). Bush is on record as voting for one of the strictiest gun control bills in Congress during his brief time in that body. Gov. Bill Clements says he is not responsible for a furlough program more liberal than the one Massachusetts has (started by a Republican), but the fact is he refused to work with the legislature during his first term to build more prisons and has signed two bills liberalizing the furlough terms for prisoners which includes murders and rapists. I also read his lips when he promised “not to raise taxes” and then signed the largest tax bill Texas has ever had. It turned out that his secret plan was to turn out more criminals and raise more taxes than Mark White. Voters, stop reading lips and read records. Vote Democratic. Elizabeth Speakerman ’91 Accompanied by 25 signatures Media doesn’t vote; you do EDITOR: The media has recently declared George Bush the winner. But the election isn’t until Nov. 8. If this is true, then the media is the one who really votes and not the people. Is this a democracy where the media decides who wins an election? I personally have no business making such a statement and neither do they. I support Mike Dukakis and will vote for him. 1 also encourage all Democrats and Independents to do so if they really support him. But don’t let the media decide this election for you. Your vote counts, even though it is one vote. But my vote and every vote for Mike Dukakis will prove the media wrong if all Democrats vote for him and against George Bush and his truthbusters. As far as the Republicans, listen to the media and be disillusioned like you are with Bush. I look forward to seeing the media eat crow, as Bush will, for his lies and the garbage that his campaign has been putting out. If Bush wins, it will set a precedent that you can win by lying about your opponent’s record and distorting his positions. But that is typical with Republicans and history proves it. As Nixon said, “I’m not a crook,” Bush can say, “I’m not a liar!” That’s right George — say nothing, do nothing, hear nothing. What a great president the media has chosen. Too bad the voters couldn’t have picked someone smart like Mike Dukakis who tells the truth. If you can’t take the truth George, get out of the White House kitchen. Michael Castillo ’92 Bush’s advertisements troubling EDITOR: I taught American history for 15 years. Like a doctor or nurse who still feels wonder after delivering thousands of babies, I felt a swell of pride, year after year, when we discussed certain aspects of the nation’s heritage. I always felt proud, for example, that the majority of Americans resisted the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, the fascist and communist movements of the 1930s, and McCarthyism in the 1950s. It seemed to me that Americans were able to resist such threats because a majority of them shared a broadly literate, culture. Although I have never regarded Mr. Bush as a dangerous threat, his presidential campaign — and particularly his Texas campaign —is deeply troubling. Whoever is writing Bush’s ads seems to have studied the mass psychology of fascism. The Bush ads are designed to touch the worst in human nature: fear, prejudice and hate. What is even more troubling is that the ads are successfully manipulating voters. If a majority of people in this country can be so easily fooled, then the nation is in the kind of danger it has always resisted before. I have some things in common with Mr. Bush. Like him, I grew up in a Republican family in Greenwich, Conn. Like him, I believe in the value of volunteer service. Like him, I moved to Texas as an adult and was elected to office in my adopted state. But unlike Mr. Bush, my experiences never taught me that liberals were un-American or that leadership depended on manipulating the fears, prejudices and hatreds of voters. I hope that Texans are too smart to believe that Lloyd Bentsen would be on a ticket that wants to destroy military jobs in Texas. I hope that Texans are too smart to believe that Mr. Dukakis would let all the criminals out of prison. I hope that Texans are too smart to believe that the governor of Massachusetts is not patriotic. Both Mr. Dukakis and Mr. Bentsen have proven themselves to be hard-working, creative and effective leaders. They deserve the thoughtful consideration of every Texas. Wendy Costa Bush nothing but a bad clog EDITOR: Recently, the Aggie GOP has been handing out “Get out of jail free” cards “courtesy of Michael Dukakis” on campus. On the back of the card it states “Michael Dukakis is the killer’s best friend.” This is completely untrue. Mike Dukakis is no friend of killers. Gov. Dukakis’ brother was killed by a hit-and-run driver. To say that Dukakis is a friend of the person who killed his brother is absolutely cruel and sleazy. But then again, this is the kind of lowball politics that has come to be expected from the deceitful, vindictive Bush campaign. It is obvious why the Republicans are resorting to this kind of demagoguery. It is because the facts show that Mike Dukakis is tough on crime. Crime in Massachusetts is down 13 percent under Gov. Dukakis. Also, the homicide rate in Massachusetts is the lowest of any industrialized state. By the way, two people were murdered in California by prisoners furloughed by then-governor Ronald Reagan. Is Ronnie the “killer’s” other best friend? Also, a minister’s wife was raped and murdered by a killer staying in a halfway house set up with George Bush’s help. By the Aggie OOP’s demented logic, the “killer” has three best friends. If the Aggie GOP has an ounce of decency and fair play, they will stop handing out those cards. At least Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen are trying to enter the White House through the front door. Bush and the Republicans seem intent on entering through the plumbing. Mark Artlip ’91 Move over, Tricky Dick! EDITOR: As Michael Dukakis begins to slip farther and farther behind George Bush in the pre-election polls, the American people are being presented the real Michael Dukakis. Lately, Dukakis has been crying foul over the “dirty” campaign tactics and “outright lies” he alleges are being used by the Bush campaign. He seems to have forgotten about the incredible amount of mud thrown at the Democratic Convention. He seems to have forgotten about the very personal attacks against Vice President Bush employed by Ann “Spike” Richards and the other Democrats. He seems to have forgotten that he himself took an active role in this filthfest by comparing President Ronald Reagan with a rotting fish on four national networks. And now he and his hypocritic turncoat tail-kissing running mate Lloyd Bentsen have reached a new low by trying to inject racism into the campaign for their own political benefit. Does anyone remember Dukakis’ rebuttal of Bush’s claim that the governor raided the Massachusetts pension fund? I quote from the last presidential debate: “May I just go back and say . . . that I didn’t raid the pension fund .... Ypu’re dead wrong, George. We didn’t do that.” Well, it appears that Kevin Blanchette, the Democratic chairman of the Pension Committee in the Massachusetts House, had a different story to tell. In an article in the Oct. 24 edition of The Wall Street Journal tit\ed “October Surprise,” Blanchette reveals that Gov. Dukakis moved $27 million out of the nation’s most underfunded state pension system, just so he could say that he had balanced the budget. It was also revealed that, since July, the Dukakis administration has raided the pension funds for an additional $625 million. Move over, Richard Nixon! Let a real crook show you how it’s done! Roy Sikes Bush is not our man EDITOR: I am getting sick and tired of this Dukakis-bashing. I think it is totally unfounded and based on cheap shots. Bush has successfully branded Dukakis a “liberal.” Half the people who are opposed to liberals don’t even give their ideas a chance. Dukakis merely believes that it should be the woman’s choice whether or not to have an abortion rather than a government matter. Pretty liberal if you ask me. Let’s take a look at how liberal Dukakis is. He is accused of opposing guns. All he wants is a seven-day waiting period before purchasing a gun so the government can determine whether the purchaser is a felon or mental case. Wow, that’s liberal. It seems the patriotic hunters could wait a week in order to decrease crime. About this accusation that he’s soft on crime: crime in Massachusetts has declined 15 percent during the Dukakis administration while the crime rate in the rest of the nation continues to rise. The ads say 286 felons escaped while on furlough. Four felons actually escaped while the rest were in for misdemeanor crimes. Never mind that Ronald Reagan had the same furlough program in California and Dukakis got rid of it in Massachusetts. That’s irrelevant, right? The Reagan administration has been riddled with the most corruption since the Grant administration, even reaching the attorney general. And Bush wants to continue the administration.' THAT may be the only campaign promise he keeps. Dukakis is supposedly soft on defense. Who are we fighting now? Two hundred billion dollars for defense and we aren’t fighting anyone? Reagan has managed to turn us into the number one debtor nation with little chance of our posterity ever paying off the debt because we are afraid of the Soviets getting the edge on us. Where is the stopping point? Bush doesn’t think there is one. On top of that, Mr. Bush is a tax evader. He was quoted as saying that he does not want an IRS agent in every garage. That’s because they caught him trying to take a $123,000 deduction on his income taxes. Trying to chqat the taxpayers out of $123,000. Pretty patriotic, huh? Not to mention the coverup of George’s partnership with the totally corrupt Jorge Diaz Serrano from 1960-1966 by the destructin of 1,000 boxes of SEC records shortly after he became vice-president . . . Hmmmm. Also, the Reagan administration has repeatedly cut education in order to fund defense. Dukakis wouldn’t do that. And now George runs on family and the American flag. Leave it to the American people to fall for that one. Do we really want a president with that many skeletons in his closet? I think not. All of Bush’s slanderous attacks on Dukakis have been unfounded. I pray that the American people can wake up and face the facts before they put another Richard Nixon back in the White House, and make the RIGHT decision. Curtis Beitel ’90 Mudslinging coming to an end EDITOR: The candidates in this year’s presidential campaign have done more mudslinging than any candidates in recent history. Neither Bush nor Dukakis has faced the issues. Yet each has done his best to discredit the other. So far this election reads like the hype for a Don King promoted fight. Round One: Dukakis attacks Quayle’s National Guard service. Round Two: Bush attacks Dukakis’ patriotism. Round Three: Dukakis questions Bush’s role in the Iran-Contra affair. Round Four: Bush points out Dukakis’ furloughing of murderers from prison. I can’t wait until the election day so I can cast my ballot and this verbal war will come to an end with one a w'inner and the other a loser. Whether my candidate wins or not, at least the campaigning will be over. Troy Hibbits ’92 WATCHES Mens & Ladies Texas A&M $32. 50 Compare elsewhere at $59. 00 Texas A& SEIKO Mens or Ladies $225 CHARMS Small $14. 95 Large $19. 95 We also carry a large selection of loose diamonds. 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